Good bye

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Third person POV

It was the next day. Adriana was still shoked denis defeated ema/demon that fast and alone. Something seemed fishy to her. But she just shruged it off. It was the next day. Corl was sad since denis wasn't really showing him that he cares. Denis and corl were in the kitchen, denis noticed corl was sad.

"Are you ok?" denis asks.


"Do u need a hug c-"

"Yes." corl cuts him off.

"Well, thats nice!" denis says getting some coffee. Corl seemed confused. This wasn't denis he thought. Like Adriana, he shruged it off. Corl went back to bed because he was tired. But denis stayed in the kitchen. Sketch walked in with a big smile on his face.

"Good morning dingo!" He said.

"Who's dingo?" denis asks.

"Ummm that's you."

"OH RIGHT THAT'S ME!" denis said nervously.

"You forgot?" Sketch asked.

"Nah. Um I-uh. You now me! I always forgets!" Denis laughs nervously as sketch looks at denis examining denis top to bottom.

"Anyways. . ." denis said trying to change the subject.

"So I'm going to cook some dinner. What you want to eat?" Alex asked. Comeing in the kitchen. This is my chance to kill Adriana. I can poison the food. . .denis thought.

"Oh uhhhh I'll like some. . .waffles." denis said.

"But. . .You hate waffles." Alex added.

"I do?"

"Uhhhhh OH YA NEVERMIND. I'll get some pancakes?" denis asks.

"Denis has been acting weird latley." Alex whispered to sketch.

"I know. Do we ask him?" sketch replied.

"Nah." Alex said while making the pancake batter.

"Well I'm going to make a youtube video!" Sketch said heading back to his room.

(So everyone moved into the secret place soooooo ya.)

Denis needing to get Alex out of the room to add poision to Adriana's food.

"So Alex the bathroom is flooding!'' Denis lies.

"Oh my gosh really?" Alex ask

"GO FIX IT!" Denis yells out. He runs to the bathroom and denis follows.
Alex stepps inti the bathroom.

"What do you mean? There no flood." Alex scratches his hair.

"No look closer." denis adds. Once Alex is inside Denis quickly lockes the door and blocks it with his powers.

"HEY LET ME OUT!!" Alex yells banging the door.

"Sorry. Not really." Denis says walking towards the kitchen.

Denis/Ema/Demon POV

I get a cup of coffee and put poison in it to give to Adriana. Suddenly Sketch comes back.

"Uhh what are you doing?" he asks.

"Uhhh nothing." I say moving the coffee behind me.

"Ooooook. Where's Alex?"

"Oh he's in the bathroom." I reply. Then Adriana walks in rubbing her eyes.

"Goodmorning sleepy head!" Sketch gives her a kiss on the cheek. I roll my eyes secretly.

"So Alex made you this coffee!"I lie. I hand it to her.

"Oh cool tell him thanks." She says taking a sip of the coffee. I smile. She is going to be gone. She drops the mug of coffee on the floor and it brakes into a million peices.

"What's wrong!?" Sketch asks. She puts her hand on her stomach.

"I don't feel so good." She replys. She drops on the floor.

"ADRIANA!" Sketch tells.

"Oh no." I say smiling but he doesn't notice. He falls to his knees, crying.

"What happend?" he asks.

"I think Alex poisoned Her!" I exclaim. This was great. My plan was working.


"Why would Alex do this!?" he adds. I let him out of the bathroom with my powers. He runs towards us.

"WHATS WRONG!?'' he asks kneeling besides Adriana.

"YOU KNOW EXACLTY WHATS WRONG!!" Sketch pushes Alex away from Adriana and punches him in the face. Good now they were turning against eachother.

"What!?'' he says. His nose was bleeding but not alot. Suddenly Corl walked in he was in shock.

"Whats going on!?" he asks.

"Alex poisoned Adriana!" I lie.

"NO I DIDN'T! It was den-"

Alex looks at corl waiting for him to deafed him but he didn't. He just looked down and pointed to the door.

"Go." I say. I put on my fake frown. I looked at Adriana on the floor. I had a flashback.

Flash back:

"Ha! Ha!" Adriana laughed with her friend at me. I was just 9. My knees were bleeding. It hurt.

"Why are you doing this to me!?'' I asked.

"Because your a loser." One of her friends said. They all laughed.

"You better not tell mom about this." Adriana says getting closer to me. I cryed into my knees.

"Ha. Look she's crying." Adriana said.

"Cry baby! Cry baby! Cry baby!" the reapted. It seemed like they were getting closer to me.

-End of Flash back-

Sketch POV

I check her pulse. She wasn't breathing.

"She's dead." i say crying even more. Why would Alex do this!? I thought he was our friend. I love Adriana. She's gone. I help her cold bodie in my arms. Kissed her on the fornead.

Alex POV

I ran into the woods. Crying. I heard crying that was not coming from me. I went towards it. It was Sandra.

"Sandra!?" I yell out.


"What are you doing here!?" I ask.

"I escaped. After denis kinda deafted The demon the demon started to control denis."

"What!?" He framed me.

"Why are you crying?" she asks me.

"Long story. I missed you sandra."

"I missed you to-" I cuts her off and kisses Sandra on the lips pationatly. Our soft lips touch eachother. I ran my hand through her hair. After a few second we stop.

"I love you Sandra."

"I-I. . ." she hesitates.

"I love you too." she replys. We smile.

Hey guys. This is a sad chapter. *Cries* Im going to call you guys box heads. Bye box heads!
~Box queen

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