Chapter Two

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Coming closer to the white wolf, I just knew it wasn't going to hurt me. How? I haven't got a clue.

"Where did you come from?" I asked, wondering what a wolf like this was doing here.

'Far away...' I heard a voice in my head.

I jumped, looking around I don't see anyone.

'Sorry, I should have warned you...'

I looked down at the wolf. "Are you...?" I asked, not wanting to finish th question.

'Yes. I am projecting my thoughts to you. Do not fear, I am here to help...'

I sat down on the ground in front of the wolf. "Help me with what?"

The wolf laid down. 'You want to help your boyfriend, Harry. I can help...'

I blushed at the word boyfriend, but managed to make it go away. "How can you help me? And, help me how?" I questioned.

I heard a chuckle in my head. 'My, so many questions...' I blushed again.

'But, to answer your questions. The reason Harry is having nightmares is because...'

The wolf looked at expectedly, waiting and wanting an answer. "Because of the war. Or, that's my guess." I told, feeling kind of stupid. Here I am having a conversation with a wolf and feeling like I was nothing compared to it.

'That's correct...' The wolf praised, making me feel better. 'The reason Harry is having nightmares is because of what many call the hero-complex...'

"Then, how can I help Harry?" I felt confused and determined.

'I had a brother. And, Harry reminds of him...'The wolf had a distant look in its eyes.

"What happened?" It kept saying had, like the brother was...

I heard distant shouting. I remember that I told Hermione I would be going back inside in a minute. My minute was up, I looked at the wolf, eyes wide.

I didn't know what to do, I wanted to help Harry, but what about the wolf.

'Ginny, can you trust me?' It asked.

I opened my mouth, but didn't know how to answer the question.

'Ginny, can you trust me?' It asked, more urgent this time. I heard the shouting coming closer.

I paused, before taking a deep breath and nodding.

There was a flash of white light, then...Nothing.

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