Part One: Chapter 1- Marco Island

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*1999 April 2nd, Marco Island, Florida*

It was around 5:30 in the morning. The sun was rising beyond the horizon, making the cloudless morning sky shine with different colors. The ocean gently crashed onto the shore, while a steady stream flooded the bay canals running all through out the island. Birds flew over head. Some fish would break the glassy surface of the water here and there.
Early risers came out to enjoy their morning coffee or watch the sunrise from their balcony, porches or docks.

Yes. Marco Island was definitely paradise. It was hard to believe that as John Winchester crossed over the bridge to get onto the island from the main land, that he was there for a hunt.  Although his serious face didn't show it, he was grateful for the change of scenery.
But as just said, he wasn't here to take his boys on a vacation, but for a hunt.

Seemed like a normal any other case. Nothing that couldn't be handled. A pattern of dead bodies washing up on shore torn to bits, some think it was a shark attack, but it couldn't help to check it out.

He looked at the passenger seat to see his 20 year old passed out, and than in his mirror to see his 15 year old, almost 16, also passed out in the back. He couldn't blame them, it had been a really long trip in getting here. John himself even felt his eyelids getting droopy.

"Dean. Sam. We're here."
He said loud enough to make both boys stir.

Sam was the last of the two to fully awake. The teenager wasn't too happy with another sudden move. But when he saw the beautiful scenery before him even his eyes widened in shock.

The place was like a dream full of palm trees and clear waters.

"Damn, look at this place." Dean exclaimed from the front.

He eyed some morning female surfers in bikinis heading down to catch some early waves. Dean smirked
"I dunno about you both. But I defiantly wanna head down to the beach."

Sam rolled his eyes and scoffed
"Oh yea I bet the girls here will really find your pale body and pudgy stomach attractive."
Dean turned around to glare at his moody brother.

"And they'll find you more attractive nerd?"

Before Sam could retaliate John ordered
"No one is going to the beach and no one is picking up any women. We aren't here for a vacation we're here for a hunt. Sam I enrolled you in the local high school you start tomorrow."

Sam got pissed.
"What?! But you said I could help on this hunt!"
"And you will but that doesn't mean you can't also go to school."
"Dads rights Sam." Dean cut in.

The rest of he ride was silent with Sam pouting in the back seat. So much for paradise.

John finally pulled up to a house that he rented for the time being. It was small with a dock out back leading out to the bay canal. Most houses here had those. It wasn't much but it was definitely better than a crappy motel. It also so happened to be the most secluded part of the island. Only one other house was on this street.

"This place is great." Dean said happily helping his brother bring their luggage in.
John was already inside.
Sam just glared at his feet as they strolled up the driveway. Dean frowns and stopped him.

"Sammy I know it's not ideal moving all the time but... try to enjoy yourself? I know we're here for a hunt but I can tell this place is different from any other place we've been to. Just try for me?"

Sam took a deep breath and let a forced smile cross his face. He nudged his brother.
"Whatever you jerk."
Dean chuckled and ruffled his rapidly growing hair.
"Said the little bitch."

They were about to enter the house when their attention was brought to next door. The screen door of the large house next to them swung open as many people rushed out of the house.

An older women with silver hair and soft wrinkles held the door open rambling
"Aquarius do you have everything? And your driving Virgo and Capricorn?
"Yes mom." Replied a red headed women her arms full of cooking supplies as she stubbles towards one of four cars in the driveway. Another women with chestnut brown hair and a man with black hair got into the back of the car as well.
"Gemini your driving your brothers and sisters to work right?"
"Which ones am I taking today?" Replied a tall blonde headed men starting another car.
"Leo and Scorpio. Cancer and Libra." The women said just as two identical brunette guys and one blonde and one black haired women followed after.
"Got it." Replied gem
"Aries you have Taurus and Sagittarius?" She asked a dirty blonde man coming out the door.

Two other more energetic twin brothers both blonde haired ran out the door laughing as they rushed towards another car.
Aries sighed
"Sadly yes I am."
The women chuckled kissing his cheek.
A man looking just as old as the women came out quickly and kissed her lips
"Bout to head out on the boat. I'll call you later sweets."
The women chuckled,
"Be careful bit windy today."
"Nothing I can't handle."
She kissed him one more time and he left for the dock
Just as the women thought she had everyone accounted for...
"Oh Poseidon's beard! Where's Pisces?! She's going to be late again!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!"

Sams eyes lite up. His heart started pounding at the sight of the beautiful girl. She was so unique with pastel blue hair neatly tied into a ponytail, a few strains hung lose framing her face. Her bright blue eyes with golden flakes were hypnotic, her dark eye lashes made them pop out more. Her skin was lightly tanned and glowed in the rising sun. She had jean short cut overalls, and a black AC/DC t-shirt on, over her very slim body. A skateboard in her hands, and a old tattered backpack on.

She was the most beautiful girl Sam had ever seen.
The old women sighed smiling handing the girl a brown paper lunch bag, to which she slipped into her backpack.

"Pi if you hurry up I'll drive you!" Called out Aquarius.
Pisces rolled her eyes and strolled over to the car. Just as she was about to open the passenger door she felt eyes on her and blue eyes met warm brown eyes.
A very handsome, tall, long brown haired boy was staring at her his mouth slightly ajar, a tinted blush on his freckled cheeks. You could tell through his shirt he was pretty fit. He had a  duffle over his shoulders, and he was dressed in jeans and flannel, something not appropriate for the weather. But the blue haired girl found it endearing.
Her face went red when she realized the two of them had been staring too long as Aquarius honked her horn.
"Come on I'm gonna be late!"
"Yea yea I'm coming." She Replied in a daze finally getting into the car.

Sam and Dean watched as all the cars pulled out and drove away, the old women waving and smiling as they drive away.
Dean nudged Sam getting him out of the trance.
"Ha I saw you looking."
"Shut up Dean!"
"Don't need to get all defensive. That was a very large weird family weird names too. Haha and did you hear the way that lady was talking? 'Oh Poseidon's beard!'" Dean mimicked while laughing.

"Sam! Dean! Get in here and help me unpack!"

Both boys sighed

"Yes sir." They replied in sync.


John was kind enough after everything was unpacked, to let his boys rest, while he decided to go out and ask some questions around town. It was well into the late afternoon by the time the youngest had woken up.
He had his own room for once which was nice considering Dean snores a lot. He crawled out of bed and he realized he was drenched in sweat.
Great. He thought. It's over 90 degrees out in the middle of March in Florida, and all I have is flannel.

Sam sighed to himself and decided to head to the kitchen to make some food.
Just as he was about to pour himself a bowl of cereal the door opened and in came an equally sweaty John.
He looked a bit frustrated at the heat as he settled his fake FBI badge and shrugged off his top layer of clothing.
He looked around getting more annoyed.
"What did I tell you boys to do before hitting the beds? Salt and mark up everything do you want something to come and kill you in your sleep?!"

Not even affected by Johns out burst, Sam simply shrugged abandoning his lunch and heading over to the duffle bag full of hunting stuff and grabbed the spray paint and the salt.
He spray painted a bunch of warding signs under rugs, hidden on walls under things hanging.
When he was about to start on the salt, that's when he felt eyes on him. His head whipped in the direction of the kitchen window and he didn't miss the few strands of blue hair disappear from view quickly.
Apparently neither did John as he rushed to the window and looked out it suspiciously. But who ever was spying on them had quickly vanished.

"Did you happen to meet the neighbors yet?"

Sam was taken aback by the question.

"Uh not exactly. Why?"

John narrowed his eyes
"I talked to the locals and said they are not like the others around here. Don't really try and draw a lot of attention to themselves but there's so many rumors about them."

"There's a lot of them for sure." Said Dean groggily walking into the room. "This morning Sam and I saw like a dozen of them leaving the house. They all had these strange names."

John rubbed his chin thinking.
"Maybe we should pay them a visit."

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