Chapter 23

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Jimin held an arm out to me and I took it, giggling at the gentlemanly gesture. He led me out to his car and opened the door, waiting for me to get in before closing it behind me. He went around to the driver side and it gave me a minute to compose myself. I couldn't believe how handsome he looked. Normally I saw in him in jeans or sweat pants, but this was different. He looked so handsome that I wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss those perfect lips.

The thought of kissing Jimin made me feel flustered and I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment. It made me think back to the time he had asked for special kisses in headspace then said he wanted to kiss me when he was big too. Jimin hadn't said anything else about it since then but had given me several sweet kisses in headspace.

We made small talk on the way to the restaurant and I almost squealed when Jimin reached over and took my hand casually, as though it was something he did all the time when not in headspace. He told me that he had sent the final website to the company and they had approved his designs. I told him about the painting I had finished, not able to hold my excitement in at being able to deliver it tomorrow morning. The expectant mother was going to meet me at the gallery at 10.

We pulled up to the restaurant's valet parking and a young handsome man hurried over and opened my door, offering me a hand. I took it graciously then giggled when Jimin hurried over, a dark look on his face. He reached a hand out for me, lacing his fingers with mine. Jimin gave the young man a look and he hurriedly dropped my hand, apologizing and hurrying around to the driver's seat. Jimin turned to me, a smug smile on his face and I pinched his side.

"What? I didn't like the way he was looking at you," Jimin whined, rubbing the spot with his fingers.

"Why not?" I asked. "Are you the only one allowed to look at me like that?"

Jimin smiled. "Yes," he said simply, ignoring the look of shock on my face. "Come on. I'm starving." He tugged my hand, pulling me into the restaurant without giving me a chance to say anything else.

As we stepped into the lobby, my mouth dropped in shock. Jin was not wrong about the beautiful décor. The restaurant was decorated in black, white and touches of red and gold, giving it a very romantic ambience. The gold chandelier hanging above our heads lit the space with a glittering light, the little glass shards hanging from it casting rainbow light on the ground and across Jimin's handsome face.

Jimin stepped up to the hostess station, giving his name to the young pretty woman standing there. Bothered by the look she gave Jimin, I released his hand and stepped closer, wrapping an arm around his. "This place sure is beautiful," I said softly, causing Jimin to turn his attention to me.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you," he replied, pulling his arm from mine and wrapping it around my waist in a gentle embrace.

The hostess rolled her eyes when she realized she was not going to get the attention she wanted from Jimin. "Please follow me to your table sir," she said, her voice polite but frosty.

Jimin and I followed her through the restaurant, my eyes wide trying to take everything in. The restaurant was the fanciest I had ever been in and definitely had a date like atmosphere. Jimin looked down at me, giving me a sweet smile then wrapped his arm tighter, pulling me closer to his warm body.

After setting the menus on the table, the hostess informed us that our server would be right with us then flounced off, her long blond hair swinging behind her.

"You... you weren't jealous of her, were you?" Jimin asked, a smirk on his handsome face.

I didn't answer his question, but instead asked one of my own. "You weren't jealous of the valet, were you?" I teased, giving him a smile.

Jimin was saved by the waiter coming over to take our drink order and Jimin ordered wine for both of us. When the waiter left, I noticed that Jimin had avoided answering the question, picking up his menu instead. "So... Jin said the food here is amazing," he said, his eyes refusing to meet mine.

I grinned at his change of topic, but said nothing about it. "Why did you want to come here?" I asked, curious as to what he had on his mind.

Jimin shrugged. "I... I wanted to take you on a nice date," he replied, his voice soft. "You do so much for me that I wanted to do something nice for you."

"So this is a date?" I asked, not able to hide the surprise in my voice. What was happening here? I had wanted this for so long, but had never believed it would happen.

Jimin's face flushed again. "Well, I just thought... it doesn't have to be if you don't," he stammered out, but I cut him off, placing my hand over the top of his.

"Stop Jimin. I like that this is a date," I replied. "I've... I've wanted to go on a date with you for a while now." I wanted to slap myself for saying that. What if he didn't really want to be on a date? What if this was completely one sided? What if...?

Jimin's eyes lit up at my words and his smile brightened. "Really? So have I," he admitted, his voice soft and sweet. Jimin turned his hand over, holding mine in a gentle grip. "I've really wanted this."

My heart melted and I wondered what he meant by that. I was afraid to ask, but instead turned my attention back to the menu. "So what looks good to you?" I asked, deliberately changing the subject.

Jimin smiled at my avoidance of the topic and focused his attention back to the menu. We spent a couple minutes comparing the things that looked good before making a final decision. The waiter came back and we placed our orders then sat and talked while we waited for our food. At one point, Jimin reached across the table, taking both of my hands in his, and continued the conversation as though it was completely normal to hold my hands.

The waiter came back with our food, placing the plates in front of us, forcing Jimin to let go of my hands, which made him pout in disapproval. I giggled at his cute reaction and he sent me a sly smile.

Jin was definitely correct about this place; the food was absolutely amazing. Jimin had ordered prime rib that fell apart when he cut into it. The steak I ordered was perfectly seasoned and so tender that it practically melted in mouth. I cut a piece and offered it to Jimin. He held his mouth open like a small child and I fed it to him, enjoying the way his eyes closed in delight. As we ate, I realized the little habits we had developed over our time together. He would take the croutons from my salad while I ate his cucumbers. He used the little butter packets on his bread while I stole his leftover dressing for mine. It was like we had been together for years, but it came from the comfort we had with each other.

We ended up stopping by a coffee shop, drinking white mocha lattes and sharing a piece of strawberry cake. Jimin had a spot of whipped cream on his lip and I couldn't help it. I reached over and stroked his lip with my thumb, wiping off the cream. Jimin's eyes darkened and he visibly swallowed at my tender touch. "Um... you had whipped cream on your face," I said, my face turning hot. I leaned back and wiped my thumb on my napkin, avoiding his gaze.

"Oh... thanks," Jimin said, running his finger around the top of his cup, seemingly lost in thought.

On the way home, Jimin switched on the radio and soft music filled the car. We chatted about everything and nothing and it still amazed me we still had so much to talk about even though we spent the last 3 ½ hours in each other's company.

When we arrived home, Jimin came around and opened my door, offering me his hand. When I took it, he once again laced our fingers together, not willing to let go for even a moment. Jimin unlocked the house and I followed him in, slipping out of my shoes and letting out a sigh of relief. I turned to Jimin and placed a hand on his cheek. "Thank you so much for tonight," I said softly. "It was amazing."

Jimin nodded then turned into my touch, placing a gentle kiss on the palm of my hand. He then took the hand and moved it until it was around his neck. He moved my other hand to join the first then wrapped both arms around my waist, pulling me close. "Can... can I kiss you?" he asked, his eyes darker than usual.

"Please," I whispered and Jimin's soft lips met my own. For a moment it was just a sweet meeting of lips but then Jimin moved his lips against my own, really kissing me for the first time. He pulled me closer making me gasp against his lips. When I did, he slipped his tongue into my mouth and I moaned at the feeling of the soft appendage against my own. After a moment, I pulled back, running low on oxygen.

Jimin's lips moved to my throat and he groaned low in his throat. When he looked up at me, his eyes were black with need and it sent a jolt straight to my core. Jimin dragged my lips back to his, pulling me in even closer. I could feel the hardness between his dress pants and it caused me to moan again.

Jimin broke the kiss then leaned his forehead against my own, breathing heavily. "Wow," he said, his voice soft.

"Wow is right," I replied, giggling at his response.

"That was better than anything I could have dreamed about," Jimin said, pulling back and running a finger down my cheek.

"Have you... been thinking about it?" I asked. Jimin nodded in response, his cheeks flushed. "Me too." Admitting it to him felt almost freeing and the delighted look on his face made it completely worth it.

Jimin pulled my lips back to his, giving me one more gentle kiss. "Can... can I take you on another date soon?" he asked, his voice hopeful.

I nodded my head. "I would love to," I replied. I kissed his cheek then pulled myself reluctantly from his arms. If I didn't, I would have begged him to take me to bed right then and there. "Good night Jimin."

Jimin's eyes showed his unwillingness to let me go, but he gave me a smile anyway. "Good night Y/N," he replied. "Sweet dreams."

I headed into my room and stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind me then leaning against it. Wow. I couldn't believe that just happened and it was everything I wanted and more. But was it just a simple kiss? Was it more? Could it be more? Did Jimin even want more? The thought that this could turn into something made my heart race. I was in love with Jimin and hoped with every part of me that he felt the same.

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