Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 27

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Pic of Ashley  --->

Sorry, it's really bad, I know TT-TT It was like a really quick job. I want to do a new pic of Ashley, but the computer with my drawing software on it is broken :(

Music is Monster by Skillet  --->

I think it suits Ashley very well in this chapter :P

Third Person's POV

Ashley stands before Hakuba’s prison, watching solemnly as his glowing red eyes open, the only thing visible in the terrible blackness. The Demon’s lips pull back into a dark smirk, his white teeth flashing briefly.

Ashley slowly tilts her head down, watching through hooded eyes as a black, bubbly substance begins to seep between the ten thick pillars barring Hakuba inside his sealed prison.

“Just say the word” Hakuba whispers evilly. “And I can get rid of this boy…….He can’t defeat a power as magnificent as mine…..”

Ashley stares at the ground, the black substance pooling around her feet, a slight stinging sensation running up her leg. Dark shadows dance across her face, as she watches the black substance climb higher, flooding out of Hakuba’s prison.

“Remove the seal” Hakuba encourages, stepping right up to the bars of his prison and pushing his jaws through the bars. “Remove it, and I’ll take care of this little problem…..I’ll help you…..”

Ashley slowly looks up, the black, bubbling liquid now reaching her knees. She drags her dull eyes over to the seal on one of the steel pillars, the seal that keeps Hakuba from breaking free.

“Help me……” the blonde repeats softly, as if in a trance. “You’ll…….help me…..”

Hakuba watches through wide, crazed eyes, as Ashley slowly walks through the black substance, heading towards the seal.

“Yes……” the Wolf chuckles evilly, eyes twinkling. “Do it…….Release the seal…”

Ashley’s POV



Naruto stares at me with wide eyes, his mouth hanging slightly open.

“Yeah Naruto, it’s me” I reply lowly, gritting my teeth as Hakuba’s malevolent chakra flows freely through my body, the Demon itching to take over me. “For now anyway….”

“Wh-What does that mean?” Naruto asks, shuffling backwards and slowly pushing himself to his feet. A choking sound escapes his mouth, as his hands fly to his head, eyes scrunching closed in pain.

“No!” he shouts. “No, I won’t let this dumb fox take over me! N-Never!”

“Ashley!” a horrified voice calls, making me turn and glance over my shoulder, chest heaving up and down as my breathing begins to quicken.

I see Yamato’s wooden shield disappear back down into the ground, revealing all of my friends. Kiyumi, Saffire and Kurai all stare at me with wide eyes, terrified looks on their faces.

Whether they’re afraid of me or afraid for me is yet to be seen. It’s probably the latter though, considering they know perfectly well what is happening to me right now.

“Fight it!” Atsui shouts, clenching his fists. “Don’t let it take over you! Be strong!”

“Wait wait wait!” Kiba shouts, stepping forwards and jabbing a hand in my direction. “That’s Ashley?! What’s going on here?!”

“You mean, none of these guys know yet?” Atsui asks incredulously, earning hard looks from Saffire and Kiyumi.

“Know what?” Shikamaru asks suspiciously, whirling around when Sora lets out an angry roar.

I turn around as well, narrowing my glowing eyes at the transformed boy. He glares back at me through his pupiless eyes, a low growl emitted from his mouth. His sharp claws dig into the hard earth, easily sinking into the ground.

I glance down at my own hands, cloaked in an ominous black chakra. My nails grow into sharpened claws, as I feel my teeth elongating, growing into deadly fangs. One thick tail swings back and forth behind me, while my blonde hair begins fading into a dark charcoal colour, growing spiked and wild.

“H-Hakuba” I growl, squeezing one eye closed as Hakuba’s power continues to grow. “D-Don’t go crazy….I just…..Want to defend my f-friends…”

Nonsense!’ Hakuba roars inside my head, making me groan in pain. ‘You came to me for my power, and my power you shall get! Release the seal!’

Before I can reply, Sora suddenly launches himself forwards with an ear piercing shriek, his hands and feet pounding against the ground.

“N-Naruto!” I scream, rising into a defensive position. “Get back! L-Let me fight him!”

“No way!” Naruto shouts back, stupidly running forwards, wanting to take Sora head on.

‘He’s gonna grow a Fourth Tail if he keeps fighting!’ I think wildly, also launching myself forwards, easily catching up to Naruto.

As Sora throws his arm forwards to attack Naruto, I shove him roughly out of the way, copping a monster punch to the stomach.

I rocket backwards at an incredible speed, slamming into the ground and tumbling backwards for a good thirty metres, before coming to a stop.

I exhale sharply, blinking a few times and wincing at the pain now in my stomach. I raise my head, hearing Naruto cry out in pain, before he flies over my head, hitting the ground not too far from me. Sora screeches up at the sky and then looks over at Naruto and me, leaning forwards.

“D-Dammit…” I growl, pushing myself to my feet as Sora begins racing towards us again. “Get up Naruto!”

I charge over to the struggling blonde, heaving him to his feet, before hoisting him over my head and flinging him powerfully over towards my friends.

Sakura and Ino run forwards as he hits the ground and slides towards them, groaning in pain.

Whirling around just in time, I manage to catch both of Sora’s hands as he tries to slash his claws at me. He growls in my face, as I grit my teeth and push against him, my feet slowly sliding backwards.

“S-Sakura!” I bellow. “You guys, ungh!...You guys…..Take care of Naruto!”

“R-Right!” the pinkette agrees, motioning for Yamato to come over. “Come on Naruto! Fight the Nine Tails! Don’t let it out!”

“I’m trying!” comes the pained reply, as my blonde friend writhes on the ground, pulling at his hair. “But Sora needs my help right n-”

Naruto is interrupted by a roar from Sora, as the boy suddenly releases me and whirls around, striking me simultaneously with two of his tails.

I screech in pain as I reel backwards, blood pouring down the side of my face. As I fall over backwards, Sora leaps on top of me, his head jerking forwards, as he locks his jaws onto my shoulder.

“Ashley!” Kiyumi screams tearfully, trying to run forwards.

“No Kiyumi!” Keilor barks, blocking her from running to my aid. “You can’t like, help her now! He’ll totally destroy you!”

“He’s gonna kill her though!” my sister cries, dropping to her knees as Sora leans back and slams me in the stomach, pushing me down into the earth and causing some of the ground to crack and give way.

My vision begins growing blurry, as Sora strikes me again, sending me tumbling across the earth, throwing up clouds of dust. I hit a tree and come to an abrupt stop, my friends screaming and shouting in the background, although I can’t tell what they’re saying anymore.

I see the glow of Sora’s chakra, as he approaches me, probably to finish me off. Black dots begin clouding my already blurred vision, my eyes beginning to close.

“So much for…..the magnificent Ten…Tails….” I murmur, my eyes closing.

“You dare to patronize me?” an angry voice asks me, making me look up. I see Hakuba glaring at me, red eyes blazing furiously.

“You were defeated by the Four Tailed form of the Kyuubi!” I spit, stopping in front of Hakuba’s prison, ignoring the black liquid bubbling around my knees. “You’re supposed to be the Ten Tails! You always brag about your power, yet you couldn’t even get one hit in!”

The chakra around my knees suddenly begins bubbling furiously, heating up and fizzing sinisterly. I cringe at the temperature, large black bubble popping and spraying droplets of chakra on my clothes.

Glancing back at Hakuba, I see his ten tails raised behind him, flicking around in agitation. Hakuba’s eyes glow even brighter than usual, a demonic fury behind them.

“No!” he thunders, making the bars holding him back shake. “You couldn’t defeat him. I haven’t even had my turn yet! You insolent little worm! You dare to question the power of the strongest creature ever to exist?! Your stupidity never ceases to amaze me little girl! Release that seal, and I will show you the power of the Ten Tailed Wolf! Release me!”

I stare up at Hakuba in wonder, never having seen him quite so fired up before. I’d almost go so far as to say that he looks scary right now, and I’ve never found him scary before.

“If I release you, you’re going to hurt my friends” I say lowly, knowing the cunning Beast’s intentions.

“You will release me….” Hakuba growls softly, narrowing his eyes and leaning as close to me as he can, leaning down to be on my eye level. “If you don’t, that boy is going to kill you…..You don’t have much choice.”

I smirk up at Hakuba, shaking my head.

“No” I scoff. “If I die, you die with me. That’s not a problem for me. If I’m gone, no one will ever get hurt by you again.”

“Insolence” Hakuba snarls. “Pure insolence! You called on me, no, begged me for my help, and now you have the audacity to talk down to me?! If there’s one person I’ve ever wanted to kill, it is you.”

I shrug one shoulder.

“If I die, so do you” I repeat, making Hakuba lean back, eyes narrowed dangerously at me.

“You don’t take me seriously” he muses, unimpressed. “But what will happen to your friends when you die? That boy will kill them all as well, just because you were too stubborn to let me help you.”

I pause, staring up at Hakuba’s face, a light smirk tugging at his lips. He knows my friends are my weak spot, and he’s playing on it damn him!

“Your idea of help is a lot different from mine” I growl, momentarily closing my eyes. “But…….”

Memories of my friends flash swiftly through my mind, all the things we’ve seen and done together replaying in my mind. I can’t let them down…..I can’t let Sora kill them……

I open my eyes, glaring up at Hakuba as I place my hand on the seal holding him prisoner in my psyche.

“I need all the help I can get” I growl regretfully, ripping the seal part way down. Hakuba’s eyes gleam in anticipation, the chakra leaking from his prison suddenly beginning to gush out in a flood. The chakra swiftly rises, coming all the way up to my stomach, as the bars holding Hakuba inside me begin toppling over, shaking the dark room violently.

Third Person’s POV



“He’s going to kill her!” Kiyumi sobs, trying her best to climb over Keilor, but the young Wolf holds his ground, with Saffire and Kurai trying to hold her back as well.

“How can he beat her?” Tsumetai questions softly, turning his head away as Sora grabs Ashley roughly by the throat, lifting her chakra cloaked body high into the air. “She’s supposed to be super strong when she’s like that….”

“When she’s like what?” Choji asks, perplexed by the whole situation. “What kind of Jutsu is that?”

Naruto, despite his inner fight, looks over at Ashley, eyebrows pulling together in confusion. Why did she look like that? And where did all of that chakra come from? At least, it felt like chakra……

“We have to save her!” Kiba thunders, leaping to his feet, only to be frozen in place. Turning his head, he sees Shikamaru staring at him, hands together in a hand sign.

“There’s nothing we can do Kiba” the Nara says wisely. “If Ashley can’t do anything, what do you think you can do?”

“I don’t care!” Kiba shouts in frustration, eyes wavering slightly. “I’ll die trying to save her if I have to! I’m not sitting here doing nothing as she gets beaten to a pulp by that idiot!”

“He’s…..He’s still in there” Naruto pants, on his hands and knees as he tries to fight of the Nine Tailed Fox’s power. “Sora….We can….We can still bring him back…..Dammit, get lost you stupid Fox!”

Sakura kneels beside her teammate, wanting to help him, but knowing that there’s nothing she can do. If she touches him, her skin will burn off due to the high concentration of chakra still enveloping his body.

“I can do this” Naruto tells himself weakly. “I can….I can beat this stupid Demon….You won’t win….Not this time.”

“Come on Naruto” Sakura encourages softly, clenching her hands into fists. “You’re stronger than the Nine Tails! You can fight him off!”

Look!” Fang suddenly cries, jumping backwards, her icy blue eyes wide. Everyone looks up, as a strong blast of air suddenly washes over them, forcing them to abruptly close their eyes. Tiny pieces of debris rain over the Minami and Leaf Ninja, when a stinging chakra pulses through the air, making a few of the onlookers shiver.

“What feels so….so evil?” Ino whispers, cracking her eyes open, only to see Kiyumi and Saffire clinging to each other, eyes wide as they can possibly go.

“Oh no….” Kiyumi says softly, her hands shaking at the sight before her.

“Where’s that crazy chakra coming fr-” Shikamaru is interrupted by a thunderous roar, making everyone freeze, heads slowly turning back towards the battlefield.

Sakura gasps in horror, seeing an ominous midnight black chakra now blazing around Ashley, three tails whipping around behind her as she dangles in the air, Sora still gripping her by the neck.

Ashley glares down into Sora’s face, her eyes now glowing bright red and her mouth quivering in a fang filled snarl.

She suddenly throws her head back and roars, creating a massive shock wave of chakra, which causes Sora to release Ashley, before he shoots backwards so fast, it’s as if he simply teleported out of sight.

Yamato swiftly brings up another thick dome of chakra imbued wood to protect the others, but the wave of chakra easily smashes through the wood, sending the Minami and Leaf Ninja flying in all directions.

“Ahhhhh!” Ino screams, crashing into a tree branch and managing to catch herself before she falls to the ground. Kiba and Akamaru are sent flying into a large boulder, causing it to explode into millions of tiny pieces. The brunette groans in pain, as Akamaru whimpers, sliding to a stop a few metres away from his best friend.

Naruto rolls along the ground, before jamming his claws into the earth, bringing him to a jarring halt. He throws out his hand, managing to catch Saffire as she tumbles past him. She cries out in pain, Naruto’s chakra burning her skin, which causes Naruto to wince and reluctantly release her.

Choji hits the same tree as Ino, though he topples heavily to the ground, a still unconscious Tamashi lying not too far from him.

Keilor whines in pain, sprawled across the ground, with a large, pointed piece of wood stabbed into his thigh. Kiyumi crawls towards him, eyes trained on her sister in the background. Tears drip down her face, knowing that her sister can’t control her power if she develops more than one tail. So is the influence of the Ten Tailed Wolf’s chakra…

“F-Fang!” Kiyumi calls dryly, spotting the pretty Wolf snaking along the ground towards Saffire. “Keilor’s hurt!”

Fang’s ears prick up and her head turns in Kiyumi’s direction, revealing a long gash down the side of her face.

“Alright” she whispers fearfully, tail between her legs. “I’m coming….”

“Tamashi?!” Kurai calls, kneeling beside Shimei, who is also still out cold. “Where’s my Tamashi?!”

“He’s over her Kurai-chan” Tsumetai whispers, trembling fearfully, his hands bunched up under his chin. Atsui scoops the Chibi up into his arms securely, sitting down beside Tamashi and sending Kurai a reassuring look.

“We’ll stay with him” the green haired Minami promises, switching his hard gaze over to Ashley. “Just lay low Kurai.”

“Such destructive power” Yamato sighs tiredly, dropping down from the tree he’d landed in, crouching beside Naruto. “You okay Naruto?”

“Y-Yeah” the blonde wheezes. “But what’s going on Captain Yamato?”

“Don’t worry about it” is the calm reply. “Just focus on fighting off the Nine Tails alright? Everything’s fine. Everyone’s alive, and Sakura, Ino and that black Wolf are healing everyone now.”

Naruto turns his head, staring hard at Ashley. What was happening to her?......And why did it all look so familiar to him?

A bone chilling growl fills the air, making everyone pause and look towards the battlefield once again.

Ashley rises to her feet, head lowered as she bares her teeth at Sora, who is racing towards her, having burst out of the forest. Ashley’s three tails whip back and forth agitatedly, her lips pulling back into a twisted smirk, revealing her razor teeth.

“You die here boy” she sneers, her voice sounding deep and rough, just like Hakuba’s. “Finally, I’m going to take back some of my power!”

Ashley lunges forwards, meeting Sora head on and slugging him across the face with a monster punch, making his head snap to the side, before he is sent flying right back into the forest. There is a loud explosion as Sora crashes through the trees, a huge cloud of dust rising into the dark sky.

“What…..What’s happening here?!” Kiba exclaims, staring at Ashley with wide eyes. At least, he thought it was her. Despite the black, spiked hair, the long, razor teeth and the blood red eyes she had, it looked a lot like her.

Hearing Kiba’s voice, Ashley turns her head, glancing over at the Ambience and Leaf Ninja, causing them to freeze.

Ashley, now possessed by Hakuba, flicks her glowing eyes down to Naruto, still coated with the Nine Tails’ chakra. She smirks evilly, hooding her eyes and raising a chakra covered hand to point at Naruto.

“And when I’m done killing this boy” she promises darkly, “He’ll be the next to go!”

“What?!” Sakura cries, her green eyes flying wide open, hands flying to her mouth. “She…..she wants to kill Naruto?!”

Sora suddenly bursts out of the trees again, before sitting back on his haunches and tilting his head back. He opens his mouth wide, focusing a huge amount of chakra into a large sphere above him.

“Not again!” Shikamaru cries, leaping to his feet, ready to move. Ashley shakes her head, a low chuckle beginning to sound from her. It slowly grows in volume, until Hakuba’s evil laugh is all that can be heard in the partially destroyed forest.

Sora throws his head forwards, sending the ball of chakra streaming towards Ashley. Upon making contact with her body, the ball explodes, a blinding light flashing through the sky and a tsunami of dust and wind rushing up towards the onlooking Ninja.

A few of them scream, as the hot wind tears at their bodies, wanting to send them flying through the air. They all somehow manage to stay put, opening their eyes and turning their heads to see if Sora got Ashley.

Sitting in the exact same spot as before, Ashley raises her head, her mouth still pulled up into that twisted smirk, only now…….

“It’s……It’s got five tails now” Saffire whispers from behind Naruto, making the blonde scowl in confusion. Tails?

“She looks……just like Sora” Shikamaru says slowly, placing a hand to his chin and furrowing his brow in deep thought. What had happened to Ashley? Was Sora’s chakra affecting her somehow?

Ashley, now in her Five Tailed form, is fully coated in a highly concentrated amount of Hakuba’s evil chakra, no sign of flesh left on her body. While Sora and Naruto appear to glow orange in their Four Tailed form, Ashley’s body glows an ominous ebony, wisps of black chakra pulsing from her as she moves. Ashley opens her mouth, the inside glowing a blood red, the same red as her now pupiless eyes.

Naruto, his Nine Tails’ chakra finally beginning to recede somewhat, narrows his blue eyes. That form…..She really did look just like Sora now……And him, when he was in his Four Tailed form……

Ashley tilts her head back, her five tails raising up behind her and arching backwards towards her head. Orbs of chakra begin forming in the air, being sucked towards the black orb beginning to materialise above Ashley’s open jaws.

Naruto’s eyes suddenly widen with realisation. He’d seen this before. When he’d been the one doing it!

“Ashley…..” he murmurs softly, slowly pushing himself to his feet, ignoring the pain in his burned flesh. The Nine Tails chakra, though he had managed to fight it off, had burned his skin, leaving some of it a raw red colour. “She’s……She’s just like me….”


“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” Hakuba’s evil laugh echoes through the dark room, his red eyes blazing with sick glee. Another steel bar topples over, only to sink beneath the depths of the still rising black chakra swirling through the room.

“H-Hakuba!” Ashley cries, trying to keep her head above the heavy black substance, as it bubbles and fizzes around her. “Hakuba! Stop! This is too much power! I can’t….You know I can’t control it!”

“I care not you pathetic human!” Hakuba roars, rising up onto his hind legs and pushing at the five bars still holding him prisoner. “This will teach you to take me seriously! You will learn to fear me! Everyone will fear me once again!”

Hakuba hoods his eyes and glares at Ashley, sending a chill down her spine. He was really beginning to scare her now.

“You will release the seal” he whispers hauntingly. “Release it, and let me show the world my full fury!”

Ashley closes one eye, struggling to keep her head above the heavy chakra. It didn’t feel the same as floating in water, and Ashley could feel her body getting dragged down…

Ashley snaps her jaws closed over the black orb, swallowing it and lowering her head. She glares over at Sora, who is watching her intently, tails twitching with anger and irritation.

Ashley growls angrily, Hakuba’s hatred for the Nine Tails flooding through her mind. All he wanted to do was tear the boy to pieces.

Suddenly opening her mouth, Ashley suddenly shoots the small orb of pure chakra at Sora, the orb sending out a shock wave as it rockets towards him.

“No!” Naruto cries, before he is tackled to the ground by Yamato, who has also seen this attack before. “Sora!”

“Duck and cover guys!” Saffire screams, turning on her heel and running for her Guardian. “Duck and cover!”

Everything goes silent, as the tiny orb collides with Sora, before an absolutely massive explosion takes place, blasting a deep crater in the earth and ripping trees right out of the ground.

Everyone screams as they are tossed around mercilessly by the burning hot wind from the explosion, sending them tumbling across the ground and flying through the air once again.

As the light from the explosion diminishes, silence reigns through the destroyed forest once again, clouds of dust billowing into the air.

Ashley remains crouched on the ground, staring in Sora’s direction, her five tails waving around as if they had a mind of their own. Sora on the other hand, is lying on his back, steam rising from his body. Ashley’s long ears lay back against her head, as Sora slowly begins moving, making Ashley growl furiously. Hakuba wanted to see the boy dead! This was beginning to grow trivial and annoying to the Demon Wolf now, and he was getting sick of playing with Sora.

From her new position, Saffire cries out in anguish, seeing a sixth tail beginning to form behind Ashley.

“No Ashley!” she calls desperately. “You have to fight it! Don’t let it take over you!”

“Be quiet Saffire!” Fang hisses, her eyes widening when Ashley’s head snaps around to glare at Saffire. The girl freezes under the Demon Wolf’s evil stare, her knees buckling beneath her as Ashley slowly turns around.

Everyone who can, leaps to their feet as Ashley suddenly launches herself forwards, roaring as she barrels towards Saffire.

Ashley tosses her head angrily, chakra pulsing into the air as she runs. Kiyumi darts over to Saffire, grabbing her by the hand and tugging her towards the others.

“Stop it Ashley!” the blonde shouts, tears pouring down her face. “Snap out of it! You’re better than this!”

“We’re gonna have to fight her!” Shikamaru shouts, placing his hands together, while knowing full well that they don’t stand a chance against her.

Kiba watches the large monster running towards them with wide eyes, his hands shaking. That was his Angel? What was wrong with her? Why had she transformed like that? She wasn’t like Sora and Naruto, so why?!

“I’m not hurting her” he whispers, shaking his head. He’d die before attacking her.

“She’s already hurting Kiba!” Kurai shouts, tugging at his jacket. “We’ll be doing her a favour if we attack her!”

“What?” the Inuzuka questions, his head snapping up when he hears a ferocious roar. Ashley leaps for the Minami and Leaf Ninja, arms stretched out towards them and her mouth agape.

Ino can’t help screaming again, when Ashley is suddenly tackled to the side, sending her tumbling across the cracked earth.

After she comes to a stop, Ashley shakes her head and glances up. Sora runs for her, roaring furiously, his feet cracking the ground as he runs.

‘So he wants to play with me then?’ Hakuba thinks darkly, as Ashley rises to her feet, nose wrinkled as she bares her teeth at Sora. ‘So be it! He shall die!’

With another roar, Ashley charges at Sora, ready to attack him head on. The two Demonised Ninja leap for each other, clawed hands slashing wildly. Sora manages to slice Ashley’s cheek, before she is able to slash him across the neck. Flipping around, Ashley slams Sora with her six tails, sending him shooting back down into the ground.

Landing easily on all fours, Ashley dashes towards Sora and dives on him, slugging him in the stomach with a monster punch, returning his earlier favour.

Sora roars in pain, sinking further down into the ground, as Ashley punches him a second time.

“Ashley, stop this!” Naruto cries desperately, climbing to his feet. As he steps forwards, Sakura and Yamato each grab onto one of his shoulders to hold him back.

“Let me go!” Naruto shouts, tears in his eyes as Ashley gets Sora by the throat and lifts him into the air. The blonde shrugs his two teammates off, now jogging towards Ashley. He was going to stop this, if it was the last thing he did.

“Naruto!” Kiba shouts, throwing out his arm. “Naruto you moron! They’ll kill you!”

“Stay back Blue Eyes!” Saffire pleads, clasping her hands together. “We can’t fight them!”

“I’m going to stop them!” Naruto shouts determinedly, breaking into a run as Ashley throws a weakened Sora across the clearing, before diving at him and driving her knee into his stomach.

“Ashley!” Naruto calls, sliding down into the massive crater the long fight had created. “Ashley, listen to me! Snap out of it!”

Ashley ignores Naruto, continuing to repeatedly slam her fists into Sora’s face. The boy’s head whips painfully from side to side with each hit, the sound of Ashley’s knuckles cracking against his face reaching the onlooking Ninja and making them cringe.

“Ashley!” Naruto exclaims, tears forming in his eyes. He finally understood. He could finally see……She’d been keeping this secret from them for so long, keeping it bottled up all to herself. This had happened to her once before, in the Land of Ambience, only…..He’d been too stupid and naïve to realise what had actually happened to her.

Ashley bares her teeth down at Sora, who is beginning to revert back to his Three Tailed form, his eyes closed.

“A-Ashley!” Naruto stutters, skidding to a halt beside the large Wolf like creature. “Ashley, you need to stop hurting Sora now! He’s not a threat anymore!”

Ashley pauses, slowly turning to glance over her shoulder down at Naruto. She bares her teeth viciously at him, red eyes burning with rage.

“Leave Sora alone now!” Naruto pleads, clenching his fists. “It’s okay Ashley, we don’t need to fight anymore!”

Ashley growls at Naruto, before suddenly sliding down from Sora and lowering herself to the ground, teeth bared at Naruto warningly. The blonde’s eyes widen, before he grits his teeth and glares back at her determinedly.

“I’m not scared of you” he informs Ashley lowly. “You’re…..Just like me…”

“I am nothing like you!” Ashley roars angrily, surprising Naruto. Hakuba, having almost full control of Ashley, fumes at the blonde boy. He was nothing like the Kyuubi! He was so much better! How dare this insolent little brat compare the two!

“We’re the same” Naruto reasons, holding his ground as Ashley takes a step towards him. “We’re both Jinchuuriki. Ashley, we’re no different to each other……I understand.”

Ashley pauses, a troubled look crossing her stoic face.

“Understand?” she asks, before suddenly snarling and shaking her head. “No! Ashley is no longer here! There is only me!”

That said, Ashley leaps for Naruto, jaws agape. Sakura and Saffire scream in terror, as Naruto barely manages to leap out of the way of Ashley’s attack.

“I know you’re in there Ashley!” Naruto cries, placing his hands together in a hand sign. “I know you can hear me!”

“She can’t hear you boy!” Ashley roars furiously, swiping at Naruto and sending him flying across the ground. “She’s gone!”

Naruto tumbles across the ground, earning himself a few scratches and bruises, before sliding to a stop and flipping to his feet. He glares at Ashley determinedly, shaking his head.

“She’s not gone!” Naruto shouts, not fully understanding that he’s speaking with a Demon. “Ashley’s way too strong to be taken over! Ashley! You’ve gotta snap out of it!”

Ashley pauses again, tilting her head and seemingly studying Naruto.

“I know it’s hard, but you’ve gotta fight against it!” Naruto encourages, seeing the change in Ashley’s demeanour.

“Fight….Fight it….” Ashley says in her own voice, before toppling to the ground, screeching in pain. “L-Leave!.......Leave me alone!”

“That’s it Ashley!” Naruto shouts, running closer to the writhing Wolf like creature. “Fight it off! You can do it!”

“Get away from me Kyuubi!” Ashley growls painfully, swinging a tail at Naruto and flicking him across the ground. “Don’t touch me with those disgusting hands!.....She….She won’t beat me again!”

“Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Naruto chokes out as he tumbles along the earth, about fifty clones of him suddenly appearing in a puff of smoke.

Flipping around, Naruto charges back towards Ashley with his clones in hot pursuit. Ashley climbs back to her feet, tails whipping around angrily. In the corner of her eye, Ashley sees Sora’s Nine Tails chakra diminishing, leaving his skin the same red as Naruto’s.

“Hold her down!” the original Naruto shouts, catching Ashley’s attention, as the Naruto clones all leap for her.

She roars angrily, swiping at the clones furiously, making a few of them disappear in puffs of smoke. The clones manage to weigh Ashley down, dragging her to the ground, her chakra burning their skin and making them groan in pain.

The real Naruto stands in front of Ashley, holding her head firmly and staring determinedly into her pupiless red eyes.

“Ashley” he begins strongly. “I finally understand you. You can’t control this power can you? You need to stop. Wake up! Wake u-”

Naruto cuts himself off, as Ashley opens her mouth wide, preparing to blast Naruto with a wave of chakra.

“Ashley!” Naruto shouts urgently, his hands beginning to burn. “Please! Please wake up! We need you! I don’t know why you’ve kept this to yourself for all these years, but we’re all your friends! We still care about you! You’ve got to fight this power off!”

“F….Friends…..” the whispered word floats from the Wolf like creature’s mouth, Ashley voice sounding faint and far away.

Release me boy!” Hakuba roars, not wanting to be touched by Naruto. Naruto glares at Ashley’s Demonic form through tear filled eyes, confused by the way two different voices seem to come from her mouth.

No!” Naruto shouts firmly, suddenly wrapping his arms around Ashley’s neck and closing his eyes, ignoring the searing pain as her chakra burns his flesh.

“Please…..Please wake up Ashley….” Naruto whispers softly. “You’re my friend, and I need you……”

Ashley freezes, an inner debate taking place inside her head. She begins trembling, Hakuba trying to force her to attack Naruto before it’s too late.

Ashley’s POV



I float in the darkness, my eyes squeezed tightly shut. I feel tiny bubbles escaping from my mouth as I sink below the depths of Hakuba’s dark chakra.

Finish this” Hakuba’s voice echoes through my mind, making me throw my hands over my ears. “Tear off the rest of the seal…….Let me help you……”


‘Huh?’ I wonder, hearing a faint voice.

Never mind that!” Hakuba thunders, making me flinch, as the chakra around me bubbles angrily. “Listen only to me…..You will break the seal….”

Ashley!” the voice says again, louder, more urgent this time. I open my eyes, trying to see who could be calling me, but only seeing darkness.

‘Who is that?’ I ask myself, twisting in all different directions, trying in vain to spot the owner of the strangely familiar voice.

“Ignore it!” Hakuba snaps madly. “Just break the seal, and hurry! We must do this quickly!”

‘Where is it?’ I ask, unable to see the seal. Almost immediately, the torn seal is illuminated by a strange light. I swim towards it, running my fingers down the torn parchment.

We’re your friends Ashley’ the voice says kindly, making me pause and glance over my shoulder.

‘Who is that?’ I ask, my brows furrowing in confusion. That voice…..It sounds so familiar to me. Who is it?

“Break the seal!” Hakuba roar, making me jump. Looking back around, I see two bright red eyes glaring at me from behind the seal. Hakuba narrows his eyes at me, getting as close to me as he can. “Do it, now! Set me free!”

‘Okay’ I nod, feeling tired as I place my hand on the seal again.

You’re my friend Ashley” the voice whispers affectionately, making me wrench my hand back from the seal.

Beside me, a soft blue light suddenly appears, making my eyes widen. That voice…..That light….It feels just like…..

‘What is that?’ I ask, as Hakuba roars angrily.

“The seal!” he thunders urgently. “Break the seal! Now!”

I shake my head uncertainly, switching my gaze between the seal and the soft blue light.

‘I….I….don’t know what-’ I am cut off, as the light beside me suddenly fills the whole rooms, giving it a comforting blue glow. I can suddenly see the toppled steel pillars of Hakuba’s prison lying on the ground, the Wolf Demon himself pacing angrily behind the remaining pillars, glaring around the room and baring his teeth.

‘This light…..’ I say, hugging myself tightly and glancing around, feeling somewhat calmer than before. ‘Where is he?.....’

Ashley…” the familiar voice says again, making me whirl around. My eyes widen, see Naruto floating in front of me.

I need you…” he tells me without moving his mouth, his lips pulling up into a soft smile. I stare at him for a brief moment, before a relieved smile lights up my face.

“Naruto…” I whisper, reaching forwards and enveloping him in a tight hug.

“Naruto….” I murmur sleepily, my eyes fluttering open. “Huh? Naruto? Naruto?!”

“I’m…right here” comes the weak reply, making me look up. I see Naruto looking down at me, his body covered with scratches and bruises. He smiles down at me warmly, blue eyes sparkling happily.

“Looks like you did it” he laughs softly. “You defeated it…..Good job Ashley.”

Tears fill my eyes at his words, as I shakily rise to my feet and dive at Naruto, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.

“Naruto!” I cry, knocking him over backwards and sobbing into his shoulder. Naruto blinks in surprise, before smiling to himself, and hugging me back just as tightly.

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