New Eliumi fanfic Announcement

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hi! thanks for reading my first eliumi fanfiction, "Sea of Lamentations" :) of course, all stories will have to come to an end, but that does not mean I will stop coming up with new eliumi fanfics ;)

so here is the long awaited eliumi fanfic i'm going to work on! surprise, surprise! i've decided to come up with a sequel to this eliumi fanfic instead :')

But that's not all.

While I'm publishing the sequel to this fanfic, i will work on another, totally irrelevant to this fanfic eliumi fanfic! (the other fanfic plot and title has not been confirmed so i will only publish info about it in the next update here later)

here's the sneak peek of the sequel. Enjoy.

Sea of Exultations

"If you and I become an item, would the school devolve into a sea of lamentations?"

       Eli finally got her answer. The school did devolve into a sea, except it was not quite like what she had expected.

       The school devolved into a sea of exultations.

        Exultations › triumphant elation or jubilation; rejoicing. It was the sound of laughter.

       There are two types of laughter: the good natured laugh- naive and childish; the careless laugh - fake and pretentious

        Eli always love Umi's cute giggle until one day, it sounded enigmatic.

       "This is our last chance."

        "What will happen to you and Umi after spring?"

        "She's a charmer. If you give her up, she'll be gone in a blink of an eye."

       "Yes, there could have been a million better ways to handle it, and believe me, I told her that myself a million times. But you know her, she never thinks about herself. She does what she believes will benefit the greatest number of people."

Amidst the sea of exultations, Eli found herself drowning.

   "Then I don't seem to be in that number."

    Umi's sultry amber eyes grew cold, her luxuriant blue hair turned dull, her smile was stiff and her hands lacked the warmth they once had.

     "It was all a game to you and Eli, wasn't it?"


other genre: drama, angst, hints of fluff still present (other ships will be included as well)

book cover art by: Min on pixiv

(link to Min's profile -

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