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That's all Grace ever did. Not because she was necessarily hungry...but because that's the only way to keep moving. She could never stay in one place for long.

Especially considering what she was.

A shapeshifter.

There were three main species of shifters. Dragons, species: canine, and species: feline.

There were many subspecies of shapeshifters that served under each main one. Usually in a symbiotic relationship, which was an agreement made between them. The only shifters that didn't make alliances with the main ones were prey animals, for obvious reasons.

Grace was a part of the species, feline. But she didn't shift into any one family such as Leopard, Lion, or Tiger.


She was able to shift into all of them. Plus a Giga version of the extinct Sabertooth tiger. Even though no one knew what all she could shift into, she was immediately seen as a threat to the rest of the feline shapeshifters. Especially to the royal family, who feared she would use her power to overthrow them and make the kingdom hers.

After shifting for the first time at the normal shifting age of 18, they saw her abnormal ability and made a rash decision to execute her. She escaped the night before her execution was scheduled to happen. Luckily it was raining, and dark enough that the guards wouldn't be able to spot her or track her through her scent.

That was two years ago...she's 20 now and has full control of her shifting abilities.

Much like other shifter species, she has an inner animal, her's being a feline of course. She was surprised when it was still only one, considering she shifted into every type. She still didn't know if he was a specific feline though.

Her feline's name was Bram. He's extremely protective and obsessive of what belongs to the two of them, as well as being sarcastic and kind of a smartass.

All in all, he was a pain in the ass at times.

Grace had red shoulder-blade length, wavy hair. Dark green eyes with some brown speckles. Fare and freckled skin. And the petite stature of 5ft 2in.

Puberty had treated her fairly well, giving her curvaceous hips and a plump backside. To her delight her breasts weren't too overwhelmingly large, only being a little smaller than if you cut a grapefruit in half and stuck it to her chest. She, in fact, already had a betrothed, even before she was able to shift. Sadly, he abandoned her as well when he saw what she could do. She thought he would have tried to protect her, but she was severely mistaken.

The memories haunted her in the night when she couldn't fall asleep.

She was hunting for a meal as well as moving areas while the moon was at its highest peak. As a black leopard she was almost invisible in the dark.


I whipped my head around when Bram told me there was prey somewhere around me.

About fifty yards to your right. It looks a decent size. A deer maybe. It's laying down so I can't really tell. He told me as I nodded and immediately went into hunting mode.

My pupils dilated as I caught the scent of a deer, Bram was right.

Don't fuck this one up this time, G. Keep your eyes on your prey as well as on where you place your paws. The obnoxious bastard said with a growl.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Hunting in this mountainous forest was extremely difficult for me, as random shifts in the terrain would trip me up. I know, B. I'll be careful. No need to be testy.

He just growled again before cutting off our link. I shook my head and turned back to my goal.


I hadn't eaten in two days and it was starting to get to me, as well as Bram. I had to get this deer, or risk starving again for the night.

I was about twenty feet away, hiding in the shadow of a large tree that the moonlight casted on it.

The deer's head suddenly shot up. I watched it's ears twitch and head whip from one side to the other, looking for something.

Did it sense my presence?

It suddenly shot up and started running away. I had to just take the chance and charge. I shot out from behind the tree and bolted after the animal.

I was about to be able to grab it's back leg with my claws when Bram suddenly yelled in my head. GRACE, ON YOUR LEFT!!

It was too late.

Something collided with the side of my head and everything went dark.


I woke up to feel coldness under my body. I could tell I was still in my black leopard shift by the fact that it wasn't my skin that was in contact with the cold ground.

That was another thing that set me apart from other shifters, I didn't shift back to normal when knocked unconscious or if I was too weak to stay shifted.

I shifted back, feeling my bones change positions and my fur disappear.

Probably a mistake considering that just made the cold stone floor even colder.

I linked with Bram, Hey, you alright?

He asked in a duh tone, Are you in any pain?

I mentally shook my head. Then yes, I'm fine.

I rolled my eyes, Sorry for worrying about ur wellbeing.

He sighed, I'm sorry Grace. You know I don't like being knocked unconscious. And the lack of food for the last few days isn't helping settle me down.

I smiled apologetically, Yeah I have the same problem. Sorry I didn't sense what was coming for me. I was so hungry nothing else mattered except getting that deer. Which I almost had might I add!

He chuckled, causing my body to vibrate a bit, I know. You did good. I'm proud.

By the way, what even knocked us out?

He grumbled, By the looks of this place I'd say another shapeshifter. Or possibly a hunter.

I cowered a bit, You don't think they're feline Shifters do you?!

I can't tell, my senses are being blocked.

My eyes widened when I took a breath through my nose and all I took in was, Citrus...

Yup. This place is practically dowsed in it.

Citrus is us feline's only sure-fire weakness. We hate everything about it. It drives us insane and messes with our instincts and senses, as well as burning our skin almost beyond healing. Whoever these guys are, they really hate feline shapeshifters.

Bram snorted, Maybe that's why we're here.

I absently nodded as I looked around the cold dark place. It seemed I was in a cell, the metal bars and stone block walls being a dead giveaway.

Luckily it seemed like the floors weren't covered with it, considering I didn't feel any burning on my legs. It was only now though, that I realized I was completely naked. I looked around the cell quickly, before groaning, Ugh, great. They weren't even decent enough to leave me clothes or a towel of some sort.

They must be perverts.

I mentally glared at him before I suddenly heard footsteps, multiple footsteps. It sounded like they were coming down some stairs. I hear them level out, signaling they were all on solid ground. The footsteps grew louder, as did my panicky beating heart. Calm down. Put on a brave face. Show no weakness until we know what we're up against. But don't be defiant. Bram stated sternly.

Easy for you to say, you're on the inside. You don't ever have to try to hide your emotions because no one sees them anyway! I retorted as my anxiety increased.

It had been two years since I was in a jail cell. There wasn't anyone to help me then either, not even my family.

I shook away those dark thoughts as three people appeared in front of my cell, looking through the metal bars. I remained silent and still, showing submission and trying to be as little of a threat as I could.

Suddenly a raspy voice spoke, "Looks like she shifted back to normal finally. Totally weird that she didn't shift after I knocked her out."

A female voice spoke, "Yes, quite strange." There was a pause, "Was she alone?"

Another, more aggressive and guttural, male voice spoke, "No we didn't sense anymore. She might be a loner. Probably explains why she was in our territory as well."

My eyes visibly widened at the stone floor, BRAM!! Did you know we were in someone else's territory?!

There was no answer, causing me to growl at his idiocy, You were too focused on food weren't you?

Still no answer. Fucking idiot.

My eyes shot up when metal clanged against metal before the first raspy voice demanded, "Oi! Look up!"

I saw the raspy voice belonged to a fairly young and attractive male. He had blonde, unruly, spiked hair. Bright blue eyes. And didn't make much effort to cover up his toned stomach with that tight shirt he was wearing.

The female of the three radiated power not only in her appearance, but also in the way she carried herself. She had dark, navy blue/purplish, long hair that had two little buns sitting atop her head. She wore a strapless kimono-like dress.

The third party was a large muscular male covered in piercings. He had blood red eyes and black long and crazy hair. He wore a long black robe-like shirt that was open in the front to show his toned chest and stomach, as well as having on a pair of white pants.

I kept an emotionless expression on my face, not submitting but also not provoking the three beings.

After a moment the woman spoke, "Gajeel, go get your cousin. The King is away for a few days so we have to report to his son."

King!? Uh oh...that means we're in an actual kingdom. Bram this could be it. It was nice knowing you while we were running for our lives. Thanks for not abandoning me like everyone else did.

Oh stop acting like it's the end of the world we're gonna get outta this...I just gotta think about how.

The pierced male, whose name I now know is Gajeel, nodded and turned before walking off. The Blondie suddenly smirked at me before asking the female, "Hey Minerva, if the Prince declares we torture her, can I call first dibs? Her body is just begging me to touch it."

I felt my heart slam against my rib cage at that, but tried to remain unaffected.

The woman clicked her tongue in disgust, "Don't be so perverted, Sting! But yes you can torture her first."

I could feel the color drain from my face. I was gonna get tortured...again.

Bet you didn't think you'd lose your virginity this way, eh?

I could hear the smirk in his voice, This is no time for jokes Bram! We need to get out of here. I really don't wanna get raped by this-this...manwhore lookin Blondie Boy!!

He stated matter of factly, You and I both know you're somewhat into that, though.

Ugh! Shut uuuup!

"Hey you alright there? You look like you're having an inner conflict."

I look up to see the Blondie right in front of my face. I quickly scoot back out of surprise until my bare back hits the wall behind me. He chuckled, "Didn't mean to scare ya."

I snorted at that, Sure ya didn't Blondie Boy.

I suddenly felt a chill rush my spine. Not because I was cold though, someone strong was approaching.

I hadn't felt this much power since I stood in front of Prince Demetrius when he sentenced me to execution.

I knew it wasn't him though, this power felt different. In fact, all of these individuals' power felt different from any shapeshifter I have ever run across.

It felt...magical in some way.

That's when I knew what they were.

Bram beat me to it when he snarled in anger, but I could hear the fear in his voice as well, Dragon shifters.

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