Chapter 14

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Jimin POV:

I wanted to cheer on the inside as I watched Y/N's reactions to me. She clearly saw me as a man. I kept giving her little innuendos but then would make them sound more innocent than they were. I was throwing her off balance and it was making me feel so powerful. She was getting to me too. When she moaned as she tasted her pizza, I almost lost it right there and then. I wanted to hear her moan as I buried myself inside her.

I shook my head to clear the thoughts that were racing through it. If I didn't, I was going to end up embarrassing myself since the thin sweatpants would do little to hide a raging erection.

Y/N snuggled closer to me on the sofa, wrapping her arms around my waist. Although we had watched movies together before, this was the first time we had actually cuddled like this and it was doing strange things to my mind and my heart.

"Y/N?" I said softly, looking down at her. She directed her gaze up to me with a sweet smile. "I like this. This is... nice."

Y/N hugged me closer. "I like this too Jimin," she said.

We spent the rest of the movie just like that. Her cuddled in my embrace, her arms wrapped around my waist. When the credits started rolling, I looked down and noticed she was fast asleep. I gently pulled myself away and stood up from the sofa. I lifted her into my arms and carried her into her bedroom. I laid her gently down on her bed, admiring her beautiful face. As I moved my arms away, she tightened her grip on me for a moment before pulling away. I brushed her hair back away from her face and leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I love you Y/N," I whispered before leaving her room.

I went back into the living and cleaned up our mess from dinner. I shut the television off and straightened up the living room, putting the leftover pizza in the fridge. As much as I wanted to go into Missy's room and climb in her bed, I forced myself to head to my own room.

I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into my bed. With Y/N on my mind, I freed myself from my boxers, slowly running my hands up and down my hardening length. I couldn't get the image of her tight jeans out my head. The way she bent over the coffee table. As much as I would have loved to take her hard and fast bent over in that manner, it wouldn't be right for our first time together. As I stroked myself, I imagined what I would do with her. I imagined peeling her clothes off slowly until her beautiful body was naked in front of me. Running my hands down her soft skin, eliciting those breathy moans that I know would come from her pretty lips. Feel the moisture gathering between her thighs before sinking myself deep in her body. As the thoughts filled my mind, my strokes increased in speed until I was moaning and releasing over my hand.

I lay there for a moment letting my breathing calm down before getting up to wash my hands and change my clothes. I slipped back into my bed, thoughts of Y/N filling my dreams.

I waked up in the morning in the big room but not feeling big. It was only a little bright in there and I was lonely. I getted up and go into my Missy's room. She was still sleeping so I getted in her bed. I lay down next to Missy and she opened her eyes and smiled at me.

"Morning baby boy," she says to me, her smile sleepy. "It's still early. Want to snuggle with me for a little while longer?"

I nodded my head and putted my arms around Missy. She runned her fingers through my hair, making me feel sleepy again. "I love you my Missy," I says to her. "I love you lots."

"Well I love you lots my baby boy. You are so very precious to me," she said, kissing my cheek.

I gived my Missy lots of kisses on her cheeks, then snuggled into her neck. I falled asleep happy to be with my Missy.

When I waked up again, Missy was standing by her dresser, pulling on a shirt. She turned around and smiled at me. "Morning Missy," I says, reaching out and making grabby hands at her.

Missy comed over by the bed and sits down. I climbed in her lap and hug her tight. She gives me big hugs back. "Good morning my baby boy," she says and kisses my cheek. "What would you like for breakfast?"

I thinked for a minute. "Can we has panicakes?" I asked, giving Missy my bestest smile.

Missy laughs. "Of course you can have pancakes. How can I say no when you give me that smile?" She gives me another kiss on the cheek. "That smile would get you just about anything."

"I can has anything?" I asked Missy.

Missy nods. "Within reason of course," she says to me with a smile.

I looked down at my fingers. "Can I has special kiss?" I ask.

"A special kiss?" Missy says. She puts her fingers under my chin so I look at her. "What kind of special kiss?"

"Umm... the kind of kiss that Yoonie gives Uncle Tae," I says to Missy.

Missy touches my mouth with her finger. "You want a kiss on the lips baby boy?" she asked me. "Are you sure?"

I nod my head. "Yes. Can I has special kiss?" I ask again.

Missy leans forwards and kisses me on my mouth. I feel my cheeks get hot and my private area start to feel funny. Missy pulls back. "Like that baby boy?"

I nod my head again. I lean forward and kiss Missy on her mouth. When I move back she smiles at me. "Can I kiss you special when I be big too?" I ask.

Missy's eyes get really big but she has a big smile too. "How about we talk about that when you're big," she says to me.

I thinked about it for a minute. I wants to give Missy special kisses again but I don't want her to be mad. "I like special kisses," I say to her, looking at my fingers again.

"I like special kisses too baby," Missy says, hugging me tightly. "Now how about pancakes?"

I get off her lap and she stands up and gives me her hand to get down off the bed. I runned to my room and getted my kitty stuffy off my bed. I gonna has panicakes with Missy and I getted to kiss her special. This is the best day ever!

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