Chapter 5

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I sat there for a few minutes watching Jimin sleep, stroking his soft blond hair. I was worried about what he said right before he fell asleep. He hadn't said those words to me in a long time. For the first three months I was with him, he would cry almost every day begging me not to leave him. The last time he had said it was almost six months ago. He was being exceptionally naughty that day and I had to give him a punishment. He thought I was going to leave him so he latched onto my legs, sobbing into my pant leg. I had to cuddle him for almost an hour afterward until he was finally calm and convinced I would stay with him. I wondered what brought this conversation on. Before leaving his room, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "Don't worry baby boy. I'm here with you," I said softly.

I headed back to my room to start the fairy painting for the pregnant woman. I had just started to sketch the drawing onto the canvas when my phone dinged.


Hey sweetie

It was so good to see you

1:49 PM


Yeah it sure was

1:50 PM


Can we do dinner sometime this week?

1:50 PM



That would be nice

1:52 PM



How about Saturday?

About 7?

1:53 PM

I thought about it for a minute. Jimin and I were supposed to go to Jin and Namjoon's house for a sleepover. All the littles and their caregivers were coming. I'm sure Jin and the others wouldn't mind me leaving Jimin there for a couple hours. I could always go back afterwards.

I decided to call Jin and double check. I found his contact on my phone and pressed call. He answered after a few rings. "Jinnnniiieee," I said in a singsong voice. "I need your help."

Jin laughed. "I thought you had no trouble bathing Jiminie now," he asked.

"Haha you're so funny. That's not what I need help with," I replied.

Jin laughed again. "What's up?"

"I know we're supposed to come Saturday for a sleepover. Do you mind if I drop Jimin off for a couple hours then come back later?" I asked.

Jin squealed into the phone. "Oooohhh... Missy got a date!"

I groaned in frustration. "It's not a date. Its just dinner with an old friend. We ran into each other at the grocery store and he asked to see me Saturday," I replied.

Jin squealed again. "He? It is a date! Who is he? Do I know him? Is he handsome?" he questioned quickly.

I laughed at his over the top reaction. "We... uh... we used to date in high school but he left the country to go to college. He just wants to catch up."

Jin laughed into the phone. "Sure no problem Missy. I don't mind keeping an eye on Jimin. Taehyung and Jungkook will be here too, so he will be well looked after," he replied.

"Thanks Jin. I appreciate it. I'll drop Jimin off around 5. I'll come back after my dinner," I said.

"You mean your date?" Jin asked.

"Funny," I deadpanned. "I'll see you Saturday." I disconnected the call and sent a response back to Mark.


Saturday at 7 sounds great

2:15 PM



I thought you were going to turn me down

2:16 PM



No I had to find someone to take care of Jimin

2:17 PM


Sounds good

Can't wait to see you

2:17 PM

I set down the phone, a happy smile on my face. I hadn't seen Mark in several years. We had dated throughout high school, but broke off the relationship when he was accepted to a prestigious medical school out of the country. Although it hurt to break up, I was happy for him and wanted him to do what was best for him. It had been an amazing opportunity for him and I didn't want to turn it down because of me. He would have resented me later and we would have broken up anyways. The break up was mutual and we ended on good terms. We had kept in touch the first year after he left, but we both just got too busy and fell out of touch. I hadn't heard from him in several years. His hair was darker, his face leaner and more masculine, but he was still just as handsome. He had gone from a cute boy to a very attractive man.

This would be the first time I had gone out with someone since moving in with Jimin. Trying to have an outside relationship and take care of a little can be difficult. Most men wouldn't understand the relationship between Jimin and me. When he is in little space, I help him with most everything, including bathing and using the toilet. I have seen him naked more times than I can count and have chased him through the house trying to dry him off, wet footprints all over the floor. I have stripped him out of his clothes when has an accident from trying to wait to go to the bathroom and not making it in time. Luckily that has only happened once recently. It was more frequent when I first came to live with him. I have stayed up all night when he is sick and wiped him down with cool cloths.

Although he tries to sometimes, I usually have to help him get dressed. If he has a bad dream, he comes and sleeps with me. On more than one occasion, I have woken up to Jimin in my bed, tears on his cheeks because of a bad dream. He snuggles into my arms and I run my hands through his hair so he can go back to sleep. When in little space, Jimin is extremely dependent on me. The relationship I have with Jimin is very special and I'm not willing to end that relationship because someone else doesn't feel comfortable. Jimin comes first for me and will always come first.

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