Frank Castle

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3rd pov:

Jade wakes up startled it has only been 2 months sense Harrow and Ammit and the nightmares have been getting worse.

Jade gets up from her bed changes her clothes and then she covers her dark circles and the scars on her face the only scar she can't cover is the on her lip but she does her best to cover most of it.

She goes out of her flat and knocks on her brothers and his wife's flat.

"Hey, Jade." Layla greets as she opens the door. All of them knew about the red room and what they did to them and some other girls also what their mother did to them but they don't know about the nightmares.

"Hey, i am guessing Steven is cooking." Jade says walking in because either it is Steven or Her cooking and every now and then Jade or Rebecca help but Marc never cooks because he can't cook for the life of him from what Layla has said he almost burnt their house down.

'Yeah." She say as they sit down.

"Breakfast is served." Steven says setting down the plates Infront of us that have eggs and bacon on it.

"Thanks." Jade and Layla say before eating their breakfast.

They all talk while they are eating when they are almost done with the food Sekhmet shows up but only Jade can see her.

"Jade i need you to go to New York and find someone. You have to be there by tomorrow." Sekhmet says her deep voice cutting through before disappearing like usually.

Jade groans. "I can't get a break can i."

"What?" Steven asks.

"I have to get ready to go to New York and i have to leave today because i have to be their tomorrow." Jade say while getting up and putting her plate in the sink.

"I still don't know why you continue doing avatar stuff when she said that you can go whenever you want." Layla says concerned for her.

"I know but it gives me something to do." Jade says but it is not the whole truth on why she still does it.

Marc switches and sighs. "Just be careful and also try to be back by thanksgiving."

"I can't promise that Marc." She say looking at him.

"If you are not we will wait until you get back." Layla says kindly.

"Well i should get going and start packing." Jade says hugging them.

Rebecca switches and says bye and then she starts packing the clothes, makeup, laptop, just all the other basic stuff and Jade switches and packs all the weapons in a separate bag.

Jade grabs one of her many passports that also allows them to bring weapons. On the way to the airport Sekhmet tells her that she is looking for a Frank Castle and that she is going to need him to help her find an Agent Orange no one knows his real name.

In the plane she looks up Frank Castle but he is also known as The Punisher, his wife and two kids died in a shootout and he went and got revenge on the people that did it but then apparently he died but they found no body because there was not one to find sense he was in a explosion but as they say if there is no body to confirm the kill then they are not dead.

She flicks though more stuff until the plane lands Jade puts her laptop away but still keeps her earbuds in that are connected to her phone. It is dark outside when they do land. Once she is out of the airport she calls a taxi and gets to a hotel.

She just takes a shower and changes. Jade wipes off the condensation off the mirror she sees herself in the mirror with all the scars on her face but all she sees a monster, a cold blooded killer.

She sighs and lays down on the bed not even bothering to take stuff out of her bags or tuck herself in she just falls asleep like that. The whole night she just tosses and turns in her sleep not once does she sleep peacefully.

She wakes up started like usually in a cold sweat hair sticking to her face. She closes her eyes and runs her hands though her hair just wishing that she could have one peaceful night of sleep but in reality she knows that will never happen.

She gets off the bed and takes a very cold shower but she can't feel how cold it is. Jade gets out of the shower she changes into a hoodie and sweatpants. She is too tired to brush her hair so she just leaves it the way it but she does put makeup on to cover the dark circles and scars like usual. Jade slips a gun on the back of her belt and covers it with a hoodie. I keep the widow bites that are also hidden by her hoodie. She puts her earbuds in and also grabs her phone.

She asks Sekhmet where to go to find this guy Sekhmet just gives her directions and follows where she says to go and she sees a sign and it says "Therapy Group For Military" She turns and looks at Sekhmet.

"If this is your way of telling me to get therapy you could have at least not have me go to New York and research this random guy." Jade says pissed if that's the reason why she is here.

"No, though you should probably get therapy. He is actually here." Sekhmet says seriously.

"Sure, whatever you say." Jade mumbles going inside.

She walks in but clings to the shadows watching some guy and Frank talk. They talk about some guy Micro and Frank is wondering if the other guy slipped up about him

"What does he want." The guy asks.

"Guy says he's got answers that i need." Frank says still confused. "Schoonover... You know, when i put him down, he said something to me. He said that what.. He said that what happed to Maria and the kids it was because of something that i did. Something.. something i did in Kandahar." He says and Jade can tell he cared so much about his kids and Wife and god she wishes she had parents that cared about her and she feels so bad stepping in and opening those wounds again but she has to because more people will die because of that Agent Orange guy.

"Schoonover, the dirty bastard would have said anything to stay alive."

"Doesn't mean it is not true."

"Come on, talk to me. What were you into?"

Frank mutters. "Yeah," He mutters again. "There was a group of us. We got shit dipped to CIA. Interrogation and assassination. It was.. It wasn't war. Not like we knew it. Truth is, Curt.. I was past caring. That shit that follows you home no matter how hard you try, it follows you home and Maria, she knew it. The kids knew it, the.. Sometimes I'd catch them, they.. They'd be looking at me and they'd have this look. Look at me like they didn't even know who i was." The more he goes on the more he try's not to cry.

Jade realizes that this was off the books because she didn't see anything about a Kandahar interrogation and assassination which means they made him a hit man. The more he talks about his family the more she does not want to step in.

"Come on, Frank. Come on, you.. You didn't kill your family." Curt says truthfully.

"What if i did?"

"You didn't." Jade finally step out.

They both tense up and Frank looks like he is about to fight her, Jade knew this was a bad idea.

"Are you with the Micro guy." Curt asks still being as kind as ever.

"I don't know who that is exactly but i am here for him." Jade says pointing to Frank and make a clicking noise.

"Me? Why?" Frank asks confused;.

"Because i need your help."

Frank laughs a bit. "Yeah, no i am not helping anyone, lady." Frank says sternly.

"Frank." Curt says also a bit sternly.

"Why me." Jade mutters rubbing her head.

"Curt, i don't team up with anyone." Frank says before leaving.

Curt gets ready to go after him.

"It's fine i will talk to him but thank you." Jade says sighing before going after Frank.

He sees me and sighs. "Look i don't want to help you find someone else."

"Agent Orange."

"What?" He asks confused but also he is surprised.

"I am after some dude named Agent Orange and you are the only person who knows about him. Trust me i wouldn't be here if i didn't have to." She says firmly not planning to budge anytime soon.

Frank sighs knowing he is going to probably regret this.

"Fine, if you help me with this Micro guy, we can get Agent Orange, deal." He says seeing that she is not going to give up.

" Deal." She says that she at least got something.

"Then come with me." He says before walking away.

"I already annoyed him." Jade thinks while catching up to him.


"Why do we have to pretend to be homeless?" She asks because there where multiple other ways to find this Micro guy.

"Just be quiet." He says as he sees Karen approaching.

Jade rolls her eyes sitting back still having a blanket over her.

"Say, lady. I'm real hungry. You got any change? Please?" Frank crocks out as she passes by and she stops and digs through her purse looking for change.

She opens her wallet and gives him some change.

"Thanks, Karen." He says as she starts to leave.

She stops and turns around and he uncovers his face

"You're still all heart, huh? "

She walks back over to him. "Things got this bad, Frank?"

Jade wanted to just walk away from them and let them have there lovey dovey moment.

"Wanted to sat hello. I thought i'd try my luck out here. Not get my head blown off."

Karen scoffs.

"You still got that hand cannon."

"You better believe it." She says softly as she pats her purse.


"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Wow i guess i am invisible or i actually look homeless." Jade thinks.

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah." She says after thinking about it for a bit.

Frank gets up and he hits Jade's foot.

"Yeah, yeah i am coming." She says while getting up.

"Thanks, Karen."

"Yeah, of course." She says but it is obvious she is wondering who Jade is but she doesn't want to expose her if she is a criminal or something.

They walk to are apartment and when they get there Karen unlocks the door and goes in and Frank closes the door behind us. Karen takes her coat off and puts it away.

"Drink?" She asks both of them as she goes to the kitchen.

"Sure." Frank replies.

"No thanks." Jade says looking around a bit and she can hear Rebecca and Jacklen saying it is a nice apartment.

Frank also looks around a bit. "I wasn't sure if you'd still talk to me."

"I wasn't either." She says as she gets the drinks. "So who are you?" She nods over to Jade.

"Jade." She compilates a bit of telling her, her last name. "Spector."

Frank didn't realize until now that he didn't even know her name why was he helping and letting them help him when he doesn't even know their name.

"Nice to meet you. So are you like dating Frank or.." She says even though it was likely Frank hasn't moved on from his wife but they seem somewhat close.

"Oh god, no." Jade says but then realizes how that sounds. "I mean you seem nice Frank but we just met." She says trying not to be rude to Karen but in actuality she doesn't know what to think of him it takes a couple days before she decides she likes them with the expectation on Layla

Frank just nods taking any insult to it. "It's fine."

"Oh, sorry about that." She apologizes for assuming that while handing Frank his drink. She thinks it is werid that they seem somewhat close and they just met.

"It's fine, really." Jade says politely.

She smiles and turns to Frank. "You look well. Rocking the whole, uh... hipster thing."

Jade stifles a laugh, she feels Frank jab her in the ribs a bit.

"Why does everyone do that to me?" Jade questions in her head.

"Been flirting with the idea of going full man-bun. You, uh, think i could pull that off?"

"God that would be awesome." Jade says laughing.

Karen smiles a bit at how they just met but she does not give a damn about making fun of him. "Where have you been?" Karen asks Frank.

Jades laughter dies down as she feels the tension.

Frank takes a drink of the beer and sighs. "I had business, Karen. I had to finish."

"And you finished it?" She says as she walk by the couch her back facing them.

Frank walks over to her but Jade stays back because she knows they both need to talk to each other so she walks out and waits for him to finish talking to him. After a while he walks out of the door.


"She will see if there is anything on Micro." Frank says.

"Okay, do you want my number if one of us find something." Jade asks because they might not be able to locate each other again.

"Yeah," He nods. As she writes down her number for him. "Thank you." He says quietly she can barely hear him.

"For what?" She asks confused, eyebrows scrunched in confusion her as she hands him the paper.

"For trying to help me with all this." He says as if it is obvious.

"It's nothing, Frank" she says as she walks away and giving him a little wave.

He rolls his eyes and looks at her number and realizes the ending of it is for people in London but he puts it in his phone (that Micro gave him) anyway.

This chapter is a bit bad but I didn't know how to make them meet

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