Chapter 7: The Challenge Part 3 And Events

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Looking at the scene before him, Jin gripped his hair tightly in his hands. "Oh shit this is bad. What the hell did I do?" He asked frantically as he looked at his the frozen face of his date. Sighing Jin looked around at his other friends and hit himself in the head. Lifting up the sleeve of his jacket he looked at his wrist.

"Okay what time is it-....why did my watch stop working?" He asked as tapped his watch with his finger.

"Unless... n-no it's not possible. Last time I thought I did that waswhen I was a kid and that was a hallucination." He said as he groaned and rubbed his left forearm with his free hand. Pacing around back and forth he groaned.

"I'm dead, they're frozen, holy shit I'm dead." He said as he started panicking.

"What am I going to do?" He asked himself as he heard a sigh.

"Imagine them moving again." He heard a voice say as he looked around the area.

"W-who said that?" Jin asked as he turned around in a circle.

Looking from above from a beam Cerberus sighed as he fixed his black button up shirt. "Imagine them moving and they'll go back to the way they were. You wished one of them would have stood still in time and you froze time." Cerberus said as he buttoned up his top button.

"How could I freeze time-"

"Don't question. You wanna go on your date don't you?" Cerberus asked as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah." Jin said as he looked at Leon.

"Then do what I said." Cerberus said as he let out a groan.

"Okay...." Jin said as he focused on Leon and Jungkook moving towards the door. Imagining Leon walking through the door Jungkook opened, Leon and Jungkook begin to move.

"Honestly, you can stop the eye rolls." Jungkook said jokingly as Leon giggled.

"Never." Leon said as Jungkook pulled the door open.

"Yeah Jin?" Robin asked as he turned to see him smiling at her.

"I-I was going to ask.....nevermind." He said shyly as Robin shrugged and walked okay.

"Okay then." She said before walking into the kitchen and placing the flowers in two vases before walking back.

"You ready?" Jin asked as she nodded. Holding his arm out to her, she then laughed.

"Seriously?" Robin asked as he grabbed her hand and pulled it through his bent arm.

"If I'm escorting you I'm going to do it right." Jin said before pulling her out the door.

"Bye be safe!" Hongbin yelled as Leo and him walked to the door.

"IF HE MAKES A WRONG MOVE BEAT HIS ASS!" Leo yelled before Hongbin elbowed him hard in the stomach.

"Geez let her do her thing. It's just a date." Hongbin said before slamming the door behind the two couple.

A Short Time Later

Jungkook PoV:

Walking through the park I looked at Leon who was eating ice cream from a cone. "You really don't listen to me do you?" I asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I wanted ice cream and you wouldn't buy it, so I bought my own cone." She said as she crossed her arms and took another lick of the sugary treat.

"Rebel much? I was going to buy you something else up here." I said as she sighed.

"Hey you know me....I don't really care much to be honest." She said as I nodded.

"I know, I know you better than half of the band." I said as she looked up at me.

"Hey Jungkook hyung.... why did you buy me flowers?" She asked as my eyes widened slightly.

"Can I not buy flowers for my friend? Some people like to so small things to make people happy."  Replied as she shook her head in disbelief.

"Hyung....tell me the truth. I know you are lying." She said as I laughed slightly.

"Leon, would I ever lie to you?" I asked as I scratched the back of my neck lightly.

"Depends." She replied as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay... you really want me to tell you the truth?" I asked as I leaned towards her.

"Leon ssi I...." I start struggling with my words. Was I really ready to tell her? Was I ready to take the next step?

"Leon ssi.... I-I." I repeated as I looked up and saw a man with red eyes standing a few feet behind her.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your stutter fest but may I cut in?" The man said asked informally as I grabbed Leon's arm gently.

"No you may not." I replied sharply to the man's question as a hand touched my shoulder. Looking at the hand on my shoulder, I looked to see long fingernails with fur covering the paw.

"Awe look at the little love birds. I'm kinda touched with the effort of confess-"

"Get the hell away." I said as I grabbed my hand and pushed it off my shoulder.

"Oh god it's them. Can't you leave us alone for one day?" Leon asked as nonchalantly as she glared at Ray.

"Grab them."

"W-wait wha-" Leon said as before a hand went over her mouth. Watching Leon's mouth being covered I felt myself being pulled away.

"LEON!" I yelled as I felt a hand cover my mouth as well.

I widen my eyes as I reached out and grabbed her forearm. Watching as arms wrapped around her, my grip tightened as I felt arms go around my torso and pick me up from the ground. Then I heard a muffled scream, I turn to see Leon struggled to set free.

"Leon!" I yelled through the hand as I felt claws digging into the skin covering my cheek. Feeling my hand slowly slipping off my arm as I struggled free I then felt my feet being lifted off the ground.

"JUNGKOOK HYUNG!" I heard her muffled screams yell through the man's hand as I felt mine slip off her forearm.

"Sabre...." The man holding Leon said I heard a chuckle of a deep voice come from behind me.

"Yeah?" The man named Sabre asked as the man in my sight chuckled.

"Dispose of him." I heard as I felt his arms tighten around me.

"I never thought you would ask. Get out of here with her."

I widen my eyes as  I glance at him. " won't!" I screamed as I felt my muscles become rigid. Feeling a sharp pain shoot through my arms and into my torso I let out a scream as I found myself being carried away from Leon.

"LEON!" I screamed as I slowly lifted my hand towards the arm of my attacker. Feeling my hand come into contact with Sabre's arm I then clutched onto the guys arm as I watched Leon being carried out of my sight.

"LEON!" I screamed as I heard the sound of painful groans leaving Sabre's mouth.

"Damn this one has a good grip." He said as I looked around confused before bringing my arm up and elbowing him in the gut. Feeling his arms loosen from around me, I then took the chance to free myself from his arms to before turning to see a large man with the characteristics of a sabertooth animal. Taking the chance of a open shot I then brought my arm back and punched him in the face before watching him lose his balance and fall backwards.

"Super strength. I should of known." Sabre said as I brought my leg up and kicked him in the face.

"You don't look so wise." I replied as I then harshly hit him in the neck before watching him fall over.

"Pfft....he was weak." He said as I looked around.

"LEON? LEON!" I yelled before running off in the direction that she was carried off in. Then I smell a fade smell of blood not far from here. Picking up my speed I felt my surroundings become a blur as I ran through the park and into an alleyway.

"Leon ssi!?" I called her name once more until I heard a scream come from a man's voice. Running in the direction of the scream I turned a corner to see Leon, pinning a different man than before to the concrete wall of the building. Watching the man gasp for breath as she barely touched him I felt a shiver run through my body.

"What the hell is she doing to him?" I asked as I heard the sound of shoes hitting the pavement behind me. Turning around I looked to see a man wearing all black clothing with holes in his jeans.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Speed and strength huh? I wonder what else you can do?" The man asked before opening his and allowing for his tongue to extend for multiple feet.

"Seriously? What are we in a circus?" I asked as he rolled back his tongue and extended it again.

"And that is disgusting and disturbing to see. Did you ever learn to keep your germs to yourself?" I continued as I grab his disgusting tongue and threw him toward the bin. Watching him fall into a large trash bin, I walked over and closed the lid before taking the lock off the latch. Locking the lid down on the dumpster I then ran back to The corner where I saw Leon.

Leon was blocking every hit that the attacker threw at her. Watching punch after punch, block after block I gasped in awe at her reflexes. Watching as the man tried to deliver one final punch Leon blocked his fist in her hand.

"Wrong move." Leon said as I watch her hand grip onto his. Watching her veins show through her arm as her grip tightened I heard the painful screams of the man.

"What the...." I turned slightly as I heard the sound of bones cracking and breaking. Looking back at her eyes staring at him with a harsh graze and her lips forming a smirk.

"You messed with the wrong person. Now.... I want your life." She said as I stepped out slowly from the corner. Watching as her veins grew larger slightly larger within her arm, I watched as her veins filled with black as the man screamed louder.

"Is that really Leon or?" That's when I heard a crying scream. Looking between her and man black started moving throughout his arm and through his body before shocking him in the heart, followed another scream.

Slowly walking up towards her I watched the transfer of energy come from her hand and seep into his hand before traveling up his arm. Watching the the black energy travel up under what little of a shirt he had, the energy then traveled to his heart before doing what looked like was shocking his heart.

"Leon, let him go." I said as I walked up to her. Grabbing her shoulder I then shook her.

"Leon ssi! Let him go!" I said as I pulled her away. Then I felt a slight shock from her. Pulling her away harder I heard the sound of skin tearing as I heard the sounds of a body hitting the concrete of the alley.

Looking at the body I saw blood pouring out of his right arm. Hearing the sound of something else falling to the concrete I moved my sight down to Leon's feet to see a hand laying on the ground.

"We should get out of here." I said as she remain silent. Noticing her eyes weren't her normal blackish brown like they used to be, he then walked to the front of her. Shaking her shoulders and moving to block her vision, I continued to watch every detail of her face.

"Leon ssi. Come on and snap out of it. I need you to go back to normal Wu Wu." I said as I brought my right hand and patted her cheek. Watching her eyes slowly go back to her deep blackish brown color, I found myself sighing in relief as she looked me in the eyes.

"W-what happened?" She asked as she lifted her hand and furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of blood. She stare at her hand that was cover with blood stains. Looking behind of me she then looked at the man laying in pain before looking at the torn off hand beside her.

"L-let's get out of here and I'll explain okay?" I said.

"I feel weak right now in a way." She said as I gently grabbed her wrist and pulled it around her neck.

"Then I'll carry you. I don't want to take a chance on lizard guy or claw man coming back." I continued before picking her up bridal style and started walking out of the alley.

"Yah....Hyung." She said as I looked down at her.

"Yeah Wu Wu?" I asked.

"What's happening to me?" She asked as I walked out into the bright lights of the main street.

"I don't know Leon, I can't answer that." I replied before carrying her towards the restaurant I was originally going to take her to.

"I....I kill that man didn't I?" She asked as I stared at her, watching the face of worry taking over her features.

"I don't think you killed him. I stopped you before that and I could hear him breathing when we left." I replied as I watched a couple open the door of the restaurant. Watching them walk out I then walked in with her as the door shut closed behind us.

"Hello Mr Jeon, the usual place?" She asked as I nodded.

"Ugh yes, but first... can you give us a place to wash up? We seemed to have gotten ourselves in a mess before we came." I replied as she nodded.

"Yeah come on." She said before leading us towards the back. Looking down at Leon I sighed before walking into the back washroom for the employees. Making it into the area the woman then left us before I slowly sat Leon down in a chair. Walking over to the sink I then took some towels from the rack and turned around as I heard the door shut. Looking at her I saw her lock the door before I walked back over and kneeled in front of her.

"Jungkook hyung, I'm nervous now. I need to know what happened to me." She said looking down at her hands.

"Hey, it's okay... we'll figure out what's happening to you okay? I promise we will." I said calmly as I grabbed her wrist gently in mine and brought the towel gently across her hand.

"But we don't know. I mean, what is something like that happens with the guys? What if I seriously hurt someone or kill them next time?" She asked as I brought my hand to her chin and lifted her head so her eyes would look into mine.

"Leon, I know you won't hurt the guys. I'll make sure you never hurt anyone. I'll figure out what's happening to you even if I die trying to figure it out. I'll stay by you the whole way cause I want to know too."

"What are you saying kookie hyung?" She as I gripped her hand gently. Reaching up gently, I moved one strand of hair away from her face.

"That's my promise to you."


"No Leon. I promise you that I will help you through this." I said as she then stood up and sighed.

"I-I'm cleaned up I'm going to the table." She said before standing up and unlocking the door before pulling it hard. Watching the door fly open I then stood as she walked out of the room and back into the dining hall. Leaning against the door frame I sighed.

"Leon ssi, I promise I will always stand beside you." I replied to myself before sighing and closing the door, locking myself in the washroom.  Walking back over to the mirror I sighed as I then let the bloody towel fall into the sink. Placing my hands against the mirror I sighed as I looked myself in my own eyes.

As I remember the words that claw guy and lizard guy said. "Super Strength and Speed ?" I asked myself.

"It suits your build." I heard a high pitched male voice say as I looked slowly behind me. Sitting where Leon had sat was a chubby Korean man dressed in a bright pink fairy costume and a blonde short wig.

Screaming and falling against the wall I then reached and unlocked the door. Pulling it open and running out I then found myself sprinting towards the dining area. Slowing down once I got to the carpeted area I then heard the same voice say. "Hm, weird. I just came from a costume party. I thought J-Hope would laugh at something like this."


Jin PoV:

They say by the age of twenty one you meet the person you're going to marry. They tell you that when you meet the love of your life that it will feel like everything else in the world will come to a stand still, that the only thing that will matter would be that person. Some people find those superstitions to be hilarious, some find them to be an interesting way to describe love at first sight, and I found both of those statements to be truth within a literal sense.

Never would I had thought that I would have met my first love when I young, that I would have seen her walking in that black puffy dress that went to the floor as she walked around the large room. Never would I have thought that I would have stopped a room full of people that was dancing the night away with their spouses, dates, and some with the people they had just met. That day I had felt like my whole world had come to a complete halt. Like the earth had stopped spinning, the rising of the sun and moon had stopped and we were stuck in the same moment forever.

I remember how her chubby face was frozen under the light coming off of the chandelier which was highlighting all of her facial features as she looked up. Her smile was the brightest I had ever seen and her eyes sparkled like tiny stars were within them. That was the day I fell in love for the first time. That day I had made time completely stop like the time I had seen that designer's american niece running around the floor of the ball room.

Never once would I thought I would make time go still like that again. I never thought that I would see that occurrence happen again with anyone else except for her, so why it happened tonight with someone that I'm faking a relationship with... I don't know.

"Jin... Jin are you listening?" I heard Robin ask as I shook my head. Hearing her sigh I then turned my head and looked at her.

"I'm sorry what were you saying?" I asked before scratching the back of my head.

"I was asking if you wanted to go to the after party?" She asked as I nodded my head slowly. Looking to see that the movie had now ended I sighed as I rubbed my eyes.

"Yeah, sure I don't mind....if you want to go." I said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I heard it was at a club and I'm technically still underage here. I was just going to ask if you wanted to go cause if you want to you can. I'll go back to the mansion." She said as she stood from her chair and fixed her dress.

"Okay and you didn't answer my question, do you want to go?" I asked again as she nodded slowly.

"In that case, I'll protect you." I smiled as Robin roll her eyes and smiled at me.

"I'll probably will need a fake ID more than protection." She replied as I pulled out my wallet and sighed as I pulled out a black card.

"Just let me do the talking, I can get you in without needing a ID." I said before putting it back in and walking down the steps that lead from our seats.

"Ha no way, is that a black card? What are you rich or something?" She asked as I heard her heels click on the floor behind me.

"Erm sort of." I replied before leading her out of the theater.


Watching Robin chug her fourth glass of whiskey and coke I stared at her in amazement. "You act like alcohol barely affects you." I said as she set the glass down with a thud on the counter.

"My family has strong alcohol tolerances." She said as she looked around. Following her graze I then watched as she looked in the direction to the VIP section. "I'll be back." She replied before standing up and walking away.

I nodded as I took a slight sip of my drink as I then sighed for the fifth time that evening. For the fifth time she then walked away from me and left me alone at the bar. Rolling my eyes in annoyance I then looked at the bartender. "Give me a beer." I said before starring back in the direction of the VIP section. Watching as she conversed with big names in the industry I glared in slight anger at how I turned from being the center of her attention to being ignored for a majority of the time as people pulled her away.

Watching as the bottle was set in front of me I sighed as my mind filled of my childhood memories. That girl played a large part in my memories. I remembered how she would always come to her aunts and how I would always go to visit her when my family would always go to visit her. I remember she liked to read fairytales and her favorite flower was roses. I remembered how she use to tease me and make fun of how I would call her out for disrespecting me and how she would try to pry out my confessions of how I liked her. So why can't I remember her name?

"How could I remember all of the simplest things about her when I haven't even seen her in seven years?" I asked myself as I took a large swig of my beer. Shaking my head I then heard a female voice beside me.

"I'll take a gin and tonic please. Oh hello." The woman said as I looked to see a beautiful woman smirking at me.

"Hello." I replied before taking another sip of my beer.

"I smell anger, confusion, and sadness, what's going on with you?" She asked as she sat beside of me, replacing Robin with herself.

"My date has completely ignored me the whole night, I feel like shit cause I feel like I've fallen in love for the first time in seven years but whenever I think about love I think of the girl I once fell in love with that actually broke my heart." I replied as the girl's eyes widened.

"Yikes I can see why you needed that beer." The girl said as her drink was placed in front of her.

I laugh slightly at her response. "Yeah, I honestly needed it." I replied as I felt her hand go onto mine.

"That girl you came with, what is she twelve? Why don't you go out with a real woman?" The girl asked as she flipped her blonde hair with her other hand.

"She's okay for her age. She's only eighteen so she still has some growing up to do but not a lot. The problem is she knows everyone and she's practically friends with everyone. She means well though, I guess." I replied as I felt her hand travel slowly to my thigh. 

"But you deserve more Kim Seok Jin." She whisper to my ear as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I probably do- wait how did you know my name?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows and looked her in the eyes. Watching her eyes turn red, I then pushed her hand off my thigh.

"I know everything about you. The question is how much do you know about her?" She said as she looked in the direction of Robin.

"Why are you so hooked on her?" I asked as I shrugged.

"You don't know a lot do you?" She asked as I glared at her.

"Enough from what she's told me." I replied to her question as I started to stand from my seat.

"But are you talking about Robin Vae or Robin Crow?" She asked as I looked back at her. Shaking my head I sighed.

"Her last name is Vae, where you got Crow at I don't know but I'm starting to think you're crazy-"

"She knows everything. She'll remember everything if you jog her memory. Just ask her about her aunt." She continued as I shook my head and stood fully.

"I'm getting out of here. You're crazy." I replied as I started walking away from the bar. Making my way towards the crowd of people dancing on the dance floor I then felt a pain shoot through my head. Bringing my hands to my head I then clutched the side of my head as I dug my fingernails into my scalp.

"Awe it hurts, doesn't it?" I turned around to see no one.

"I know I'm a demon but seeing you hurt pains me a little. But the ones in pain are the fun ones to possess." I heard as the voice of the female slowly turned into one that sounded like my own. Groaning I then looked around to see how the people looked different.

"Look around you, see anyone you know?" The voice asked as I looked in circles around me. Looking up into the VIP section I looked to see a girl, no older than six wearing a puffy black dress.

"No..." I said as I let my jaw drop in shock.

"Now blink, it's hard to believe she's been beside you for the past year and a half and you haven't even known." The voice said as I blinked and looked to see Robin in the girls place.

"Such a bitch, playing you along like that. She's probably known the whole time it was you." The voice said as I closed my eyes and watched as multiple memories of the girl flashed through my mind.

"Just leave me alone!" I screamed as everything stopped moving. Looking to see the room stop I then dug my nails deeper into my scalp. Hearing the sound of footsteps come in my direction I looked to see Robin come in front of me.

"Robin?" I said as a thick black smoke escaped from her.

"You are nothing, Kim Seok Jin." Then slowly turning into the demon. I backed away slightly.

"Jin!" I heard Robin yell as I felt myself being shaken.

"Actually, I think I'm going to go after her." I heard the demon say as I blinked to see Robin standing in front of me, shaking my shoulders.

"Jin, are you okay?" She asked as I then stood up slowly. Feeling my eyes narrow at her I reached out and grabbed her forearm harshly as I heard her groan in pain.

"HOW? JUST WHY?" I cried as tears has already flow down my eyes. Watching her face form into a face of confusion I then roughly pulled her with me. Pulling her out the door of the club I looked as everyone was frozen in place.

"Jin stop you're hurting my arm!" She yelled as she grabbed my wrist.

"We have to get out of here." I said while loosening my grip.

"Sorry I didn't mean too. It's just....shit." I said as I tightened my grip on her arm again.

"Jin what's made you so mad?" She asked as I turned and looked at her scrunched face. Pulling her to me I then picked her up over my shoulder before walking away with her to the quickest place I could.

Unlocking and walking into my apartment, I then slammed the door before setting her down. "Jin what the hell is going on? What happened?" I heard her ask as I felt rage boil within me. Glaring at her I felt my jaw tense.

"Robin do you trust me?" I asked as I watch her nod her head yes.

"Of course I do Jin." I heard her say in response as I slowly stalked up to her. Watching as she backed up with every step I took she looked at me nervously.

"It doesn't look like you do." I continued with a deeper voice as I watched her back into the door we had just entered. Walking and standing right in front of her I then placed my hands on her shoulders.

"My turn now." I heard a male voice say as Robin brought her hands to my chest and tried pushing me away.

"Jin Oppa! Yah! Let me go! WHY ARE YOUR EYED TURNING RED?" I heard her yell as I the pushed her back harder against the wall before sliding my hands from her shoulders to her arms, pinning them above her head.

'I can't stop it. Why can't I stop myself?'

"I think that's the first time I've ever heard you call me Oppa...that was kinda hot." I said as I smirked at her.

Watching her eyes look werely around I then let out a breath that gently hit her face. "Jin I swear to god if you don't let me go I'll-"

"You'll what? Kick my ass?" I asked as I looked at her neck.

'No what the hell am I saying?' I asked myself as I felt my lips meet her jaw.

"JIN-AH!" I heard her yell as I moved my lips down into the base of her neck. Biting down on her skin I then started sucking on her skin. Hearing her muffle a moan I then smirked against her skin. Then I heard an evil laughter feel the air. Pulling back and looking at her state of dismay sighed internally

"Robin....he-help me. She-He's inside of's inside of me. " I cried as she look at me.

"H-How? You think I can do anything?"

I tried to to turn my head even though she was controlling me. Then I saw my kitchen knife laying on the counter. "Grab the kitchen knife....get the demon out." I said as she looked up at her hands which was held tightly above her head.

"What does it want?" She asked quietly.

"It's trying to take over my body." I said as I felt my hands trace down her body and stop on her hips.

" wants..."

Trying to make the words leave my mouth I heard a window crash as I heard a groan come from inside my head. Hearing the sound of flapping I then turned my head to a man with large black wings standing in the apartment shirtless.

"Cerberus." I heard Robin whisper as I then turned and pushed Robin behind my back.

"You always ruin the fun, don't you?" I asked unwillingly as Cerberus brought a large black floating ball into the palm of his hand.

"Get the hell out of him Abraxas." Cerberus said as he slowly walked up in front of me. Letting a smirk form on my face I sighed.

"Oh come on, I was just letting Jin have some fun. He couldn't possibly do it being himself." The guy said as Robin gasped.

I let out loud scream of pain and I let go of Robin, who was holding my hands the whole time. "Get out! GET OUT!" I screamed as Robin tried to mumble something from her mouth.

"A-Abraxas... a-a Persian supreme?" She asked as Cerberus's eyes widened.

"So what if I am?" I asked as Cerberus then fired the black ball in his hand. Watching as the ball made a wall around us I looked to see Robin now gone.

"ROBIN?" I yelled as I heard heels clicking outside the wall.

"Don't worry I'm okay." She said as I looked to see her frame outlined slightly through the wall.

"Why are you out there?" I asked worriedly as she sighed.

"Jin you have to stay in there until that demon is out, okay?" I heard her ask as I nodded and brought my knees to my chest.

"Okay...yeah." I replied before leaning against the wall and closing my eyes.

I'm not ready to die yet....

The Next Day

3rd PoV:

Hearing the sound of birds chirping Leo sat up in his bed. Rubbing his eyes he then sighed before pulling the covers off of him and climbing out of bed. Quietly exiting the room, Leo then walked downstairs where he saw Jungkook cooking eggs.

"Morning." He said as he walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of orange juice.

"Good morning." Jungkook replied to him as he then flipped the egg with a spatula.

"Any word yet?" Leo asked as Jungkook shook his head.

"Not that I know of, last time we talked to him they was going to the after party." Jungkook said as Leo nodded.

Pulling out some bacon from the fridge Leo then grabbed a pan and placed it on the stove. "So how did it go last night with you and her?" Leo asked as Jungkook shook his head.

"It turned into hell." He stated plainly as they heard footsteps come down the stairs.

"Morning." Jimin said as he sat down at the table. Saying their greetings to him the guys then continued to conversate again.

"Three hours until shooting." Jungkook continued.

"If they aren't here, I'll kill them."

"Where's Leon?" Jimin asked, Jungkook point at the sofa. Both Leo and Jimin look to see Leon sleeping on Rap Monster's lap.

"Rap Monster hyung is asleep too I think." Jimin replied as Rap Monster opened his eyes and looked at him.

Jimin scream with a jump and hugged Leo who caught him. "Shhh....she asleep." He said as Leo stare at Jimin who struggled again.

"She had a rough night so let's let her rest." Rap Monster replied as they nodded. Hearing more footsteps coming from up the stairs. Looking to see the Maknae and the leader of VIXX, Leo rolled his eyes.

"Ah good morning." N replied cheerfully as everyone looked at each other weary.

"Morning N hyung ." Jungkook stated before giving Leo a look.

"Any news yet?" Hyuk asked as they shook their heads no. Sighing N then mumbled countless cuss words.

"And I thought Ravi was the careless one." Ken replied as he walked in, covered in droplets from the pool.

"You think?" V asked with a wet hair dripping down his face.

"Geez where are those dimwits?" Hakyeon asked before looking at the watch.


Leaning against the black wall, Robin sighed as closed her eyes. Reopening them she then looked at Cerberus before sighing.

"Cerberus, what else can we do to get him out of Jin? We've been here all night and we have filming later." Robin replied as she played with the buttons on Jin's dress shirt that she found in the closet.

"You have to lure him out with magic, he won't leave on his own. That wall should be sucking what power he has right now. On top of that all of the other precautions we did. Damn that demon is strong." Cerberus replied as Robin groaned before standing up. Walking to the fridge she then pulled down the shirt, revealing her undergarments slightly in the shirts opening.

"You have no shame, do you?"

"I'm not dressed bad, I have on a dress shirt and spandex short-"

They heard a loud scream, looking at the wall Cerberus took a sip of his coke. "Jin, you okay?" Cerberus asked.

"No." He replied to Cerberus's question.

"If we don't get that demon out of him, the demon might kill him or worst stay like a puppet forever."

" More than likely make him a puppet, he talked about a girl was possessing him so I think this demon likes possession. What's our options here Cerberus? We have filming in three hours and if he's not back to normal I'm dead, he's dead, we're all dead." Robin said as Cerberus sighed and chugged the rest of his drink.

"We got to figure out a way to lure him out, all of the spells I've tried but...there's one more that I haven't used for a very long time."

"Let's try it."

"It's powerful... it might kill him."

"I'm not sure how I feel about that!" Jin yelled as Robin sighed.

"Would it make you feel better if I zapped Robin back in? It won't hurt her." Cerberus said as Robin nodded.

"I'll go in." She said before he nodded and snapped his fingers. Watching the girl before him disappear in to the enclosure of magic he sighed.

"Leon might kill me for this."

Looking around the area around her Robin looked to see Jin leaning against the black wall of magic. Kneeling down next to him Robin then brought a hand up to his head and ran her fingers through his hair.

"If I ended up becoming a mindless puppet... would you still like me?" Jin asked as Robin nodded yes.

"In the end you would still be Jin to me."

"But I wouldn't be me...." Jin replied as he then wrapped his arms around her.

Then they heard a scream. Looking out the thin black wall they looked to see Cerberus standing in a large explosion of magic.

"Get ready." Robin said as she pushed herself away from him. Watching the magic then come through and engulf Jin, she gasped in awe. Listening to the screams of both of the boys she then covered her ears as she saw a red little monster leave Jin's body and run out the black wall.

"CERBERUS HE LEFT JIN'S BODY!" She yelled as the power then stopped simultaneously. Looking at Jin who was laying on the floor with his suit now torn and in pieces, she then went back to his side.

"Got him." Cerberus said as he squashed the small demon underneath his shoe. Feeling like he had no magic left in him he then set fire to the little red spot on the floor before letting the black wall fall down.

"Am I alive?" Jin asked as Robin nodded and helped him up. Looking at her up and down, Jin then pulled her to him.

"Yeah you are." Robin smiled before pulling him off towards his room. Pulling him in and closing the door Robin then ripped the shreds of what was left of his shirt.

"Woah woah, hey, what are you doing?" Jin asked as she reach and grabbed a shirt out of the draw before putting it over his head.

"We gotta get back, hurry up and stick your arms through!" She said as he looked at her up and down.

"Wait, is that my shirt?" Jin asked looking her up and down as he raised his eyebrow. Feeling a hand hit his cheek he then narrowed his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that!" She yelled before throwing some pants at him.

"I'm your pretend boyfriend! I'll look if I want to! I mean look at you with my shirt halfway buttoned trying to "look sexy! " Jin yelled as he started to undo his pants as she turned back to him.

" Sexy? Yah! Don't test me!" She yelled as she then looked back at him blushing.

Both of them look at each other before bursting out with laughter, Jin then pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Jesus, we sound like we've been dating for years."

"Yeah." Jin laughed before randomly reaching down and kissed her lips out of instinct. Widening her eyes, Robin then pushed Jin away before looking awkwardly around. Looking at some keys on of the dresser Robin then brought them into her hands.

"Y-You got a car?"


"G-great, I'll drive. You get changed." She said awkwardly before quickly leaving the room and slamming the door.


Listening to the squealing of tires Hongbin looked out the window to see a car speeding down the driveway. "Someone's here!" He said as the two groups ran out the front door. Watching as the brakes squealed to a stop their eyes widened in shock.

Watching as the two got out of the car Robin sighed before trying to fix her shirt as Jin carried her dress and shoes Narrowing their eyes and glaring at them, Leo and N clinched their fist at their side.

"About damn time." Rap Monster said as he sighed.

Leon stared at them without saying a word. Sighing Jin looked down in shame.

"It's not what you think." Robin replied lowly as N walked up to her and stood in front of her.

"What is this then? Is that a hickey?" N asked glaring at at her as his veins became visible in his face.

"It's a bruise." Robin replied as N then pushed her.

"Yah! Don't lie to me! What the hell Robin I had more faith in you!"

"We didn't do anything!"

"THEN WHAT DID YOU DO THEN?" N yelled as he got right in her face and pointed a finger at her.


"He did what?!" Leon said as they saw her bending a metal spoon that she was eating her cereal with.

"It's true.. I had a demon possess me and her and Cerberus worked all night to get it out." Jin said quietly.

"How much more are you going to try to lie?" N asked as Robin puffed air.

"I knew this would of happened when you started dating. I can't believe it actually came true though."

"Hyung....they are talking the truth. I can tell it in their face." Leon said as Robin's eyes filled with rage.

"I'm sorry, were you implying that I would become a slut?" Robin asked as N rolled his  eyes.

"The thought has come across our minds a few time." N replied as Robin looked behind him at all of her fellow members.

"I can't believe you! You can't even have faith in me at all?"

'Jin hyung do something!' Jimin mouthed as Jin shrugged his shoulders and gave him a concerned look back.

"Well the way you act around guys it wouldn't shock me." N hyung replied.

"THE WAY I ACT? You mean FRIENDSHIP?" Robin asked as N pinched his nose.

"You know what I'm not even arguing. You're grounded, go up to your room." N replied as Robin reached out and pushed him out of her face.

"Grounded? GROUNDED? You can't ground me! what are you my mother?"

"You're in a different country, You're under the legal age and I took the claim as your guardian while you're without parental supervision because the manager can't watch over you all of the time. Go to your room now."


"I SAID NOW!" N yelled, pushing her as everyone flinched. Growling Robin glared at him as he constantly continued pushing her.

"Oh shit." Jungkook said.

"I'm going to go break it up." Leon replied as she then started running towards them. Watching as Robin's face turned into pure anger they watch her reel her arm back to throw a bunch.

"N HYUNG!" Leon yelled as she reached them and pushed him out of the way. Watching as Robin's fist came towards Leon everyone created looks of horror on their face.

Stopping her fist centimeters away from Leon's face Robin gasped at how close she was to hitting her friend. Watching as tears started welling up in her eyes Robin felt guilt rush over her before pulling Leon into a hug. "Yah, don't cry little one." Jin said as he dropped the dress in his hands and rushed over to the two.

Watching as everyone's faces fell in shock Jin then looked at Robin. "Get out of here and go cool off babe." Jin told her as she nodded and let go. Backing away from the two Robin then started walking towards the house before looking at everyone in front of her and wiping the tears forming from her eyes.

Bringing her hands quickly to the dress shirt she was wearing, Robin then pushed and pulled on the buttons frantically before eventually ripping the shirt open. Slipping pulling her arms out of the sleeves she then wadded it up into a ball before throwing at Jin's feet, leaving her in her bra and spandex shorts.

"Sorry maybe I wasn't done acting like a slut yet." She said before sniffing and pushing through J-Hope and Rap Monster before walking into the mansion and slamming the door.

Looking at each other Hyuk sighed. "We should go do our filming." He said depressingly as he walked away from everyone. Hearing a slam in the house multiple sighs was heard.

"She needs to grow up and take criticism." N continued as Rap Monster glared at him. Feeling sadness well up in his heart Rap Monster then sighed.

"You're supposed to be a leader, not a judge of character. Go on to filming." Rap Monster said before entering the mansion and slamming the door shut.

N was about to say something to the others who had already returned to their rooms, Leaving him and Leon. Looking at Leon, N then frowned. "Thank you..."

"Whatever." Leon said while cleaning her tears as she was about to walk away.

"Leon ssi...." N said as she stopped and looked at him.

"Just save it N hyung." She said before walking away.


Standing and looking in the mirror, Leon stared at her appearance as Jungkook hugged her tightly. Sighing Jungkook then moved his head and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"What are you thinking?" He asked her in a hushed tone.

"What?" Leon asked.

"What's going through your head Leon ssi? You're thinking about something." He restated as he made a pouty face.

"You won't understand...." Leon said as she sighed and leaned back into him.

"Tell me and I'll try to." He said as the door opened.

"Leon ssi, Jungkook we're about to start filming." Ravi said as Jungkook sighed.

"Okay give us a few." Jungkook said as Ravi nodded and shut the door. Sighing Leon then pushed Jungkook's arms off of him as she then walked out.

Walking out to see Jin walking into the venue she then let her face drop into a frown. "Any luck?" She asked.

"We finally got her to open the door.... she was a mess so Rap Monster stayed talking to her and I came on because she didn't want to see anyone."

"Oh....I see."

"Yeah I think it upset her more that she almost punched you verses N calling her a slut but I can't blame her cause I would be emotional too if I almost just punched my friend." He replied before going off to get makeup done.

Nodding Leon then walked onto the set where a majority of the members was standing and talking. "Hey Leon." Ken said with a smile.

"Hi Ken hyung." Leon replied blankly as he ran up to her.

"Did you hear? You get to push me into stuff and beat me up in one of the scenes!" He said as he held the script up in front of her.

"For which song?" She asked while reading the script that their director given them yesterday.

"Voodoo Doll!" He said as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Don't you mean that other way? The last I recall Voodoo Doll was your album song?" Leon raise her eyebrows.

"No look! All of the guys are in the scene. The small stuff like that is part of the collaboration!" He said as they saw the door open.

Leon look at it closely, "Oh! Like a zombie apocalypse."

"Yeah, kind of." They heard a female voice say as they looked to see Robin and Rap Monster walk through the door with Rap Monster's arm around her.

"You're here." Ken said as he ran over to her.

"Stay away oppa." She said as she then smiled softly at Leon.

"I'm sorry I almost punched you earlier." She said as Leon nodded to her.

"It's's not a big deal." Leon replied.

"You ready to film?"

"Yeah, I did our makeup back at the house."

"Okay we'll start with Bangtan filming their acting for Eternity." The director said as Rap Monster and Leon then walked away and joined everyone on set. Walking over to a group of chairs the members of VIXX then sat down and watched their colleagues.

The BTS members were already change into their outfit while their stylist give them the last touch up. Leon stopped on her track and kneel down to tie her shoes lace when She saw a pair of feet in front of her.

"Let me." She look up to see it was Leo. Watching him kneel down and tie her shoe she felt heat rise to her cheeks.

"Thanks hyung...." She said before scurrying away from him and onto the actual set.

Leon jog towards her stylist, Leo chuckled slightly at her and shook his head. N looked at him before then back at Leon and sighing. "You like her don't you?" N asked as Leo look at him.

"W-what?" Leo asked shocked as Hongbin looked at him and raised his eyebrow.

"Like her? What? Oo we're getting into something juicy. If you like her try to go after her." Hongbin said before looking back down at his phone.

"N hyung, I'll talk to you later." Leo said while glancing at him. Nodding N gulped before looking at all of the members around him.

"Hyung did you noticed that they dyed their hair?" Hyuk asked as all the members look to see BTS members with different hair colour.

"They were that color earlier today or yesterday-wait no... was it?" Robin asked quietly.

"I doubt so I know Leon and Jungkook are both using temporary hair dye last night." Ken replied.

"How would you know?" Hyuk asked.

"Cause I was the one who help them to pick the hair dye color." Ken said proudly.

Singing Ravi as he patted Ken's head, "Kenjumma was at it again."

"I'm so proud at least she use my hair colour." N fake cry while looking at Leon adjusting her ash blonde hair.

"It looks good on them." Hyuk stated as the director walked to his chair.

"Quiet on the set!" He said as everyone then sat in their seats. Watching the members of BTS run to their places they raised their eyebrows.

They look at their director. Shrugging their shoulders the members of VIXX then leaned back in their chairs before watching the scene play out before them.

As the boys and girl of BTS look through the script once again they looked around the set. "Ugh where's the actress?" Rap Monster asked as the director leaned back in his seat. 

"Ugh... you see, we kinda ran out of funding for that." He said as he covered his face with the script.

"Oh no." All the boys from both VIXX and BTS groaned while both girls shook their heads.

"So who did you expect to play the parts?" N asked as Robin looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Cause it's the most important part for the Music Video." N explained as she stood up.

"I think they're referring to Leon and I, but I can put you in a wig and you can be the extra. Wouldn't that be cute, baby girl." Robin said as she reached and pinched N's cheek hard, causing for him to flinch.

"Really?" N smiled happily as the rest of them groan.

"N sit down." The director said as Robin nodded.

"Yeah let the real women show you how it's done!" She said as she smiled brightly and placed her hands on her hips.

"Woman? You're a kid Robin." N said as her face fell.

"Oh shit another fight," Jungkook said as Robin rolled her eyes and walked away from him, "Or not."


"I'll take the role." Leon said while reading the script.






"Got ya!"


"Right here little L."






"Right here Wu Wu!"

"Okay and action! J-HOPE YOU'RE UP!" The director yelled as someone put a clapper board in front of the camera.

"Eternity, take one!"

"J-HOPE DON'T HOLD BACK! TRY TO BE CHILL AS YOU CAN." He yelled everyone stare at him.

"Okay then."

Start Filming Scene

Jumping over the wall, Leon landed on the concrete in front of the cameras. Pulling her bag back onto her shoulders she then looked in both directions before running to the left. Traveling through the dim lit streets she then turned to her right to see something shining under the streetlights. She then slid to a stop as she changed her direction and took the side alley.

Leon walked slowly into the alley. Hearing the groans of a male's voice she then ran to the object laying in the dirt. Bending down she then brought a journal into her hands before standing back up. Opening the cover of the book she then looked to see a drawing with two names written at the top. Closing her eyes she then saw Ravi and Rap Monster flash into her mind.

Looking at a boxed shaped room with a table sitting in it  two men looked at each other. Listening to music start within her mind Leon watched Ravi flip through the pages of the journal. Slamming down a pin in his hand, Rap Monster tried opening the door once again.

Rap Monster banged on the door with a book in his hand as Ravi pinched his nose before talking about something. Throwing another book at door, Rap Monster groaned before kicking the door. Ravi on the other side was trying to bust open a window.

Shaking her head, Leon looked to see the dim lit streets fill her vision again. Looking back down at the drawing with the two she then slammed the journal shut and put it in her bag.

Then she heard footsteps coming from above her. Looking up she then ran away from the area as the sound of footsteps echoed louder throughout the alleyway.

Running quickly down the steps of a fire escape a girl with a mask looked around her surroundings before stopping at a half open window. Pushing up the window she then crawled through it and into the room of what looked like a teenager. 

Leon stop on her track and looked up again as the sound of footsteps ended. Looking up at the fire escape Leon shook her head as she turn her heads before leaning against the wall. Hearing footsteps sound again she then listened to hear a window shut. Looking back up at the fire escape she looked to see the girl climbing out and looking at something in her hand. Continuing to watched she stood tranced until the girl was then pulled by someone and dropped the thing in her hand.

Watching the thing fall through the crack of the fire escape levels, she looked to her side as the thing fell right beside of her. Looking at it as she was about to reach towards it. Picking it up within her hand she looked to see a school badge.

Staring down at the badge, she imagined two school boys surrounded by a group of men. Imagining Ken and J-Hope standing back to back she closed her eyes as she imagined the scene that was happening within her mind. Leon watched them fighting in their uniform as men fought against them. Looking to see a girl within the background, Leon shook her head before shaking her head.

Opening her eyes and seeing a figure at the end of the alley she then took off running in a different direction. Slowly following behind her was a man dressed in clothes with holes and a decaying skin. She turn back and widen her eyes in fear. Running through the pathways she then made it into a building and up a stairwell. Finding her way into a large room with machines, Leon found herself looking in awe as she came across a table with a body laying across it.

Looking down at the man she skimmed her eyes across his body until coming across an electronic heart. Bringing her hand up to her lips she felt a tear roll down her face. Bringing her hand up to her face she looked to see the masked person standing across to her from two tables away.

Looking to see the person work on a robot similar to the one she was standing next to she then slowly walked up to the table. Watching the person throw the parts down in frustration she looked to see a girl yanking her mask off. Looking down to see the face of a man, Leon then picked up the picture laying beside the head.

Leon saw a group of people in the picture, she watched as a man who slowly disappeared. Looking up at the girl, she looked to see Robin staring at her with unsteady eyes. Looking down to see the face on the robot, her eyes widened in shock as Robin smiled at her.

Watching a man come behind her, Hyuk tap on Robin's shoulder and started running after hearing the siren. Watching Robin being dragged by Hyuk, Leon stared at them as they ran out of the room. 

Hearing the siren sound again, Leon ran out of the room behind them. Running back down the staircase she then ran out a door onto another floor to see a miniature garden full of flowers. Leon then walked around until she noticed a white lilium flower and a black feather.

Picking up the black feather, Leon looked up in the sky. As if almost on command two fallen angel flew above her before flying behind a building and back around to her again as if they were flying in circles. Watching as the two flying around, she then noticed one was staring at her. Getting ready to leave the she then looked down at the flower

Stopping and plucking the flower from its stem Leon then imagined two boys surrounded by lilium flowers. Looking as two guys were crying over a body with the person's arm cut long ways across the forearm, she watched as Hongbin and Jungkook each picked a flower before walking across the road to the body. Looking at the body of the girl they boys then reached down to place the flowers on the girl when bright spotlights came onto them.

Leon widen her eyes as she felt someone pull on her arm. Looking to see Robin she was then pulled back into the building as a footsteps could be heard behind her.

Leon looked at her as Robin stared back at her. Watching as Robin pushed her back into the stairwell she then noticed the door slam in front of multiple decaying people. Looking down at Robin's exposed arms as she locked the door she looked to see cuts racing down her arm as where she had cut herself.

Gasping in shock, Leon then gulped as Robin grabbed her arm and pulled her along with her into a room of men. Watching as the lights turned on in the room,  Leon looked to the men that she had seen in her visions multiple times that night. Watching Robin walk past the robot Leo and Suga and to Jin, Leon then looked to see a pocket watch sitting in his hand.

Taking the watch out of his hand, Robin then walked back over to Leon before placing the watch in her hands. "Fix it." She heard Robin say as Leon looked her in the eyes that were starting to water. Then tears start escaping from Leon's eyes, then Robin started to disappear into thin air.

As Leon was about to grab her hand but it was already too late. Leon stared at the spot she once stood before looking around to see herself in a completely different place. Looking out a window she looked to see that the city shined from the sun's light reflecting off of the scrapers. Turning and looking to see two people sitting in an apartment, she looked to see N and Jin sitting sorrowfully.

Walking up slowly behind the both of them Leon then tapped on their shoulders before watching them turn around. Leon stared at them until Jin reached out slowly for the watch in her hand. Bringing it into his, he then looked down at the watch before smiling. Turning some small knobs on the side, he then pushed them in before watching the room shift as a portal then appears in front of them. Standing and walking through Leon then walked down a long dark hallway to hear screams coming from behind doors.

Leon walk down to see six different rooms, each filled with multiple guys until coming to the end of the hall that hand two encased like prized possessions. Looking to see Jimin and V bounded with chains of gold she then looked to see Robin standing behind a chair as she walked up to them. Slowly walking around Robin she then looked to see a doll sitting a chair. Picking up the doll she then looked to see each of the men move before slowly sitting down in the chair.

Leon watched them get hurt but slowly starting to disappear. Watching the room light up brightly Leon was then blinded. Closing her eyes she then later reopened them to she was in a different place again. Looking around the dark room she looked to see pictures hanging up around a small vanity mirror. Walking up slowly to the vanity she then looked at each and every one of the pictures before feeling a pain come up to her head.

Clutching her head with her hands tears started to form as pictures of the members in their own dimension started to flash through her memory. Bringing a hand to her over her heart she then screamed.

Then she heard the door bang open. Turning her head she then looked to see a group of zombies. Widening her eyes she then started to breath heavily as they slowly started coming towards her. Grabbing her gun off the vanity she pointed it towards them before taking the safety off. Pulling the trigger she then watched as nothing came out of the gun.

Leon stared at the group as they circled around her. Grabbing for her and tearing her fake skin, she then realized that the group was the people in the photos hanging on the wall next to them. Feeling the tears fall harder from her eyes she then screamed.

"보고싶다!!! 보고싶다!!! 어디야?! (Bogoshipda!!! Bogoshipda!!! Eodi ya?! ( Means I miss you!!! I miss you!!! Where are you?! ) " She screamed and cried. Watching as the room then filled with a bright light, she then looked to see a portal appear to show a group of people in the mask on the street she was on earlier.

"Y-You came."


Hearing the director yell everyone let out a huge sigh before cheering. "Thank god I thought we would never finish!" Jimin said as Suga nodded.

"Yeah tell me about it." Ken continued they all started walking off set. Walking back to the dressing room Robin then grabbed a tissue from a box on the table before wiping it across her face.

"Makeup, ew no more." She said as she picked up her phone and looked at her with messages. Looking to see a text from her aunt she sighed.

'Annyeong baby bird, Don't forget my party at the country club tomorrow! I had my assistant leave your special effects makeup and dress at your dorm! Don't even think about canceling on me this year, Love you!' Robin read as she groaned internally. Rolling her eyes back she then locked her phone.

"What's wrong?" Jin asked.

"Nothing, Just something small." She replied as he nodded.

"Hey do you wanna go somewhere tomorrow-"

"Can't sorry, I already have plans." She said before shrugging,

"Oh sure that's cool." Jin smiled, sadly.

Hearing the door slam open everyone looked to see the two managers walk in. "Congratulations you finished first challenge!" The manager of VIXX said as everyone cheered. Leon sat in the corner with a towel hang around her neck. She stared at them and shook her head.

"Since you have done this with success you will have a break day tomorrow!" The BTS Manager yelled as she laughed lightly.

"Great we need it after this challenge."

"And the day after you'll start your next one!"  The manager continued.

"It was too good to be true." Leo muttered. Jungkook just stare at him and nodded.

Leon walk over to Suga and rest her chin on his shoulder. "So you okay Leo?" He asked her as she nodded sleepily.

"Hyung can I ?" she asked as Suga smiled and nodded as he extend his hands out to her and give her a hug.

"Can we go home and go to bed now?" Hyuk asked as he looked over to see Robin sitting on a table and leaning back against the wall asleep.

"Y'all go home and rest, you deserve it." The manager said as everyone nodded before starting to walk out.

"Hell yeah we deserve it." Ravi replied as N walked over to Robin. Looking over at them Jin ran up to them.

"Hey N I don't think that's a good idea-"

"I got pretty nasty with her earlier, I'll take care of her tonight." He said before picking her up and walking out with her. Sighing everyone then left the room before walking home.

In The Mansion

Everyone got change into their PJ's everyone started to slowly go to bed one by one. Laying in bed Jin sighed as he read over the hateful comments about him and Robin on his phone. "I didn't think it would end this badly after last night." He said before throwing his phone to the foot of the bed. Standing up he the walked out of his room and out into the hall. Walking up the steps he then ran into Leo.

"Hi." Leo said seriously.


"What happened last night?" He asked him as Jin shook his head.

"Nothing bad." Jin said as he walked past him. Feeling Leo grab onto his arm he then turned around to see Leo's back.

"I know you guys get a lot of hate in Korea... But just know that as long as you don't backstab us.... We won't hurt you or let our fans run over you guys. You work hard." He said before letting his arm go and walked away.

Jin stare at him before his hearing started to screech in pain. He groaned in pain before clutching his hands to his head. Hearing silence slowly after he then shook his head. "Okay then.. That was...yeah." He said before going to bed.

The Next Day

Sleeping in half of the day Robin woke up before anyone else. Getting ready quickly she then left the house after making everyone breakfast.

Waking up about noon, Ravi walked downstair and took the whole plate of bacon. Sitting down and picking up one of the pieces he then ate it before eating the others one after one.

Leon stare at him from the steps and shook her head before walking behind him and pulling the plate out from under him. "HEY!" He yelled as Leon smirked and walked away with the plate. Eating the rest of the bacon on the plate Leon then smirked.

"Sorry but I got somewhere I have to be." She said as she continued to scarf down the bacon. Coming down the steps J-Hope and Leo joined them.

"Morning." They said before Leon then ran out. 

"What was that?" Leo asked as J-Hope smirked.

"I think I know where she's going. Come on." He said as they got change and followed her out of the house.


Walking through the city, the boys stayed feet behind Leon as they followed her. "She doesn't like to admit this, but she's most definitely one of the best at dance!" He said as music could be heard from the direction they were walking in. Looking as a large group of people were gathered around in a semi circle the the VIXX members then furrowed their heads in confusion as J-Hope smiled.

"Dada!" He said as the boys the mingled into the crowd to see a dance crew as the center of attention. Watching the crew move with precision and crispness the boys mouths fell in awe.

"Holy cow that's amazing." Ravi said as the music then stopped.

"Alright alright. Time to bring back an audience favorite!" One of the guys said as the crowd cheered.

"Today we are doing the challenge. You think you got the stuff? Come show it, it's up to you who wins and whoever wins gets a portion of the money hat once it's ended."

"Hell I'd do it for money." Leo said.

"Wait aren't they the troublemakers that our back up dancers mention about?" Ravi asked as Leo nodded.

"From what we heard they actually cheat on the dance off." Leo replied as J-hope cross his arms.

"They've cheated Leon out of a lot." J-Hope replied as the first contender walked up, looking to be a male in his teens.

"I'd be pissed. Robin said their leader had a disgusting attitude towards women. She said that whole group is very sexist." Ravi said as J-Hope nodded.

"Very." J-Hope replied as they then started to watch contestant after contestant. Watching for nearly two hours the boys sighed and looked at the watches.

"When is she ever going to go on? I wanna see her crush them." Leo said as J-Hope watch her walk up in a mask and a snapback that covered her eyes from the crowd.

"I'll go next." She said as the leader smirked.

"Well well well, if it isn't our little regular. What do you want to do this time kid?" The leader asked.

"All three." Leon said as all the boys faces dropped.

"So be it, good luck." The leader said as the guy behind Leo and the leader started the music. Watching as Leon started to walk one round before doing a flip kick in the air. The boys faces fell in awe.

Leon isolate her bodies before doing several flips.

"Damn she's good." Ravi said as J-Hope nodded.

"She's stepped up her game since last time too." He said as he watched the members of the dance crew carefully.

She smirked and did a windmill turn and trembling freestyle.

"I got a bad feeling." Leo said as he looked over to the crew.

"You're not the only one." Ravi said as they heard something mechanical zooming around them.

Walking up to the scene in a dress, wig, and face contoured with prosthetics and makeup, Robin walked up to the scene. Looking at who was dancing her face fell in awe as a toy car zoomed past her wedge. Looking around, she looked around to see one of the crew members she knew standing in the crowd with a remote. Pulling out her phone quickly she then took a picture of him before following around the car. Following the car she then ran into J-Hope.

"Sorry I didn't mean to." She said as she bowed to them and then widened her eyes.

"No problem." He said as he continued to look at the crew.

Looking past J-Hope, Robin then saw Ravi and Leo. Pulling out her phone she then texted them the picture before walking away to the train station. Hearing his phone ding, Ravi then pulled out his phone and looked at the picture before showing J-Hope with a gasp.

"Holy shit, someone caught them." J-Hope said as they looked around them.

"Yah look, there's a toy car making circles around them." Leo said as the car started making its way towards Leon who was now doing a backflip.

Leon noticed it and did a flip. Landing on the car she then crushed it under her foot before reaching down and picking it up. Walking over to the leader she then plucked the money out of the hat before dropping the car in.

"A trade for a trade." Leon said as the crowd cheered. Looking in complete shock, the leader then grabbed her wrist harshly before pulling the money out of her hand.


"Actually yeah I can." She said as all three of the guys glared at him. Pulling out his phone Leo then looked up before pushing through the crowd.


"But isn't it a automatic win if we catch one of the crew members cheating?" Leo asked walking out through the opening of the crowd. Watching the phone show the picture on its screen the leaders face fell. Reaching up and pulling the money out of his hand, Leon then freed her wrist.

Starting to walk away from the crew, Leon then started counting the money. Glaring in anger the leader then ran up and pulled her hat off. "Dumb ass bitch-" He said as he stopped and looked at her before blinking a few times.

Leon glance at him. Running up and grabbing her hat, Leo then pulled it out of the man's hand before placing it on her head. "Say that again...." Leo said as he glared at him.

Stepping up in his face the crew leader looked him in the eyes. "Dumb asss bitc-" he managed to get out before Leo grabbed his shirt and punched him in the face.

Running out into the circle Ravi then wrapped his arms around him and pulled him away. "Come on Leo lets go." Ravi said as he pulled them away from the scene.

Leon fix her hat, "idols are a bunch of gay shit!" The leader muttered. Ravi then turned back to him.

"At least we have more of a job than you ever will." He said as Leon pushed him slightly. Looking at her, she then walked past them.

"Come on go follow her." J-Hope said as they nodded and ran after her.

Leon continue running while trying to avoid the crowds. Following behind her and into an alley they sighed when they all reached a dead end.  Looking at her Leo sighed as Leon looked at the money in her hand.

"Someone finally beat them." She said quietly. She placed her money in her pocket.

"Finally." J-Hope said as she looked at them.

"How did you get that picture?" Leon asked.

"Someone sent it to us." Ravi said as Leo looked down at his phone. Staying quiet for a few minutes she the looked them up and down before leaning against the wall.

"Thanks." She said as she looked at Leo.

"Don't mention it little L." He said before patting her hat covered head.

" knew it along didn't you?" She asked J-Hope as he nodded and smiled.

"I'm always going to be supporting you in ever competition. I'm your band brother so of course I'm going to know everything!" He said enthusiastically.

Leon laugh slightly and shook her head. Being pulled into a hug she then squeaked. "Looks like practice really paid off huh?" J-Hope asked as she groaned.

"Hobi hyung stop!" She whined as he let out a loud laugh.

"NEVER!" He yelled before turning around in circles.

"HOBI HYUNG!" She growled in anger as Leo chuckled. Hearing his stomach growl he then looked down.

"Hey guys, can we go get some lunch? Or even ice cream? Anything?" He asked as Ravi looked at him.

"Awe the little hamster is hungry." Ravi said as he talked to him like a child.

Growling at him Leo then kicked him slightly as J-Hope let go of Leon. Chuckling Leon then nodded. "Where do you wanna go?" She asked.

"Anywhere." Leo said as she nodded.

"Okay then, this way." She said as she lead them out of the alley and into a back street. Looking at the vendors all three of the guys mouths started drooling.

"What do guys want?"

"Kimchi." Leo said as Leon nodded.

"Anyone else have any preferences?" She asked as J-Hope and Ravi shook their head.

"Great then there's a stall right over here." She said as they nodded and followed behind her.

J-Hope walked next to her and start to talk about the dance. Looking at the two Ravi chuckled slightly and rolled his eyes. "Hey how about we actually hang out today? I mean, there's a lot we can do in this city and we four haven't hung out much." Ravi said as looked around the stands. Looking back at him, J-Hope smiled.

"I THINK THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!" He said happily before jumping up and down.

"Hobi Hyung, you are practically a child." Leon said as J-Hope nodded in agreement.

"Yeah I know. Oh can we go to an arcade?" J-Hope asked as Leo chuckled lightly.

"Yes but for now, let's go get food." Leo said before smiling softly at them. Watching Ravi, J-Hope, and Leo get distracted by the smell of food Leon then sighed as they walked away from her.

"Boys.... Always has to have their food."


"Okay and that was the upstairs levels!" Hyuk said as he pointed the camera at Jin, who was in front of him. Turning back to the camera Jin smiled.

"Aren't our managers good to us?" Jin asked as Hyuk muffled a laugh.

"Is that suppose to be sarcasm? Or are you trying to sweet talk to manager to get your diet back to putting meat in it?"

"Both, wait you care enough to know about our diets?"

"Fuck no. Remind me to take you to the dorm one day and you can guess who's room belonged to who. But the one with all of the BTS stuff is your girlfriends."

"She's not technically my girlfriend yet." Jin said shyly and started to blush, remembering the day before.

Walking down the steps of the mansion Jin sighed before walking to the closet. Opening the door to the closet he let out a scream as he looked to see Ken and V eating food off a plate. Looking up at him V then waved. "Hey grandpa." He said before shoving another piece of food into his mouth.

"Yah! Don't call me that." Jin said as he watched V shrug.

"Why are you guys eating in the closet?" Jin continued as Hyuk started laughing.

"하지 마!!! ( haji ma. Means; don't do it ) " Ken said while covering V's face.

"The special?" Hyuk asked as Ken glared.

"Shut up Hyukie." Ken glared as Jin rolled his eyes.

"Will you at least do me a favor and hand me the suit jacket that matches this then since you're not coming out of the closet?" Jin asked as Hyuk busted out laughing.

"I smell a new bromance." Hyuk said as V threw a spoon at him.

Looking at the one jacket hanging within the closet, Ken then took it off the hanger. Throwing it to Jin, He then caught it in his hand. "Thank you." Jin said before putting on his jacket and fixing the collar.

"Where are you off to?" V asked as Jin shrugged his shoulders.

"A party for my dad. Bye guys!" Jin said before waving at the camera, picking up the keys to his car, and walking out of the house.


Stepping off the train, Robin looked around the station before finding her way off of the platform. Walking through the train station and out onto the street she then called a taxi. Telling the taxi where to go she then looked out the window until they pulled up to the gate of country club she then gave the money to the driver before stepping out.

Looking to see two employees standing at the gate she then sighed before pulling out the invitation that was left on her dress by her aunt. Walking up to them she then smiled before showing them the invitation. "Come on in miss. Do you want a cart to take you up to the door?" One of the employees as the gate opened. Smirked and pushing her fake glasses onto her prosthetic shaped nose she laughed slightly.

"I can walk, heels are made for rocking in anyway." She said before walking up the long driveway to the club house.

After making it into the house she then stopped and looked in a mirror. Making sure her wig glue was still holding up and her makeup didn't need retouching she then walked up the large staircase before coming to see a large room of people.

Walking around the room she looked for her aunt as people turned her heads and looked at her. Making her way to the side of the room she then saw her aunt talking to a older man and a man that had his back turned to her.

"I'm sure you'll be happy to see my niece! It's been so long since you two have talked I'm sure you'll have a lot of catching up to do." She heard her aunt say as she started walking towards them.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since she came around hasn't it?" She heard a familiar voice say as her aunt turned and looked at her.

"Speaking of which here she is now!" Her aunt said before waving at her and smiling. Smiling back shyly Robin then walked up to her.

"Aunt Tilla." She said in a deep southern as she hugged her aunt.

"Ella Ray, you remember Seok Jin right?" Her aunt asked as Robin looked to see Jin standing in front of her. Widening her eyes slightly one word left her lips at inaudible whisper.



Leo, Ravi, J-Hope and Leon walk out of the store. Looking around for other stores Ravi looked to see an arcade. "Hey, y'all wanna go in?" He asked as J-Hope looked up and nodded.

Looking at Leon, Leo furrowed his eyebrows at her. "What about you?" He asked as Leon nodded. Looking at a poster, J-Hope then smiled brightly.

"They even have laser tag!" He said as Ravi chuckled.

"I'm down for playing a round of that." Ravi said before walking into the arcade. Walking up to the cash register they looked to see the arcade practically empty.

"Hey look they got certain packages...what do you y'all want?" Leo asked as Leon looked at the board.

"If you get the three games of tag then you could also get the game card which you can just reload whenever. It's easier than carrying around a huge bucket of coins." The man at the register said as the four looked at each other.

"Whatcha think?"

"You guys practically have the whole place to yourself." The man said as Ravi raised his eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Leon asked.

"It's a slow day, right now you're the only ones here. There wasn't a rush today. You could practically do whatever you want and have no one bother you." The guy said as Leo nodded slightly. 

"Why not take advantage of it?" Leo asked as the rest of them nodded. Pulling out his wallet Leo then placed the money on the counter as the man nodded.

"Wise choice." The man said as he gave him a game card.

Paying for each, they then received their game cards before walking past the desk and into the room of games. "They have a lot-oh look skeeball." J-Hope said before walking away.

Leo and Leon looked each other before looking at a gun game. Running over to it Leo then picked up a gun. "Come on let's play!" He said as Leon ran over to him. Swiping their cards they then pressed the play button before aiming the guns at the screen.

They start shooting their targets without missing a shot. Keeping their focus on the game Ravi watched before shaking his head.

"Ugh, okay, I'll just go over to the racing machine." He said before chuckling at two and walked away. Completely ignoring him, Leo and Leon continued to shoot at the zombies.

"Dude they're coming from everywhere." Leo said as Leon and him aimed for the same zombie and shot it.

"Nice on your left." Leon said as Leo turned to his left and shot a zombie.

"Watch out behind the barrels." He said as she looked to see one behind a barrel in front of her.

"Good eye." She said as he nodded. Watching her shoot at some he then saw one coming from her right. Pointing at it he then shot it before it reached her character.


"No problem." 

J-Hope stare at them, "woah...they make a great team." He said before dropping one of the balls in his hand. Picking it up quickly he then shook his head before continuing to play the game.

Then Leon yanked on her gun before shooting at at another one. Pulling back Leo dropped his gun before Leon caught it with her free hand.

"Last round." Leon look at Leo who smirked at her and picked his gun up out of her hand.

"Let's do this." He said as he looked back at the screen. Leon smirked before shooting at the zombies playing on the screen. Continuing to school they killed each of them until they looked to see no more zombies.

"The game isn't over yet." Leo said as he looked around the screen.

"We killed everyone though." Leon said as their eyes wavered unsteadily as they looked across the screen.

"There's the boss." Leo said as the boss came up behind them and killed their characters.

"NO FAIR! HOW THE HELL CAN WE KILL HIM IF WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A WAY TO KILL HIM?" Leon yelled in frustration as Leo chuckled.

Looking over their way Ravi growled at the game as his hands started to become hot. Glaring at both the racing machine and the machine that Leon and Leo was playing on fire started to slowly spark from his hand. Feeling anger grow up inside of him he then glared at his own screen before tightening his hand and allowing for the fire to spark from his hand. Watching as a spark then traveled from his hand to the screen, the screen shorted out before catching on fire.

"Holy shit!" He said before jumping out of the seat and running away from the machine. Watching as the game burned from the flame, the sprinkler system then turned on and showered water over them.

"What the hell." Leon said as she looked around.

"Ugh we should get out, that's a fire alarm. Yeah we should evacuate safely." Ravi said before running to grab J-Hope and running out, leaving Leon and Leo in confusion until they saw the machine behind them catch on fire as well.

"Run?" Leon asked as Leo grabbed her wrist.

"Yep." He said before running out with her.


Sitting on a large concrete banister Robin sat with her legs hanging off. Playing with the fabric of her dress that was laying across the concrete she sighed. "That was the worst cover up that I had ever done. He didn't notice though so that's good. I lost him in the crowd before he could ask anything thanks to that weird creep. Jeez I can't believe I didn't notice. He can't figure out how I got into VIXX." She said quietly as she pulled her knees to her chest and looked up at the stars.

Walking through the crowd of people Jin greeted the familiar faces as he sipped on a glass of champagne. After clearing from the people he sighed before leaning against a wall and sighing. "She's nothing like I remember. She didn't even stop time like before." He said as he ran a hand through his hair. Sighing he then took another sip of his drink.

"And why the hell can I not get what happened the night before last out of my head?" He asked as Cerberus appeared beside him.

"You sound like you're having a conflicting time." He said as Jin nodded and looked up at him.

"Oh it's you." He said as Cerberus nodded.

"I'm your protector, of course I'll appear when you're having trouble with stuff....even if it's girl bullshit." He said as Jin nodded.

"Good to know." He said before chugging the rest of his glass.

"That girl from earlier, she's sitting out on the huge balcony banister if you wanna go talk to her and figure out what's up with her weird ass." He said as Jin nodded and stood up before standing and fixing his collar.

"Good to know." He said before walking in that direction. Walking out onto the balcony he then looked to see the girl with blonde hair staring over the golf course and the sea. Walking up behind her she then sighed.

"I can hear your footsteps." She said in the fake annoying accent as he then shook him head and walked up to her. Placing his hands on the concrete banister he sighed.

"It's not safe to be up here."

"It's big enough to sit on, I'd practically have to scoot five feet to fall off on either side." She smarted off as he rolled his eyes.

"You still have that smart ass attitude you use to have." He said before she turned and smiled at him.

"Why did you come back?" He asked as she shrugged.

"I missed my aunt-"

"It has been seven years. " He said as she stood up on top of the banister and shrugged. Kicking off her heels she sighed.

"Seems like someone was keeping track-"

"You know since you been gone, things are not the same." Jin continued as she sighed.

"I know, things change over the years. It's still nice to see you old chum." She said before reaching down and patting his shoulder. Standing back up fully and walking the length of the banister she rolled her eyes and looked away from him. Feeling anger grow in him he then grabbed her hand.

"You don't know what it was like!" Jin said as Robin stopped in her track.

"And what do you know?" She asked as she brought her arms around her as she tried to hug herself.

"I know I was left in the middle of a airport where you left me waiting for you." Jin said as Robin widen her eyes.

"I also know that you never even pick up my calls" Jin said as tears started to roll down his face. Sighing she then clutched the fabric of her dress as she blinked quickly.

"You didn't even have the nerve to break up with me. The nerve to even contact me. You didn't have the nerve to do anything! All you did was play me and leave-" He said as she then snapped her head to him, making her hair flip as she looked over her shoulder at him.

"Don't say I didn't do anything! I didn't plan on leaving you! I tried calling and I was told I had the wrong number every time. I tried writing letters and I got them back week after week with a label saying it was undelivered and when I sent them to my aunt she said you had went to be a trainee. I tried getting ahold of you! Jesus we were only in our early teen years-"

"Then why didn't you come back?" Robin widen her eyes when she saw Jin's watery eyes full of sadness. Sighing she then turned away from him.

"I heard you are making it big in the industry. Congratulations, I saw you even got a girlfriend. Is your mom finally proud of you?" She asked.

Jin looked away, shrugging his shaky shoulders he then let out a breath. "I guess. What about you?"

"You looked happy in the pictures with your girlfriend the other day. Maybe she won't hurt you." She said as he nodded slightly.

"Maybe so Ella Ray." He said as he felt a hand on his shoulder. Gasping slightly he then looked to see Cerberus again.

"Look at her neck... that hickey is close to where you made one on Robin's neck the other night." He said as Jin looked to see a hickey showing faintly from under her makeup. Gasping slightly he then wiped his eyes before blinking a few times again in realization of who it is. Feeling anger grow in him again, he then sighed.

"You should try hiding that mark on your neck. Although... I kind of like seeing the hickey I made on your neck, Robin." He said as her eyes widened and she turned to him.

"What? N-No." She said before covering her hand with her neck and moving her foot again, missing the concrete she then fell off the balcony with a scream before falling into the fire pit area below her.

Running to the balcony he then looked to see her laying with her feet in the lit fire and her body laying in the gravel as if she was unconscious as her blonde wig laid unattached from her head as it soaked up bright red blood. "ROBIN!" He yelled before pushing away from the balcony and ran back through the house. Cerberus followed him to the fire area, only to see when they got down there she was gone.

"No...." Jin said as he looked to see her wig laying where her head once was. Walking up to it and picking it up, he then let out a forced breath. "She came back after all."


"Hyung!" V called out while adjusting his scarf as Hongbin walk down the stairs, half naked.

"Wae?" Hongbin shouted as he look to see V throwing a jacket towards him.

"Suga hyung, N hyung and I are heading to the Lotte Duty Free. Want to join us?" V asked as Hongbin look at him while button up his shirt.

"Sure why not. I'll have to grab a shirt though." Hongbin said as he sighed and walked back upstairs.

"Yay!" V screamed as Hongbin cringed slightly.
Jumping up and down, V cheered happily as Suga came in and stared at him with a blank face.

"What was that all about?" Suga asked with Rap Monster coming out of the kitchen with an ice pack on his head.

"Hongbin is coming with us-what happened?" V asked concerned as they all three looked towards the ice pack.

"And what happen to you? You don't look so good." Suga asked Rap Monster who stare at him.

"I'm not feeling my best." He said as V nodded.

"Go to bed and rest hyung, we can't risk you getting sick. You can go with us another time." V said as Rap Monster nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of him." Hyuk said while poking his head out from the kitchen with Jimin.

"Thanks." Rap Monster said before sneezing once again.

"No problem, just get some rest." Suga said as Rap Monster then walked up to his room.

"Poor leader...." V replied as everyone nodded.

"Okay so you ready to go?" Hongbin asked as he walked down the steps.

"Ready as we'll ever be." Jungkook said as he walked down with Hongbin.

"Okay let's go!" Suga said while jumping on V's back.

"Why?" Hongbin asked.

"Just let them do their thing okay?" Jungkook said before they walked out the door.

"I call shotgun for backseat!" Jungkook shouted before running past them

"Oh no you don't! V ssi onwards!" Suga said as V nodded and took off sprinting. Sighing Hongbin pinched his nose.

"Children." He said before walking behind them with N laughing.

"Come on." N said while smiling at Hongbin who let out a sigh and smile back.

"Yes mother hyung." He said as he followed his leader mother into the van.

As N enter the driver seats everyone buckled their seat belt as they looked at him in fear. Looking back N then smiled brightly. "Hold on tight." He said before cranking up the car and speeding out of the driveway.

"N HYUNG!" They yelled as they hold onto their seat for their life.

"SLOW DOWN!" Jungkook said while holding onto Hongbin who's apparently holding onto him as well.

"You said I could drive." N replied before driving into the city. Watching as the lights of the streets showered them they then someone how made it to their destination in one piece. Watching as N pulled into a parking spot the guys then gulped and scrambled out of the car.

"Oh my lord...." V said who walked out the car and dropped down with Jungkook and Hongbin.

Suga stare at them and raise his eyebrows, "that was fun." He said as N laugh and nodded.

"What do mean FUN? YOU NEARLY KILL US!" V said as Hongbin and Jungkook nodded.

"Oh please have you seen Ken drive? It could be worse." N said as Hongbin rolled his eyes.

"At least he can stay on the right side of the road." Hongbin retorted

"At least you didn't let Rap Monster drive." Suga muttered remembering when Rap Monster nearly broke the car.

"Or worse Leo." Hongbin said a N snorted

"At least he didn't almost drive us into a pond like Ravi."

"I still think it's terrifying." V said as Suga rolled his eyes at him.

"Wait what about the rest? Do can they drive?" Hongbin asked.

"Well so far only Rap Monster, Jin hyung, Leon-ssi and I could drive." Suga replied.

"Wait Leon can drive?" N asked with disbelief.

"So are you saying that you and Ken hyung are the only people that can drive in VIXX?" Jungkook asked as he looked at N

"Yes, pretty much." N replied shortly.

"Wait Leon is only 17 how is she able to drive?" Hongbin asked feeling scared for BTS's Maknae.

"Like how Robin drove Jin's car yesterday? Illegally and trying not to get pulled over." Suga said as N then nodded with relief.

"And she doesn't really drive a car, she drives a motorcycle." Suga corrected.

"A WHAT?" Hongbin and N asked at the same time.

"Yeah." V smiled cheeky, Jungkook smirked at Suga who look at them blankly.

"Dang, that girl is bad ass cool." Hongbin said as N nodded.

"Yeah but I mean surely it's just a vehicle. Doesn't Robin have a car?" Jungkook asked pryingly and V elbowed

"She has a truck... a old pickup truck." N said as they busted out laughing at the thought of her driving a truck.

"So who bought Leon the motorcycle anyway?" N asked.

"Jin hyung....he got it for her last year but she rebuilt her engine. He furnished her parts though." Suga said as Hongbin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Not to pry information....but I've noticed Jin can afford some stuff a normal idol's pay can't afford at our level-"

"Oh yeah, Jin's rich." Jungkook said nonchalantly as N's face fell.

"HE'S RICH?" N asked.

"He's the second in line to become a CEO." Suga cross his arms. Pulling out his phone, N then started texting him a message.

"What are you doing hyung?"

"Asking him if he'll need a boyfriend or a crossdressing girlfriend." He said as Hongbin cringed before smacking his palm against his face.

"Hyung! Not funny!" Hongbin said before leaning over his shoulder. Coughing he then mumbled, "ask him if he needs a side chick." Listening to them, the members of BTS looked at them.

"I thought Leo was the only CEO." N said remembering Leo talk about his family.

"Wait Leo hyung didn't tell us he was also in line to become a CEO."

"He was until....he lost both of his parents in an accident." N continued as a shocked face went upon Hongbin's face.

"Yah, Don't forget Robin ssi-" Hongbin said before N covered his mouth with his hand.

"She's not in line for being a CEO yet." N mumbled quietly as Hongbin shook his head.

"No her aunt remember and if her aunt's brother doesn't continue jellyfish in financial stability. That's why her and Leo started getting along so well." Hongbin whispered to him as Jungkook raised his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry what was that?" He asked the boys went silent.

"Nothing." They said at the same time.

"Whatever so where do guys want to eat?" Suga asked Jungkook shrugged.

"There's a good place across the street." Jungkook continued as they looked to see a small cafe on the corner.

N look at them before back at the message that he was about to sent to Jin. Sighing he then started to erase the message as they walked to the cross walk. N then pulled up his camera roll and looked at a photo of him and Leo. As a ringing sound filled his ears, he then heard muffled words coming from around him.

"Leon is a good person." He heard Leo's voice  telling him like that one rainy day years ago.

"What makes you say that?" He heard his voice ask again as they started walking out into the road and on the crosswalk.

"I should know cause she's my sister." He heard Leo say before hearing a car horn sounding as tires screeched against the pavement. Looking to his left and right  he saw bright lights shining as bright as spotlight. Hearing screams of the guys around him, they blocked themselves as if their own bodies could protect them from the two cars that will entrap them.

"HYUNG!!" Hongbin screamed and rush towards him. Watching as Hongbin ran directly in front of him, he then watched as Hongbin disappeared.

"HONGBIN!" He yelled before seeing light zoom around him. N let out a slight scream before Jungkook stood in front of him.

Watching as Jungkook put out his hands, he observed as the cars crashed around him. As pieces flew from the cars he looked as each were totaled.

N widen his eyes with shock then he turn to see Suga behind him with blue flames forming from both of his arms. "Holy shit." He said as the flames fired from his hands and into one of the cars. The driver jumped out of his car just in time before the car exploded. Looking the man now laying on the ground bleeding N then walked over to the other car to see a man dead in the driver's seat.

Walking up behind him Jungkook looked to see the man that he threw in the dumpster days ago. "Holy shit. That man..."

"You know him?" N asked him as he nodded.

"He attacked Leon and I with a few others two days ago." He said as N then nodded.

"Hey guys, I need a little help over here!" Suga yelled as N then looked over to see him kneeling down to the woman who was crying heavily.

"My child! MY CHILD! Please don't let her be hurt. I can't lose her after my husband." She said as N rushed over to Suga and the girl. Kneeling down he looked to see a bump within her belly.

"Y-your husband?"

"He was in the car. He pushed me out b-before it exploded."

"Oh shit." Suga said as N grabbed her hand.

"I'm going to help you okay?" N said as he looked down at her cuts and minor burns. Placing his hand gently on her baby bump he then closed his eyes before allowing his power to flow through him.

N gutted slightly as all the boys stare at him worriedly. Watching as a light blue color traced out his veins under his skin, they looked to see the girls cuts slowly healing.

N opened his eyes and stared at the woman as her wounds started to heal. Looking at her bump he then watched the skin turn pink as he started to cry with joy. "It's a girl...." His vision started to blur out, as his nose started to bleed.

"Hyung...." V said then he saw the driver come out slowly from the other cars body.

"Hyung." V said sternly as he looked in shock at the man walking towards them with a knife. Tapping on Suga's shoulder frantically Suga then looked back at him.

"What?" Suga asked annoyed with his member. Looking at the man Suga's face dropped.

"N HYUNG LOOK OUT!" V screamed as he started running toward him with Suga behind him.

N turn his head weakly as he widen his eyes. "Go to hell!" The driver said while raising the knife.  Looking in shock, V then raised his hands before a large black ball of fire came from his hands.

Watching as the driver crumbled into ashes their eyes widened in shock. "Oh shit... he's dead." Suga said as they heard sirens coming. Looking down at the woman N then brought his hands back gently.

"She'll be fine now... we should go." He said weakly as Suga held out a hand. Pulling on his hand N then stood slowly as his balance wavered.

"I don't feel so good." N said before Suga put his arm around him for support.

V stare at his hand, "V hyung your hair...." Jungkook said as he watched his hair turn from a blonde color to a black color.

"What?" V asked as he looked around him.

"It's turning colors." Jungkook said as V shook his head.

"Let's just get out of here." V said as he brought N's other arm around his shoulder carried him to the car. Making their way into the car they helped N into the back seat.

N start to spit out blood, "hyung!" The trio shouted as N looked up at them.

"Just drive...." N said as they scurried around the car and found their seats before slamming the doors. Cranking up the car Suga then looked at everyone before gasping.

"Wait, where's Hongbin hyung?" V asked as Jungkook look around. Watching as the other two in the trio looked in confusion, Suga then groaned.

"And shit, we lost one again."


Walking out of the shop, Leon then looked traumatized. "Hey you okay little L?" Leo asked as she shook her head.

"That store went from zero to one hundred real quick." She said before cringing at how so many sexual things could be within a store.

"I mean, it looked like a normal store, a lot of people probably have made that mistake." J-Hope said as they heard a loud crash. Looking to their right, they looked to see Hongbin laying on the ground next to a turned over trash can.

"Ow...." Hongbin cried quietly as the group walked over and stood above them.

"Hongbin?" Ravi asked. Looking up at them Hongbin gave a fake smile.

"Hi guys." He said before sitting up and shaking his head.

"Hyung...." Leon said as she kneeled down to help him up. Pushing up off of the ground he then took a hand of hers before getting back into his feet.

"Why are you here?" Leo asked as Hongbin groaned and put his hand to his head.

"I was with N hyung, Suga hyung, V, and Jungkook. When we crossed a street two cars was coming to hit us. All I remember is watching the crash almost happen and then everything got blurry. I ended up here somehow." He said as Ravi look around and noticed something.

"Erm guys we got bigger problems to deal with than Hongbin for now." Ravi said as they looked in the direction he was. Looking to see Ray standing in the middle of the dark empty street.

Leon noticed that his eyes were red. Grabbing onto Leo's arm gently she then looked at him before looking back at Ray. "Can't you guys leave us alone?" Ravi asked as Ray smirked.

"Shit not another one!" Hongbin said as they looked at him.

"What?" Leon asked.

"We almost got ran over by his friends."

"You DID WHAT!?" Leon asked as stared at him with shock.

"Yeah." Hongbin said as Ray's eyes turned red. As all five of them begin to back away slowly, raven birds flew around them as the street lights went out around them.

"RUN!" Leo shouted as the others looked around.

"To the left." Leo said as they all started running that way.running that way, J-Hope screamed when they ran into a wall of raven bird.

"Why the hell would they make a wall?" Hongbin asked as Ravi became mad.

"Damn dumbass birds." He said as a fireball formed in his hands. Feeling what little restraint he had disappear, the ball of fire left his hands and flew into the bird. Watching as roasted birds fell onto the concrete of the sidewalk, the rest flew away. Continuing to run in that direction, they looked to see Ray standing in front of them.

"Ray...." Leon said as Ray smirk and shifted into a woman with red hair.

"Guess again sweaty." She she said as Ravi cringe in disgust.

"Ew she's ugly," He said as he cringed at her appearance.

"Not the best thing to say when she's trying to attack us." J-Hope said as Hongbin was pushed out in front of everyone.

"Hongbin pull the prostitute move, maybe she won't hurt us if we trade for services." Ravi said as Hongbin tripped over his feet and glared back at him.

"What the f- are you guys crazy?" Hongbin asked Leon groaned and face palmed her forehead.

"Not all girls do that you dumbfucks." She said.

Leo step in front of them, "who are you?" He asked calmly. The woman smirked showing her fangs as the three guys arguing earlier screamed. Watching as a raven swooped down and clawed Leon's arm, Leo felt anger rage in him.

"Well fuck." Leo said as he lifted his hand and watched as it covered in ice. Watching as the woman turned her smirk into a smile, Leo felt his rage grow as the ice from his hand shot at the woman.

The woman dodged the ice. Slowly watching as she morphed into an exact replica of Leo, she then shot ice at each of them as Leo moves out of her path. Leon push both Hongbin and Ravi out of the way before ducking to the ground.

Watching as the ice went through J-Hope, everyone gasped as he fell to the ground in a bloody dismay. Watching as blood started to seep through the his shirt Leon then crawled up to him. "Hyung....." She said as she started ripping his shirt to get a better look at his wound. Looking to see no wound behind the bloody dismay she looked in shock as J-Hope sat up.

"That was interesting." J-Hope said as Leo looked at Ravi.

'Double attack.' Leo mouthed as Ravi formed a flame in his hand.

"I'm all fired up." Ravi said as Leo and Ravi shot ice and fire at the same time.

Watching as the ice and fire went barreling towards the woman, a raven swooped down in front of her. The raven then became half frozen and half burnt. Watching as the raven fell to the ground, Ravi then sent another flame before another bird blocked the woman.

"Hyung duck!" Leon shouted as they turned around to see her surrounded by electric shock waves. They moved out the way as Leon sent a lightning bolt at her.

Watching multiple ravens flew into the bolt Hongbin looked up. "Guys I got an idea. Get back to back in a pentagon hurry." Hongbin whispered as everyone backed up to the point where they were standing shoulder to shoulder.

"What's your plan Hongbin?" J-Hope asked.

"The birds are forming a pentagon shape. If we use our powers to take out each side then we may get a advantage." Hongbin said as he formed a mini portal in his hands.

"So you are saying....oh!" Leo said understand what Hongbin meant.

"Exactly!" Hongbin exclaimed as Leo allowed for the ice to form in his hands.

"Worth a shot!" J-Hope said.

"Let's do this." Ravi said as J-Hope, Leon, and him formed a ball within their hands. Pointing their hands up at the birds they each shot each one of their beams into the sky.

Leo and Ravi turned from left to right as they tried to not mix each others powers. Leon stare at the woman in front with Hongbin as she moved one hand in the direction of the woman, causing for the lightning bolt to come out at her.

"HYUNG!" Leon shouted as Hongbin nodded and moved both of his hands to the sky, causing for a large portal to fill the shape of the pentagon. Watching as the birds was sucked into it, Hongbin then sent another towards the woman who was trying to turn into Leon.

"Oh no you don't!" Leon shouted as the portal fully eloped around her and zapped her out of there. Watching as the portal disappeared the five looked around the to see all of the birds gone as well.

"No way." Leon said as J-Hope looked at Ravi and Leo.

"We should get out of here." J-Hope said as Ravi nodded.

"I agree with the nuisance." Ravi said as J-Hope glared.

"I also agree we should go meet the others and see if they're okay after the car incident." Leon said as the group nodded and started running away from the area.

"Hey Hongbin, where did your portal take that woman?" Leo asked as he shrugged.

"I don't know, don't ask me." He said before running off behind the others. Looking back at the spot the woman once stood Leo groaned.

"And shit we got attacked by another one." He mumbled before running behind the others.


Driving down the road, Jin gripped the steering wheel in anger as Cerberus nonchalantly looked at his fingernails. "I can't believe that it was actually her, that little pest that tried to possess me the other day was right." He said as he felt his foot pushing down on the pedal as the speedometer raised twenty miles per hour.

"You should stop speeding before you kill someone." Cerberus said as Jin looked over at him with a glare.

"Oh shut up you can't die." He said as Cerberus glared at him and raised his hand. Feeling the engine start to slowly shut off, Jin then pulled the car off to the side. Glaring in anger Jin then slammed the car's wheel in frustration.


"I'm trying to save your live for a minute." Cerberus retorted as Jin groaned and glared at him.

"Jin just listen! I know you are angry but just think about it-!"

"I want to talk to her. I want to slam her against the wall and scream out all of my frustration at her....."

"But you won't and can't...." Cerberus said as Jin groaned.

"Cause the all I would want to do is rip that prosthetic nose off and kiss her." Jin said before hitting his steering wheel hard in frustration, making the horn of the car sound and he leaned back and covered his face with his hands.

"I just want to...." He mumbled his words and tears start flowing down.

"Jin....let him in."

"Let who in?" Jin asked glaring at him.

"You know who.... remember why I use to visit you ask a child? Remember why you use to have dreams of demons and you've been fighting them since you was little."

"What...." Jin glance at him before glaring at him.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about.." Cerberus said as he looked out the windshield and gasped for several minutes.

"What? What is it?" Jin asked as Cerberus looked down.

"Her train was just in an accident." He said as Jin gripped the steering wheel.

"We need to-"

"Sabretooth, Ray and Raven is there, you have no chance against then with what power you have.

"What does Ray have to do with this? He saved Leon the other day!" He said as Cerberus brought his palm to his forehead.

"Dumbass he's working with them. The only way you would be able to take them down is if you had the powers of a demon." Cerberus said as Jin's fist clenched around the steering wheel.

"What would it take to become one?" He asked as Cerberus laughed.

"You don't know do you? Oh right your memories got swiped." He said as he sighed and looked back out the windshield. 

Jin look at him then he noticed a photograph of him, Rap Monster and Suga together with Leon when they first met her sitting on the dash. "So you know about Leon then...." He asked as Cerberus stare at him.

"What are you referring?" Cerberus asked as he looked at his nail.

"I think you know." Jin said as Cerberus sighed.

"I know everything in this life."

"I mean what really happened to Leon?" Jin asked as Cerberus groaned.

"I won't tell. Not right now."

"And why not?" Jin asked as he heard the a female voice screaming in his head. Bringing his hands to his head he then felt a sharp pain seer through as he scrunched his face.

"Robin!" He heard another voice scream as Jin looked at Cerberus.

"About Leon-" Jin said before he heard the sound of feet running through woods as groans and pants sounded in his mind.

"No, not here. Anything could happen to us here." Cerberus said.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked as Cerberus sighed.

"It has a lot to do with her. I can't say it here." Cerberus said as he heard a frantic voice mumbling throughout his mind.

"Jin go to her. Let me go to her! She needs help!" The voice said as Jin shook his head and looked back.

"Pathetic, even I can hear his voice screaming in your mind."

"Jin lookout! lookout!" Jin turned around to see a truck heading right for them.

"LET HIM TAKE OVER!" Cerberus yelled as Jin's eyes widened. Watching as the truck barreled at them, as a few tears start streaming down from Jin's eyes to his cheeks then said two words.

"Take over."


Running through the woods Robin muffled her cries of pain as her bloody bare feet hit the ground. She didn't understand how even with falling off of the balcony and being thrown from the train she was still walking as if she was uninjured.

"Gotta run, I got to get help. Got to help the people. Got to get away from them." She whispered to herself as she heard footsteps following shortly behind her. Tripping over a log she then let out a gasp before falling onto the ground. Standing back up she then continued to run until being pulled back by the fabric that held her ripping loudly.

Then she turn around to see blood on the ground. Gulping she then grabbed the dress and tore the fabric quickly before continuing to run. Robin then made her way into the middle of a large field before falling behind a large wall of debris. Watching through a small hole she watched as the two men and a woman walked through the woods.

"Where did she go?" The woman asked as a large crow landed on her shoulder. 

"I don't know. She's close though I can sense it." Sabretooth said as he looked around the area.

"She's got to be close, she's had a rough night don't you think?" Ray asked.

"A little? Please, I wish our plan of killing her would of worked." Sabretooth said before the walked out of her sight.

Robin cover her mouth as she let out a quiet gasp. Watching them continue past her, she then stood up and took off running again. Running into another patch of trees, she then ran down the path until she reached another opening. Looking across the large field she looked to see multiple marble statues standing across a field in front of a ancient building. Looking around her eyes widened as she heard the sound of something running towards her.


"I have to! I have to!" She heard a voice say as Robin looked around her. Hearing the sound of horse hooves running past her she then furrowed her eyebrows.

"What?" She muttered as she listened to the continuance of the sound. Looking across the woods to see the statue of a person riding a horse. Walking slowly around the field of statues she then listened to the voices filling her head.

"Let my son go!"




"No stop it." She said as she hit her hand against her head. Robin then looked to see she was now standing at the top of the stairs leading to the large entrance of the palace. Looking around her she then walked slowly to the door before looking up at their height.

Bringing her hands to the door she then shoved them open before looking into the gold decorated throne room. Looking before her was Leon wearing a suit of armor, followed by Hyuk who was fighting Jungkook and J-Hope holding a sword against N's neck. 

"Leon?" Robin raise her eyebrows as she saw a statue of Leon in front of her. "What the hell is this?" Robin asked as she looked around to see the others around her. Leon kneeled on one knee in the middle of the floor. Walking up to her, she then brushed a hand across her shoulder.

"Your majesties stop! DON'T DO THIS!" She heard Leon yell as she heard light footprints echo across the floor of the palace room.

"DADDY! DADDY!" She heard as she looked around. Looking up to the front of the room she looked to see a man's back facing her.

"She's y-your-"

"Stay the hell away from her!" She heard as she then walked slowly up to the man. Walking up to the set of steps she then looked to a pair of wings start showing slowly behind the figure. Walking to the side of the statues she looked to see Jin, holding a swords blade against Leo's as his free hand held a small girl in his arms. Walking up to the statue, she then touched the one that looked like Jin before watching the room spin.

"Return back our crowned prince!" V shouted at Jin stopped whatever he was doing and turned towards them. He let out a lunatic laugh while covering his face with right hand. He smirked as he's left eye turned red.

"You use my wife against me and you try hurting my child. That's pretty low even for a demon." Jin said as he let out a grunt in his voice.


"Return? Who says I wasn't him the whole time?"

Feeling as if the whole world shook around her she then felt her legs give way as her burnt feet bled with pain. Feeling her breath turn shallow as her chest tightened. Looking at the ground in front of her she looked to see a a head fall before her as she gulped. Feeling her head spin she then fell over. Before hitting the ground she then felt arms wrap around her upper torso.

"You're not suppose to be here." She heard as she weakly blinked a few times.

"She's not supposed to know about any of this dumbass." She heard a familiar voice say. Opening her eyes weakly she looked to see Jin holding her with black wings coming from his back. Looking in shock she then watched as it all went black.


Sitting up against the wall, Hyuk groaned as he listened to the sounds of Rap Monster coughing and groaning in pain. "Where are they?" He whined as he rolled over to his side.

As he was trying to reach for the glass of water next to him. Rap Monster continue to cough until his vision became a blur to him. Groaning he then called out. "Hyuk...."


"Hyung shouting is not going to help!" Jimin said

"I'm tired of this though! He's driving me crazy!" Hyuk smarted back as Jimin pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Namjoon hyung doesn't get sick much, the least we can do is be supportive until someone gets back." Jimin said as they heard a glass break.


"Hyuk....." They heard him mumble.

"Hyung!" Jimin walked into the room to see Rap Monster clutching his chest.

"HYUNG!!!" Both Jimin and Hyuk shouted as they rush over to him.

Rap Monster continually coughing and gasping for air. Jimin place his hand on his forehead and stare at Hyuk .

"Not good! His fever is rising up rapidly." Jimin replied.

"He's breaking out in cold sweats."

"Shit." Jimin said as Rap Monster started feeling pain all over his body.

"What are we going to do?" Hyuk start panicking as Jimin run through the aid box for medicine.

"There's nothing in the medication box says could help with his fever!" Jimin replied as Rap Monster started gasping for air.

Hyuk then heard something coming from downstairs. Turning and looked, he stared at Jimin who gulped in fear. Listening to footsteps Hyuk motioned towards the stairs.

Rap Monster stare at Jimin who was looking worried, "don't worry I'll be fine...." he replied as Jimin's tears started flowing down his eyes.

"Jimin...." Hyuk whisper to him. Handing him a vase off the table, Jimin then pointed towards the door.

"Let's go check." He mouthed as Hyuk slowly peaked out the door. Popping his head out to see shadow figuring walking up.

Both Jimin and Hyuk started to pray before stepping out from behind the door. Throwing the vase they listened as someone fell down the steps. Hearing a familiar voice groan as he tumbled down they looked at each other before looking out the door again.

Looking to see the group of guys Hyuk then smiled innocently. "Hi guys...."


"What the hell was that for?" Leon screamed while getting up.

"Sorry we panic and we thought you were some theft or something." Jimin replied panicking.

"JIMIN HYUNG!" They heard her yell again as they looked at each other.

"Run?" Hyuk asked innocently.

"Run." Jimin replied before running down the stairs without looking back. Hearing the sounds of footsteps echo throughout the hall. Listening to the footsteps followed them they screamed as they ran out of the house.

Listening to the commotion outside of his room Rap Monster then stared at the door as his throat irritated him.


Next Day

Hyuk and Jimin lay within the floor as Leon was leaning on Ken's back asleep. Leaning against the doorframe, Rap Monster slowly turned his head to see their sleeping states.

"Damn." He groan in pain.

"Man the painkiller is not effective...." He said as he held his stomach. Staring up a the bathroom door he then made his way slowly to it.

He went up to the toilet and began to throw up, he groan in pain. Then he felt a hand behind his back. Looking up within a mirror hanging on the wall he looked to see staring at him from behind his shoulder.

He widened his eyes as he watched his vision blur. Looking as a figure behind him blurred in the reflection, he then passed out onto the tile floor.

He started to gasp for air as his windpipes started to close.

Rap Monster PoV:


Looking to see the surroundings to be pitch black, I gulped loudly. Watching as the room around me slowly shined in light I then turn around to see myself in an empty room with a black door.

I look around, "Guys? You here?" I asked as I stare at the darkness around mep. "Leon? Jin Hyung?" I yelled their names while looking around.

"N Hyung! Jimin! Jungkook! V?! Leo Hyung!?" I screamed but there was no reply from either of them.

Then I heard laughter from the other side of the door, I stare at the door direction. "Hello?" I called out but there was no reply. 

"HELLO?" I yelled before hearing a scream fill the air around me. Listening to what sounded like Leon, I gulped as turned toward the door.

Then I hear a bunch of screaming, sounds like the guys. I widen my eyes as it all stopped. Turning, I looked to see the door slowly creek open. My heart started racing nonstop as I looked to see blood flowing out into the floor.

"What the hell...." I breath out as I brought my hand over my chest. Watching as the bright light filled in the space around me I gasp as I look at the gorey sight in front of me. Looking before me I see my friends dead with their scalps and skulls shattered in.

Feeling my knees give way under me I then fell into the bloody mess. Feeling their blood sink into my clothes I gulped as I crawled over to Hyuk.  He's eyes was wide open as his lifeless eyes stared up at mine. I cover mouth and gasp as I look at the line of people after them. Hongbin, Leon, Jungkook, Jimin, N, Leo, Robin, Jin, Ravi, Ken, J-Hope and Suga stared at me with the same looks.

"No it can't be...." I said as I slowly stood and walked past everyone as I looked at them. Then I noticed something was chewing on a body, as the hand was dangling in mid air.

I noticed a bracelet was attached to it, I widen my eyes knowing who it belongs to, "Taehyun...." I said as I looked at him square in the eyes as he growled at me.

I gasped causing for me to fall over as a I watch his lips widenen into a smile. Watching as he slowly stood up from his spot, V's eyes weren't his normal color anymore. He stilled his head towards me before standing up and walking slowly towards me. Backing in fear, I watched as his face turned into one of insanity.

"You could have save us...." He said as I felt my back hit a wall. Eyes widening in fear he was  about to reach towards me.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I punch him slightly then I heard a crack. I look up and widen my eyes to see crack marks starting to form on Jin hyung. When did....I?

"I trusted you..." He cried as his skin started shattered like glass looking beside him I watched as Robin's eyes shed tears of blood as a black liquid dripped from her mouth.

"Jin....JIN! YOU MONSTER HOW COULD YOU!" I heard as I clutched my head and looked as her skin started to turn a deep black color.

"I-I-I didn't mean too...." I stuttered in fear as I looked around at the other bodies.

"RAP MONSTER I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET THIS!" I heard Ravi Hyung scream as I watched his body turn into flames.

" could you do this to us?" I hear Leon ask as I gasp in shock to see chains being pierced into her body and skin of my bandmate.

"Leon no....not you too." I cried then I heard Jungkook's voice yelling.

"WE TRUSTED YOU! YOU BETRAYED US!" I heard as I looked to see V tearing off another limb of his body. Jungkook screamed in pain.

"You're dead. Dead I tell you!" He heard Jimin yell.

"You're dead!"

"DEAD!" They screamed as I looked around terrified to see V in front of me.

"It's time." He said as he held up Jungkook's arm and shot me a creepy smile. Letting out a evil laugh Jungkook then stood up staring at him only with one eye. 

Then I saw Jimin collapse in my arms, "JIMIN!!" I scream, V grabbed him and bit into his skin. Screaming I then shook my head before screaming.

Jimin smiled at me before turning to ashes ."No. No. No!" I screamed as I felt myself being jerked.

"Rap Monster." I heard as I shook my head again.


"NAMJOON HYUNG!" I hear as everything disappeared.

End Nightmare

My eyes popped open to see everyone around me, staring at me in worry. "Hyung are you alright?" Jungkook asked as tears started to form in my eyes. I cover my eyes with my arm.

"Oh my guys are okay." I whisper cried.

"Yeah, why wouldn't we be?" Hyuk asked as I let out a large smile and hugged Hongbin who was closest to me.

"Thank god you're okay!" I said as he looked weirdly at everyone. Staying like this for a couple of minutes he then sighed.

"Okay can someone him off of me?" Hongbin asked. Leon shook her head and pull me off from Hongbin.

"Everything going to be fine." I said as the looked confused.

"Everything is going to be fine...." The next thing I knew everything went pitch black.

Robin PoV:

Waking up in a unfamiliar bed, I looked to see a unfamiliar wall color next to me. Bringing my eyes up to rub my eyes, I listened to hear water faucet stopping and a door opening. Turning onto my back I felt pain in my head.

Listening to footsteps echo through the room, I tried to sit up slightly before feeling a pain running through my head. Groaning quietly, I then forced myself to quietly sit up to see Jin standing in front of a mirror with black wings coming from his back. Looking him up and down, I looked to see he was only wearing a towel around his waist. Gulping I then laid back in bed before pulling the covers over my head and making soft snoring sounds.

"Morning," Jin said as I stayed quiet. Hearing footsteps coming closer to the bed I clutched the blanket tighter.

"Robin, uncover your head. I need to check the bandage." He said as shook my head no.

"Not until you get dressed, or at least put on some pants." I said.

"Oh. I'll be right back." I heard running footsteps and the opening of doors before I poked my head out. Looking around the room, I then noticed that the room we was in was a room in my aunts mansion. Looking very confused I then heard the door close as I looked to see Jin standing in front of the doorway.

Looking at him I gulped again as my face fell at the sight of him. "What?" Jin asked as I looked him up and down. Watching him take steps across the room towards me I started looking him all over.

"You have wings." I said as Jin looked in the mirror.

"And so I have." Jin said looking in a mixture of surprise and confused.

"Your of them are black and the other one is your normal color." I continued as he looked back around at me. Pulling the covers off of me I then sat back up as I moved my feet off the bed.

"Is it that bad?" He asked.

"I don't know. Are you a fallen angel?" I asked as he kneeled down in front of me.

"I don't think so. All I remember is waking up like this." He replied as I brought my hand out and touched the wing lightly. Looking into his eyes I then stared at him blankly as I then grabbed two feathers and pulled them out of the wing. Watching him gasp in pain and bring a hand over the spot I watched his face fall. Watching his head slowly lift up I looked to see both of his eyes had changed fully black.

"What the hell was that for? Damn, that hurt!" He said as he stood up slowly and towered over me.

"I just...I had a gut feeling to do it." I said as I felt my chin being grabbed. Feeling myself being pulled up to him I gulped as I came face to face with him.

"You never did change," he said as I looked him straight in the eye, "even in your past life you were like this." He continued in a whisper.

"Past life? What?" I asked as I looked him dead in the eyes. Watching as his eyes slowly started turning darker I then brought his wings into my hands and pulled him onto the bed before straddling him. Hearing his voice go deeper I then clamped my hands around his neck.

"Robin what are you doing?" I heard as I felt him struggling.

"Demon..." I said quietly as his eyes widened. Hearing him gasp for breath, I felt his grip tighten.
"Robin stop!" I heard as I brought my hands down harder around his neck.

"ROBIN!" I heard before feeling a hand hit my face, causing for my head to turn away from him. Looking back at him I looked to see Jin, back to normal, squirming out from under me as I loosened my hands.

"I-I..." I said as I felt myself being pushed back on the bed.

"God you're crazy." He said as I watched him stand up and sprint from the room. Hearing the door slam, I looked in the mirror to see my head and feet wrapped in mountains of gauze. Running my hand over my head, I then pulled it off before slowly trying to push off the bed. Standing up on my feet I then scrunched my face painfully before trying take a step. Feeling my legs shake I then felt myself hit the floor quickly as they folded under me. Feeling my cheek against the floor I groaned.

"Oh yeah, I forgot for a minute that I got flung out of a train and chased in the middle of the damn woods on top of falling off a balcony. How the hell am I still alive?" I asked as I sat up.

"Okay, baby steps Robin we got this." I said before slowly crawling out of the door and into the entrance of the hallway. Hearing tires squeal as I assume Jin left the driveway,  I then noted where I was.

"AUNTIE ARE YOU HOME?" I yelled as there was no response. Hearing not a single sound I assumed that she and the staff was out as well.

"Okay, looks like we're on our own, let's try getting to the cars." I said before crawling down the hallway

At The House

3rd PoV:

Pulling up into the driveway, Jin the parked the car and slammed the door shut before entering the house. Slamming the door, I sighed before seeing the others in living room.

"What happened to you? You look like you're gone through hell and back." Hyuk asked as I glared at him.

"She's crazy. She's absolutely insane." Jin said before walking up to his room. Standing from the couch and following behind him Hyuk furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who's insane?" He asked as Jin walked into the door frame and glared at him.

"Robin."Jin said before glaring at Hyuk and slamming the door in his face.

"What was that all about?" Leon asked while trying her best to keep Rap Monster's fever down.

"How should I know? She's your bandmate!" Hyuk said as he glared at the door. Thinking about his words, Hyuk glared at the door before bringing his hand to the door knob. Turning the knob, Hyuk growled slightly.

"HEY ONLY I CAN CALL HER INSANE!" Hyuk yelled. Hearing Jin groan, Hyuk felt anger boil up in him.


"Yeah I was with her, so what? Is it any of your damn business?" Jin asked as Hyuk growled and kicked the door.


"NOT EVEN." Jin yelled with hatred running through her voice.

Growling Hyuk slammed his fist on the door as Jin turned and glared at the inside of the door. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU TRULY KNOW ABOUT HER? YOU ONLY MET HER ABOUT A YEAR AGO!" He said as Jin closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

"SO WHAT ABOUT IT? MAYBE SHE SHOULD GO BACK TO AMERICA." Jin said as his eyes widened slightly at his remark. Remembering the deal he made with Robin, he sighed. There was no way this could work.

Kicking the door again, Hyuk burst the door open as he glared at Jin. "What the hell did you just say?" Hyuk asked as he felt power surging in his veins.

"She should go back to America-" Jin said as Hyuk lifted his hand and sent him flying back into the wall. Feeling force pin him against the wall, Jin groaned as he felt the crumbled wall pushing into him.

"Don't. say. that." Hyuk said as he grinded his teeth together in frustration. Walking by Jungkook and V looked into the room to see the scene.

"S-She should leave, she was never welcomed in the industry anyways!" Jin yelled as he felt the force sling him against another wall. Closing his fist slowly, Hyuk then forced more pressure onto Jin.

"About time someone agreed with me!" Jungkook yelled.

"Hyung!" V scolded.

"She'll never leave."


"DON'T. SAY. THAT!" Hyuk yelled as he slung him against another wall.

Hearing the crash, more of the boys started running into the room. Running into the room, Ravi and Hongbin started running towards Hyuk.

"Hyuk calm down-" Ravi said as Hyuk turned his head towards him to show his eyes turning back in head.

"DON'T. STOP. ME!" He yelled as the boys stopped in their tracks. Running in behind them, Leo stopped and looked at the scene.

"Hyuk stop! What the hell is going on?" They heard Leo ask.

"He started saying shit about Robin-"

"Hell you're insane also." Jin said before he felt more pressure constrict on his chest. Closing his fist even more Hyuk's eyes slowly started to turn colors, showing the undertones of his eye color.

"I'M NOT INSANE! SHE'S NOT INSANE! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE AGAINST ALL OF US?" He yelled as there was a slam from far off. Listening to the sounds of light groans, Jungkook and V turned to see Robin slowly walking up the stairs.

"Speaking of the devil." Jungkook said as she walked past him and looked into the room. Staring at the boys before them, she then narrowed her eyes.

"Got anything to say?" Jungkook asked.

Slowly looking back down, Robin sighed. "Make it stop." She said before slowly walking past them.

Robin glance at Jin who noticed her eyes were pitch black. "There is no angels in this world only devils." He said as Hyuk moved his fists and lifted him from the wall before moving him back in. Growling in anger, Jin then grinded his teeth together in pain as a translucent black wings appeared behind him, making everyone gasp.

"HYUNG!" Jimin shouted as Jin smirked and and lifted his hand, causing for Hyuk to fly back into the wall behind him.

"Holy shit." Jungkook said as Jin walked over to him. Watching Jin close his fist, they watched as Hyuk gasp for breath as marks started imprinting on his neck.

"HYUNG STOP!" V yelled as he looked at Hyuk.

"Make me." Jin replied as V glared at him.

"You think I won't?" He shouted as he's eyes turn purple and his hair slowly turn black pitch. V brought his hand up. Looking at the two he then let a dark swirl of magic come from his hand.

"Don't make me hurt you Jin Hyung." He said. Watching Jin throw Hyuk against the wall with a daring smirk, he then sent the black swirl hurling towards him. Watching as it hit him in the gut, he saw a demon take Jin's place.

"The heck!" V could not believe what he had seen before Jin fell over onto the floor. Looking as the demon disappeared, Jin then sat up and looked around confused.

"What happened?" He asked as he looked around.

"You came in calling Robin insane and fought Hyuk Hyung ." Jungkook said as V furrowed his eyebrows.

"I did WHAT?" Jin dropped his jaws and shook his head.

"Yeah..." I said as Jin stood up.

"All I remembered was Robin tried to choke me and I ran and left her where she was. Oh god she must be weak right now."

"She's fine, she acted like she didn't care though." V said as Jin nodded and sighed.

"But she saw what we did in you."

"What?" Jin look at them as Leon look away.

"A demon." Leon said as crossed her arms and felt a chill go down her spine

"Hyung....did you make a contract with a demon?" Jimin asked as Jin shook his head.

"No....I-I don't remember...."

"Yes he did." They heard a voice boom over them as they looked to see Cerberus floating above them.

"You!" Ken yelled as Cerberus raised his hand and made everyone freeze in place.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Leon asked as she looked to see only three others unfrozen.

"What did you do to them?" V asked while helping  Rap Monster up who's currently in gasping.

"I only froze them for a few minutes. They'll be fine." He said as he looked at Jin.

"Don't make me ask you again. What did you do to JIN HYUNG!?" Leon shouted

"It's not what I did...It's what he did." Cerberus said as he placed his feet onto the floor.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked as Cerberus.

"He let.....his second half into his body. I did it when we were about to be crushed by a truck yesterday." Cerberus said as the ones unfrozen stared at him with blank faces.

"'re saying this guy has a demon in him?" He asked as Leon and V nodded as both Rap Monster and Leo then blinked at Cerberus.

" do we get it out of him?" Rap Monster asked as Cerberus sighed.

"You can't." He said as they then blinked at him.


"This demon is Lucifer himself. Jin in his past life was Lucifer." Cerberus said as he interrupted Leon.

"Shut up!" Leon yelled as Cerberus flinched.

"I'm being real." He said as RM placed his hands on her shoulders.

"So...if we can't get the demon out of him...what do we do?"

"Give him what he wants." Cerberus said as he looked at Jin.

"What would he want?" V asked as Cerberus looked around the room at the others.

"Power...and someone." Cerberus said as Leo looked around at the others.

"I don't want him around us if he's a demon." Leo said as Leon glared at him.

"I won't let you turn him into a demon!" Leon and V roared.

"You don't understand, I didn't turn him into one. He would have became a demon. one way or another. He is Lucifer himself. He was just...split into two different versions. Earth and Hell."

Then V heard a voice, 'seal his power young warlock before it's too late.' V look around. Before noticing a trail of chain laying across the floor. He look up to see it crawling towards Jin. Making him scream in pain.

'Make sure he doesn't kiss the witch.'

'The witch. The witch. Watch for the witch.'

"You are forgetting. Someone can match your ability."

"The witch, the for the witch." V said as everyone looked at him.

'You are a warlock.' The voice start as V hair slowly turned pitch black once again.

"I am a warlock?" V asked himself as Cerberus looked at him with wide eyes.

"What about a witch?" Leo asked as he looked at the others.

"Watch for the witch." V said again as he looked down at the ground and up at the ones that were staring at him.

"If I'm a warlock...then who's the witch? What will happen when he finds the witch?" V asked as Cerberus sighed.

"I don't know." Cerberus said as he sighed. V look away before smirking.

"Then that mean I can do this!" V blast a blot of energy toward Cerberus. Falling back into the wall Cerberus then fell to the ground.

"DAMN IT! I'M NOT THE WITCH!" He yelled as Leo looked around.

"I'll be back." He said before running up the steps.

"I never said you were." V said as he smirked.

"Then why did you hit me?"

"Because we don't trust you." V said as they heard a crash from upstairs.

"Guys, you're gonna want to see this." They heard Leo say as V looked at Leon and Rap Monster.

"Go on, I'll watch Cerberus and Jin." He said as Rap Monster nodded and ran out. Leon looked at V who smirk and winked before running off behind him.

Running up to the large staircase Leon stopped as she looked at Leo, who was standing in shock outside of Jungkook and Robin's room. Walking up next to him Leon then waved a hand in his face. "Leo? What's wrong?" Leon asked as Rap Monster walked behind him. Looking into the open doorway his face then fell as he looked into the room.

"Leon look." He said as She turned and looked into the room. Looking at up in the air they saw Robin floating in midair with a purple flame encircling her. Staring at her, Leon then took a step forward before the flame turned into a golden color.

"What the heck!" Leon yelled as she shielded her face. Watching at Robin laid unharmed in the flame they then slowly approached her.

"What would happen if we stuck our hand in and tried to grab her?" Rap Monster asked.

Leon looked at him as she then reached out and pinched him. "Ow! What was that for?" He asked as she shook her head.

"No wonder the girls are the reason we're alive. " Leo replied.

"So what now?" Rap Monster asked as he looked at Leon.

"Try throwing something at the flame?" Leo asked as he picked up a book sitting on the desk. Pulling back his arm, he then aimed at the flame.

"No, NOT THAT ONE! She's reading that one." Leon said as Leo dropped the book.

"Okay then this." Rap Monster said as he picked up a jewelry box filled with stuff from her family. Yanking it from him, Leon then groaned.

"Not that either." Leon said as she set it back on the desk.

"What about this?" Leo asked holding a baseball bat.

"Well I mean if she has an attachment to that then..."

"Nevermind I'm throwing it." Leo said before chucking it at the fire. Watching as the wooden bat burned in the fire, Leo sighed before watching the bat come flying back out on the ground in front of them.

"Well that didn't work." Leon replied.

"But look at what's carved on the wood." Rap Monster pointed out as they looked at the bat. Looking at the blackened surface they looked at multiple symbols scrolling down the bat.

"That symbol looks familiar." Both Leon and Leo said at the same time.

"We have got to start doing things like this." They said.

"I think we need to become normal again." Rap Monster said as Leon laughed.

"We're not becoming normal again." Leon said before sighing.

"Looks like we found the witch."

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