iv ~ Bus Goes Boom

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┌────── •✧• ──────┐

chapter four ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
004. Bus Goes Boom

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CABIN FIVE WAS NOT HAPPY ABOUT CASSIE GOING ON THE QUEST. With Percy nonetheless! The punk who ruined their reputation.

Cassie just ignored most of their comments as she packed. She got three pairs of clothes, her strategy book, and her red polaroid camera.

She also stocked up on weapons even though she could summon one whenever she wanted.

That was a power from Ares whether he meant it or not.

Like the rest of cabin five Cassie had telumkinesis (that's what Annabeth said it was called). They could easily use any type of weapon without any experience.

Somehow Cassie got a more powerful version and could summon any weapon she wanted. Like the bow during the hell hound attack.

It was useful during battles and hopefully on the quest. Still she shoved daggers and knives in her bag and in her pockets.

Once she finished packing she joined her other quest mates.

Chiron was busy teaching Percy and Annabeth about drachmas. When Cassie arrived he finished his short lesson and gave them each a canteen of nectar and a bag of ambrosia squares.

He warned them to only use it for emergencies because too much could cause fatal consequences.

Annabeth had brought her Yankees cap (that she got back from Cassie).

She told Percy it was a birthday gift. The blonde had an architecture book in ancient Greek in her bag.

If Percy thought that the knife hidden in her shirt would get them caught when they went through a metal detector, he hadn't seen Cassie's stock.

They waved goodbye to their siblings and friends. taking one last look at camp, the group went to Thalia's tree on top of Halfblood hill.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

Chiron was waiting for them there. Next to him was Argus, the head of security.

It made sense because he had eyes all over his body. His chauffeur outfit covered most of the eyes except the ones on his hands, face, and neck.

"This is Argus. He will drive you into the city, and, er, well, keep an eye things." Chiron informed Percy.

There were footsteps behind them. Cassie swiveled in her red converse high tops. Luke was running up the hill carrying. . . basketball shoes?

He put his hands on his knees and caught his breath. "Hey. Glad I caught you."

Cassie saw Annabeth blush and she scowled. It was obvious that the blonde had a crush on Luke Castellan. Many girls did.

Cassie thought it was gross. Just the idea of it made her want to throw up. Love was disgusting and boys were even worse. Why like a guy?

Besides, Cassie didn't believe in love.

Her mom didn't love her. Unless love means to 'toss someone onto the street and tell them to fend for themselves'.

If that was the case, then yes Andrea Carter loved her very much.

Ares didn't love her. The gods didn't have time for their kids, but a quick hello or even a sign would be nice. Cassie learned not to expect that from the War God.

Who had time for love. Such a stupid emotion in her opinion and a waste of breath. Cassandra Carter was not falling in love.

"Just wanted to say good luck. And I thought. . . um, maybe you could use these." Luke told Percy as he handed him the shoes.

To Percy they looked and seemed like regular shoes.

"Maia!" Luke said.

Wings appeared on the heels of the shoes and Percy drop them in surprise. The shoes fell to the floor flapping a bit on the way down before the wings disappeared.

"Awesome!" Grover cried.

Luke smiled. "Those served me well when I was on my quest. Gift from Dad. Of course, I don't use them much these days." His mood drop.

Cassie looked over at Percy. He was about to blush as red as Annabeth.

He hadn't expected Luke to give him a gift. Cassie nudged him and Percy's face returned to its normal color.

"Hey, man, thanks." Percy said grateful.

"Listen, Percy. . . A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just kill some monsters for me, okay?" Luke shifted uncomfortably.

They shook hands. Luke patted Grover's head and ruffled Cassie's hair. She gave him a small smile. They weren't super close, but you could say they were friends.

Finally Luke hugged Annabeth, who almost fainted onto Cassie.

"Need some air to help with all that hyperventilating?" Cassie teased.

"Oh, shut up." Annabeth replied.

"You let him capture the flag instead of you, didn't you?" Percy added.

"Oh. . . why do I want to go anywhere with you, Percy? Carter's annoying enough."

Annabeth stomped away down to the white SUV which was waiting for them on the road. Cassie smiled at Percy, and gave a salute. She followed Annabeth to the car.

Percy grab the shoes from the ground. A bad feeling washed over him.

"I won't be able to use these, will I?"

The centaur shook his head. "Luke meant well, Percy, but taking to the air. . . that would not be wise for you."

Percy felt disappointed but quickly found a solution.

"Hey, Grover. You want a magic item?"

The satyr's eyes sparkled. "Me?"

Soon, Grover had the shoes on his feet. He got ready to fly.

"Maia!" He shouted.

Grover flew off the ground but quickly tipped over. His backpack dragged through the grass.

"Practice. You just need practice!" Chiron advised to his disappearing figure.

Grover went sideways flying through the air, towards the van.

Percy went to follow but was stopped by Chiron.

"I should have trained you better, Percy. If only I had more time, Hercules, Jason-they all got more training." Chiron sighed.

"That's okay. I just wish-" Percy stopped himself. He didn't want to sound like a brat. He wished his father had given him a magic item. Like Luke's shoes or Annabeth's cap.

"What am I thinking? I can't let you get away without this." Chiron remembered the pen in his coat pocket.

It was an ordinary pen. Ballpoint, black ink, and a cap.

"Gee, thanks" Percy remarked sarcastically.

"Percy, that's a gift from your father. I've kept it for years not knowing you were who I was waiting for. But the prophecy is clear to me now. You were the one." Chiron informed.

Percy took off the cap. The pen grew into a bronze sword. It was the first weapon that felt balanced in Percy's hand.

"The sword has a long and tragic history that we need not going to. Its name is Anaklusmos." Chiron said.

"Riptide," Percy translated easily.

"Use it only for emergencies and only against monsters. No hero should harm mortals unless absolutely necessary, of course, but this sword wouldn't harm them." Chiron instructed.

"What do you mean it wouldn't harm mortals? How could it not?" Percy didn't understand. The blade was easily sharp enough to slice someone's head clean off.

"The sword is celestial bronze. Forged by the Cyclopes, tempered in the heart of Mount Etna, cooled in the River Lethe. It's deadly to monsters, to any creature from the Underworld, provided they don't kill you first. But the blade will pass through mortals like an illusion. They simply are not important enough for the blade to kill. And I should warn you: as a demigod you can be killed by either celestial or normal weapons. You are twice as vulnerable."

"Good to know."

"Now recap the pen."

Percy listened and capped it. The sword shrunk back into a pen. Hesitantly, he put the pen in his pocket.

Chiron read his thoughts and reassured Percy that he couldn't lose the pen.

Percy tested it and Cassie saw a pen flying and landing a few feet in front of them. It disappeared back into Percy's pocket.

The son of Poseidon conversed with the centaur a little longer. He explained what The Mist was and spoke about the ages before the Gods.

The time of Kronos.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

Soon Percy joined the group at the bottom of the hill. Looking back, Chiron was in full centaur form, holding his bow high as a farewell.

They got into the car and Argus drove them into western Long Island.

Percy watched the road. He stared at every shop as it passed. The four had to squeeze into the back seat.

That left Cassie between Annabeth (much to her dismay) and Percy.

"So far so good. Ten miles and not a single
monster." Percy told the group, but his comment was mostly aimed at Annabeth.

She glanced at him irritated. "It's bad luck to talk that way, Percy."

"Remind me again-why do you hate me so much?"

"Don't worry Kelphead. She hates everyone who's better than her." Cassie replied before Annabeth denied.

"I don't hate you."

"Could've fooled me." Percy responded.

"Look. . . we're just not supposed to get along okay? Our parents are rivals." Annabeth reasoned.

Percy saw Cassie roll her eyes.

'What kind of a reason is that? Leave it to Brainiac to hate anyone without good reasoning.' Cassie thought from experience.

"Why?" Percy asked.

Cassie knew all about the Medusa story.

"No, Percy," she tried knowing the blonde would rant and Cassie would rather lose her ears than hear that.

Annabeth huffed. "How many reasons do you want? One time my mom caught Poseidon with his girlfriend in Athena's temple, which is hugely disrespectful."

Cassie sighed looking out the window to avoid any eye contact with Annabeth.

"Another time, Athena and Poseidon competed to be the patron god for the city of Athens. Your dad created some stupid saltwater spring for his gift. My mom created the olive tree. The people saw that her gift was better, so they named the city after her."

"Boom! Athens!" Cassie shouted, mocking an explosion with her hands.

Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"They must really like olives." Percy said.

"Oh forget it." The conversation wasn't going in the direction Annabeth wanted.

"Now, if she'd invented pizza-that I could understand." Percy ignored Annabeth's demand.

"True." Cassie pointed at him in agreement.

"I said, forget it!" The blonde repeated.

Percy dropped the topic but quickly found a new one.

"So, why do you two hate each other?" Percy gestured to the girls beside him.

Grover tapped his shoulder and sent him a warning look, but it was too late. Percy started the first argument of the quest.

"She's an idiot." Annabeth started.

"No, you're just a know it all." Cassie protested.

"It's not my fault you lack common knowledge."

"You just think you're better than everyone."

"No, I don't. I'm just better than you."

"You're proving my point."

"That doesn't make any sense."

"You don't make any sense."

"Yeah well you're a-"

"Stop!" Percy and Grover interrupted.

Percy didn't expect them to break out arguing. Grover did.

"If you're going to fight, just ignore my question." He said as the girls glared at each other.

Cassie wanted to scoot far away from Annabeth but then she would squish Percy.

From the front, Argus smiled as one of the eyes on the back of his neck winked at Cassie. She grimaced in disgust not knowing what the giant meant.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

It was raining when they finally got to the Greyhound Station.

It wasn't far from Percy's old apartment.

Cassie grabbed a soggy flyer on the mailbox.

It had a picture of Percy and said: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BOY?

Percy had glanced at it from over her shoulder. Cassie was slightly taller than him but shorter than Annabeth.

The son of Poseidon snatched the paper and ripped it to shreds before their other quest mates could see it. Cassie sent him a questioning look but didn't ask.

Argus left them there after checking everything once more.

Percy thought about his mom and Gabe.

"You want to know why she married him, Percy?" Grover had sensed the emotions Percy was feeling.

Percy looked surprised. "Were you reading my mind or something?"

"Just your emotions. Guess I forgot to tell you satyrs can do that." Grover admitted.

"You were thinking about your mom and your stepdad, right?"

Percy nodded as he questioned what else Grover forgot to say.

"Your mom married Gabe for you. You call him 'Smelly,' but you've got no idea. The guy has this aura. . .Yuck. I can smell him from here. I can smell traces of him on you, and you haven't been near him for a week." Grover said to Percy.

"Thanks," Percy quipped. "Where's the nearest shower?"

"You should be grateful, Percy. Your stepfather smells so repulsively human. He could mask the presence of any demigod. As soon as I took a wave inside his Camaro, I knew: Gabe has been covering your scent for years. If you hadn't lived with him every summer, you probably would've been found by monsters a long time ago."

Cassie was already hating this Gabe guy and she hadn't even met him.

"Your mom stayed with him to protect you. She's a smart lady. She must've loved you a lot to put up with that guy-if that makes you feel any better."

Grover did his best, but it had an opposite effect on Percy. He didn't show it though.

Percy get guilty for not telling them why he actually accepted the quest. He was going to get his mom back.

He didn't care about Zeus' bolt or saving the world. Percy didn't care for Poseidon. All he wanted was Sally Jackson back.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

The group got bored as they waited. They decided to play some Hacky Sack with an apple from Grover's backpack.

Annabeth and Cassie were outstanding. They could bounce the apple off about any visible body part. Percy wasn't too bad himself.

Grover ended the game after Percy had tossed him the apple. It flew towards his mouth and with a 'crunch' it was gone.

Grover flushed red and tried to apologize, but the three were too busy laughing.

Finally, the bus arrived and they got in line to board. Grover was sniffing the air as he caught a whiff of something suspicious.

"What is it?" Percy spoke.

"I don't know. Maybe it's nothing." Grover didn't seem confident that it was 'nothing'.

Percy was more aware now, checking over his shoulder. He was relieved when they got on the bus and found seats in the back.

They sat down and stored their backpacks. Cassie took out her polaroid and red flannel jacket.

She had a bad feeling and if they needed to make a dash for it, this stuff was coming with her.

Annabeth sat next to her, tapping her cap against her knee. Cassie snapped a photo of the blonde.

Then she got one of Percy and Grover. She planned to make a book of photos one day.

When the last passengers got on, Annabeth tapped Percy's shoulder as her other hand grasped Cassie's knee.


They all looked to the entrance of the bus. And old woman with a purse had just got on. When she looked up, they could see her beady black eyes.

It was Mrs. Dodds. She seemed older to Percy, but she had the same evil face. Behind her, two other old women entered. They all looked the same with their matching purses.

They sat down near the bus driver in the front. The two on the aisle crosses their legs to keep anyone from leaving.

The bus pulled out from the station and away they went on the Manhattan roads.

"She didn't stay dead long. I thought you said they could be dispelled for a lifetime." Percy interrogated Annabeth, trying to keep his voice and hands from shaking.

"I said if you're lucky." Annabeth corrected.

"And it's very obvious that you're not." Cassie added.

"All three of them," Grover shrunk into his seat in fear. "Di immortales!"

"It's okay. The Furies. The three worst monsters from the Underworld. No problem. No problem. We'll just slip out the windows." It was very apparent that Annabeth was thinking.

Cassie already knew that wasn't going to work. As soon as they got on the bus she looked for all possible escape routes and she found none. Demigod life was hard.

"They're sealed shut." Cassie informed with a frown on her face.

"A back exit?" Annabeth tried.

"There isn't one." Cassie stated.

By that time, a back exit wouldn't help because they were on Ninth Avenue heading for the Lincoln Tunnel.

"They won't attack us with witnesses around, will they?" Percy asked.

"Mortals don't have good eyes. Their brains only process what they see through the Mist." Annabeth said.

"They'll see three old ladies killing us, won't they?" Percy tried again.

"If they do that's a very sad death." Cassie pipped in and Percy gave her a look.

"Hard to say. But we can't count on mortals for help. Maybe an emergency exit in the roof. . .?" Annabeth turned to Cassie.

Cassie caught her eye and face palmed. "The roof, how could I forget?!" The one place she didn't check.

Just as they went to look, the bus entered the Lincoln Tunnel and everything went dark. The only visible lights were the ones running down the aisle.

The group watched as Mrs. Dodds stood up. "I need to use the restroom." She said it in a way that showed she had been practicing it.

"So do I," agreed the second sister.

"So do I," repeated the third.

They started walking down the aisle.

"I've got it," Annabeth spoke. "Percy, take my hat."


Cassie caught on fast. "You're the one they want, so put on the cap, go invisible, and slip past them. Maybe you can get to the front and escape." She said.

"But you guys-"

Cassie resisted the urge to say something like, 'are amazing fighters so we'll be fine'.

Annabeth interrupted him. "There's an outside chance they might no notice us. You're a son of one of the Big Three. Your smell might be overpowering."

"I can't just leave you." Percy insisted.

"Eh. . . with Chase's worth-which is cheap-she can be replaced." Cassie added as Grover hit her arm.

"Like you're worth any better." Annabeth snarked.

"You didn't deny it," Cassie taunted.

Annabeth gave her a look and Cassie shrugged.

Percy was still hesitant.

"Don't worry about us. Go!" Grover ordered.

Percy took the Yankees cap and put it on. His hands were trembling as he did. Cassie watched as he turned invisible.

She shared a look with Annabeth and Grover as she grabbed her bag. Cassie took out two daggers just as the Furies came to them.

A disgusting wail came from them as they changed into their real form.

Their faces stayed to same but their bodies were now leathery brown hag bodies with bat wings, hands, and feet like claws.

Their handbags transformed into fiery whips.

"Fun," Cassie muttered as she raised both daggers with a smirk on her face.

The Furies surrounded the three striking their whips.

"Where is it?" They hissed.

Cassie got distracted when the people on the bus started yelling. They were shriveled into their seats. She wondered what they saw.

"He's not here! He's gone!" Annabeth shouted.

The Furies raised their whips.

"Bad choice," Cassie warned as Annabeth hit her shoulder hard. Cassie rolled her eyes.

She might attack the Furies first on purpose in spite of the blonde. But then again she couldn't do that to Grover.

Annabeth drew her knife and Grover took out a tin can as they prepared to fight.

Suddenly, the bus veered left and the Furies flew right, smashing into the windows. Cassie caught Annabeth as she stumbled.


"Whatever. Don't mention it." Cassie replied.

She looked to the front and the bus driver seemed to be wrestling with the wheel. Cassie laughed but stopped remembering the situation.

They got out of the tunnel and into the rain as the cars made way for the rogue bus. The driver had found an exit and they left the highway.

They made it onto a rural road and the Hudson River was on their right whilst a woods was on the left.

The driver aimed for the river and Cassie was thrown forward when invisi-Percy slammed on the emergency break.

She had her dagger in the air and it flew, landing right between two mortals' heads.

The bus did a 360° and crashed into the trees. The lights turned on and the door opened.

The bus driver was the first one out followed by a stampede of scared passengers.

The Furies got up right and lashed their whips. Annabeth waved her knife shouting insults in Ancient Greek whilst Grover threw cans. Cassie was slicing away and managed to hit one of them.

Percy was free to escape from the front of the bus but his loyalty got the better of him.

He took of the Yankees cap and yelled, "Hey!"

It caught everyone's attention. Cassie sighed in disappointment when the Furies started moving towards him.

'So much for slicing them to bits.'

Mrs. Dodds walked down the aisle showing her whip as her two buddies crawled atop the seats.

"Perseus Jackson. You have offended the Gods. You shall die." Mrs. Dodds told him.

"I liked you better as a math teacher," was the boy's response.

She hissed as the three behind her shuffled. The girls and the satyr looked for an opening to strike. Percy saw Annabeth's tight grip on Cassie's arm to keep her from going at it.

He uncapped his pen as Riptide appeared. The Furies wavered as if they felt the blade before.

"Submit now and you will not suffer eternal torment." Mrs. Dodds offered.

"Nice try." Percy replied.

"Percy, watch out!" Annabeth cautioned as the Furies went to attack.

Percy slammed one away with the hilt of his sword and his sliced the other. It turned into dust and vanished.

Annabeth let go of Cassie's arm and jumped on Mrs. Dodds, getting her into a headlock. Grover went for her whip and it burned as he held it.

"Ow! Ow! Hot! Hot!" he cried out in pain.

The other Fury came at Percy but before it could attack a red glow flashed and it was sliced with a sword.

It turned to dust and Cassie stood behind it smiling proudly while flipping her red electric sword onto her shoulder.


"No problem, Kelp head."

They turned to help with Mrs. Dodds but Annabeth and Grover had gotten her tangled in her own whip. She was shoved into the back as she tried to escape.

The Fury tried to fly away but she didn't have enough room for her wings.

"Zeus will destroy you! Hades will have your soul!" Mrs. Dodds taunted.

"Braccas meas vescimini!" Percy shouted. Cassie translated it to 'Eat my pants!'

She grabbed her polaroid and flannel as the hair rose on her neck.

"Get out! Now!" Annabeth ordered.

They rushed out of the bus and joined the other passengers. They were angry and some were arguing with the driver.

"We're going to die!" A tourist in a Hawaiian shirt panicked as he took Percy's photo.

Cassie looked at him weirdly but nodded in agreement. "That you are."

Annabeth hit her and Grover's eyes widened in realization.

"Our bags! We left our-"

BOOOM!!! It was too late. Lightning struck the bus and exploded the windows. A crater was made in the roof and a shriek came from Mrs. Dodds.

"Run! She's calling for reinforcements! We have to get out of here!" Annabeth yelled grabbing onto Cassie's shirt collar.

The brunette was yanked along with the blonde and she grabbed Percy's sleeve. He grabbed Grover's shoulder as Annabeth led them away.

Cassie snapped a polaroid of the four as they disappeared into the darkness, traveling through the trees and rain.


ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ author's note

Part Four!!! Updates every Wednesday and Sunday. Not making any promises though because school starts soon, but I'll try my best. Might change to just Sundays. (:

—Just Another Overthinker

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