Chapter 10: Kiss Me

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I've been thinking about what Scout said all damn week.


I hated how his words had gotten to me.


I did not need fucking saving.

"Connie Anderson."

But why did it bother me so damn much?


I jumped and looked down on Honor. "Yeah?"

She frowned. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "What's up?"

"I said lift the sign higher."

I followed her instructions. We were hanging up decorations for tonight's mixer with the Aces. Everyone, or more like every pledge, was busy with the preparations at the KPK house because it was the first Greek social mixer of the school year.

"There, that's it," said Honor. "Thanks."

Carefully, I climbed down the ladder and faced her. We were at the front steps of the house, where I just put up the banner for tonight's party.

This was probably the most casual I've ever seen her before. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun and she wore a fuzzy gray sweater paired with yoga pants and white sneakers. I was wearing the same thing, except I had on a black hoodie that was three sizes bigger than me (it was Alfie's).

"Are you nervous about tonight's mixer?" Honor asked me, watching my face.

"Not really, no."

"Ah." She nodded. "I just thought it's why you spaced out."

No, it was because of a stupid golden boy who thought he knew everything.

"I was thinking about something else," I muttered, hoping she would just drop it. I looked up and pretended to be interested on the banner. It was very sparkly.

She waited for me to say more. But when she realized I wasn't gonna spill, she spoke again. "How are things with you and that cute redhead?"

"We're good." I shrugged. "It's easier to go out with him 'cause we've known each other since we were kids," I admitted, inwardly realizing that fact myself.

Her eyes widened. "Is that why you picked him? Oh, that's just real sneaky." She laughed. "You fucking played me."

"No, I didn't," I said, laughing with her. If she only knew. "Swear jar!"

She shook her head in amusement. "You don't play fair, Connie Anderson," she added, walking inside the house.

"You didn't ask," I replied, following after her.

She nodded to several girls we passed before putting a dollar in the swear jar that was on top of the fireplace mantle in the living room. She stopped and looked over her shoulder to me. "I'm beat. Wanna hang in my room?"

"You mean your lair?" I teased.

She flashed me an evil smile. "Where else am I going to let you drink human blood?"

I couldn't help the laughter that broke out of me. "Just make sure it's fresh."

She chuckled as I followed her to the main hall and up to the stairs until the third floor, then we turned left. Her bedroom was the corner room with the view of the front lawn and parking lot at the side of the house.

Seriously, it was like I stepped into fucking Pinterest. The color scheme of this room was a combo of white, gray, and gold. Everything was so neat and tidy that I was actually afraid to touch anything. It was a far cry from the 'lair' I imagined.

Honor hopped on the bed, nodding to the other end.

"Don't just stand there. Go ahead and sit."

Like the lost-looking pledge I was, I sat and looked around her room while she opened the drawer beside her bed and grabbed a bag of chips.

"Want some?" she offered.

With a raised eyebrow, I asked, "No human blood?"

She shrugged. "Ran out."

Laughing, I shook my head. "No, thanks. I'm hungry for real food. I'll just make a quick dash to the kitchen later."

"Madam Chef is busy with tonight's cuisines. We're supposed to just have food delivered here for lunch. Hold on." She picked up what looked like a walkie-talkie by her pillow and turned it on. "Haiti to Kappa. Food alert. Over."

I watched as she engaged in the strangest conversation I would ever hear in my entire life.

"Nepal to Russia. Are you available to order? Over."

"Negative. Swamped with overseeing the pledges finish the preparations. Over."

"Oman to Kappa. I'm free. What do you girls want? Over."

"Nepal to Kappa. Filipino food okay? Over."

"Yup! Over."

"No problem here. Over."

"Nepal to Oman. Check the files and make sure you don't order anything that the girls are allergic to. Over."

"Got it. Over and out."

I stared at Honor, with my mouth open.

"What the hell just happened?"

I was so confused. It sounded like she was talking to some of the sisters, but why the hell were they talking like that?

She smirked. "Swear jar."

"I don't care." I pointed to the walkie-talkie. "Explain."

Throwing the gadget back on the pillow, she nonchalantly told me, "It's how the execs communicate. Much faster than texting or tracking each other down when we're all here at the house."

"What's all that talk about Russia and Nepal?"


"And talking like a robot?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It's our way of having fun." She eyed me. "The key is not to take it seriously, like what you're doing right now."

I frowned. "Just baffled is all."

"Obvi," she muttered. "Oh, and food's coming. Ophie's ordering as we speak."

"Let me guess," I said in a sarcastic tone. "Filipino food?"

She gasped mockingly. "Hey, you're catching on."

I rolled my eyes, but there was a smile on my face. Just then, Madeline knocked on the open door, carrying two shopping bags and looking very satisfied.

"About fucking time!" exclaimed Honor, slapping her hands on her lap. "I texted you an hour ago." When she saw the look I gave her, she nodded and sighed. "Yeah, a dollar. I know."

"Sorry," said Madeline sheepishly, entering the bedroom. "I shopped for a new dress and ended up buying five."

I chuckled. "Wow, someone went on a shopping spree."

"They were on sale!" she groaned, dropping the bags on the floor and laying on the bed. "What are you wearing tonight?" she added to me.

"I dunno, a dress?"

She sat up and stared at me, suddenly looking serious. "Cons, you do actually know that this is a Greek social event, right?"

"So?" I didn't see what the big deal was.

"So... you can't just wear any dress."

I looked at Honor, who nodded in agreement.

"She's right, especially since it's a mixer. With the Aces, at that."

I bit my lip. "Well, shit." Damn, this Greek life thing had a higher maintenance than Sharpay Evans.

Her almond eyes were focused on her phone, but Honor was still able to hold up two fingers and call out, "Two dollars!"

This swear jar thing was seriously going to make me broke before this month ends. I should charge Drew, this whole sorority shit was his idea in the first place.

"Good thing I bought extra dresses then." Madeline beamed, almost bouncing in her seat. "You can pick whatever you like."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course," she replied, like she couldn't believe I was asking her that. "Not like I can wear them all at the same time."

I guessed this was what I missed having no girl friends of my own during high school. Halo, Oz's girlfriend and her friends, didn't really count. They were a group of their own. I just happened to be there.

"Thanks, Mads," was all I could reply. I didn't want to get sappy and tell her how much I appreciated the gesture.

She looked at me, catching the underlying tone that managed to slip out of me. A soft smile made its way to her lips. "Anytime, Cons. Partners in crime, remember?" she added in a whisper, before winking at me.

I wasn't sure if Honor heard what Madeline said, but she had a small smile on her face when I glanced at her.

Then, I realized... I did, too.

* * * * *

My phone buzzed.

I looked at the screen and saw Scout texted. Raising my head, I scanned the crowded living room. I knew he was here. It wasn't that hard trying to locate him. He stood out like a sore thumb with his ginger hair.

I watched as he pointed to his phone, telling me to read his text. I didn't want to, just to spite him. But I was bored so I looked down and unlocked my phone.

You look pretty.

Refusing to meet his green eyes, I glanced down at the dress I was wearing. It was a simple pale blue cocktail dress with a chiffon skirt that went just above the knee.

I shook my head, as I texted a reply.

Stop flirting.

I'm not. Just being honest.

Then, quit the honesty.

Can't. I'm too good not to tell the truth.

I snorted and accidentally looked up at him. Our eyes met, blue to green – cold blue versus spring green. When he started to grin, it made me want to bash his face in. Shame, because he looked good in that white polo and black blazer.

"Red can't take his eyes off of you," whispered the girl beside me.

I tore my eyes away from Scout and made a face at Madeline. She wore a sleek black dress that complimented her toned body well. With her short curly black hair and red lipstick, she looked like she just came out of a 1920s magazine.

"Why do you keep calling him that?"

"Why not?"

"It's weird."

"Maybe for you because you grew up with him. But for the rest of us, it's as cool as he is." She wiggled her eyebrows. "If not hot."

I couldn't imagine Scout being hot. Okay, that was lie. But it was still fucking weird so I'd rather not think about it.

"Time for the ice breaker, ladies," declared Rae from my other side.

We watched our vice president, Ophelia, step up to the center of the room and clap her hands, trying to get everyone's attention. When that failed, a tall dark-haired guy, probably a senior because he oozed of authority, cleared his throat.

"Aces! Attention!"

In an instant, the room turned quiet. I couldn't blame them. This dude might look like a young Marlon Brando, but his presence already screamed The Godfather.

"Who's that?" asked Madeline, her eyes on the senior.

"That is Otto Cole," answered Rae, eyeing the guy as well. "He's the president of Alpha Alpha – and Ophelia's older brother."

Madeline nodded appreciatively. "He's hot."

I lowered my head to hide my snicker. I realized early on that Madeline didn't have a filter, and it was amusing as hell at times.

"He's also very taken," stated Rae, sending Madeline a sad look.

This time, I was the one who asked. "Who's the lucky bitch?"

"I guess I'm the lucky bitch," a voice piped in from behind us.

We turned our heads and our eyes landed on Naomi. My eyes widened at the realization that I just called our sorority president, a 'bitch.'

Yeah, who was the one who didn't have a filter again?

"He's luckier, though," she continued, with a smug grin. "After all, he managed to get me." She chinned up, before walking to stand beside Ophelia.

At least, she didn't look offended.

"That's our Naomi," said Rae proudly.

"With all the confidence in the world," I agreed.

Madeline sighed and nodded, staring after our president as though she pooped glitters – which was funny because Naomi literally twinkled with her gold shimmering dress so maybe she did.

"Still, she scares the crap out of me," added Madeline.

I let out a small laugh, before it dawned on me that Ophelia had already started talking and I didn't catch the first part of what she said.

"...sisters are spread out in the entire first floor of the house. Your job, gentlemen, is to pick a lady and eat out... her candies."

There was a collection of howls and cheers from the crowd, causing Ophelia to laugh and wave her hand to settle them down.

"Now, now. Clean those dirty thoughts 'cause you're going to eat actual candies, specifically the candies around your chosen girl's neck. When all that's left is the biggest candy, you must let it stay inside your mouth and our Kappa sister will have to get it from you – using her mouth."

Naturally, there was another round of hooting, followed by laughter.

"The first couple to transfer the candy from an Ace to a Kappa wins. The couple will win a gift certificate for Charmuel's Cuisine worth one thousand dollars!"

At that, everyone whooped. Of course, because it was food.

I suddenly felt that prickling sensation at the back of my neck that someone was watching me, making me look around the room. That was when I caught Scout eyeing me with a determined look. I didn't know what to make of it.

"Let's the games begin!"

As soon as Ophelia finished that sentence, the guys started moving. Brody made a bee line for Jamaica, and I smirked when she crossed her arms when she saw Brody.

You go, girl.

My view was blocked when someone stepped in front of me. An Asian guy who was about my height flashed his very charming smile, showing a set of straight teeth.


I tilted my head. "Hey."

"Well, this is gonna be awkward but... can I eat your candy?"

The corner of my lips turned up. Well, wasn't that adorable? But before I could say anything, a hand clamped on his shoulder. I raised my head and saw Scout.

"Sorry, Cox," he said, keeping his eyes on me. "This one's taken."

Cox looked from Scout to me, then his eyes widened in understanding. "Oh, I didn't know. Sorry, man." He sent me an apologetic look before hurrying away.

"He got to me first, you know," I pointed out to Scout.

"Yeah, perhaps." He stepped forward and stood where Cox just did seconds ago. He reached out a hand to my face and gently pulled my chin up, his lips stretching into a lopsided smile. "But you're supposed to be dating me, remember?"

I gazed up at him, trying my hardest not to laugh but I got distracted by how close he was. It didn't help that his freckles were scattered on his handsome face like the constellation. It was fascinating.

Fuck, did I just call him handsome?

Clearing my throat, I tilted my head. "Wow, aren't we possessive?"

"Nah, that's just calling dibs." Leaning even closer still, he lowered his voice and whispered, "You don't wanna see me possessive."

I had to admit, though, I was curious as hell. He'd always been goody-goody that I couldn't imagine him being the possessive type. It was almost impossible.

I wanted to taunt him, but I didn't get a chance to speak.

Before I could do or say anything, he dropped his head lower and placed his lips on my jaw without warning, making me shut up and forget what I was going to say. His lips slowly made their way down my throat until they reached the necklace.

My breath hitched up, and I grabbed onto his shoulders. Holy shit, he sure knew what he was doing. With his hands on my waist, he closed the gap between us and I could feel the heat radiating from his body. My heartbeat started to accelerate.

Oh, my God.

The smallest of moans escaped me before I could stop myself. Shit, I hoped to all that was holy that he didn't hear – Wait, nope. Too late. I could feel Scout smile against my skin. Jackass.

When he finally pulled away, he grinned at me with the biggest candy between his teeth. He looked so smug because he knew exactly how I reacted with what little he did. Ooh, I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face.

No fucking way was I willing to back down. I grabbed his tie and pulled him down to me. I did the only thing that could beat his act.

I kissed the living hell out of him.

Scout was frozen for three solid seconds before he started moving and kissed me back. Fuck me if my knees didn't go weak. The way he kissed me was so gentle and slow that it was tantalizing as hell. I felt as if I was melting, molding into his body.

We didn't let go until someone sounded the whistle, signaling that a couple had won. I had my eyes closed as I tried to gather myself. When the fact that I just kissed Scout fucking Crimson finally sunk in, I pushed him away.

He had a dazed look on his face as he watched me, trying to catch his breath like he just ran a marathon. For some reason, I couldn't look away.

"Congrats to Brody and Jamaica!"

People cheered and clapped around us to congratulate the two winners. I forced myself to come back to my senses, shaking my head and clapping along with everyone else. Scout faced the crowd, contemplating as if he was trying to make a decision about something. After a minute, he turned back to me.

"Wanna sneak out and grab some pizza?"

Did he just ask me, a pledge, to go with him, who was also a pledge, to sneak out on our first official Greek event and ditch the well-prepared food for us to get pizza?

"Won't we get in trouble?" Did I seriously just ask that?

With a cheeky smile, he said, "Since when did you worry about that?"

I glanced at the table with all the fancy food laid out. Yeah, that wasn't my thing. My eyes traveled to the redheaded boy in front of me, the same one I swore never to be friends with because I hated his guts.

Seeing him look at me like this, I couldn't help but question myself. Why did I hate him so bad? Why was I hellbent on keeping my distance from him all these years? Was it really because I thought we were polar opposites?

But spending time with him made me realize that we weren't too different from one another. We liked some of the same shit and... I liked teasing him.

Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself nodding. Scout's eyes widened in surprise. It was almost as if he didn't expect me to say yes.


"It's pizza."

He didn't look convinced.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't chicken out on me now, Crimson."

A low chuckle rolled out of him. "Just checking."

If there was something I would admit, it was that Scout was growing on me. I would even admit that he wasn't as anal as I thought he would be once I got to know him. In fact, he was actually fun to be around with.

"Ready?" he asked under his breath.

"Let's go," I whispered, slowly turning around and making way for the door. As we passed the foyer, I caught sight of Madeline who was raising an eyebrow at me. I mouthed, "Cover for me."

Grinning, she nodded and waved a hand goodbye.

Scout opened the front door and kept a look out behind me in case someone caught us leaving. Thankfully, no one did. I managed to dash out, which was a fucking miracle considering I was in this heels.

As soon as the door closed, we ran down the pathway and didn't stop until we were safely two houses away from the KPK house. When we caught each other's eyes, we burst out into laughter.

With a grin, he asked, "How 'bout that pizza?"

"I want pizza," I admitted, nodding.

The only thing I would never admit, though – over my dead body – was that a tiny part of me wanted more of that kiss, too.




Next update: Thursday (March 28th)

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