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Molly and George sat in front of the painting with pillows and blankets and tea, simply talking to Fred and Marisol in the painting. Willa didn't join them, as she felt it was more of a family reunion. It went on for hours, but Willa didn't mind. She cooked dinner for them, and they gladly ate. It was the most George had eaten in weeks.

Once Molly and Joseph left, Willa cleaned up the blankets and pillows while George continued to talk to Fred and Marisol. He seemed happy and animated. The color in his cheeks and eyes were coming back. His bones didn't feel as hard and stuck as before.

Willa was happy for him. She folded the blankets and fluffed the pillows with a smile on her face. She washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Then, she dusted the living room before she was all tuckered out. She sat on the couch, stretching and massaging her feet.

"Thank you," whispered George from the doorway.

She turned around, momentarily pausing in massaging her feet. "No problem, George."

He softly smiled, walked over to sit down next to her, and took her feet into his lap before massaging them with his own hands. "It means a lot to me. Really, thank you, Willa. Now, I can see him every day."

"I love you. You know that right?" she asked.

He nodded. "I know. I love you as well."

She smiled. "You know, you don't have to run my feet."

He shrugged. "Least I could do. You've been taking care of me as if I was a child."

"I didn't mind. I know how tough things have been for you. How's Fred and Marisol?"

"They're great. I know they're not real and they're still dead, but it makes me feel better. I love you, Willa, for everything you've done for me."

She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "We wouldn't be here without Fred."

"No, we wouldn't be. I suppose we should thank him."

Willa nodded. "Thank you, Fred."

George blinked and tears fell. "Thank you, Fred."

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