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A/N: It's already November 2nd in Korea and y'yall know what that means! My beautiful, talented Woojin is turning 19 (Korean age) and because of that I edited a tiny video on my side-channel. The video for Woojin will come up on my main-channel in a few hours so I'll edit this once the video is up, lol. But for now, enjoy this little edit:



It was an understatement to concentrate on a simple Super Mario game while sitting on a bed, in a girls' bedroom with a girl that was only wearing a loose pyjama shirt and polka dotted shorts. Woojin gulped and looked down at his own appearance. Mrs Gong had found an old Pyjama by one of her ex-boyfriends in a box in her wardrobe and it was a bit too wide for Woojin but would fit for one night.

While Woojin had washed up in the bathroom the two Gong-women had prepared the couch in Minjae's room for him to sleep. He realised too late that he was sleeping in the same room as Minjae.

And now he was sitting next to Minjae, who smelled like Apple-shampoo and baby-skin, wearing an old checkered pyjama, playing Super Mario and failing horribly. After a while Minjae paused the game and looked at Woojin. "Something's not right. Usually boys are better at that game than I am." She said and Woojin widened his eyes. "B-Boys? What boys?" Woojin asked, looking at Minjae with an expressionless look.

"Well I have played that game with Hyeongseop and a Hoobae called Euiwoong." Minjae confessed and Woojin licked his lips. "Ahn Hyeongseop?" He asked, just to make sure it wasn't his friend Hyeongseop. "Yes. Our classmate Hyeongseop." Minjae said and looked back to the television to change some settings of the game. Woojin blew up his cheeks and gulped. "He was in your room?" He then asked and when Minjae nodded he immediatley jumped on the bed.

"He was in this room. With you. Playing Super Mario?" He asked and Minjae looked up to see Woojin's expression. He seemed confused and in disbelief. "Mhm." She nodded and Woojin let out a shriek and let himself fall down on Minjae's bed. He hid his face in one of her Jibang dolls.

"Woojin-ah?" Minjae asked and crawled over the bed to the boy who stopped moving. "Are you okay? Are you in pain?" She asked and carefully took the Jibang off his face. Woojin widened his eyes when he saw Minjae that close to him and closed his eyes, trying to grab the Jibang once again.

"Ya! What are you doing?" Minjae asked and threw the Jibang across her room. 

Minjae was now hovering over Woojin. She had a strict expression on her face while Woojin was trying to shoo away the teenage boy thoughts that were clouding his mind again. He tried to do what Jinyoung had told him. 'Stop thinking about the girl and you won't fall in love'; but how was he supposed to not think of her, when she right above him? Her hair was framing her face beautifully and Woojin sighed.

"I-I need the bathroom." Woojin let out and crawled away from Minjae. On his way out he grabbed his phone and rushed away. 

Minjae sat down and looked after him. "He's behaving weirdly..." She mumbled before grabbing her phone and calling her best friend Choa. The black haired lass answered the call after it rang for three times. "Choa-yah!", Minjae whined and her friend chuckled. "What happened, Minmin?" Choa asked and Minjae looked at the door, hoping for Woojin to take his time in the bathroom. A sigh left her lips.

"I have a male visitor." Minjae started. "What? Who?!" Choa immediatley screeched into the phone. "Who is visiting you at this hour? Does your mother now?" Choa screamed and Minjae could hear the soundtrack to one of her most favourite Musicals in the background: Wicked.

"Are you practicising?" Minjae asked, feeling a lump building in her throat. "Yes, but that's not important! Who is this male and why is he visiting you?" Minjae bit her lip, feeling this weird jealousy growing in her stomach once more. She loved Choa like best friends loved each other, but seeing Choa do something, Minjae loved was a burden for the 17-year old.

Minjae had auditioned several times for Mrs. Hwang's Drama Club in the past years of being a student at Dangkye Highschool for Drama and Performing Arts, but Mrs. Hwang always said she needed more time. Each year she had prepared a part of a Musical but it was always not enough.

"Minjae?" She heard Choa speak and chuckled. "Sorry, I was in thoughts." Minjae said, her voice suddenly calm. "So? Who is this boy?" Choa asked and Minjae looked at her hands. "It's not that important. Forget it." Minjae said and nibbled on her lip. "I won't disturb you practicising anymore. I'm sorry." Minjae said and hung up. Her bottom lip immediatley started shaking; as always when she was close to cry. She quickly grabbed her Jibang doll and hugged it, trying to get rid of this weird feeling in her stomach.

Woojin had locked the bathroom door behind him. Afraid that Minjae would follow him. He quickly dialled Jihoon's number. "Woojin! It is almost ten! Why are you calling me?" Jihoon asked tiredly and Woojin sighed. "Dude! What did Jinyoung say about not thinking about girls? It's not helping!" Woojin rambled and Jihoon sighed. "What's going on?" He then asked.

"I'm low-key having a pyjama party at Gong Minjae's house and she is super touchy!" Woojin let out. "When she invited me she was rubbing my thigh as if she wanted to cause me having a boner and now she almost climbed over me? What's going on?" Woojin spoke Satoori, which caused Jihoon to don't understand him that well.

"Well, if you'd slow down I'd understand you better, pal." Jihoon said so Woojin repeated what he just had said and Jihoon started screeching like a maniac. "She obviously is in love with you!" Jihoon concluded. "Else she wouldn't be that, how did Seongwoo-hyung call this?" Jihoon asked and Woojin patiently waited for his answer. "Oh, needy!" Jihoon finally said in excitement. "Seongwoo-hyung said, if a girl is really touchy and stuff she's needy and wants... you know what." Jihoon said with an exciting voice. 

"Hyung!" Woojin squealed. "I am way too young for that and so is Minjae!" He hissed and sighed. "MInjae's probably wondering where I am. I better head back now." Woojin said and bid his goodbye before walking back to Minjae's room where he overheard a phonecall between Minjae and Choa.

Woojin furrowed his brows when he heard the change in Minjae's voice and quietly opened the door seeing the girl hug the Jibang doll. Her whole form was shivering and Woojin could swear he could hear her sobbing. He slowly walked towards her and sat down on the edge of the bed. "W-What happened?" He softly asked and carefully took the doll out of Minjae's hands, only to expose her crying face.

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