Chapter 4 - Visiting Erin

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The next morning, Ronnie and I headed back to the hospital and entered Roy's office.

"Ronnie, Max, what a surprise," he said, looking up from his work.

"Hey Roy. Great to see you again," Ronnie said.

"Same here. What brings you guys here?" Roy asked.

"Well," i said. "We wanted to see Erin."

His face became one of worry.

"Umm, any reason you want to, though?" he asked. "I mean, i have no problem, but why?"

"I saw into her eyes, Roy. I don't think she's crazy. I think she's scared," i said.

He just sighed.

"I know she's scared Max. But she's been diagnosed as insane ever since age 9, and there's nothing i can do to change that," he said. "All i can do is keep her out of mental wards and asylums as much as I can."

I gulped. Man, she was really young.

"Can we at least see her??" Ronnie asked.

He sighed, but nodded. "Alright, come on."

We then follow him out of his office.

We then enter the same room from yesterday and there laid Erin, restrained to teh cuffs but sleeping peacefully.

Roy quietly came up to her side and gently placed a hand on the side of her head.

"Erin, wake up, sweetie. Someone wants to see you," he said softly.

Roy seems like a fatherly figure for her. Kind of like he was like a dad to me when i was in rehab therapist.

She murmurs softly before shooting up, making me and Ronnie jump.

"Shh, shh, shh," Roy said, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Its okay. Its just me."

She calmed down a bit, remaining herself sitting up but the cuffs still on her wrists and ankles.

"Look, you have visitors," he said, motioning to me and Ronnie as we wave awkwardly.

She then pointed to me.

"I... I know him." she said meekly. "W-Who are they??"

"Some old friends of mine," Roy said.

"Hi, Erin. My name's Max, and this is my best bud, Ronnie," i said.

"H-How are you??" she asked a bit shyly.

"We're fine, thank you," Ronnie said, sitting at the foot of her bed.

I noticed her expression began to show fear once he sat down and she began to inch away, only to be restrained by the cuffs. She released a small whimper and I somehow knew she was about to panic.

"Ronnie, get up from the bed. I don't think she likes that," I said a bit quickly..

He shot up to his feet and stepped back a bit from the bed, and she immediately relaxed.

Roy took off her restraints since she was calm.

She rubbed her fragile wrists, which were raw from the tightness of the leather restraints.

"You didn't eat today, Erin??" Roy asked in a concerning tone as he looked at a plate of food on the bed side table. It was left untouched by the looks of it.

She looked down and shook her head.

"Erin, you got to try and eat, sweetheart. The last weight recorded was below 80 pounds," he said.

My eyes widen in horror, and Ronnie's jaw nearly hit the ground.

A small sob escaped from her lips.

"I can't... I just can't," cried, hugging her legs and quietly crying into her knees.

"Erin, don't cry. It'll be okay," I said. "Me and Ronnie are always here for you," I said.

"N-No... It'll never be alright," she cried hard, the heart monitor machine speeding up. "Mama was right, I should die!!"

I felt so horrified when she said.

Roy then came up and held her, but then injected a small needle into her shoulder. She whimpered softly until she fell limp in his arms.

"Was that really necessary?" I asked, a bit upset he sedated her.

"Erin has serious heart problems, one being Marfan's Syndrome. She can't her heart rate at massive beats, or it could be fatal. Yesterday, she was lucky a nurse snuck her meds into her drink," Roy said, lying her down on the bed. "She needs the medication in order for her heart to function. Using an allergy needle to sedate her before a panic/anxiety attack helps avoid a death. She was only 14 when a panic attack nearly killed her."

"Marfan's... What Austin has..." Ronnie said.

"Her parents?" I asked.

"In prison for life, and the charges against them are shocking," Roy said. "I can't put her in a foster home. Not after her last one. She was 15 at the time. She's 19, almost 20 now."

I nodded and then had an idea.

"Let her live with me," I said.

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