Forgets, Regrets, then Forgives

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Rintis Island, Malaysia,
Planet Earth
Four hours later...

Kaizo's POV

"In the living memory of Tok Aba," an earthling says. "We are all gathered here today to relieve his happy and sorrowful events. Events that had contributed to our daily aspect of life..."

I stifle a yawn, then try to focus on the  funeral instead.

I have just visited my little brother's grave, retelling the sad events he had never witnessed. It was frustrating to think about my ever growing depression, but let's face it: Boboiboy is right. It was my fault that he died with no protection. Period. I really didn't intend Fang to die a gruesome death, but it feels like I caused it. I admitted all my foolish mistakes to the silent grave and, when there were no more words to describe my sin, I bid him a farewell salute.

Then here I am: watching a funeral taking place from afar. It is a curious tradition. In my home planet, we usually burn the dead and spread his/her ashes at their favorite place. But here in Earth... they are preparing to bury the dead deep underground. A choir of earthling are singing a melodious song, which made the small crowd cry fretfully. Especially the main guest, Boboiboy.

He seems to be attached with Tok Aba because he continuous to cry silently and anonymously. Well except for Lance Corporal Yaya Yah, who happens to hold on to her boyfriends hand.

Hmm, about that girl... I sense something strange about her presence. Whether it's by instinct or imagination, she seems to be growing paler and paler everyday. It isn't very clear to see it, but my sixth sense is always true.

I am about to scan her with my mask, but then another earthling in black suit runs to the crowd and interrupts the funeral.

"Is someone named Boboiboy in here?" he asks, almost desperately. His clothes are torn in the most horrible way and his head has a large red bruise. Sweat is covered all around his face, as if he had ran from a serious tragedy.

"That's me," the elemental hero shows himself as he wipes his tears away. "What is it you want?"

"You're...parents. They were about to attend this very funeral, with me as their guide and driver. But... But..."

"But what?" Boboiboy asks.

The man, bowing his head, does not reply.

Boboiboy lunges at the black man and furiously seizes his collar.

"What happened?! Tell me!"

He slowly looks at the boy and whispers, "They died... in a car crash."

"I was trying to avoid a little girl in the intersection. The car loosed control and it flips into the air. Before the vehicle could crash, your... father pushed me out of the car and I hit the pavement face first. I looked back and discovered the car lying upside down, and your parents were severely wounded. Still holding each others' broken hands.

"After an ambulance was called, the medics here tried to... bring them back. They tried, but," he kneels down hopelessly and cries. "But it seems... they can only save me, not them. Oh, if only it should be me..."

Boboiboy is aghast upon hearing the news and slowly pulls his shaky hands away from the driver.

"This..." he croaks as he looks at his trembling hands. "This is all my fault."

Yaya immediately flies to his side and places one hand on his shoulder.

"Is there something wrong, Boboiboy?" she starts. "Look here, it is not your fault that—"

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" he shouts and pushes off his only companion.

She tumbles down and lands hardly on the wet grass.

Everyone gasps at this reaction and fear begins to control them. They stare at him in horror and nobody look at him in the eye, all scared of the rage inside of the elemental hero. Some are now holding a few children away from the enraged boy, and others have their phones up.

Recording the whole scene perhaps, I think still not moving from my spot.

But as for Yaya, she dares to meet Boboiboy in the eye and lets out a painful, "Why...?"

The latter is suprised at his own actions and feels the haunting presence around him. Like a scared little boy, who was engulfed in darkness and had nowhere to go.

Boboiboy tightly hugs himself. "Sorry... ummm, I have to go."

And he quickly uses his Thunder movement to run away from the funeral.

Because my interest for him perks up, I follow him from behind.


I find myself at the edge of the island, where the sun is about to set and the blooming clouds turn into pink and yellow flowers . The waves splash the wet sand in silent choruses; the cool breeze caresses my clothes like a mother's touch. As if agreeing to me, the nearby palm trees sway with truth resounding in my ears. It is... a peaceful site to see.

No one is around, only me and Boboiboy.

The boy in question stops running and gazes the horizon beyond him. He sees it and acknowledges its presence. But when he sits on the white sand, he suddenly tears up and burries his head under his knees.

"This is all my fault..." he mutters, slowly hugging his shaking knees. "I shouldn't have *sniffs* lived again..."

Somewhere deep inside my soul, I feel something break in and shatters my cold secured facade. Setting free a man who really has a compassionate heart for the weak. I try to set him aside, but I can't. Boboiboy, the hero of his planet, reminds me of my brother. Nobody can see it, but genuinely there is.

He hides when he is truly sad.

He smiles when he is hurt.

He leaves when everything in him falls apart.

Yes, just like my Fang... and I want to help him. If I couldn't done it before, then this is my chance.

I pull out a penguin keychain, the same thing Fang held and threw it away. I was there when his confession happened, and now I am squeezing it. The only living memory and a reminder of my biggest regret.

"Here I come," I say aloud and walk towards Boboiboy.

My large footsteps slosh the sand loudly, but he doesn't hear it. He still cries and continues to utter more suicidal words. Words that I cannot bear to see them come true. He holds an identical penguin keychain in his trembling right hand over his left.

"If only I did died," he mumbles as I come closer. "This... would never happen."

I quietly sit beside his right and immediately place my hand on his left shoulder.

Boboiboy's head jerks up. "Ca-Captain Kaizo." he says, then he harshly wipes his fresh tears. "What are you—"

But knowing that he is in misery, I carefully grip his shoulder. "It's okay, just cry. I won't scold you."

He stares at me with uncertainty for a while. Then his tears starts to overflow again, his snot begins to drip, and suddenly Boboiboy tackles me with a bear hug.

In a very awkward response, I hug him back and rub circles on his back. And, out of affection, I pat his soft brown hair.

"It's all my fault," he cries again, warm tears staining my jacket. "Ever since I was saved one year ago, all of the unfortunate things are happening to me and my friends.  I tried to protect them, but I'm such a failure and a freaking jerk. I bet... Gopal and the others are bad-mouthing me, doubting why can't I save them. I know I am a passionate hero to all, but tsk! I can't even rescue my friends from their own danger. I can't, because I cannot see their dark secrets and help my friends with everything in my best ability. This doesn't apply too much on Gopal, but it still does. I already knew that he's... jealous of me being with Yaya and I really should've considered it. But, I didn't! I think too much of myself. So much that I didn't realize people are now slowly dying behind my back."

He sniffles and rubs his nose vigorously. "Oh, god. If only I accepted the dark twin from my dreams and leave this world, none of these wouldn't happen. This... wouldn't happen. Fang. Ying. Gopal. Grandpa. Mom. Dad. I really shouldn't be alive today!"

My eyes scan the boy in my arms. He blames himself much more than I do. The pressure of being Earth's greatest hero is making him suffer. Those jumbled thoughts, it's driving him to the last but dreadful hope:


"Stupid me," he wails and balls his fists. "I always loose something everyday. Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

I cannot control myself any longer. I then seize both his shoulders and face him towards me.

"You are really stupid, Boboiboy," I shout at him. "Never. Ever. EVER die just because of grief! Heroes like you aren't fit for tragic endings. Yes, people always make the greatest mistakes in their lives. But that doesn't mean messed up guys must not live in this chaotic world. They don't deserve to die; they deserve to be loved. You deserve to be loved. Remember, Boboiboy! there are still so many people who are still alive and they care for you with all of their heart.

I pause. "You know, I could've done this to Pang. I should've been there when he was breaking down into pieces. I should've let him cry in my arms. I should have comforted him all these words like a real big brother. But, just like you've guessed, I really didn't. Because I was still doubting myself so I left him be that way. But when Pang died and I looked back to the time I've doubted myself, I realized... I was just making myself some excuses!"

I feel my eyes clouded with hidden tears as I reveal the keychain in my left hand and insert the loop in my middle finger..

"I love my brother very much," I confess.  "And I too could've saved him. But you, Boboiboy, you are now showing the same suicidal look I have seen in Pang, and I don't wanna see it ever again in my comrades."

I gently grab his right fist and cup it. "You are no different to him. Because of my love for you, please I beg of you... Never blame yourself for this."

And, for the first time since my job, tears stream quickly down my face.

I close my eyes and just let everything out. My anger. My sadness. My pain. I reveal these all to him. Although it's embarrassing to cry in front of a child, I still let it flow. I want him to see that I care for him as much as I care for my brother. Pang would've done that to him also.

Forget, regret, then forgive. That was my daily relationship with my little brother, and it was so frustrating to feel it over and over again. I wished we were like normal brothers joking and goofing around. Even if duty still calls for us, I still wished for that to happen. But... gone were those wishes, and now they are replaced with the dull relationship that will continuously haunt my mind forever.

Forget, regret, then forgive.

After a good cry of 2 minutes, I feel soft fingers interlocking my left hand.

"I believe in you," Boboiboy whispers and I fling my eyes open.

He is still covered with his own tears and snot, but his brown eyes... They are now shimmering with a shine of hope, and it matches perfectly the beautiful sunset.

"I believe in you," he repeats. "That you still love me..."

Then Boboiboy blushes and shakes his head furiously. "Uhh, I m-mean t-ttthat... you stilllllll care for me. Not the 'lllovve' part, Captain. It's just—"

"Yeah, I know," I interrupt and lean my forehead on his own. "And I'm glad that you did."

I hear a sigh from him and he also lean on my forehead. We both close our eyes and feel the cool breeze again. This time, with a new sense of revival: hope. Hope to keep us together and make the galaxy a better place. For us, and our loved ones.

"Boboiboy, I—"


All of a sudden, I fall down to the white sand and clutch at my left side. Something hot has just drilled a hole exactly on my left lung, and I am bleeding up fast.

"Captain!" Boboiboy cried and immediately begin to compress my wound.

But, no matter how hard he tried, he still can't block my blood from flowing. I want him to use his elemental powers, but I fear it won't be enough.

Instead I hand over Fang's keychain to him. "Go... T-Take it."

"Just stay still, Captain," he firmly says, refusing to give up. "I can call TAPOPS to bring you up urgently."

I shake my head. "No they won't make it."

I cough out too much blood, making me struggle to breathe.

Abandonning my wound, Boboiboy help me rest my head on his lap. "No, no, no... Please don't leave me, Captain. I can't loose you too."

"It's okay..." I reassure. "I will still be there for you... and your friends."

Instantly I remember his girlfriend, Yaya Yah, and her negative aura. Whether it's something bad or not, I have to tell him.

"And also," I add, now feeling my pulse getting slower and slower. "I fear about... your girlfriend's vitals. Please ask her about it."

Boboiboy curtly nods back.

Suprisingly, I found myself staring back at Fang. I weakly smile at him and I feel that I am now forgiven.

"You look just like him..."

Then my heart fails, and my brother's face vanishes forever.


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