11/1/16 2:34 pm

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11/1/16 2:34 pm

I found him quickly and asked him a very important question “Dr J why am I drawn to certain person whose name shall not be mentioned.” He looked startled and I could feel a small blush creep onto my face. “Well since you just noticed that I will tell you.” He gets in his car and welcomes me into the car too. “Well actually I had this talk with Ash before she was you know captured.”  felt the blush creep on my face a little more. “Well this is kinda like when you have a crush on someone but it’s when you find your soulmate.”  he says “Soul mate?” I question “Yes soul mate. You would have found it sooner if it weren't for the scientists giving you drugs to help slow it down and for you it is called you mate well actually humans call it soul mate and since you half and half then you can choose either name, anyway Ash noticed your actings around her so she came to me and I told her and she said she was feeling the same way.” The last phrase caught me and my breath stopped for a second “What?” I say “You heard me right Ash was feeling the same way. Her animal could hardly stay away from you and I can tell you animal is only inches away from bursting. Not literally but with emotion” he says and I look at him with confusion “When you hybrids are far from their mates and know of it, you animal goes crazy and your heart starts hurting very bad. Suddenly I hear a voice that was not Levi’s voice in my head well more like a panicked scream “Help!” The voice screams. I immediately recognized it as Ash’s voice. My eyes went wide and Dr. J looked at me worriedly “What’s wrong.” He asks “I heard Ash.” I say. Now his eyes were wide. “Where are you!” I say trying to hyperlink Ash “I’m in-” Thud I hear something hit the ground and the connection between Ash and I was cut off.

“No!” I yell and bang my fist against the table “What?” asks Dr. J. “ I lost connection with Ash. I think she got knocked out when she was telling me where she was.”I start crying a bit and Dr. J says “ See you can’t bear the separation.” I look up at him. “I-I-can-can’t” I studder through tears “See the process is kicking in. You need to find her or you will be like this forever.” I stop crying a little “You promise to help me find her.” I say “Cross my heart.” he says.

“Perhaps there is a way I can connect you to her even when she is knocked out. Her cat will be able to talk to you.”


“Lay on the table and I need to give you a serum if thats ok.”

    I nod my head and he takes out a few serums, reads the labels, and takes to clear one. He injected the serum and I instantly hear Ash’s voice “Jay! Jay!” she screams “I'm here.” I say calmly.”Thank god. Did you hear where I am.”she asks “No I did not.” I say I get a notepad and start writing notes “Well all I know is that the building has the number 29476 on it and it is somewhere northeast. The building is abandon but looks brand new just because the people fixed it up he-”she was cut off some how “Jay I need to go they are coming and please help” that was the last I heard from her. “ Dr. J I got where she is.” I say and hold out the note pad. “Hmmm very interesting directions but way too obvious where they took her…..unless….I got it!” He exclaims “What?” I question “They said that with some of the breeds of hybrids they would mix them together so this would be a trap for all hybrids.” he says. I think for a second. “Then if she is my “Mate” then it should be fine right?” I say “Hmm I suppose…” I ran out of the room and out to the pack house. As soon as I got there I started to pack for the trip. I got the clothes and the tools and hid a couple tools incase I get caught. I grab things for Dr. J too. And as soon as I gave instructions to the others I rush off and caught the sent of Dr. J again.      

Can I get 30 reads for next chapter please.                        

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