Second Heartbeat ♡ (An A7X Fan Fiction)

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Rose Valary Sanders wandered into the kitchen while her uncles practiced their music. She was told to stay put by Brian, but Rose was very active and curious and was also a bit hungry. Once her aunt was upstairs, she got down from the couch and took off to explore.

She saw the box of Oreos on the counter and frowned. She was still too small to reach. Much smaller than Johnny.

She looked around and then saw a chair and got an idea.

She pulled the chair and pushed it so she can reach the Oreos she wanted.

Right when she was stepped on the chair, she hears a shout.

"Rose??! Where are you??!" she heard Zacky called for her. He sounded scared.

She gasps and nearly looses balance, but then has balance again, and stays still and quiet.

Right when she was about to grab the cookies, arms quickly wrap around her and pull her away, scaring her and making her scream in surprise.

Brian had caught Rose and held her close.

"Rose, there you are!! What were you doing??!" Brian asked, looking scared as Rose looked up at him.

"I wanted an Oreo," she said as he set her down on the ground.

"Why didn't you just ask?? You could have fell," Brian told the little girl. Jimmy had walked in, sighing in relief that Rose was found unharmed.

"I'm sorry, Daddy," she said, feeling bad that she scared Brian like that.

Brian sighs and engulfs the little girl in his arms, her little arms wrapping around his neck.

He pulls back, making one last check the little girl was alright and then looks at her for a while.

She was the perfect image of Val and Matt, most of Matt's characteristics in her features. Especially his eyes, which sometimes looked darker, depending on the light. Probably got that from Val.

"Just don't scare me like that, okay??" he said, kissing her forehead.

"Okay," she said, kissing his cheek.

"Here, why don't you go share these with Jimbo, okay kiddo??" Brian said, grabbing the Oreos and giving it to her.

"Thank you, Daddy," she said, and then running up to her best friend, Jimmy, who picked her up as she offered him an Oreo and took her to the living room.

Brian got back up to his feet, remembering all he witnessed the night of Val's death at the hospital after that car accident, after she was coming back from visiting Matt in prison. Brian was there when they saved Rose, who was born without a pulse but then was bought back to life thankfully.

Brian and the guys regretted causing all of this, and swore to raise Rose. But everyday they worry about loosing her, and are very protective of their best friend's daughter. She doesn't know him, and refers to Brian as her father. She knows Val is not with them, but always comforts herself with the thought of her mother as an angel.

"You okay, dude??" Zacky asked as he entered the kitchen.

Brian nods. "Yeah, just a bit of a scare," Brian simply said.


Picture of Rose Valary Sanders--------------------------->>>>

So what do you guys think so far?? Should I continue?? Let me know.


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