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-Girlfriend (Former Real Name)
-GF (Usual Nickname)
-HX (Official Revealed Alias)
-Yandere (?)
-Mistress (Souls)

Age: Ageless
Height: 6'11 (Disguised)
7'9 (Revealed)
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Black (Disguised)
White (Revealed)
Species: Demon (Formerly (?))
Entity (Currently)
Relationships: PAB (One-Sided Friendship)
Nab.exe (Sees as a child)
Various targets (Former Love Interests)
Noob (Victim; Minion)
Ms. Pink (Victim; Minion)
Novisor (Victim; Minion)

HX's appearance is that of Girlfriend Gearest, albeit heavily altered due to unknown events, and taking an overall Low-Poly Appearance.

Her disguised appearance is close to her former self, being an exceptionally tall young woman, with auburn hair, black eyes, fair skin, a red minidress, and red heels. However, various differences exist, such as significantly spikier hair, with one lock of hair being notably larger, and sticking up and to her left, larger, less rounded eyes, no visible mouth, and two cowlicks floating above her head rather than being part of the hair.

When in between her Facade and True Designs, HX's body destabilizes, taking on minor, yet gradually spreading traits of her real form, such as vein-like extremities emerging from her neck, shoulders, hips and ankles, a shadow forming just below her forehead, her hair lengthens and sharpens, and consistently acts up due to the unstable nature of her current body state, and her eyes enlarging a bit. In this state, her height increases to 7'9, adding to the looming and unsettling appearance.

When her facade's dropped completely, HX's face is almost fully blackened. Her eyes become smaller and white, with her eyelashes being indicated by a white line above the main eyes, and lower eyelid corresponding in the same way. Her sharp teeth are now constantly showing, giving an unsettling, almost psychopathic vibe. The extremities spread into similar blackened areas in the neck, shoulders, ankles, and hips, with eyes and teeth being seen within these areas.
In addition to these extremities and additional features to her body, HX now has large black horns that crystallize into rubies at the end, a demonic tail, and black demon wings.

HX's old designs were largely the same compared to her current appearance. However, the overall design was much less low-poly, with more rounded traits.
Additionally, the shadow that covers her face in her True form only reached the eyes, and her mouth had some separate shading around the teeth. And the black extremities protruding from the shoulder, hips, ankles, and neck lacked the eyes and teeth that are now seen.
She lacked a proper disguise form at this point.

HX is cunning, manipulative, psychopathic, sadomasochistic, dominant, and considered a massive threat.
When disguised, she acts innocent, sweet, and sometimes goes to "Airhead" levels just to keep people from realizing who she is. In cases where her target is taken, she becomes increasingly jealous, and goes to any measures, including violence if pushed far enough, to get them out of the way. Traits of a Yandere.

When in between her disguise and true forms, HX loses a majority of her rationality, resorting to violent means to achieve her ends. Her speech, while not limited, is not used often, being replaced by maniacal laughter.

Finally, when her facade fully drops, her rationale returns, and she becomes more aggressive and even clingy in some cases.
In her true state, she almost always carries a harpoon stained with Soul Matter. Whether it's her own or that of her victims is not clear.

Regardless of which form she's in, HX is more than willing to sic a Soul Puppet on a victim, hinting at a cowardly side, or personal preference to avoid fighting directly. It's unclear.

HX has had many victims throughout her travels. However, she has only reanimated 3 of them for usage as puppets.
The puppet's designs allude to how they died. 

As of HX's most recent redesign, these puppets will be replaced, as HX is no longer based on PTTS.

HX killed Noob by pulling her ghost from the Simulated state, killing her in and outside of the used simulations.
Noob's puppet form is similar to that of the ghosts in the simulations she partook in, albeit missing a visor, frail, and having a large white eye similar to HX's. Her party hat was frayed in the attack, and one hand is always visible, implying Soulmate.HX can dismember ghosts. (Not quite true.)

Ms. Pink:
Ms. Pink was pulled in half, and mauled by HX directly, resulting in her bottom half being gone, and what's left used for the basis of the puppet. And there isn't much left anyhow.
Her puppet appearance is roughly mangled and torn, with only the upper half of her body semi-intact. Her blonde hair has become messy, frazzled, and is torn in some areas, her eyes are shadowed over for unclear reasons, the lower jaw is removed, and the once-fair skin covering the lower front of her face is missing. She's missing one arm, with only muscle and bone showing, and her spine is visible where she was torn.

Novisor was ended by HX re-summoning him, and restoring him to his prime, and offering more power through an alliance. Sadly, Novisor took the bait, and the ensuing "transfer" left him dead. The result was impaled by HX through the head, leaving a visor attached. He's long since mentally been broken and destroyed, knowing that he's no longer capable of fighting outside of HX's orders.

Novisor's puppet form is more so mutated than mangled, as he seems to be in between his corporeal and ghostlike states. His ghost tail flows on his backside, similar in nature to a reptile tail, with thin, slim limbs, slabs for feet, clawed hands, and an extra arm torn at the elbow level, with a single bone seen. His head is impaled with what is presumably a stake, which holds a visor where his blank head once was. To add on, his once mighty jaw of many rows with sharp teeth is suspended open, and occasionally shows a summoning circle.
-That being said, he's the only one who has a fragment of consciousness left. This may be due to him being a spirit dating back to the days of Latin, whereas Noob and Ms. Pink were both simply humans who fell victim to the entity.

Powers and Abilities:
Disguise: HX's disguise form and act are convincing enough to fool an average person. It is possible to see through the facade, however, the success rate in doing so isn't so high, as people tend to "rationalize" and rule supernatural forces out. Worlds where magic and supernatural phenomena can spot her out easily if they suspect something's off, but don't know half of what lies under her surface.

Harpoon Wielding: Soulmate.HX's main weapon is a harpoon she obtained during one of her travels. She is depicted as proficient in using it in melee as well as range. When tossing it, it always hits its mark, implying a telekinetic aspect to its usage.

Reanimation: HX can reanimate the bodies of victims to fight alongside or for her. However, should the body be destroyed, the soul will simply fly back to her, to be used later. She can also form new bodies for the souls of victims. She prefers more unsettling appearances, often alluding to how she ended the respective life.

Flight: HX can fly long distances using the demonic wings. However, she prefers to float a bit, and add some gravitas.

Immortality: HX doesn't age, nor die in any capacity.

Emotional Instability: HX's time in the void made her considerably unstable. As a result, she often needs a lot of time to mull ideas over. Otherwise, she goes on impulse, resulting in more bodies dropping than necessary.

Suspension: HX can be bound, gagged, restrained, etc. This makes her much less of a threat. Combined with her masochism, her priorities can be skewed as a result.

Psyche: HX is still bound by her original psyche, albeit altered and twisted. As a result, she's prone to falling for other's ruses.

In-Between State: When in-between forms, HX is vulnerable to attack as a result of instability. One can subdue her easily by hitting her in this state.

-HX's old lore consisted of her world collapsing, and leaving her trapped in a dark void for an unknown amount of time. This has long since been retconned, with the events purposely unknown.
-Her current design was originally set to be an alternate appearance for specific worlds, but it turned out better than planned, and was made into the official design, with the official look of the time being scrapped.
-The in-between stage is not a form in and of itself, rather just distinct enough from both to be described as an equivalent.
-HX's victim count is not clear, but she has reanimated three souls for unclear reasons.
-Her Soul Puppet's appearances allude to their demises.
-She was originally made as an alternate version of PAB, but became her own character.
-She rarely, if ever, goes to the same world more than once. This is usually because she decided there is nothing worth returning for, but mostly since she doesn't want to risk being discovered as a supernatural entity. Why is unclear.
-She once met Jeff the Killer, and hated him.
-HX's emotions are skewed from her time in the void. As a result, she struggles with anger and anxiety, causing her to become unstable and attack anything. She often slashes Ms. Pink's puppeteered body to calm down.
-HX sees PAB as a cute friend, but the latter doesn't return that feeling.
-That being said, she often does enjoy interacting with Nab.exe.
-She obtained her harpoon when fighting someone on the docks. She was stabbed in the leg with it, but used it to return the favor. She just keeps it due to convenience. And it looks "sick as hell" for her.


HX's forms

False Lover Form redrawn

A Redraw of her Unstable Transition

Girlfriend Gearest in a depressed state, with her future staring her in the back

HX showing a more arrogant and undermining side to opponents

This is why HX hates going to the same world twice

HX, Nab.exe, and PAB

A scrapped rework of HX's design

False Lover Expressions for the scrapped rework

HX's old design.

Ditto, but with her puppets

Ditto, but her disguise, with what lies behind her beady eyes as a shadow

HX's first ever design

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