chapter 13

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Masons pov
The docters took her in a room to see if they can bring her back. I cant stop crying dhe was my everything. She made me happy she changed me and know shes gone.

I cant feel her wolf

I cant feel her

My wolf has been howling for god knows how long i loved her i still love her. I cant belive shes gone if only i was one second earlier dhe would be here holding my hand. I would be able to see her smile. Hesr her laugh. I love the way she blushes. She makes me happy and i dont know if i will ever be happy again.

"Alpha" someone from my pack says

"What" i say angrily

"You might want to look outside" he whimpers out

I walk outside and see a bright light shinning over us my whole pack comes outside and watch as it gets smaller and closer to the ground. Soon the light disappeared and the moon goddes appeared. Everone bowed down even me.

"Moon goddes why are you here" i asked politely

"Your mate...callie shes dead or close to death and i correct" she asks

I look down and start crying again i feel someone put thier hand on my back i shove them off  and see my beta i roll my eyes he does not understand.

"I am willing to help your mate......" she continues "you see callie is very special shes...shes my sister and i dont want her to go"

I look up tears blurring my vision. Sister?

"I will make it so she is in a coma and it will be her choice to come back or not."

I nod my head callie will chose to come back right she has to.

Next thing i know there are alot of bright lights and i am in a room i look around and callie is laying there looking dead with tubes coming out if her throut i almost brake down at the sight of her i walk over to the chair. I sit down and grab her hand they are so cold. She looks so lifeless. I stay with her over night. But when i wake up shes not awake  my hope that she wants to live fades a little its only been one day. She wants to come back. She wss happy, safe why would she not wnat to come back. Why would she need to think about this. I start crying again god dammit i need to stop. I cant be here i know she need me. But i cant sit here and not know if shes going to wake up. I lean over her and kiss her head.

"I love you kitten" i wisper

Hoping that she can hear me and come back to me. Before i shut the door i take one look back and close my eyes remembering her sweet smile and laugh. Parying i will see and hear that wonderful noice again.

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