Chapter 10

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After I left Azia in the library and I went to go back to my room. I was going to work on some of the party details for her but before I made it back I ran into my friends. We all decided to go to the library and they said they help me find Caterers and decorators – Even though I'd probably decided in the middle of the night before the day of the party that everything sucked and redo everything– When we got to the library we saw Azia run back in and I pieced it all together. Merletta's visit, all of the books on callers in piles around her, The ancient book she was desperately trying to get the information out of. Before I knew what I was doing I volunteered to help.

I see Cerelia look over at me from the corner of my eyes but i ignore it and focus on Azia. She looks up at me slowly, not moving.

"You don't know what you're asking."

"I think I do."

She shakes her head "I've spent the last four, almost five years now, keeping you from this."


"So, I did it for a reason. I'm not just going to put you in the middle of it because you asked."

I smile "Were twins Azia, Aren't we supposed to share everything?"

She rolls her eyes and shrugs "I'm selfish."

"You can't do it by yourself this time."

"I'll figure it out."

"Yeah, well I already did that part for you," I hold out my hands "Here we are."

She sighs "Emris I'm not just going to suddenly involve you in a mission, that's much more complex than I thought it was. If I knew it was this complicated I never would have been so lax with security."

"I already saw too much, I saw the book and I see the other ones around you right now," I lean on the railing "So you don't really have a choice."

She smiles and looks down at her hands "Emris, let me ask you something, What makes me able to do my job?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why am I the person in charge? Why is Azia the on that takes care of all magical beings?"

I realize what she's getting at and my shoulders slump, defeated.

"Because of my power," she takes a few steps closer "And what does my power allow me to do?"

"Hide memories," I mumble

She grins "Bingo."

I see movement on my left and look over to see Alora stepping forward.

"That doesn't change the fact that you need us," She says shyly "You said it yourself, it isn't even a three-person job."

"Yeah, but you guys don't know any of the stuff you'd need to know in order for this to work."

"Then teach us," Aideen says now leaning on the railing next to Cerelia who's standing on my right. "But like Alora said, it sounds like you need us and we already saw a lot" She clicks her tongue on the 't'

Azia says silent, thinking.

"Plus, Azia would you ever hide one of my memories without my consent? Like, would you force it?"

"If I had to, yes, I would"

I don't know what to say to that so I say nothing. A very long minute later she caves.

"Fine," I grin "But there will be rules."

"Like what?" Aideen asks

"Come down here and all right out a contract."

Aideen and Cerelia are closest to the staircase so they get down first and sit at a circular table Azia's now seated at. Aideen sits on her right while Cerelia sits next to Aideen. I sit next to Azia so I can take that stupid contract from her if I have to. TThere'sno way I'm letting her write a whole rule book on this.

"Okay, so first of all everything you see on this mission is classified, that means no telling friends, family, pets," She looks at Alora "No one."

I nod "Okay,"

"Second, you will not just "do" anything, everything will be thought over. Not everything will be planned because even though I like their success rate, they're boring and I hate making them, But everything will be logical and everyone will have at least two good reasons for doing whatever they're doing, okay?"

"That sounds fine, right?" I look at my friends and they nod

"Wait, like, big things or little things?" Aideen asks

"What do you mean?"

"I mean say if I wanted to go swimming and we weren't doing anything would that matter?"


"Okay, so just if I wanted to go kill something because I thought it would help but really it'd just curse everything and everyone."

Azia doesn't smile and it makes it even more funny "Yeah, like that." Aideen nods in understanding

"Third rule, You can't leave."

Cerelia narrows her brows "What What do you mean we can't leave?"

"I mean you can't just pick up your stuff and leave because it gets too scary, or because you're tired. If you do this, you're with us until the end. So to anyone who doesn't think that they want to do this, you can leave now." No one moves

"Okay then, I'll continue, rule four, No dirty fighting within the group. That means fights are okay but both participants must be fully aware of what's happening. So no middles of the night attacks, no bag over head kidnappings, etc."

"You're making it so we can fight each other?" Cerelia asked again

"Past experience has shown that when you make two people who are clearly not getting along with each other hold in their anger, it can make them more distracted and when it really matters they might not even be focused on the missions anymore just at getting back at each other."

"So every time people argue there's going to be a fight?"

Azia narrows her eyes "No of course not. This is only if there's a big problem between people. Like fights at schools. People argue there a lot but you don't see a fight until the arguing part isn't working."

"Is the fighting going to be with powers or like fist fights?"

She shrugs "Either, both, it doesn't matter. I'm sure powers will be used. The only actual rule with the fights is no severe injuries because we need everyone healthy."

Cee seems to give up "I still don't like it but whatever."

"Okay, last rule, I think I already said this but if you have a problem with someone, work it out. I don't care how you do it but you have to do it. Because like I said we don't want to be dealing with it when we're in the middle of an actual fight." She writes it down with the rest of the rules then looks up at us "Does this all sound okay?"

"Yeah," Aideen says excitedly with a more-evil-than-I'd-like smile on her face

"Yes, It all makes sense," Alora nods

"I'm good with it all too," I'd like to find something wrong but can't. Plus honestly, at this point, I'm glad she didn't change her mind and try to do this alone.

"Cerelia?" Azia looks over at her

Cee sighs "Yeah, I guess..." She mumbles out

"Good. Now you guys have to sign it," she picks up the paper "Right here," and passes it to Aideen

"Wait what kind of contract it is? Is it magical or cursed?"

"It's not cursed, just my notebook paper, but I was going to enchant it later."

"For what?"

"Just for a notice."

"Okay, will it do anything to us?"

"No, it's just they so I can know if any of you break the rules."

I nod and Alora passes me the paper. There are four blank lines left for signatures. Azia's name is already on it along with Aideens, Aloras, and Cerelias.

"Wait, Who are the extra spaces for?"

Azia smiles "I was wondering how long it would take someone to notice."

"Notice what? Who's it for?"

I hear a swift sound but see nothing. I feel a small breeze but still see nothing. Then he appears, right behind Azia. His blue eyes piercing and looking right at me.

"Me," Hayden smiles along with my sister. 

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