the potion master change

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Harry P.O.V.

I hate it here already, not once having any peace. When they announce that I'm Madeline's brother they wouldn't shut up with the question. I'm starting to regret being in Ravenclaw but luckily a prefect put an end to it. I ignore that old goat fucking speech. Why should I listen to that old manipulative asshole who ruined my life. He is worse than Voldemort because at least we know he's gonna attack. I felt something trying to enter my mind but I ignored it. After the feast we head to our common room.

"Hi Terry boot." a boy introduced himself.

"Harry potter." I shook his hand.

"Yeah, I know lemme guess don't get along with your sister?"

"If you call being abandoned by them then yes."


"They all thought I was a squib."

"But are you?"

"Yeah, but not always. You see after Voldemort's attack and the death of our mother. My father and Dumbledore declare Madeline as the girl who lives, then notice her core is weakened to strengthen; they need another one."

"That means."

"Yeah, they took my magic and gave it to the brat. They made me a squib."

"But that's illegal." Terry said, shock

"Do you think they care? All care her fuck the other kid." Harry said butterly

"Wow, everything I read is wrong."

"No shit."


3rd P.O.V.

Harry put on his headphones to shut down the whisper behind his back. (play song) as he was eating he got his schedule and seemed to share some class with gryffindor. Great, it seems I can't escape the bitch. After breakfast I head to potions. Something tells me it is not gonna end well.

Short timeskip

After Snape rolls call he calls me. I answer while reading some pages in the textbook.

"Potter, Harry."

"Here," he answered cautiously.

Snape turned to look at him, scanning him like a hawk, trying to find anything to yell at him about, before he seemingly glided over through him.

"I see we have a student who thinks can learn more on his own than from his teacher," the professor remarked with distaste as he stared at his Potions book.

"I was just-"

"Silence!" He hissed. "Tell me, Potter, if you think of yourself as smart, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?

"I..." Harry's mind came out empty. "I don't know." 'what the hell is his problem'

"Tut, tut - you don't know? You're reading the book before class, surely you must know. Can you even read Potter?"

"Yes, but I don't think I-" he cut me off again.

"No excuses," the teacher snapped. "Let's try again, Potter, tell me, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar."

"I- I don't know. A Potions shop, maybe-"

"Trying to be cheeky, Potter?"

"No, sir! I-"

"Five points from Ravenclaw." Snape cut him off, incredibly seriously. "Just like your father, aren't you, Potter, trying to be funny to hide how much of a dimwit you are."

All the Slytherins around him laughed, even those at his own table.

"I'm not my-" his eyes flash red

"Silence!" The near-shout completely stopped Harry in his tracks. "You are not to talk back to a teacher, ever, Potter! One more word out of your mouth, and you'll receive a week's detention. Is that clear?"

Not trusting Snape into baiting him, Harry merely nodded, begrudgingly and with his blood boiling with anger.

"Very well," he drawled. "With no more interruptions, we can finally get this class started."

Snape went on to give an arrogant speech, before ordering them to prepare one of the first Potions that came from the handbook on their own, without any help. Even with over an hour of time to read the book, and actually having gone through that potion before class, Harry was stunningly bad at Potions, or he was if Snape was to be believed.

The Professor hovered over him like a lion circling his prey, and never failed to point out Harry's mistakes, even when it was just one second too long that he stirred the potion, or one milligram too much of squashed dried nettles. Snape even forced him to restart his own potion three times before finally giving him a Poor at the end of class.

However, he wasn't his only victim as the other Gryffindors tasted just a tiny bit of what Harry went through, taking points away for nothing and constantly berating them - Neville and Ron getting the brunt of it.

When class finished and Harry began packing his bag, preparing himself for the next class, Snape called out to him.

"Potter! You are to stay at the end of class to talk about your behavior during class. The rest of you, leave, now."

Snape's words seemed to have acted as a massive repellent, making everyone leave the classroom as fast as possible, though most of the Slytherins laughed as they did, and Harry got the feeling they would have liked to have stayed.

"Potter!" Snape snapped at him once the classroom was fully empty. "My desk, now!"

Harry slowly walked towards him and stood on the other side of the desk as the Potions Master loomed over him.

"Your disrespectful and ill-mannered behavior is one that might have worked in the muggle world, but not here at Hogwarts. We expect our students to uphold the highest bar of education in the world, and that includes how they address their teachers and their attitude towards their betters. You are not allowed to be rude to your teachers or to even talk back to them-"

"I wasn't being-"

"Yes! You were!" Snape roared. "You are to stay silent until I allow you to speak. Your father came to this school just before you, and he was just as much of an irreverent and inconsiderate fool as you are. He thought, as you think now, that you can get away with anything and act as if you own the school just because of who you are, and I'm here to tell you that you are deeply mistaken. As your teacher, your future is in my hands, I will decide whether you have a good one or if you don't even reach second year! If you even so much as talk back to me, or any other teacher brings up even the slightest complaint against you - if I hear you even sneaked in dirt into the classroom by accident, I will make sure that you don't spend another night in the castle and that you are sent back with your aunt and uncle with your wand shattered into pieces. Is that clear?"

"ENOUGH" Harry roared back, letting his magic crash into everything. He wrapped snape in his seat with his magic. You disrespectful piece of shit. How dare you. HOW FUCING DARE YOU."

"Potter I'll-"

"BE SILENT." Harry shouted furiously red, making Snape have flashbacks about Voldemort. "I have not nothing to you!!! And you dare act like a bully. So what you think because who my sister is, I'm like her.'' Harry is getting pissed."

"You spoiled bra-" his mouth disappeared."

"Spoiled let me show how spoiled I am?" With red smoke he entered Snape and showed him his childhood all of it. Snape see everything the beatings, the bullying, the attemped rape.

"Mmhmm." Snape tried to say, begging him to stop. Harry gave him mouth back.

"How do you like my so-called wonderful life? You people always disgust me. Always thinking you know everything but really you know nothing. You think because you suffer bullying and had a bad childhood that it makes an excuse to act like that. Grow up you are the only one."

"Your father bullied me. You godfather black almost killed me."

"Believe it or not I am sorry to hear that. But I don't care if you know why because I have nothing to do with it. Judging from your memories why the fuck would listen to Sirius in the first place. You knew that they're notorious pranksters." Harry said. Then Snape thought about it and have no answer because it was stupid. "You think I'm like James but tell me how is it any different than what you're doing. I heard from a friend that he picked a bunch of Slytherins talking points, assigning detention, favoring Gryffindor's. Exactly what you have been doing, he does the same so tell what the difference between you two besides houses."

Snape is silent then eyes widen in horror when he realizes he has become what he hates the most.

"The sin of the father should not be visited on the son." with that Harry let him go and left. Snape sat there thinking about what happened and for the first time in his life he felt guilty not this much after Lily's death the boy was right and now he's gonna change his ways.

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