✉Face Your Dares☕

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Dear Selected,

This is it.

What is it, you may ask.

Well, you know that moment you've been waiting for, your entire life?

The one where you meet the prince, marry him, drive off into the sunset and live happily ever after.

Nope, not that one.

Although, this one has a common denominator, your being in the presence of royalty.

It's time to face your fears, buckle up, put on your cry-proof mascara and be a woman.

During this meeting, you will meet with Queen Brielle allisongerber_468294 from Illéa, if you don't know who she is, read the intro. If you don't know Prince Nathaniel or their background, read the intro AGAIN.

You've already faced her wrath once indirectly when she observed the arrival. And yes. It probably hurt your selected's feelings. That's because it was supposed to.

Brielle does not take her duty to her godson lightly. She has a responsibility to make sure that when Prince Nathaniel chooses, it's a wife, bride and woman that will be able to have children within the timespan of three months.

She may straight out tell your selected's flaws or actually be nice to your selected, I don't know, she's mysterious like that. Remember she has the power to eliminate you with the click of her manicured fingernails.

So, tread lightly...


You will meet the queen here:

○ Do not be late, tardiness will not be tolerated.

○ Try your best not to take offense as a roleplayer and rather use your character as your defense mechanism.

○ Do not be a "yes-ma'am" all the time, you need to show character.


I will be keeping an eye on this, this is an integral part on whether or not your will remain or exit this selection. Do not forget that I always award additional points for creativity.

Your host,

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