Chapter 20

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Jimin POV:

I was looking for my Missy when I hears Uncle Kookie asks my Missy how she feels bout me. My heart and tummy feel happy when I hears Missy says she in love with me. Does that mean my Missy loves me when I little and big?

I hear foots behind me and see Hobi, Yoonie, and Joonie coming. They runs down the hall and into the room where Missy and their daddies are. I follow them and hear Hobi's mad voice. I nots know why he mad until I see Missy. She is sitting by Uncle Kookie and he is hugging her. I nots like that.

I goes by Uncle Kookie, my face not happy. "Why is you hugging my Missy?" I asks Uncle Kookie.

Uncle Kookie smiles at me. "You hug Yoonie? Hobi? Joonie?" he asks me. I nods my head yes. "Well I hug Missy because she's my friend. Just like Yoonie, Hobi, and Joonie are your friends."

After Uncle Kookie tells me why, I feel funny for having the mad feeling. Missy moves away from Uncle Kookie and holds her arms out to me. I climbs into her lap and hug her tightly, never wanting to let go of her. "You better now baby?" she asks me softly.

I nod my head and snuggle close to her neck, wrapping my arms around her real tight. "Missy? Are you gonna leave me for that Mark guy?" I asks her, scared to hear she gonna say yes.

Missy leans back and looks at me, her eyes sad. "Of course not baby. That guy is not important to me. You are and only you," Missy says to me, making my heart feel happy.

I looks around the room and sees all my friends with their daddies. We all is getting lots of snuggles and it makes me happy. I gives my Missy kisses on the cheek then snuggle back into her, my fingers playing with her shirt. I sit there listening to all the big people talking, just happy to be with my Missy. Soon my eyes start feeling sleepy. I looks at my friends and see them rubbing their eyes too.

Missy pats my butt and I lift my head to look at her. "Come on baby. I think it's time for all you little ones to get some sleep," she says to me. I nod my head but I don't really want to move away from her. She's so warm and soft and smells so good.

We all gets up and goes into Joonie's room. He has a bed that sits up high off the ground and it has stairs and a slide. We putted all our blankies, pillows and stuffies under it since we like to sleep near each other when we has sleepovers.

My friends' daddies and Missy helps us get under our blankies then give us all kisses. "I love you Missy," I say to her, my eyes feeling sleepy.

Missy pets my hairs, making me feel even more sleepy. "I love you too baby. So very much," she say to me softly.

Missy and the daddies stand up and leave the room, turning on the night light so it not dark in Joonie's room. Yoonie lays next to me and he pats my arm. I turn to look at Yoonie. "Jiminie do you love Missy now?" he asks me.

I thinked about what Yoonie says. I thinked I always love Missy but I not know what it is. I just know I want to always be with her, even when I be big. "Yeah Yoonie. I love Missy. I love her lots," I say to him.

Yoonie hugs me and pets my hairs. "I think Missy loves you lots too. She smiles happy when you hug her," he says to me.

Yoonie's words maked me feel really happy. I hope my Missy loves me like I loves her.

In the morning, I waked up to Hobi snuggling me. Hobi snuggled me when he felled asleep. I not mind. I like when my friends snuggle me. I lay there not making noise since I not want to waked my friends up.

I heared a noise outside the room and turn to see Missy by the door. She has a happy smile on her face. "Hi baby," she say to me.

"Hi Missy," I say back quietly. "Hobi is felled asleep on me."

Missy giggles at my words. "I can see that. Uncle Jinnie is making breakfast. You hungry?" I start to answer but my tummy maked a noise. Missy giggles again. "I think your tummy just answered for you."

I giggle too at the funny sound my tummy maked. It does it again and this time it waked up Hobi. Hobi moved his arms from me and opens his eyes. "Your tummy waked me up Jiminie," he said, his voice still sleepy.

I feeled bad that my tummy waked up Hobi, but Hobi smiles at me. "Missy say Uncle Jinnie maked breakfast," I say to him.

Hobi sits up, the blankie falling down and I sit up next to him. I move slowly away from Yoonie so I not waked him up. As soon as I am far nuff way, I hurry to my Missy, hugging her tight.

"Well good morning to you too baby," Missy say to me, pulling back and kissing my cheek.

Missy's kisses maked my face hot but they maked me smile too. Missy holds her hand to me and I taked it. We walked to the kitchen and see Uncle Jinnie making breakfast. He turns as we come in the kitchen. "Morning Jiminie," Uncle Jinnie say to me. "How does Uncle Jinnie's famous French toast sound for breakfast?"

My tummy maked another noise and Missy laughs. "I think his tummy likes that idea," Missy say, turning to me and smiling.

Missy helps me get on the stool in Uncle Jinnie's kitchen and we sitted and talked to him while he maked breakfast. He even let me help dip the French toast before he cooked it. He putted the last piece on a big plate when Yoonie, Hobi, and Joonie comed in the room.

Yoonie rubbed his eyes and I giggled knowing Yoonie not liked to be waked up. Uncle Kookie helps Yoonie and Hobi onto stools while Missy helps Joonie. I maked mad face when she pets his hairs, but then smile when she comed back by me. "Missy pet my hairs too," I say to her. Missy smiled then leaned down and pet my hairs.

Uncle Jinnie bringed the French toast and Missy and Uncle Tae putted it on plates for us. Uncle Kookie maked us chocolate milk and Uncle Jinnie goed back to the stove to get the bacon. As Missy cutted up my French toast, I looked at all my happy friends. This day was so happy. Breakfast with my friends at Uncle Jinnie's house, yummy French toast and bacon, and Missy smiling at me.

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