Chapter 1

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/Eek!/ Ambersong thought as she walked off to do her vigil. She sat down at the edge of the camp, looking into the dark forest. "Ambersong," she whispered, "I like it." She kept her keen eyes on the forest, watching birds fly by and fireflies glow in the distance. "Goodnight Ambersong." Heronwatcher, her old mentor meowed. Ambersong smiled at her old mentor. She turned her gaze back to the forest. She could hear crickets start chirping as the sun fell from the sky. Soon the crowd of cats died down, and only a few cats were left awake. She watched the forest as the sky grew darker, and the moon became the only light source. All was still in the forest as the animals all went to sleep.
She heard the snores of cats who were deep asleep. It made her tired and want to go to sleep too. Her eyes would slowly start to close. /No, I must not go to sleep!/ she thought, forcing her eyes to stay open.
Soon moonhigh arrived. /Halfway done!/ she thought, excited by the thought of going to sleep. She listened to the sound of chirping crickets. She took a deep breath in, letting the cold night air fill her lungs. Then she took a deep breath out, releasing the air and letting herself calm down. She looked back at her clans camp. It was empty and quiet. All that Ambersong could hear was the faint sound of breathing cats.

Soon, dawn came and Adderstar came walking out of his den. "Ah, good morning Ambersong." He mewed. She turned around to face her leader. She bowed her head respectfully, "morning Adderstar."
She lift her head up and looked at her leader. "You can go get peice of pray from the fresh-kill pile then you can go to bed." He mewed gently.
Ambersong nodded, "thank you, Adderstar."
Adderstar walked away, towards his deputy Bluefang. As soon as Adderstar was gone, Ambersong decided to head to the pile of fresh pray. She saw apprentices walk out of the apprentice den. "Hi, Ambersong!" Ravenpaw cried as she walked out of the apprentice den with Whitepaw. "Hello." She answered quietly. Ambersong's never been much of an extrovert. She likes being quiet and not at the center of all if the attention. "Soo, tell us what it's like being a warrior!" Ravenpaw meowed excitedly. "Umm, well I haven't done anything yet..." She said. Ravenpaws expression shifted almost instantly. "Oh...," Ravenpaw looked dissapointed by Ambersongs news. "Well, when you do have something to do and talk about we'll be happy to hear about it!" She said, filling up with excitement again. Ambersong looked at Ravenpaw in the eyes. Her friends green eyes were filled with joy and excitement. "Ravenpaw!" Cinderspots hissed. Cinderspots was Ravenpaws mentor. She was nice but also strict. She would always want Ravenpaw to be on time a ready to go train. "Oh, I have to go start training." Her friend meowed. "Me too, I bet..." agreed Whitepaw. Her friends pounced away to go find their mentors, leaving Ambersong alone. She continued to walk to the fresh-kill pile, her stomach rumbling. The pray pile was almost all gone. There was only a couple of rats and two rabbits. Ambersong lowered her head to look down at the pray, searching for the juiciest one. 

Finally she decided on one rabbit and a rat. She picked them up with her teeth and carried them to the warriors den. /Finally I get to sleep in the warriors den!/ As a kit and apprentice, Ambersong has always dreamed of becoming a warrior. Now her dream was finally coming true. She walked in the den, it looked pretty much like the apprentice den. There was beddings of moss, bracken, wool and ferns. And they all had the cent of a warrior in the clan. Except one, it was near the edge of the room. She sniffed it, wondering if it was hers or not. It didn't smell like any cat. /Must be mine./ she thought before dropping herself on her bed.                                                 She ate all alone, all of the other warriors we're busy neither training apprentices, on a patrol or maybe even hunting. Her eyes closed almost as soon as she finished eating. She rested her head on her paws, taking deep breaths. 

She dreamt of a forest, though it wasn't really a forest anymore. Most of the trees had been cut down. She saw trees laying on the ground, untouched and ignored. It hurt to see such a perfectly good forest being cut down by a bunch of monsters and crazy twolegs. All she could do is just watch helplessly as one by one the trees tumbled to the ground. All that she could hear was the sound of trees hitting the ground with a big thud. But then she heard a voice. "Ambersong! Wake up, your one border patrol!"         Her eyes fluttered open and she saw Fallenleaf. Fallenleaf was a black cat with gray spots, mostly on her back and upper tail. Fallenleaf looked at her disappointedly. "Come on!" She hissed, running out of the warriors den. Ambersong scrambled to her paws, trying desperately to keep up with her fellow warrior. 
She rushed through the camp, towards the camp entrance.
There was three cats looking at her. "I'm sorry, I forgot that I was on patrol." She gasped for air. One of the cats, the one on the right was Blueblaze. He is a blue warrior with gray eyes. He looked at her with a  stern look. He cat beside him was Heronwatcher, her old mentor. He was gray with black stripes along his back and tail. He smiled at her as she looked at him. The cat on the right was an apprentice. Her name was Missingpaw. She was pitch black and born without a paw. She smiled awkwardly at Ambersong.
"H-Hi." Missingpaw said shyly.
"Good morning Missingpaw." Ambersong said. "Ok, well we will be going now." Blueblaze mewed.
The patrol walked through the forest, staying within their borders. Heronwatcher dropped to the back to join Ambersong. "So, how do you like being a warrior?" He asked with a smile.
"I love it!" She responded. Blueblaze and Missingpaw stopped abruptly. "What?" Ambersong meowed quietly. She glanced around. She could smell a Riverclan patrol. She got in battle position as she saw the bushes in front of the move.
The Riverclan leader stepped out of the bushes with her deputy at her side. "Hello." Driftstar meowed. The Riverclan deputy had a worried look on his face. Ambersong looked at him. "What happened?" She asked.

Ambersong paced in the warrior den. Adderstar and Driftstar were talking in Adderstars den. The Riverclan leader had said that it was serious.
The two leaders walked out of Shadowclans leaders den. They both had a worried expression on. /I wonder what they were talking about./ She wondered. The Shadowclans leader stepped into a huge rock that he always went on when he wanted to address something to the clan. As soon as he stepped on the rock, the whole clan came and sat in front of it. "I have gotten news from Driftstar." He said to the whole clan. "And there is terrible news." The Shadowclan leader was looking from cat to cat.
"We need to leave the camp."

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