Chapter 21

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We all spent the day at Jin and Joonie's house, leaving shortly after lunch when the four littles started rubbing their eyes. The boys said their goodbyes, hugging each other as I spoke to the other caregivers and made plans to hang out later in the week.

I picked up the bag with our stuff in it and held out a hand to Jiminie. "You ready to go home baby boy?" I asked.

Jiminie nodded and gave me a sleepy smile, taking my hand, his cat stuffie clutched under the other arm. "Does I has to take a nap when we get home?" he asked.

"Yes baby. I can see your sleepy eyes," I responded, running a hand through his blond hair.

"Can you lays by me? I not wants to be alone," Jimin asked, his eyes filled with pleas.

I nodded. "Sure. We can take a nap together," I replied and smiled when Jiminie's eyes lit up in delight.

We said our goodbyes and I led Jiminie out to the car, buckling him into the front seat and giving him a kiss on his cheek. He blushed and looked down at his cat stuffie, hugging it close to his chest. After closing the door, I went around to the driver's seat and got in. On the way home, Jiminie chattered about how much fun he had with his friends, but I could see how sleepy he was by the way he kept rubbing his eyes.

When we pulled into the driveway, I got out of the car and hurried around to the passenger to get my sleepy baby out of the car. He clung to my hand, cat stuffie under his arm as we went up to the door. I let us in and helped Jiminie take off his shoes. He pulled on my hand, tugging me towards his bedroom.

When Jiminie got to his bedroom, he climbed into his bed, pulling his yellow blanket over his body and making grabby hands for me. I got into the bed and he wrapped around me like a koala, his eyes and smile sleepy. "I loves you lots Missy. So much," he mumbled.

"Aww my baby boy," I whispered, running a hand through his hair. "I love you too."

Jiminie smiled at me then laid his head down, snuggling close to my chest and hugging me tightly. I enjoyed the feeling of the sweet little in my arms and allowed myself to doze off with him.

A couple of hours later, I woke to a sweet little kiss on my lips and a little hugging me tightly. "Hello baby," I said, giving him a squeeze. "Did you have a nice nap?"

"I sleeps good Missy, but then I waked up. You was still sleeping so I gives you kiss like in Snow White," Jiminie replied. "And you waked up."

"I sure did," I answered, smiling at his adorable expression.

Jimin tilted his head to the side like a curious puppy. "Since I kiss you and waked you up, does that maked me the prince?" he questioned.

I giggled at his cute question. "Of course baby. You sure are the prince. A very cute one too!" This boy! What on earth was I going to do with him? His cute little expressions and behaviors made me melt into a little puddle.

Jiminie blushed and buried his face in my neck. "Missy!" he whined, hiding his face from me, but then he lifted his head. "Am I cute?"

I nodded my head. "You sure are. The cutest boy in the world," I replied, making him hide his face again. I lay there for a moment, just enjoying the moment of snuggling with Jiminie. "What would you like to do today?"

Jiminie lifted his head from my neck then rested his chin on his hands on my chest. "Umm... can we makes play dough?" he asked, his voice excited and filled with hope.

"Sure baby. We haven't done that in a long time," I agreed. Jiminie sat up, climbing off of me and I got off the bed. I held out a hand to him to help him off the bed. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he darted out of the room towards the kitchen. I stayed behind, straightening up his bed and folding his yellow blanket.

When I got to the kitchen, Jiminie had already grabbed the big plastic bowl we use for play dough from one of the lower cabinets. He set the blue bowl on the island then I helped him onto the stool, allowing him to sit up on his knees.

I grabbed the flour, salt, measuring cups and water then turned to Jiminie. "What color play dough would you like this time?" I asked, holding up the tiny little bottles of food coloring.

Jiminie scrunched up his nose, thinking for a moment before he smiled. "Blue! We maked yellow last time," he exclaimed.

I nodded and picked up the little bottle of blue food coloring. I took everything to the island and we set to work. Jiminie helped me measure all the ingredients and even dumped them into the bowl.

After everything was in, Jiminie pushed up the sleeves of his Iron Man shirt and stuck his hands in the bowl, mixing everything together. I laughed at the faces he was making since I know he didn't like getting his hands dirty. It made me smile every time he wanted to make play dough for that exact reason. Once it was the right texture, I helped Jiminie squeeze the blue food coloring in the bowl, turning the play dough a light sky blue.

We dumped the play dough onto the counter and I handed him a handful of cookie cutters, watching him flatten the dough out with his little hands and press the cookie cutters into it. Jiminie cut out a heart and held it up to me.

"Look Missy!" Jiminie exclaimed. "I maded you a heart." His smile was so big, his face so excited at his perfect heart that it made my heart melt even more for the sweet boy in front of me.

"It's perfect. You did such a good job baby," I praised, wanting him to know how proud I was of him. The first time we made play dough, he had a hard time using the cookie cutters. The devastated look on his face each time the dough got stuck in the cookie cutter broke my heart.

We sat at the island for over an hour, cutting out shapes and making long ropes. He pretended one of them was a snake and climbed down from the stool to chase me with it, laughing when I squealed in mock fright. He tossed the dough snake onto the counter and came over to me, hugging me tight.

"I pwotect you from the scary snake and all the other scary stuff," Jiminie promised, turning to glare at the snake, even though he made it and chased me with it.

"Aww thanks baby," I said, a smile on my face. "Now I know you can keep me safe from all the scary stuff." Jimin nodded, hugging me even tighter and burying his face in my neck. The thought that he would want to protect me from the things that I know even made him nervous helped cement the feelings I was so scared to admit to him. I know Jiminie told me he loves me, but I was hoping Jimin felt the same way. I was too afraid to bring up the conversation for fear he would reject me.

Jiminie nuzzled into my neck, whispering against my ear. "I always pwotect you Missy. I loves you lots."

"I love you too Jiminie," I replied, meaning those words now more than ever before.

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