vii ~ Hey Sis... Long Time No See

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chapter seven ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
007. Hey Sis... Long Time No See

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Well for Cassie it was, but her friends didn't seem amused.

"Thermos!" Percy shouted.

"What?" Annabeth screamed over the rushing wind as they fell.

The blonde was holding on tight to the boat straps. One hand was intertwined with Cassie's and holding onto the boat.

Annabeth was pretty talented.

Since she wasn't very helpful, Tyson searched the duffel bag and got out Hermes' magic thermos while still holding onto the boat.

Maybe they both were talented.

Cassie was busy dodging arrows and javelins as Percy took the thermos.

"Hang on!"

He had no clue what he was doing but he hoped it worked.

"I am hanging on!" Annabeth replied.


Cassie glared at Percy because now her hand was surely turning purple from the daughter of Athena's grip.

The son of Poseidon locked his feet under the boat's bench. Tyson grabbed Percy and Annabeth's back and Annabeth had a tight grip on Cassie.

Percy barely opened the Thermos when a huge gust of wind shot out.

It sent them sideways instead of downward and they hit the ocean, bouncing up and down a few times.

Now forget what Cassie said about fun. It was hard to have fun when her hair was whipping in her face and she couldn't fix it.

The little sea spray was refreshing though as they stared off into the endless sea.

An angry shout came from the Princess Andromeda, but whoever it was couldn't do anything.

They were out of reach and getting farther and farther away.

Soon, the cruise disappeared out of sight.

Cassie relaxed, knowing they'd be stuck on the boat for a while. Percy and Annabeth made an effort to Iris-message Chiron.

The centaur was the only person they really knew they could trust.

Creating a rainbow was easy because the refreshing sea spray made one with help from the sun's rays.

The connection sucked though. Annabeth had thrown in a gold drachma and prayed.

Soon enough, Chiron's familiar face popped up but there was distracting noise in the background and flashing lights.

"Wow Chiron, retirement's really going well for you." Cassie remarked before taking Annabeth's hat.

The blonde didn't protest and Cassie placed it on her own head to block out the sun.

Percy did most of the explaining. Them sneaking out of came, Luke and his ship, and Kronos' carcass.

But with the blaring in Chiron's background and the whistle of the wind on their end, Percy didn't know how much he understood.

"Percy, you have to watch out for—" Chiron was interrupted by cheering.

"What?" Percy asked.

"Curse my relatives!" A plate barely missed striking Chiron straight in the forehead.

"Annabeth, Cassandra, you shouldn't have let Percy leave camp! But if you do get the Fleece—"

"Yeah, baby! Woo-hoooooo!"

Cassie was wondering how Chiron was so calm when his relatives were like that. She wondered if the old activities director was the black sheep of the family.

"—Miami, I'll try to keep watch—"

They didn't hear the rest because the connection broke as something crashed into Chiron's end of the message.

Annabeth sighed, plopping down next to Cassie who was invisible with her cap.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

It took an hour to reach land, but the four slept most of the way.

In fact, if Cassie hadn't woken everyone up they would've slept the whole way and been caught by people on the beach who were probably very nosey.

The daughter of Ares pulled Annabeth's hat off her own head and ruffled her brown hair.

Her green eyes took in the vast amount of ships before she turned to shake Annabeth.

The daughter of Athena's curious stormy eyes met Cassie's with a questioning glance.

Cassie gestured forward.


Percy shifted in his spot and woke up. Tyson following after.

Annabeth furrowed her brows and inspected the area.

"That's Virginia Beach!" Annabeth deduced. "Oh my gods, how did the Princess Andromeda travel so far overnight? That's like—"

"Five hundred and thirty nautical miles," Percy finished.

Cassie blinked and stared blankly at Percy.

"And how exactly do you know that, Perc?"

"I—I'm not sure." He stuttered.

Annabeth's gaze shifted between the two as she tapped her chin subtly.

"Percy, what's our position?"

"36 degrees, 44 minutes north, 76 degrees, 2 minutes west." Percy replied without even thinking.

After realizing what he said, the son of Poseidon shook his head. "Whoa. How did I know that?"

"Because of your dad. When you're at sea, you have perfect bearings. That is so cool." Annabeth said.

Cassie laughed. "Awesome, a human GPS."

Percy glared at her playfully. "And what exactly can you do that's helpful?"

"Sweet Kelp Head. Sweet Stupid Kelp Head. Did you forget that your amazing best friend can make weapons appear out of thin air."

Cassie waved her glowing red hand and Riptide appeared.

"Hey!" Percy retorted and snatched his weapon from her.

Cassie shrugged and Percy was interrupted by Tyson tapping his shoulder.

"Other boat is coming." The cyclops warned.

It was the coast guard speeding across the water with their lights on.

"We can't let them catch us. They'll ask too many questions." Percy informed.

"Oh really?" Cassie sarcastically quipped.

"Keep going into Chesapeake Bay. I know a place we can hide." Annabeth helped.

No one asked for any more clarification. Percy got the thermos and used the wind again.

They sailed around the tip of Virginia Beach and into the Chesapeake Bay.

Cassie grinned, gazing at the distant coast guard boat through her blood tinted shades.

Their boat didn't slow until the shores of the river's mouth.

Percy felt the water change and he didn't feel as strong.

The son of Poseidon had no clue where he was going. Luckily, Annabeth was directing him.

"There. Past that sandbar." The blonde pointed.

Percy listened and drove them into a swampy part of the river. He stopped them at the bottom of a cypress.

We veered into a swampy area choked with marsh grass.

Cassie didn't like this place. It was hot and humid and she could feel herself sweating.

"Come on. It's just down the bank." Annabeth encouraged.

"What is?" Percy questioned.

"I learned to stop asking questions." Cassie whispered back.

Annabeth didn't even glance back. "Just follow. And we'd better cover the boat. We don't want to draw attention."

Cassie got her sword and went to chopping branches off nearby trees. She came back with a pile of branches.

After many trips and branch-holding, the boat was covered.

Cassie was getting distracted with the settings of her polaroid so Annabeth walked over and grabbed the brunette's wrist.

The daughter of Athena pulled Cassie along with her through the mushy mud.

Yeah, maybe after each quest Cassie would be buying new red high tops.

She almost stepped on a snake because she wasn't paying attention.

"Not a good place," Tyson told.

He was waving bugs away.

They continued through the marsh until Annabeth stopped.


To Cassie it looked like a giant patch of brambles. But Annabeth moved a branch-door which revealed that this was a hidden shelter.

The inside was pretty big and the walls were made of plants.

In the shelter there were tons of provisions. Demigod provisions too.

Cassie smiled. "Awesome."

She made her way to the weapons and picked up the sword. Flipping it in her hand the brunette nodded in approval.

Good weapon.

It must've be here for a pretty long time. The place looked and smelt like it had been unoccupied for a while.

"A half-blood hideout. You made this place?" Percy gapped.

"Thalia and I," Annabeth glanced to Cassie before added quietly, "And Luke."

Cassie's face dropped. One of those weird feelings grew in her stomach. But this time, she knew what it was.


She didn't know why. Annabeth had mentioned many times before that Luke and Thalia had been her only family when she was young.

They escaped monsters together and almost made it to Camp Half-Blood with Grover's help. But when Annabeth talked about them . . . no, him.

Cassie wasn't jealous of Thalia. The daughter of Zeus seemed super cool.

Cassandra Carter was jealous of Luke Castellan and she didn't like it.

All the mushy feelings, Cassie shook away.

'They don't exist. Love doesn't exist.'

Percy sensed Cassie's discomfort and took to talking.

"So . . . You don't think Luke will look for us here?" The son of Poseidon asked.

"We made a dozen safe houses like this. I doubt Luke even remembers where they are. Or cares." Annabeth denied.

Annabeth sat down on some blankets and shuffled through her duffel bag.

Percy got the idea that she didn't want to talk about it.

Cassie also didn't want to talk and walked to the door.

"I'll be back." She flashed a peace sign and grabbed her sunglasses, leaving before anyone could protest.

Annabeth watched her disappearing figure with a frustrated sigh.

"She's gonna do something dumb and get hurt. I'll go after her."

"No, don't. Cas just needs so time to think." Percy reassured.

He had a pretty good idea what the daughter of Ares was thinking about.

"Besides, she'll take care of herself. It's Cassie."

Annabeth didn't reply and went back to scanning her bag.

"Um, Tyson? Would you mind scouting around outside? Like, look for a wilderness convenience store or something?" Percy asked.

"Convenience store?" Tyson tilted his head cluelessly.

"Yeah, for snacks. Powdered donuts or something. Just don't go too far."

"Powdered donuts. I will look for powdered donuts in the wilderness." Tyson clapped before leaving too.

Cassie could hear him yelling, "Here, donuts!"

She shook her head and let out a laugh. Cassie climbed one of the trees after venturing a little deeper into the forest.

She sighed, resting her body against one of the branches.

"What do you want from me?" Cassie murmured, staring up at the sky.

If she was hoping for a response, she didn't get one.

Everything was so confusing. Nothing made sense.

The daughter of Ares hoped maybe one of the gods was messing with her feelings.

Maybe Athena had bribed Aphrodite to get back at Cassie for being rude to Annabeth.

The brunette sat in silence. Annabeth was pretty and all, but Cassie didn't like her.

And she wasn't in denial so don't even start with her.

They were frenemies, not even friends. Besides, the blonde was so aggravating at times.

There wasn't much to like.

Her stupid silky blonde hair tied back in a ponytail with some strands framing her face perfectly. What was appealing about that.

Her dumb beautiful gray eyes. They changed like storm clouds. Cassie could swear she saw lightning in Annabeth's eyes when the blonde was angry. But who cares.

And don't even start Cassie on Annabeth's smile. Gods, it was like the whole world slowed when Annabeth smiled. So infuriating.

The brunette's train of thought was interrupted by a delicious smell.

Cassie furrowed her brows and went to check it out, sword in hand.

༻ ─── •✧💢✧• ─── ༺

Meanwhile, Annabeth had been comparing Percy to Thalia and was about to explain her hatred for cyclopes.

But that was when Tyson came in.

"Powdered donuts!" Tyson exclaimed, showing the box happily.

"Where did you get that? We're in the middle of the wilderness. There's nothing around for—"

"Fifty feet. Monster Donut shop just over the hill!" Tyson told Annabeth.

That's how the three found themselves staring at the donut shop from behind a tree.

"This is bad," The daughter of Athena grumbled.

The donut shop was new and completely isolated from any other buildings.

MONSTER DONUT in big black bold letters was displayed above the entrance.

An ogre was eating the O in MONSTER.

"This shouldn't be here. It's wrong." Annabeth said.

"What? It's a donut shop." Percy didn't see the harm. He never really did.


"Why are we whispering? Tyson went in and bought a dozen. Nothing happened to him."

"He's a monster."

"Aw, c'mon, Annabeth. Monster Donut doesn't mean monsters! It's a chain. We've got them in New York." Percy reasoned.

"A chain. And don't you think it's strange that one appeared immediately after you told Tyson to get donuts? Right here in the middle of the woods?"

That was a bit strange, but donut shops didn't seem to threatening to Percy.

"It could be a nest," Annabeth told him.

Tyson whimpered. He probably had no clue what Annabeth was trying to say, but he didn't like her tone.

The cyclops timidly stuffed another donut in his face. Half of the box was empty now.

"A nest for what?" Percy inquired.

Where was Cassie when he needed her to explain? They hadn't found the brunette and left a note in the shelter in case she came back when they were gone.

"Haven't you ever wondered how franchise stores pop up so fast? One day there's nothing and then the next day—boom, there's a new burger place or a coffe shop or whatever? First a single store, then two, then four exact replicas spreading across the country?" Annabeth remarked.

"Um, no. Never thought about it."

"Percy, some of the chains multiply so fast because all their locations are magically linked to the life force of a monster. Some children of Hermes figured out how to do it back in the 1950s. They breed—"

Annabeth went stiff.

"What? They breed what?"

"No sudden—moves. Very slowly, turn around."Annabeth warned.

Then, Percy knew why she froze. Something large was behind them, scraping it's stomach through the leaves.

A rhino sized monster was hissing as it moved through the forest. Its front was a moving blur of different directions.

Percy squinted to get a better look before his eyes widened in realization.

A hydra.

It had to be with all the hissing and multiple heads. The hydra had a bib around each neck that advertised: I'M A MONSTER DONUT KID!

Percy drew Riptide but Annabeth subtly shook her head. Not yet.

The son of Poseidon understood. Monsters were scary but their eyesight sucked. The Hydra might just go on past them.

If Percy uncapped his sword the glow would give them away.

So they waited.

The Hydra was sniffing the group and two of its head were tearing apart a yellow bag. It had been in their campsite and was tracking their scent.

Now their plan to wait might've worked.

But remember when Percy asked where Cassie was? Yeah.

The brunette was currently hiding behind a tree, watching the beast.

Her grip on her sword tightened and she took a step.

Big mistake.

Cassie had stepped on a branch and all the Hydra's head whipped to her.

Now, Percy and Annabeth would've had no clue what had caught the monster's attention if it was for the familiar:

"Shit!" That fell from Cassie's lips.

The brunette made her sword crackle red as she darted through the trees, Hydra on her tail.

Percy and Annabeth could make out the figure and red glow.

"Cassie!" Tyson cried.

That drew the Hydra's seven heads toward the other three.

"Scatter!" Annabeth advised.

She went right and Percy went left. The Hydra spat green acid which missed Percy but made a tree trunk disintegrate.

Tyson was in the way of the falling tree, too terrified to move.

"Tyson!" Percy tackled his brother out of the way.

The Hydra had lunged for Tyson but instead got the tree to fall on two of its heads.

It let out a hideous wail and broke free. All heads spat acids, killing more trees.

"Move!" Percy drew the Hydra's attention with the glow of his uncapped sword.

The Hydra charged, teeth on display.

Percy was glad he got Tyson out unharmed this far, but now he was about to be melted by Hydra spit.

One of the heads went for Percy and without a second thought, the son of Poseidon swung.

"No!" Annabeth shouted, holding up a bruised and battered Cassie.

"Don't!" Cassie tried.

But Percy already had. The Hydra's head fell to the ground.

The stump where the head used to be inflated like a balloon.

Two heads burst from the cut and now they had an eight-headed Hydra.

"Percy! You just opened another Monster Donut shop somewhere!" Annabeth said.

Percy dodged a blast of acid.

"I'm about to die and you're worried about that? How do we kill it?"

"We have to used fire!" Cassie shouted, now free from Annabeth's hold.

Cassie knew from the Hercules story. He had burned the stumps before they regrew.

Problem is they had no fire.

Percy backed away. Annabeth went on his left to distract some of the heads.

One head lurched for her, teeth barred.

She tried to parry the attack but her knife was flung out of her hands and she fell into the mud.

Cassie came from the right and managed to make a decent cut to the Hydra's body.

But it lifted a claw to attack Percy and Cassie just so happened to intercept it.

The daughter of Ares fell to her knees in pain, holding the wound tightly.

"No hitting my friends!" Tyson roared, now between the girls and the Hydra.

Annabeth got up and Tyson kept hitting the Hydra's heads over and over. But the cyclops couldn't go on forever.

Percy got to Cassie and helped her up, wrapping one of her arms around his shoulder. They backed up slowly and managed to dodge acid blasts.

There was no way they could keep this up. Someone would slip up and . . . dead! (as Cassie likes to say).

A strange noise rang through the trees. A chug-chug-chug. It shook the riverbank as it moved.

"What's that noise?" Annabeth yelled, not sparing a glance at Cassie or Percy.

"Steam engine," Tyson answered.

"What?" Percy had to duck to avoid an acid attack but that meant letting go off Cassie.

Cassie hissed when her weight fell on her foot. Annabeth rushed over to her as a familiar voice was shouting order from the river.

"There! Prepare the thirty-two-pounder!"

Cassie knew that voice. I mean how could you not know your own sister's voice.

But her eyes never moved from the Hydra.

"They're too close, m'lady!" Some man replied back.

"Damn the heroes! Full steam ahead!"

"Aye, m'lady."

"Fire at will, Captain!"

Annabeth knew what was about to happen. She pulled Cassie down with her as gently as she could in the time they had.

"Hit the dirt!"


A BOOM sounded and in a flash of light, the Hydra was killed.

Smoke rose into the air and green slime rained down on the four.

Cassie was not having a good day. First the jealously thing, then her leg, and now a bath of monster guts.

"Egh." Cassie shuddered.

"Gross!" Annabeth seemed to agree.

"Steamship!" Tyson observed.

Percy coughed when the smoke filled his nose.

Coming towards them was a really weird ship.

It was low like a submarine and had a deck of iron. On top was a case mate for the cannons.

Cassie knew the flag on the boat too. A bloody red
with a boar and spear. Wonder what that meant.

The crew was a bunch of zombies in fancy gray uniforms.

An ironclad. A Civil War battle cruiser. Cassie was amazed Clarisse got her hands on a boat like this.

'CSS Birmingham' read the name on the boat's side.

Up next to the smoking cannon, decked all out in Greek battle armor, was Clarisse.

"Losers," Clarisse snarled, but she softened seeing Cassie injured nonetheless. "Cas. I suppose I have to rescue you. Come aboard."


ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ author's note

Surprise!!! Two updates in a day. This was supposed to come out Sunday but there was like no Cassibeth in the last chapter and i can't deprive you guys. 🙃

(Also i really want to get to Act 3 & 4 😁 and am very impatient!)

I was inspired because a certain someone wanted Cassie to get hurt and for Annabeth to take care of her.

The real taking care of Cassie moment will happen next chapter! 😉


— Just Another Overthinker

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