Chapter 4: Orange Mock (Deceit)

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Tsuna whistled a tune as he trotted down the road.

'Gotta find a secluded area...'

When he was deep in his thoughts, he accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ah, mi dispiace." (I'm sorry.)

"No.  Mia surrogati." (My apologies.)

Tsuna lifted head--'why do I have to be so short!'--and blinked in surprise.

It was Reborn, the number one hitman.

The hitman raised an eyebrow at the other's expression.

"Qualcosa sulla mia faccia?" (Something on my face?)

Tsuna snapped out of his stupor and laughed nervously.

"No, no!  Io solo pensato che l'aspetto familiare è tutto..." (No, no!  I just thought that you looked familiar is all...)

Reborn scrutinized Tsuna slightly before a voice interrupted them.

"Oi!  What are you doing, kora!?"

They turned their heads to see a certain blonde walking over to them, wearing a green vest, cargo pants, and a plain, white t-shirt; there was a headband with a black pin that had a number 1 on it.

"Talking to someone, Baka-Nello."

'Baka-Nello', or Colonello, blinked his blue eyes in surprise and finally noticed the brunet there.

"Yo, kora!  What's your name, kora?"

Tsuna faked a confused expression; Reborn noticed it.

"Baka-Nello, he only speaks Italian."

"Oh!  Okay!"

Tsuna chuckled softly at the other's exuberance.

'He reminds me of Ryohei...they just have different flame elements...'

"Il mio nome Colonello!  Qual è la tua?" (My name's Colonello!  What's your's?)

The brunet chuckled once more and extended a hand out.

"Tsunayoshi Sawada."

Colonello's grin widened before his face switched to one of confusion.

"Attendere...perché è il vostro nome Giapponese?" (Wait...why is your name Japanese?)

Tsuna simply smiled; he already thought of a background story.

"Bene, mia madre era dal Giappone e spostato qui in Italia con mio padre.  Così sono nato e cresciuto qui--anche se non so molto Giapponese nonostante la mia madre è venuto dal Giappone." (Well, my mother was from Japan and moved here to Italy with my father.  So I was born and raised here--although I still don't know much Japanese despite the fact that my mother came from Japan.)

Tsuna laughed sheepishly as Colonello nodded his head in understanding; the blonde then tilted his head in confusion once more.

"Ma si guarda abbastanza vecchio per avere imparato di più..." (But you look older to have learned more...)

The brunet strained a smile.

"Sono morti." (They're dead.) 'Although that's actually a lie...'

Colonello flinched and bowed his head slightly.

"Mia surrogati." (My apologies.)

Tsuna waved his hand in the air, smiling softly.

"È molto bello." (It's fine.)

The brunet heard his digital watch beep; he blinked his sunset-orange eyes in surprise.

"Siamo spiacenti! Devo andare ora.  Addio, Signior Colonello, Signior Reborn!" (Sorry!  I must go now.  Goodbye, Mr. Colonello, Mr. Reborn!)

The two watched the brunet jog away, turning at a corner.

Reborn frowned slightly and tugged his fedora down; Colonello noticed the motion and raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong, kora?"

Reborn tilted his fedora up slightly and looked at the spot where Tsuna disappeared.

"That brunet...I don't remember giving my name to him--nor do I remember you mentioning it around him."

Colonello blinked his eyes in surprise and realization.


'F*******k...I think Reborn-san had a suspicious look on his face...'

Tsuna mussed up his hair before sighing softly.

He sat on a tall hill on the side of Venice.

Surprisingly, no one found the beautiful view.

Tsuna sighed as he felt a breeze pass by.

He unslung his backpack and rummaged through it, pulling his laptop out.

He opened it and turned it on; he yawned into his hand as he watched it load.

Right when it finished, boxes popped up, causing Tsuna to raise an eyebrow.

"That many notifications?"

Tsuna searched through each one, deleting most since they were useless.

His hand stopped on a particular e-mail; he blinked in surprise.

"An alliance with the Vongola famiglia?"

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