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so you found this book? I guess you're one of these three.

a. Just published your book?

b. Published your story in past but stuck somewhere in sea of wattpad writers and looking for more readers?

c. Just stumble here without any intention of getting anything but looking for more friends?

Now I know how hard it is to promote your work so in this book you can urge other writer to read your story without spamming with link in DM or posting link on wall.

I can tell you this is more civilised version for lack of better term. Please don't just expect to get read on your work without having interaction with other authors struggling just like you.

If you find something eye catching then go read it.

Here are the rule if you want to promote here. Please fill them all for better understanding and it'll surely increase the your chances of getting a loyal reader.

please tag your five friends here first

1. wattpad username:- Its very important so that people can find your work easily.

2. story title:- It'll attract more reader to your masterpiece.

3. genre:- People usually prefer Genre that they are into, for example I'm in J K Rowling universe so I prefer Harry potter fanfic. (P.S. there is specific chapter for each genre see the table below for it. For example if you story is from Romance genre then post it in chapter 9)

4. sub genre:- If any please mention it

5. chapters:-  No one will want to read intro of your book . Please make sure you've at least 2 to 3 chapters already done. For me high number of chapter is plus point that I can't seem to ignore.

6. status:- Mention it if story is complete or ongoing. I can't talk about you all but whenever I decide to read HP fanfic complete status is huge point for me. But I do read ongoing fanfic too.

6. Rating:- G, PG, PG13, R. etc.

7. Summary:- Description of your book. Please let it be at least more than 10 line , the more the merrier. More information here would definitely increase the odd of getting your readers.

8. link:- For easy navigation please share it.

and last but not least

9. why:- Tell us why should anyone should read your book in sea of billion books around. Now that sound really huge task but try to make it simple like your story is related to netflix series and your story would not disappoint for drama or mystery. etc.

Please don't comment here. There are separate chapter genre wise where you can post your request.

1. Request for covers:-  do you make cover? then please comment your username there with saying why should anyone contact you. As this service could be free or of charge. Write in comment if its paid service that you provide or its free. If you're getting a cover from one them then give them proper credit.

2. Request for review:- yes if you don't know , there are people can review your book for free or with some amount of money. If you review the book then please comment in chapter two. Let me remind reviewing can make your life easy as writer as they can find out the mistake that you're making.

3. Request for collaboration:- Do you want to work with others? then comment your idea that you want to work with. Please don't copy others work/ideas as its crime.

4. Request for award:- You're hosting award? then leave a message in chapter 4. Please also mention the genre in which you're hosting award.

5. Community:- comment name of your community in chapter five please.
I'd like to advise everyone to join at least one community in your genre in which you write. Do you've community other than wattpad site? then please mention it too. For example I've insta page with 17k followers and I give shout out there for free. If you want shout out in my insta page then comment in latest post that I've posted there. I'll try yo reply everyone there.

6. Read for read, vote for vote, comment for comment:- If you do this let me warn you its against the wattpad policy and not genuine. Wattpad can and/or will suspend your account for doing so.

7. Sketch Artist:- Well mention some of past work of your done in chapter 7.

8. Editors:-  In case wondering who editor is, its someone who edit the work for your story like grammar mistake, plot hole etc. Editors Please give your bio data there about your service.

9. Genre:- Chapter from 9 to 29 are for specific genre of your book. If your book has more than one genre than please mention it to each relevant chapter.


1. Request for covers
2. Request for review
3. Request for Collaboration
4. Award/contest
5. community
6. R4R V4V C4C
7. Sketch Artist
8. Editors
9.   Romance
10. Fantasy
11. Teen fiction
12. Adventure
13. Mystery
14. Humor
15. Horror
16. Thriller
17. Poetry
18. Paranormal
19. Science fiction
20. Urban
21. werewolf
22. Vampire
23. New Adult
25. Non fiction
26. Original
27. Diverse lit
28. Fan Fiction
29. Other genre or sub Genre

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