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Gray could feel himself waking up before he was fully awake. He forcefully closed his eyes and pulled his blanket up higher. He heard footsteps and the pull of curtains then sunlight burst into his eyes. 

"Five more minutes," Gray groaned, turning away from the light.

"Gray it's noon, we're leaving in 2 hours," Natsu rolled his eyes.

"Five more minutessss." Gray insisted.

"...Fine." Natsu walked out of the room.

Gray smiled to himself, snuggling to himself.

When 5  minutes had passed, Natsu walked back in, but he stopped at the doorway. Natsu grinned. 

Gray was still snuggled in his blanket and smiling. Natsu didn't have the heart to wake him up yet. So, he stayed and watched Gray nap, his eyes were soft and lit with love and his chest was screaming 'HE'S SO GODDAM CUTE.'

Natsu was dressed and he had his bag on his back. It contained the things he needed like moon water and snack bars. Herbs and spices. 30 red bulls. A three-course meal made of leftover meals. You know, the necessities.

Natsu looked at the time, he rolled his eyes once more before yanking the covers off of Gray. Gray tried to hold onto the blanket with all his energy. It wasn't much. He used his feet and toes, and his hands. He even tried to get the blanket more burrito like than it already was. 

But he was no match.

"Rise and Shine, Sunshine, "Natsu's voice was steady and monotone.

Gray muttered a no.

Natsu's eyes lit up and a smirk crept onto his face.

Natsu picked Gray up princess style in his arms.

"What are you-COLD, THAT'S COLD-" Natsu dumped Gray into a cold bath.

"I drew you a bath 15 minutes ago. Is it cold now?" Natsu smiled sweetly, but there was a small tick mark on his forehead, "I also made you breakfast, an hour ago. Elsa, I thought you were immune to the cold?" 

"Yeah, but it was just so sudden since I was nice and warm in my blankets. Also, can I have that food?" 

"In the bath???" Natsu looked at him strangely.

"Yes," Gray deadpanned narrowing his eyes.

"Alright," Natsu stopped at the doorway, "I feel kinda bad for dumping you in the bath, but it probably won't happen again." 

"Okay," Gray stretched out the vowel. 

Natsu ran down the stairs and was back up in a minute with a plate of bacon, eggs, and sausage.

"Damn, wait when are we leaving?" Gray took the plate and started eating.

"Uh, about an hour and 45 minutes." Natsu looked at the clock on his phone.

"Alright, are you going to stop and stare at me in the bath till I get out or are you going to leave?" Gray teased, stripping off wet clothes.

Natsu flushed bright red and looked away, "I-I'll be down under you-I MEAN DOWNSTAIRS!" 

Natsu dashed out of the bathroom closing the door behind him.

Gray smirked and chuckled, "Damn right you'll be under me, sooner or later." 

"I HEARD THAT!" Natsu yelled, who was still outside the door.

"U K E!" Gray hollered back.

Gray took his bath while eating the food Natsu had made, once finished got out and dried himself off. He realized he didn't have any clean clothes on him. Gray was sopping wet too, he thought of an erotic solution to that but, he simply wrapped a towel around himself. He walked to his room, the floor creaked. Gray almost jumped in surprise, but he kept his cool and kept walking. 

He dressed and walked downstairs. Natsu was watching supernatural. He looked rather sad.

"Hey." Gray sat down.

"Hi..." His voice was empty.

"Are..are you ok?"

"I'm never okay watching SPN. You ready to go?" 

"Yeah, I just gotta get my bag and shoes on."

"Well, do that then. We have about 40 minutes until the train leaves."

"Where exactly is this...flower?" Gray asked pulling his shoes on.

"30 miles NortWest of Argus." Natsu looked up recalling the numbers.

"So are we taking the train to Argus?" 


Gray stood up and grabbed his bag by the door, "Ready when you are."


Natsu stood up and turned off the tv and grabbed his bag from next to him, "I hate the train, but it's effective for travel."

"Let's go." 

The boys made thier way to the train station while talking about random things. Normal things, ya know. If fish could breathe in Zero-G, sex, kinks, whether people attracted to fish were furry's or scaleys; or even fishies, the guild, Avril Lavigne, and other stuff.

when they arrived, they ran into Erza, Juvia, and Lucy, who had just gotten back from a cake shop.

Lucy smiled and waved at the two while holding Juvia's hand. Juvia smiled, before whispering something in Natsu ear.

He went scarlet red, "Shut up, Juvia. You have handcuff's too under your bed." 

Juvia sputtered incoherently, while Lucy blushed and Erza fucking lost it.

Gray narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.

"C' mon, Ice Princess." Natsu pulled on Gray's arm, "What's with that loo-oh. Hey don't be jealous Juvia and I kink shame each other all the time."





"Whatever let's go."

They boarded the train a few minutes before it left, and Natsu started heaving.

Gray sighed and pulled out a book.

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