«─── « ⋅ʚ Photograph ɞ⋅ » ───»

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November 20, 2019

Taehyung's couch was super comfortable as I lay there texting the girls. Tae was watching some tv show with his arms around me and my head was on his chest. He had called me last minute to hang out because they were given a break from practice and I eagerly agreed ready to spend more time with him. Although we weren't really doing anything, it felt good to be by his side and annoy him every few minutes.

"Tae do you have a charger?" I asked him, noticing my phone battery had 2% left.

"Yeah, it's in my room by the desk," he responded not tearing his eyes from the screen.

"Can you go get it for me?" I cutely asked again, kissing his jaw.

He looked down at me with disbelief in his face, "Nari, I love you I really do, but you made me get up twice already so get your butt up and go get it yourself," he finished patting my butt.  

"Okay," I groaned with a sigh lazily untangling myself from him and getting up from the warm couch.

My feet shuffled along the hardwood floor as I made my way to his room. I turned on the light and went over to the desk where the charger was plugged in. While I unplugged it, I noticed a paper with my name on it. I'm normally not a snoop, but it had my name on it hence I had to look. It wasn't just a paper, it was more like a block I read over it and there were many words which I did not understand and upon closer inspection the papers screamed NDA contract. I took the contract with me to the living room where Tae was still focused on his show.

"Taehyung, what's this?"

He sat on the sofa as I handed him the contract, "Oh, it's nothing don't worry about it."

"It doesn't seem like nothing isn't it an NDA?" I questioned, sitting beside him.

"It is," Biting his lips, he nodded.

"Then why not show it to me it clearly has my name on it."

"A few weeks ago, when you went to the concert venue our manager saw that we were kinda serious, so he gave me the contract for you to sign," he spoke defeatedly.

"And I'm hearing about this now because?"

"Because I trust you and I don't think you should sign anything," Taehyung explained with a scowl.

"Tae, I don't mind signing it, in fact, I expected it to happen sooner or later," I sincerely told him. It took me by surprise it took them this long to make me sign an NDA, but maybe it had to do with Taehyung's hesitance toward it. I appreciated it a lot that he trusted me enough to not want me to sign it, but I had to do it for the band's safety and mine too. Not that anything would happen to me, but if something leaks one day the first person, they'll probably accuse will be me and with the contract maybe that could be prevented.

"You did?"

"Yeah, let me send this to my dad so he can read it over, see if everything's fine and I'll sign it no problem," I said with a smile.

"You really don't have to," he insisted, trying not to pressure me.

"I know, but I don't want to get you in trouble or anything and its really nothing," I brushed him off, leaving the contract on the table and plugging in my phone to charge.

"Now let go back to cuddling," I exclaimed, settling back on the sofa.

Taehyung's lips were the most addicting thing ever as they moved along with mine. His hands had sneaked under my shirt, leaving goose bumps in their wake while my hands were raking through his hair. I don't know how we found ourselves in this position seeing as we had been taking a nap a few minutes ago. I felt Taehyung's tongue brush against my lips and soon it was inside engaging in a dance with mine. One of his hands went behind my neck, pulling me even closer than before my teeth clinking his.  It was hot and sweaty and if we didn't stop soon there would be no stopping at all but maybe that's what we both wanted.

With chests heaving and panting breaths Taehyung and I pulled away. He looked like a hot mess, in a good way, with his hair pointing in all directions thanks to my wandering hands while his lips were swollen, wet and a darker shade of pink than normal. Taehyung didn't let me recover because he switched to languidly kissing and sucking on the weak parts of my neck. My head involuntarily tilting back, giving him more access to do as he pleased. Soft breaths of pleasure left my mouth as he trailed lower to my collar bones and chest until the door slamming open made me release a scream of fear.

In a matter of seconds Taehyung was at one end of the sofa and I was one the other, both of us trying to calm our rapid breathing when the cause of our panic walked through the door with a duffle bag.

"Hey Taehyung, do you mind if I stay here tonight?" Jimin asked with an innocent look, "Nari you're here, how are you? You look a bit flustered."

Glaring at him I answered, "I'm fine you just scared the crap out me slamming the door like that."

"Oh, I'm sorry my hands were full, and I didn't think it would slam like that," he apologized with a shit eating grin, "So Taehyunie can I stay?" 

"Yeah, sure," Taehyung answered after clearing his throat, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

Jimin walked out of the room to leave his bag in the guest bedroom, leaving Tae and I to compose ourselves from the best make out session there ever was. Taehyung excused himself to go to the bathroom and I went into the kitchen to get some water. When I came back into the living room Jimin was there chilling on the loveseat. Eventually, when Tae came back, he chose a movie we could all watch together.

My phone that was still charging started alerting me of many on coming notifications interrupting the quiet atmosphere in the living room. Tae paused the movie while I unplugged and checked my phone. It was only the girls uploading pictures into our archive.

"What was that?" Jimin wondered with a tilt of his head.

"Just the girls uploading pictures to our shared account," I told him, sitting down next to Tae again. 

"Shared account?"

"We have an account where we upload all of our pictures and whenever someone adds pictures, we all receive a notification," I explained, scrolling through the app to see it was Macy who added pictures. It was her and Macy at the bowling alley along with some other friends of ours. The pictures made me realize how much I miss them and how I couldn't wait to go back home to hang out with them. I was conflicted on one side I wanted to go back to see my family and friends on the other I wanted to stay because of Taehyung and Eun-Jae.

"Can we see them?" Taehyung asked me.

"Sure, if you want, I can connect to the TV so it's more comfortable," Shrugging, I agreed. 

"Do it," Jimin said excited sitting up on the couch.

The phone connected to the TV where my phone's home screen appeared. I enter the app and asked the boys what pictures they wanted to see. The good thing about the app is that we don't save screenshots only actual pictures of us because if I were to go to the phone's library, I'd be mortified by the amount of BTS pictures I have.

"I want to see pictures of the time you saw us in concert," Jimin piped up.

"Want to see yourself on stage?" I laughed and he glared at me, "That's us in front of the stadium on the line and the group of girls we met"

"It's different seeing it from this perspective," Taehyung added as he looked at the pictures.

"Play that video," Jimin yelled when he noticed I skipped the videos.

"I don't think so," I shot at him, shaking my head.

"Are you embarrassed?"

"Yes, who knows what's in there," I nodded, wincing.

Without me noticing as I argued with Jimin my wonderful boyfriend hit play on the video.


There I was singing Trivia: Love at the top of my lungs and extremely off key. The girls were beside me as well, but at this moment I didn't care about them only the fact that when I wasn't singing, I was screaming like a lunatic.

"I hate you both," I grumbled, stopping the video. They only laughed imitating my horrible singing and screaming.

The rest of the night I kept showing them photos, I wanted them to see, like the ones from Macy's birthday at the Noraebang, some of the Muster pictures, pictures of the night before I met them, pictures of Macy, Olivia and I in high school (the good ones not the cringy ones). They were thoroughly entertained seeing how I lived my life since it differed from the overall Korean teen/ college life and I was more than willing to show them.

Jimin left for his room at 10 pm leaving us alone in the living room and I switched to an album I had of Tae and me that contained all the pictures we've taken together. From the first night we met, to when we went to the Trick Eye museum, our first date at the ice rink, everything.

"We've come a long way little flower," Taehyung spoke, kissing my cheek afterwards.

"I love you," I told him softly.

"What was that?" He asked with a grin.

"I. Love. You." I responded louder.

"One more time," he said, cupping his ear.

"I LOVE YOU," I yelled, laughing.

"I love you too Nari!" Jimin screamed from the other room making Taehyung and I fall into a fit of giggles.


A cute little filler for you all.

Don't you just love Jimin?

Next thing that's going to happen will span around three chapters maybe.

As always, please, remember to vote, comment, and share with a friend.

-Nikki Marie 💜

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