The Test

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"You really should go to the doctor's," Lucy tells me as she puts the bowls into the microwave "or at least take a test,"

"I'm sure it's nothing," I brush her off, taking the ice cream out of the freezer to put with the cookies which were currently being microwaved.

"You haven't been drinking, have you?" she asks "because if you are pregnant..."

"Of course I haven't!"

"What are you two talking about?" Jonny asks, popping his head through the doorway

"Nothing!" we both shout

"Suspicious," he walks off

"He doesn't even know you think you might be pregnant?"

"I didn't want to tell him in case I wasn't. We haven't spoken about kids before," I whisper before the microwave starts beeping.

"I am taking you to get a pregnancy test,"

A little while later, me and Lucy are walking down the street towards the pharmacy "I hate this," I groan

"You need to check!" Lucy insists as the pharmacy comes into sight

"I'm scared," I admit


"I don't know! I don't want things to change,"

"Well, maybe you should talk to Jonny about it instead of me,"

"But it'll be awkward,"

"Most things are," we enter the shop and go straight to the section we want, knowing exactly where it is since Lucy had to take one a few months ago. I pick two from different brands up and go to the till where the woman stares me down, she glances down at where my promise ring sits and grimaces. It's clearly not an engagement ring and there's no wedding ring. She starts doing things very slowly and I sigh.

"£19.78" the woman says bitterly, clearly judging me and I take out a 20-pound note, handing it over and she starts to slowly count the change "would you like a plastic bag?"

"Yes please," she puts it in and gives me a look "Look, can you just give me the pissing tests and not be such a bitch?!"


I grab the bag "keep the fucking change," I storm off and Lucy rushes after me

"Hormones are there,"

"She was a dick,"



Me and Lucy are in the bathroom and Jonny is sat watching TV, saying he was happy to give us some 'girl time'. Both tests are on the side and I start pacing as Lucy watches them.

"They're done," she tells me

"Oh god," I look over at her "you look,"

"I have,"

"and?" I ask, sitting on the toilet as she shows me both of them "Shit on the fucking thing,"

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