Eight Year Old

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3rd point of view:

"Yeah, Yeah." He says unbothered.

After a while, they made it back to David's place Frank started setting up his guns while David is making a drone she went to help Frank. She grabs one of his guns and goes to set it up.

"Be careful with that." Frank says while taking the gun out of her hands.

She rolls her eyes at him.

"I am not 8 anymore Frank." She said to him before grabbing another gun and setting it up.

"I know you aren't but you are still my kid and I care about you." Frank says caringly.

"Yeah, well you shouldn't." She said while grabbing another gun.

Frank just stays quiet not knowing how to reply back to that. David decides to break the very thick tension  that was forming.

"It was unnecessary and i don't get why you can't admit that. A trained agent should be able to extract themselves from a vehicle unassisted upside down or not."

"We're still doing this, huh." Frank says.

"Yeah, because you need to hear what i am saying."

"I've heard you," Frank grunts as he picks up another gun. "I'm sick of hearing you."

Mia rolls her eyes. "children" She mutters before she walks away in the kitchen or lack of a kitchen.

"You know what your problem is, Lieberman? You always think you are right."

David scoffs.

"What you want is you want to hear me say it, and that shit is not gonna happen."

"So you think the fact Agent Madani knows you're alive isn't an issue."

"Come on, she was unconscious, man. What did you want me to do?"

Lieberman chuckles. "If she was unconscious, she wouldn't have seen your face."

"Okay, she was unconscious, then she wasn't unconscious."

"What? Okay. Let me...Our lives just got way more complicated. If homeland enters your name into the system, let me ask you. How long do you think Agent Orange knows that? "

"Well, maybe you should have stuck to the plan."

"Frank... you were driving right at her. Was this stupid bullshit macho game of chicken part of the plan? If they catch you, i don't see my family so i made a decision."

"That's it. See what you want, is you to get your shit done but what you do is bust my balls. You are relentless! You nag your wife like that? I mean, are you sure she wants you back? Are you sure?" Frank says before he mumbles.

"Oh, come on man. Come on."

"All right. i am out of here maybe while i am gone, you could come up with some new ways to antagonize me with you bullshit." Frank say as he puts on his jacket while leaving. 

"Where are you going."

"I think i'mma go see your wife."

"See, now you're trying to be hurtful."

Frank just ignores him.

"You don't have to be such a dick all the time." David mutters.

"You done pouting yet?" Mia asks sarcastically while taking a drink of chocolate milk .

"I hate you and also who said you could take things out of the kitchen?" He asks.

"I did. I am going go out and get some of shit."

He rolls his eyes. "And where are you going?"

"None of your business." Mia says before she leaves.

She walks to a very shitty apartment. She checks her surroundings because she is not sure if The Red Room is coming here. There is no one there so she unlocks the apartment Takes her gun out to check it again and grabs all her stuff like her weapons, ballet shoes, id's also the money The Red Room gave her if she need to act like a normal person shopping and a bunch of other shit. She puts normal clothes over her widow suit.   

She goes getting clothes so she does not have to wear the widow suit or the shitty clothes that The Red Room gave her.

When she comes back David is already asleep and Frank is at his apartment sleeping. She puts her bag down in the place where she is sleeping and she grabs a piece of rope she has and ties it to the bed and her hand so she can go to sleep. She lays down and goes to sleep. She starts moving in her sleep but not tearing the rope because The red room would have special handcuffs for her to cuff her to the bed so she wouldn't break out and if she did get close to breaking it, it would electrocute her.

In her dream she can hear people laughing that were mostly kids and carousel music playing and she can see Frank, Maria, Lisa, and Frank Jr. All laughter turned into screams with gun shots being fired and hitting everyone but mostly the Castle family  the carousel music playing in the background  blood everywhere before she wakes up. 

She sighed and untied the rope from her hand and bedpost and got up to put it in her bag so they would not question her about that. She got out her ballet shoes and put them on and just started doing ballet.

She was too out of to even realize that it was already 10 in the morning and that Frank came back.

Frank saw her and was leaning against the doorway it was weird to see her doing ballet because when she was younger she said she hated ballet .

"I thought you hated ballet?" He says sounding confused.

She turned around surprised to see him. "Yeah, well things change." She said before sitting on the bed and taking the ballet shoes.  

Frank spots a bullet wound scar on her head he didn't notice it before because it is so faint.

"What is that?" He points to her head where the scar is.

"Huh," She goes up and looks on the cracked up mirror to see what he is talking about. She sees what he is talking about. "Oh, that i don't remember." She says before sitting on the bed again and putting her shoes on because there was no way in hell she was trusting that something was not on the dirty as ground/concrete.

"When did you get clothes and a duffle bag?"

"I left after you did to get my stuff and clothes."

"Well i can tell you have my sense of style still." He laughs a bit at the end of the sentence. When she was little she always wore dark clothing like him and whenever Maria tried to get her in colorful clothing she would hide for a long time until Frank would find her and drag her out or when Frank was gone in the Military Maira just said she gave up which worked.

He didn't question how she got the money because he thought that she must of had some stashed away.

"Yeah, i guess we both have a love of dark clothing." She shrugs and grabs taffy from her bag and gets one.

"Want one?" She asks as she holds one up.

"Sure." He says and she tosses one to him.

He unwrapped the taffy.

"These are still your favorite?" He asks because she loved taffy when she was younger.

"I don't know i never knew i even had them before." She says.

"What do you mean you don't remember you had them before. You always had a bag of taffy with you when you were young."

She sighs turning to him.

"I am not that little eight year old girl you knew and who you remember. I don't remember shit about when i was younger, god you are lucky i even remember you." She says noticing that she was letting him in to much so she had to push him away because he would never except her for who she is no one will because she is nothing, she has no place in the world.

Sorry if the end part seems rushed.

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