Rising Malevolence

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(Y/n) POV

It has been a few days since I left Coruscant to search for this 'mystery weapon' with my master Plo-Koon to hunt it down and he told me that this weapon had been leaving no survivors and I keep thinking about it but for where we are, we are currently in a star system where we have caught up to it where it has reduced its speed by a red planet. I am currently standing nest to my master while we are on the bridge of his ship. Then Commander Wolf came up to us.

Wolf  : "The enemy ship has reduced its speed General."

Plo-Koon : "They must have realized we are tracking them."

(Y/n) : "Agreed, but look at the size of that thing, I'm surprised they were able to build it in secret."

Wolf : "The fleet is holding it position sir."

Plo-Koon : "I think it wise to report our position before we attack." *starts walking to the communicator*

(Y/n) : "I also think that as well, we don't know what we are in for." *also starts walking to the communicator.*

Wolf : "Skywalkers fleet is nearby in the Bith system."

Plo-Koon : "Good, perhaps he can reinforce us."

Wolf : "From what I hear Skywalker's always ready for a fight."

Plo-Koon : "So I've heard, especially from you my padawan."

(Y/n) : "Yeah, I can back that up from when I fought with him when watching over Ahsoka."

Plo-koon then turns on the communicator and I see Anakin and Ahsoka.

Ahsoka : "Kotoya Master Plo, you too (Y/n)."

(Y/n) : "Kotoya Ahsoka."

Pl- Koon : "Kotoya lil'soka."

Anakin : "How the hunt for the mystery weapon going you two."

Plo-Koon : "We've tracked it to the Avogado system, we need reinforcements."

(Y/n) : "And fast, we don't know how much firepower that thing has."

Anakin : "I'll have to ask the council Master Plo, I was given strict orders to protect our staging area."

Then somethings happens the transmission starts losing it connection, while I try to get it back up, while doing this Ahsoka sounds very concerned

Ahsoka : *concerned* "Master Plo, (Y/n) what's happening-"

Plo-Koon : "What is going on with the transmission my padawan ?"

(Y/n) : "I don't know these's too much interference, we've lost them, I think were being jammed."


Elsewhere 3rd POV

 Ahsoka : "You heard (Y/n) and Master Plo they need our support, we have to go help them."

Anakin : "We have to see what the council says first this is an important meeting Ahsoka, remember be mindful and speak only when spoken to."

They both enter the transmission room where a hologram of Mace Windu can be seen speaking.

Mace Windu : "This mystery weapon has struck in dozens of systems and disappeared without a trace."

Palpatine : "We cannot afford to lose any more ships my friends, ah Master Skywalker have you any luck finding General Grievous's mystery weapon."

Anakin : "Master-Plo was here in the Avogado system when we lost contact."


Back with (Y/n) 

Clone Trooper : "The enemy ship closing."

Plo-Koon : "Prepare for battle."

(Y/n) : "Everyone to your stations hurry."

Wolf : "Were picking up a large energy reading from the target sir."

Plo-Koon : "Open fire."

(Y/n) : "Master were not in range yet."

I then look up from the consul to see a giant purple energy ring heading towards us, my eyes widen with shock.

Plo-Koon : "Brace for impact !"

I grab onto the consul but as soon as the energy passes around us everything starts to short-circuit and crash.

Wolf : "Were losing all our power."

I then look down and realize what hit us and suddenly realize why there were no survivors. 

Wolf : "That energy field has left us defenseless."

It was an Ion cannon, only much bigger. The ship then starts to shake, I look up and see the enemy ship firing.

Wolf : "Their tearing us apart one by one."

I then look at my master with worry.

(Y/n) : "Master we must abandon ship."

Plo-Koon : "Quickly into the escape pods."

Me, my master wolf, and two other clone troopers head to the escape pod to get off the ship.

Plo-Koon : "We don't have much time, hurry, (Y/n) come on lets go."

(Y/n) : "Alright lets go."

The escape pod then launch and we see the ship blow up a few second later and we had to shield our eyes from the light of the blast.


3rd POV

Anakin : "We've had no further contact form Master Plo Koon or his padawan. The absence of distress beacons indicate his fleet was..." *looks at Ahsoka*

Ahsoka : *Looks back at him with worry and sadness*

Anakin : "His fleet was destroyed, like the others, we are about to prepare rescue mission."

Palpatine : "Clone  intelligence always reports that this weapon never leaves any survivors."

Obi Wan : "The separatists are being unusually tidy, they don't want any witnesses."

Yoda : "Tragic are these losses, prevent more we must."


Back with (Y/n) 

 Wolf : "The power grid is burned out, we have no engine, no communication and or life support recharge."

Trooper 1 : "So we just sit here an hold our breath."

Trooper 2 : "Someone will come looking for us right."

(Y/n) : "Lets hope so."

Plo-Koon : "Lets get the power restored, so we are here to be found."

(Y/n) : "Agreed, also master ?"

Plo-Koon : "Yes (Y/n), what's on your mind my padawan ?"

(Y/n) : *turns away with a concerned look * "I think... I know what that energy field was." 

Plo-Koon : *looks at you and puts a hand on your shoulder* "You do, but why do you have such concern."

(Y/n) : *turns back* "Because I believe it was an Ion Canon."


Mace Windu : "All our battle crew will be assigned to guard our supply convoys, including  yours Skywalker, I'm afraid we can't risk any more of our ships with a rescue mission."

Ahsoka : "Wait ! Just because there weren't any survivors before, doesn't there won't be any this time."

Palpatine : "Boldly spoken from one so young."

Obi-wan : "She is learning from Anakin."

Anakin : "Excuse my padawan. Will deploy as you've instructed master."

Ahsoka then walks away and the transmission then turns off.

Anakin : "Ahsoka !"

Ahsoka : "If any one could survive, Master Plo and (Y/n) could, I don't understand why-"

Anakin : "What you don't understand is Jedi Protocol or your place my young padawan, admiral." *ahem* "Will split up our ship to maximize our defence area, I'll scout ahead for enemy activity.

Admiral : "Isn't that risky with the mystery weapon out there."

Anakin : "Might be, but I know you won't argue with my orders. Come snips."


(Y/n) POV

Inside the escape me and the other two clones were trying to get the power back on I was currently on the floor trying to fix some wiring.

Wolf : "The air in here is starting to get a bit stale."

Sinker : "Don't look at me, its boosts sir he only takes a bath on leave."

Boosts : "Save it, keep working on the pod not your jokes."

Wolf : "Do you really think we have a chance general."

Plo-Koon : "I don't believe in chance commander, I know that if we work together we can stay alive, and someone will find us."

Sinker : "With all due respect sir tactically, it doesn't make sense for someone to come looking for us, if I was in command I'd be hunting that weapon down."

Plo-Koon : "I value your life more than finding that weapon."

(Y/n) : "Same here."

Boosts : "Sir there's another pod out there."

Wolf : "If only we had power we could contact them."

Boosts : "How about we wave 'hello' when the view port comes around."

(Y/n) : "Hold on, I've got an idea."

I then hold out my hand, and concentrated, I then used the force to spin the pod around, but when I turned it round, they were already dead the pods glass had been smashed open.

Sinker : "Their dead !"

Wolf : "Someone busted that pod wide open."

Plo-Koon : "We are not alone out here."

(Y/n) : "It seems that the people of the enemy ship want to be very certain that there are no survivors."

Plo-Koon : "Agreed."


Anakin : "Set those new coordinates R2 ?"

 R2 : *beeps*

Ahsoka : "Master I should tell why I spoke up before."

Anakin : "You don't have to explain anything."


Ahsoka : "R2 set up the scanner, modulate for mystery weapons."

R2 : *Beeps*

Anakin : "No R2, tune the scanners for lifeforms, highest sensitivity."

R2 : *beeps*

Ahsoka : "Why would we scan for an enemy weapon, probably filled with... battle droids. The Avogado System."

Anakin : *looks at her with a smirk*

Ahsoka : "Huh, so its ok when you don't follow what the council says."

Anakin : "Doing what the jedi council says is one thing, how we go about doing it that's another, that's what I'm trying to teach you my padawan."

Ahsoka : "So you were always meant to come out here for survivors."

Anakin : "Lives are in danger Ahsoka, we can't just turn our backs on them."

Ahsoka : "That's what I said back in the briefing room."

Anakin : "I know, but the way you said it was wrong. Hurry up which on the illuminator."

Ahsoka : "We haven't got much time before the fleet misses us."


(Y/n) POV

Sinker : "No that's not it, this one goes there, and that goes there./"

Boosts : "Are you sure we don't want to make things worse."

Sinker : "How are we gonna make things worse."

Plo-Koon : "When you ask for trouble you should not be surprised when it finds you."

Sinker : "I think trouble already found us sir."

Boosts : "What if we connect these two wires here ?"

The power then turns back on and there is a signal.

(Y/n) : "We have power."

Wolf : "I'm getting something."

??? : "This is pod 1977, is any one out there."

Wolf : "It's one of the other pods."

??? : "I repeat we are under attack, is anyone out there?"

Plo-Koon : "That signal is weak they must be close by."

(Y/n) : "I'll try and lock on to their location."

??? : "Our position is mark 12 point 26."

Wolf : "I have visual contact."

(Y/n) : "Pod-hunters, they must be taking out the other pods. Pod 1977 do you copy?"

??? : "They droids are hunting for survivors, they're cutting through- ggaaahhh !"

(Y/n) : "No ! Dammint !"

Sinker : "Things just got a lot worse."


Ahsoka : "The scanners are practically useless, got anything on the emergency channel R2."

R2 : *Beeps*

Anakin : "Now Ahsoka, we might find something you don't want to find."

Ahsoka : "I know master, but I have to believe."

Anakin : "How do you even know Master Plo and Padawan (L/n) anyway."

Ahsoka : "They are both my oldest friends, it was master Plo-Koon who found and brought me to temple where I belonged. I know (Y/n) from when were younglings as well, I'm also the only one he's told that he is a Mandalorian."

Anakin : *Eyes widen in shock at the news and sharply faces Ahsoka* "Wait (Y/n)'s a Mandalorian !?" 

Ahsoka : "Yeah he is, and now he and his master are both lost, so I thought I could be the one to find them both."

R2 : *beeps*

Ahsoka : "Incoming transmission master."

Obi-wan : "Anakin, where are you ?"

Anakin : "Oh hello master we made a quick stop in the Avogado."

Obi-Wan : "You had other orders."

Ahsoka : "It was my idea Master Obi-Wan."

Obi-wan "Oh I'm sure, have you found any survivors ?"

Anakin : "No you were right the separatists don't want any witnesses."

Obi-wan : "All the more reason for you to rejoin the defensive escorts. Your going to miss the rendezvous with fleets, hurry."

Anakin : "I know master we will. I'm sorry Ahsoka."

R2 : *beeps*

Anakin : "What is it R2."

Ahsoka : "R2 thinks he's got something on the emergency channel."

Aankin : "Can you trance it."

R2 : *Beeps*

Ahsoka : "Lets get going."


(Y/n) POV

Boosts : "I think they see us."

Plo-Koon : "It is time to go."

Wolf : "Go ? Where are you goin sir."

Plo-Koon : "To destroy the enemy, I can withstand the pressure for a brief time, put you helmets on."

Sinker : "If you say so sir."

The pod hunters then attach on to our escape pod, but suddenly I start feeling a familiar presence nearby, I know this presence, it feels like... Ahsoka!

Plo-Koon : "Wolf, (Y/n) keep the communication signal alive it is our only chance some one will find us."

Wolf : "Lets just hope someone's looking for us sir."

(Y/n) : "I know someone is looking for us because I can sense them, I think it's Ahsoka Master."

Plo-Koon : "If it is her (Y/n), try to use your connection with her to guide to us."

(Y/n) : "Got it." *puts arms forward and try's reaching to Ahsoka* "Ahsoka... come on Ahsoka... I know you can sense me."


Anakin : "Are we still picking up that signal ?"

Ahsoka : "Yeah its just why aren't we finding anybody."

Anakin : "I don't know."


(Y/n) POV

As my master why outside with the other clone troopers, I was still trying to reach to Ahsoka, but it wasn't working, it probably because of the situation were in and the stress as well. Just then my concentration is broken when the pod is slowly getting crushed, I then use the force to hold back the things that were trying to crush the pod.

(Y/n) : "Hurry Master ! I can't hold it forever!"

Just then a communication came through

??? : "Is there anyone out there this is Ahsoka Tano."

Wolf : "It's Ahsoka, she must be close."

(Y/n) : "Keep trying to contact her commander."


Ahsoka : "R2 see if you can boost the reception."

R2 : *Beeps*

Ahsoka : *groans*

Anakin : "Patience my padawan were trying to boost power."


Back with (Y/n) your POV

While I was trying to hold back the crusher, my master Plo-Koon was deflecting blaster bolts back at the droids who were firing back at him, the two clones giving support while taking out all the droids, then is one swift motion Plo-Koon used his lightsaber to cut the crusher parts and he used the force to push it back it to and piece of debris causing an explosion to push the pod a few meters further away causing them to drift.

(Y/n) : "Well, that went well."

Sinker : "Well general this is a fine mess were in."

Plo-Koon : "Your sense of humor is improving."

Boosts : "I don't want to say I told you so General, but what are we going to do now."

(Y/n) : "Well, now that the droids are out of the way, can we try and contact Ahsoka?"

Wolf : "I'm afraid now commander, we've lost them."

(Y/n) : "I'm not giving up I'm going to try and connect to her again." *Closes is eyes and puts both his hands out and try's to connect to Ahsoka*

Plo-Koon : "That's the spirt my padawan, now try to concentrate deeply (Y/n), use your connection with her to guide to us, I know you two are the best of friends, some jedi may think that your connection with her is a weakness, but for me I see it as your greatest strength because you are like no other jedi."

(Y/n) : "Come on Ahsoka... I can feel you... Ahsoka."


Anakin had just gotten off a transmission with the chancellor

Anakin : *Sighs* "Well Ahsoka you heard the chancellor, I'm sorry we couldn't find them."

Ahsoka : "But Master we can't-"

Anakin : "Ahsoka, we have to get back."

Ahsoka looks down in sadness thinking that she might never see her oldest friends ever again, but suddenly she felt something, she looked up in surprise as she felt something... no someone pulling her, calling her, then she heard a very familiar voice and her eyes lit up.


Ahsoka : "(Y/n)... We can't stop looking now master."

Anakin : "We don't even if their even ali-"

Ahsoka : "I know they are alive, I can feel it."

she then grabs the controls and start flying the towards the place to where she was being pulled towards.


(Y/n) POV

Plo-Koon : "Sargent why are you so certain no one is coming."

Boosts : "Were just clones sir we meant to be expendable."

Plo-Koon : "Not to us."

Just then a bright light came out on nowhere, signaling we were being rescued.

Plo-Koon : "Well done my padawan."

The ship then fires a tow cable at us and pulls us into the ship and the artificial gravity makes us crash down with a loud thud, then two people came running done the stairs to see if we were alright.

Ahsoka : "Are you alright master Plo, there's two people in the pod."

Anakin then pull the cover of the pod off allowing me and Wolf to breathe properly.

Ahsoka : "(Y/n) and your men are safe now."

Plo-koon : "Tell me were there any survivors."

Anakin : *shakes his head* "We couldn't find anybody else."   

Plo-Koon : "The hunters must have destroyed the rest."

Ahsoka : "I'm sorry, master plo" *hugs him*

(Y/n) : "Can I get a hug because one, I see you got my message."

Ahsoka : "Yeah I did."

she then runs up to me and wraps me in a big hug and rub her with reassuring her I was ok. 

(Y/n) : "Come on lets get to the bridge"

Ahsoka : "Ok"

Plo-koon : "We tracked the mystery weapon to this system, that was when we found out it was an ion cannon."

Ahsoka : "An ion cannon ?"

(Y/n) : "A weapon that neutralizes all power to our ships, leaving the targets defenseless."

the consul then starts beeping

Anakin: "There's a massive vessel approaching."

Plo-koon : "Shut down the power systems before they detect us."

(Y/n) : "Quickly if we leave even one thing on they can detect us."

R2 : *beeps*

Plo-koon : "A droid."

Ahsoka : "sorry little guy."

R2 : *Shuts down*

As Ahsoka returns to her seat we se the enemy ship again.

Ahsoka : "That is one big cruiser crusher."

(Y/n) : "Tell me about, but how were they able to build it in secret, also I feel like we missed something."

Anakin : "They're coming back."

(Y/n) : "What why ?"

Plo-koon : "Are all the systems shut down."

Medical droid : "Is there a problem sir ?"

Ahsoka : "We forgot to turn off the medical droid."

(Y/n) : *eyes widen* "Crap."

We then start turning on the power.

Anakin : "We've got to get the power back on now."

Medical Droid : "Can I be of assistance ?"

Anakin : "No thanks that just get in the back and take care of the others."

Medical droid : "That is my programming sir."

Anakin : "Come on we've got to get out of here."

Ahsoka : "I know, I know."

Anakin : "R2, program the nav computer to get us out of here."

Ahsoka : "You forgot we turned him off."

(Y/n) : *Turns R2 back on* "Kotoya droid"

R2 : *beeps*

Ahsoka : "R2 programme the hyperdrive."

R2 : *beeps?*

Ahsoka : "Anywhere."

I then see something purple behind us.

(Y/n) : "Hurry the energy field is catching up with us."

Ahsoka : "Master ?"

R2: *Beeps* 

just then we left the parts of cruisers field.

Ahsoka : "We clear."

We then jumped to hyperspace, and made it back to master Skywalkers fleet.

Wolf : "General Plo-koon always knew someone would come for us, I'm glad he was right."

Plo-koon : "Skywalker is it time to give our report to the council, come (Y/n)."

Anakin : "Rrrriiight the council report. Come on Ahsoka."

(Y/n) : "Coming."

Ahsoka : You want me there, I figured because of last time."

Anakin : "Ahsoka through it all you never gave up, you did a great job, but if I'm getting in trouble for this your going to share some of the blame too, so come on."

Ahsoka : "Right beside you master."

To be continued

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