Setting The Wolf Free - Ch 32

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Sorry for taking so long to upload guys! Time goes really quick when all you do is work, and before you know it, it's been a week since you uploaded! xD

Pic of Kakashi *sexy* Sensei ^-^  --->

Ashley’s POV



I stare at Lady Tsunade anxiously, my eyes wide and filled with hope as she holds a whispered conversation with Sakura on the other side of the room.

“Don’t forget to breathe Ashley” Kakashi whispers teasingly, looking up from his creepy book and earning a quick glare from me.

“I won’t” I hiss, crossing my arms. “I’m just hoping Lady Tsunade will finally realise that she can’t keep me locked up here forever. I’m going stir crazy!”

“It’s true Kakashi Sensei” Naruto speaks up, looking down at me and sweat dropping. “When I came to see her the other day, Ashley was swinging from the ceiling fan…”

I shrug as Kakashi gives me a questioning look, though he seems quite amused by the idea of me hanging from the fan.

“Tiez tied Aki to the fan a few days ago” I explain loftily, “And it looked like fun. I was bored and decided to give it a try. Sue me.”

“Maybe it’s a mental hospital you need” Sai suggests kindly, tilting his head and looking at me through hooded eyes. “I don’t think hanging from the fan is normal for someone of Jonin level.”

“You’re just jealous because I thought of it first” I argue, my head snapping up as Lady Tsunade and Sakura cease their whispering and walk over to us.

Sakura gives me a tired smile and shrugs, as Lady Tsunade crosses her arms and begins tapping her foot on the tiled floor, watching me and pursing her lips.

“So, can I leave now?” I ask hopefully, to which the Hokage sighs and momentarily closes her caramel eyes.

“I’ve spoken with Sakura” she explains to me begrudgingly, “And it would seem that if I let you stay here any longer, it’s quite likely that you’ll slowly tear the hospital down to the ground.”

I deadpan, turning my head and giving Sakura an unimpressed look. She sweat drops, closing her eyes and smiling sheepishly, while scratching her chin.

“Sorry Ashley” she laughs awkwardly, shrugging again. “But it seemed like a valid argument.”

Anyway” Lady Tsunade says pointedly, “Yes, you’re free to leave I guess.”

Alright!” I cheer, leaping to my feet and throwing my arms in the air, causing my blanket to go flying across the room. It hits Sai in the face, almost knocking him over from the force of my throw. He reaches up and tugs the blanket from his face, blinking a few times, before silently folding the blanket up and placing it on the end of my bed, giving me a closed eye smile.

“You’re really weird Sai” I inform the pale boy, sweat dropping when he continues smiling pleasantly at me.

“As are you” he replies kindly, making Naruto face palm. I blink a few times, before shaking my head and crouching down.

“Whatever, time to get the hell out of here!” I cry, suddenly leaping from my bed, aiming for the window. Which is, admittedly, closed.

Sakura’s eyes widen, just knowing that I’m fine with bursting through the glass, as Lady Tsunade grows an anime vein, her face darkening. Naruto casts her a worried look, as Sai just continues smiling to himself, eyes closed. Kakashi Sensei ignores us all as he reads his Make Out Paradise book, his arm suddenly shooting out as I jump past him.

Hey!” I bark indignantly, as Kakashi easily catches hold of the back of my shirt and holds me up in the air. I scowl unhappily at the window just in front of me while I dangle helplessly.

“Let me go!” I command, flailing my arms up and down, trying to reach the window and making everyone but Kakashi sweat drop. I eventually give up, my shoulders sagging as I sigh in defeat.

“You’re no fun sometimes Sensei” I complain, making Kakashi raise an eyebrow, though his eye doesn’t stray from the pages of his book. He gently sets me down on the floor and places his hand back in his pocket.

“Door” he says pointedly, nodding his head towards it. “Use it.”

I scowl at Kakashi Sensei, before whirling around and stalking towards the door, muttering insults and names under my breath. Using the door is boring! I like using windows instead…

Kakashi chuckles quietly, as Sakura and Naruto quickly jog after me, probably thinking I’ll do something stupid to make up for not being allowed to exit through the window. Sai decides to follow as well, still smiling that irritating closed eye smile. He better be careful, because if he looks at me like that again, I may just punch him in the face.

Third Person’s POV



Lady Tsunade takes a few deep breaths, watching as Sai closes the door behind him and strolls off down the hallway.

“That girl…” the blonde woman says dryly, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. “I like her, but she’s…..”

“High maintenance?” Kakashi supplies, suppressing a smile. Though Ashley could be highly unpredictable, she was always entertaining to the silver haired Jonin.

“That’s the nice way of putting it….” Lady Tsunade trails off, before suddenly growing serious and looking over at Kakashi. “….Kakashi, I’m thinking of having Ashley put under twenty four hour surveillance.”

This catches Kakashi’s attention, making him finally look up from his book, eyebrow raised suspiciously. He had an idea of what Lady Tsunade was trying to say.

“Surveillance?” he repeats, prompting the Hokage to elaborate and confirm his suspicion. Lady Tsunade nods.

“By the ANBU Black Ops” she supplies, making Kakashi inwardly sigh. He knew it. The tall man closes his book with one hand and puts it away in his weapons pouch, before turning to Lady Tsunade.

“And why do you feel the need to put my student under ANBU surveillance Milady?” Kakashi questions seriously, glancing up at the blonde woman. “Has she done something wrong? Endangered any lives?”

“No, not exactly” is the hesitant reply. “It’s just…..Well, now that I know she’s a Jinchuuriki, I don’t want her leaving the Village.”

“So don’t send her on missions then” Kakashi suggests politely. “It seems a little……Over the top to put her under twenty four hour surveillance just for that.”

Lady Tsunade shakes her head, smiling at Kakashi wryly.

“If only it were that easy” she chuckles, “But this is Ashley we’re talking about. I can’t just not give her missions, because she’ll come and annoy me until I change my mind. And If I forbid her to leave the Village, I have no doubt that she’ll sneak out at some point.”

“She is very stubborn and strong willed” Kakashi sighs, running a hand through his hair. “And I don’t think the threat of becoming listed as a Rogue Ninja would perturb Ashley if she was determined enough to leave…”

“Exactly” Lady Tsunade grunts, crossing her arms again. “And the last thing I need to hear is that the Akatsuki have gotten to Ashley.”

“They don’t know about her Tailed Beast though” Kakashi informs the Hokage, making her deadpan. Did Kakashi really think she was so uninformed?

“I know Kakashi” she says pointedly. “But what if they do? Ashley is an asset to this Village, and I don’t want her to end up the way the Kazekage of the Sand Village did.”

“He was brought back to life by Lady Chiyo though” Kakashi argues, causing Lady Tsunade’s eyes to flick over to him.

“And if Ashley was killed?” Tsunade asks lowly. “Who would bring her back to life?”

Kakashi pauses, before sighing and closing his visible eye. Lady Tsunade was right about that. Who else had the power to bring back someone from the dead?

“I’m sure you know this already” Kakashi eventually says, placing both hands in his pockets, “But Ashley’s not going to like being placed under surveillance.”

“I realise that” Tsunade confirms, briefly closing her eyes, “But they’ll be hidden.”

Kakashi chuckles, reopening his eyes and glancing out of the window, spotting Naruto, Sakura and Sai running through the street below, chasing after an excited Ashley.

“Ashley will be able to sense them with her Katsuryoku” he decides. “And she’ll eventually realise that they’re following her. It just doesn’t seem like a good idea Lady Tsunade. Either way, you’re going to end up with an unhappy Ashley in your office.”

“Well, I don’t know what else I can d-”

“Let me keep an eye on her Milady” Kakashi interrupts, turning his head and meeting the blonde woman’s intimidating gaze. “I’ll make sure she stays out of trouble.”

Lady Tsunade stares at Kakashi, her brows slowly furrowing in thought. Could she count on Kakashi to keep his fuschia eyed student in check? Did he really want that responsibility? Although….Kakashi was probably one of the few people Ashley respected and would actually listen to…….

“Alright” Tsunade eventually decides. “But, if you can’t rein her in Kakashi, I’ll be getting the ANBU to watch her instead.”

“Fair enough” the silver haired man says, before placing a hand in front of his face, folding two fingers down and suddenly disappearing from the room.

Ashley’s POV



I spin in a circle, grinning to myself and throwing out my arms.

“It feels so good to be outside again!” I cry happily, making Naruto and Sakura chuckle behind me. “I almost forgot what the sunshine and a nice breeze felt like!”

Sakura jogs up behind me and places her hands behind her back, her mouth twitching up into a small smile as I suck in a deep breath.

Ahhhhhh! I just love the smells that seem to float through this Village. The smell of fresh fruit in the market place, aromatic flowers in the shopping district and different kinds of meat being grilled in restaurants.

“I love this Village” I suddenly say, making Naruto and Sakura grin, while Sai tilts his head. “I don’t like that people can be kept prisoner in the hospital, but other than that, I love it here!”

“What makes you say that Ashley?” Sakura questions, leaning forwards to look at me. I wave my arm through the air, motioning to the busy street ahead of us.

“I love the smells, the sounds, the relaxing atmosphere” I explain, looking over to my left and gazing in the windows of the small cafés and restaurants that we pass. “Everything! I don’t know how anyone couldn’t like living here…..”

I trail off, my thoughts briefly turning to my traitorous cousin Sasuke. Why couldn’t he just have stayed here? This is a happy, safe place to live, and yet he’d left to join forces with Orochimaru. If he had stayed, maybe he could’ve gotten past that hatred for Itachi-kun he’s been harbouring in his heart….

“Well, I like all that stuff too!” Naruto announces brightly, bounding up behind me and slinging an arm across my shoulders. “This Village is better than all the others!”

“Naruto, be quiet!” Sakura hisses, smacking the blonde upside the head, before quickly glancing around. Upon seeing only Leaf Villagers, she releases a relieved sigh and turns back to Naruto.

“Don’t yell out stuff like that!” she admonishes Naruto, who is rubbing his head and crying anime tears. “You could offend people who are visiting from other Villages. And if they happen to be Ninja, they could take offense and attack you!”

I suddenly look to my left, seeing two men rushing in our direction, carrying a large, rectangular shaped…….thing. I take a step backwards, not wanting to get in their way. That thing looks quite heavy.

“I’m sorry Sakura-chan” Naruto sniffs, almost making me feel bad for him. “I didn’t mean to- OUCH!”

Sakura and Sai jump back, as Naruto is smacked in the back of the head by a corner of the large, rectangular thing, making him face plant the ground heavily. I watch with wide eyes as the two men jog by us, one guy holding the front of the large rectangle, and the other holding the back end. Just what is that?

“Watch out!” the man at the front warns us, smiling in a friendly manner and making me frown.

“It’s a bit too late when you’ve already clocked my friend in the head!” I shout after the men, as Sakura kneels down to tend to Naruto, whose eyes are spinning dizzily.

“He’s not very graceful” Sai comments, leaning his hands on his knees and tilting his head to the side, as Naruto sits up.

“Owwww…..” Naruto complains, rubbing the back of his head, one eye scrunched closed. “That hurt!”

Naruto leaps to his feet and whirls around, raising a fist in the air, glaring in the direction the men had run.

WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!” he bellows, shaking his fist wildly. Sakura rolls her eyes and rises to her feet.

“They’re gone already moron” she sighs, making Naruto’s shoulders droop slightly.

“What was that thing?” I ask, brows furrowing in confusion. I don’t know what those men were carrying, but I’ve never seen one before in my life!

Sakura and Naruto turn to me, blinking in surprise at my confusion. They exchange a quick look with each other, making me feel sort of stupid. Judging by their reactions, I’m guessing I should know what it is.

“It’s an electronic billboard” Sakura tells me simply, gesturing in the direction the two men had run. “There’s a few of them getting set up on top of the Hokage’s Tower.”

“Electronic billboard?” I ask, tilting my head in confusion. “What’s that?

Naruto’s eyes bulge in disbelief, before he shakes his head a few times.

What’s an electronic billboard?” he asks incredulously. “Are you kidding me?”

“Even Naruto knows what that is” Sai speaks up, giving the Naruto a closed eye smile as he grows an anime vein. I scowl at the two boys, crossing my arms.

“Well sorry” I growl sarcastically. “We didn’t have electronic billboards in the Land of Ambience.”

“It’s okay Ashley” Sakura sighs, glaring at Sai and Naruto, before stepping up to me. “It’s sort of like a giant television. That’s the easiest way for me to explain it.”

“What are they setting a giant television up for?” I ask curiously, before Sakura grabs my hand and tugs me forwards.

“Come on, we’ll show you!” she grins, pulling me along behind her as she begins running towards the Hokage Tower. Naruto and Sai follow behind us, not wanting to get ditched.

“They’re setting up six of those billboard things” Naruto explains, pulling up beside me and pointing up at the Tower. “Three on the roof top, and then three are gonna sit above those ones.”

My eyes widen slightly as the Tower comes into view, seeing the steel frames and cranes being used to lift and secure the heavy televisions in place. Men are dotted along the many steel frames, with a small crowd of them darting around on the ground as well.

We come to a stop, watching as some of the men secure one of the televisions to a crane, before it is very slowly lifted into the air. It looks like it’s the fourth one being put into place.

“They set up all this stuff last night” Naruto speaks up, blue eyes soaking up the whole procedure with interest. “And they started putting the billboards in early this morning. It’s pretty interesting to watch actually, but I had to go and do some training, so I couldn’t stay and watch……I wanna use one of the cranes!”

“I don’t really know what’s going on” I say dryly, “But even I know that that won’t end well Naruto. No offense.”

I turn to Sakura, who is sort of cringing as the television gets lifted higher and higher. She’s probably hoping they’ve secured it properly, because if it fell, it could cause a lot of damage. Not to mention kill someone.

“You still haven’t told me why they’re setting these things up” I say, almost in a whiny voice, making Sakura blink.

“Right!” she laughs, before turning to me. “Well, to keep a long story short, the Leaf Village has been invited to participate in a fighting Tournament in the Grass Village.”

“A fighting Tournament?” I repeat, eyes widening slightly, before Naruto grabs my arm and whirls me around to face him. He regards me with sparkling eyes, mouth curved up into an excited grin.

“Yeah!” he exclaims, clenching his hand into a fist. “There’s gonna be heaps of strong Ninja from a whole bunch of other Villages! And I can’t wait to test my strength against all of them!”

“It sounds fun!” I say brightly, growing more and more excited about the prospect of fighting Ninja from other Villages. I haven’t had a good spar for a long time, and what better place to put my fighting skills to the test, than at a fighting Tournament?!

“Don’t get your hopes up” Sai speaks up, his dark eyes flicking between Naruto and myself.

“Why not?” I ask sharply, throwing my hands on my hips and frowning at Sai. Why does he have to be such a downer?

“Because this Tournament is only open to the Leaf Village’s finest young talent” the pale boy explains calmly. “And to keep the numbers even, only five people from every Village can attend the Tournament. The likelihood of the both of you getting picked is slim to none.”

My brows furrow further, as Naruto steps forwards, glaring challengingly at Sai.

“Why can’t you be encouraging for once?” he demands to know, while I glance back up at the electronic billboards.

“Why is the Grass Village holding a Tournament anyway?” I ask slowly, finding it a little strange. “How would they benefit from something like this? And to invite Ninja from other Villages, even though some of them aren’t Allied? It all just seems a little strange to me….”

“Well, Lady Tsunade was talking to me and Shizune about it a couple of nights ago” Sakura informs me, catching my attention. “Apparently there had been a lot of tension in quite a few of the surrounding Village’s recently. There’s a lot of distrust between them at the moment, which we believe could be due to the Akatsuki’s movements of late……Anyway, the Grass Village has decided that holding a friendly Tournament for the young guns of the other Village’s could be fun and a good way for releasing some of the tension between them.”

“Sounds more like they just want to gain information on the way Ninja from the different Village’s fight” I mumble, rolling my eyes and earning a look from Sakura.

“Well we can’t really decline the offer” she informs me smartly. “The Grass Village could take it personally if we turn down their friendly invitation, especially since we’re Allies with them.”

“I guess….” I sigh lowly. “But it still doesn’t sit right with me for some reason.”

“You’re just paranoid” Naruto snorts. “It’ll be just like the Chunin Exams!”

“Uhhh…..I don’t really want to do that again” I state blandly, rubbing the back of my neck. “I don’t remember that exactly being pleasant.”

“Don’t listen to Naruto” Sakura tells me, giving Naruto a deathly glare. “It won’t be anything like the Chunin Exams. For one, killing the other contestants won’t be tolerated. This is a good chance for Village’s to proudly show off the power of their young Shinobi. Not to mention gaining more clients who would be willing to hire their Village’s Ninja for missions.”

“Which would be good for any Villages that are struggling monetarily” Sai adds with a smile and raising a hand, with all but one finger folded down, as if he were pointing to the sky.

“Okayyyy…….” I trail off, before pointing at the billboards with my thumb. “So, how do these giant televisions tie in with a fighting Tournament in the Grass Village?”

“Oh yeah” Sakura chuckles sheepishly. “Well, people will be allowed to come into the Hidden Grass Village to watch the Tournament, sort of like the finals at the Chunin Exams. For those who can’t make it, they can stay in their Villages and watch the Tournament up on those billboards! Isn’t that cool?”

“So these television things will show what’s happening at the Tournament?” I question doubtfully, to which Sakura nods excitedly. Naruto shrugs uncaringly.

“I won’t need to watch the Tournament on a billboard” he informs us loudly. “Coz I’ll be one of the contestants!”

Naruto suddenly throws his fist into the air, making a grin slowly appear on my face.

“I’ll show all of those other Ninja just how strong the Shinobi from the Leaf Village are!” my blonde teammate cries determinedly. I suddenly hook my arm around Naruto’s neck, smirking dangerously.

“And I’ll be right there with ya Naruto!” I proclaim, also throwing my fist in the air. “We’ll be unbeatable!”

Sakura blanches and looks up at Sai. He looks back at her, eyes hooded, before both of them sigh wearily and hang their heads.

“Sorry to burst your bubble guys” Sakura says wryly, running a hand through her hair, “But you two can’t participate. Lady Hokage’s orders.

Naruto and I both freeze, staring at Sakura with wide eyes, before my face darkens into a scowl. Of course, I should’ve expected that.

What?!” Naruto exclaims, outraged. “Why not?!”

“Yeah, why can’t me and Naruto compete?” I ask lowly, narrowing my eyes at an obviously uncomfortable Sakura. “What makes us different?”

“W-Well, um…..Lady Tsunade s-said…uhh..” Sakura stutters, dropping her eyes. She seems hesitant to answer my question, and I bet I know why. Lady Tsunade doesn’t want me or Naruto to leave the Village. We’re prisoners here.

“You cannot be allowed to participate because you are both Jinchuuriki” Sai speaks up calmly, making Naruto’s baby blues grow wide with disbelief.

Excuse me?” I growl, clenching my hands into fists. “You wanna say that again Sai? Go on, I dare you…..”

“Now hold on a second!” Sakura cries, sweat dropping as she jumps between me and Sai. “Don’t get mad at Sai! He’s just telling you what Lady Tsunade said! That’s not his opinion!”

“That is so messed up” Naruto murmurs, glaring down at his balled up fists. “Why are we being excluded because of that?!”

“Come on Naruto!” I bark, whirling around angrily and stalking towards the Hokage Tower. “We’re gonna have a little talk with Lady Tsunade!”

“No Ashley!” Sakura exclaims, drops of sweat spouting from her head as she runs after me. “Don’t break anything! And don’t hurt anyone!”

Third Person’s POV



Lady Tsunade eyes the two men before her, nodding slowly. They were good choices, and she was one hundred percent happy with her decision.

“Alright, so I take it that the both of you are happy to participate in this Tournament then?” Lady Tsunade questions the two males, hands folded in front of her mouth.

Two heads nod in unison, before the silver haired man pulls out a small, orange book and begins flicking through the pages, trying to find where he was up to.

“I do think that this Tournament is a bit strange and out of the blue though” Kakashi muses, nodding again as he finds the right page. “I’ve never heard of anything like it before.”

“I don’t think it’s a trap or anything” Neji speaks up lowly, opening his pale eyes. “The Grass Village is our Ally after all.”

“Village’s have been known to turn on their Allies before” Kakashi informs the young Hyuga lightly, making him roll his eyes. Kakashi just shakes his head, hoping he won’t have to deal with Neji’s attitude the whole time. He could take Ashley, Naruto and Sakura, but none of them were as arrogant as the young Hyuga standing next to him could sometimes be. He was intelligent and strong, but he always thought he was right.

Now, the silver haired Jonin had no problem participating in this Tournament, it could even be kind of fun, he just didn’t like the idea of so many Ninja from different Villages being brought together in one place to fight. There’s no way it would stay friendly for long. Not all of the Villages are on good terms with each other after all……

“While I understand where you’re coming from Kakashi” Lady Tsunade speaks up firmly, “I think it would be best if the Leaf Village showed up to this event, if just to support our Ally. We don’t want to risk offending them, and I have been informed that if all goes well at this Tournament, they will make it an annual even-”

Lady Tsunade is interrupted, as the door to her office suddenly explodes open, breaking from its hinges and soaring across the room. It crashes into the wall, splintering into hundreds of pieces.

Neji darts to the left, narrowly avoiding having his eye poked out by a shard of wood, while Kakashi continues reading his book, ducking once and tilting his head slightly to the right, evading the flying pieces of wood.

Lady Tsunade narrows her eyes at the doorway, seeing someone lowering their leg back to the ground, after having kicked her door in.

“Ashley” Tsunade growls, growing an anime vein. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Ashley’s eyes flash dangerously, before she stalks into the room, her teeth bared in one very unhappy scowl.

“Hey Ashley” Kakashi greets coolly, raising his hand in a wave, not raising his eye from his book.

“Naruto and I can’t compete in the Tournament?!” Ashley shouts angrily at Lady Tsunade, slamming her hands down on the Hokage’s desk and looming right in her face. Tsunade holds her gaze evenly, as Sakura and Naruto come skidding into the room, gasping as they see that Ashley has broken her door.

“I’m sorry for her Milady!” Sakura cries, knowing just how mad the Hokage can get. “She’s- She’s not thinking right1 I’ll get her back to the hospital right now!”

“Ugh….” Neji sighs, momentarily closing his eyes and grabbing onto the bridge of his nose. Who was more annoying? Lee and Guy Sensei, or Team Seven?

“Calm down Sakura” Kakashi urges quietly, turning a page nonchalantly. “No one can do anything in a situation that involves Ashley and Lady Tsunade.”

Rip her head off Ashley-chan!” Naruto shouts encouragingly, throwing a fist in the air and grinning at the blonde girl’s back. He personally didn’t have the guts to get right in Lady Tsunade’s face anymore, but he was happy to stand back and urge Ashley to do it. The girl knew no fear!

“That’s right” Lady Tsunade confirms, making Ashley’s eyes narrow further, her hands curling into fists.

Why not?!” she snaps, lifting her fist and banging it back down on the desk, cracking it. “Why is everyone else eligible but us? And don’t you dare say it’s because we’re Jinchuuriki!”

“But that’s the reason” the Hokage says calmly, causing Ashley’s anger to rise further. Why should she be excluded from something just because of this?!

“Naruto and I are perfect candidates for this Tournament!” Ashley growls, unable to stop herself from baring her sharp teeth. “This isn’t fair! You’re punishing us for something that we can’t control! I can’t get rid of my Tailed Beast!”

“You are a perfect candidate Ashley” Lady Tsunade says seriously, looking into the angry girl’s eyes and making her pause. “I’d love to let you fight in the Tournament, but I can’t.”

“Why not?” Ashley asks sharply, making Lady Tsunade lean back in her chair and sigh.

“The Akatsuki have been very active in the recent months” she explains ominously, folding her arms across her chest. “We’ve received word that they’ve been skulking around the borders, though we don’t know why.”

“So what?” Ashley asks uncaringly, shaking her head. “They travel in pairs. There’d be five of us against them. We might not even run into them!”

“Ashley” Tsunade addresses seriously. “Now that I know that you’re a Jinchuuriki, I will be doing everything in my power to keep you safe from the Akatsuki, whether you like my decisions or not. Same goes for Naruto. I will not let you wander around outside the Village while the Akatsuki are still hunting for Jinchuuriki.”

Ashley blinks a few times, surprised by the sincerity and determination in Lady Tsunade’s voice. She stays silent for a few moments, before leaning back and crossing her arms.

“That’s all well and good” Ashley mutters, hooding her eyes, “But they don’t know I’m a Jinchuuriki. They think there’s only nine Tailed Beasts. And besides, I followed them for over a year, I’m still alive and they still don’t know about Hakuba. You’re being ridiculous! You can’t keep me prisoner here forever! I’ll break out of the Village if I have to!”

“Then I’ll have no choice but to put you in prison” Lady Tsunade says seriously, earning an incredulous look from Ashley. “I won’t like it, but I’ll do it. The rules apply to everyone.”

“Heheh….” Ashley chuckles darkly, before looking up and smirking rebelliously at Tsunade. “You think you can really hold me here? I’ve escaped from the clutches of Orochimaru before Lady Tsunade. The prison here will be nothing compared to that. I may be a Leaf Ninja, but I won’t abide by ridiculous rules like that.”

Everyone stares at Ashley with widened eyes, sending the sincerity behind her words. She’d do it. She’d have no qualms about leaving the Village against orders, if she really wanted to.

Tsunade studies Ashley for a moment, eyes narrowing. She fully trusted the Minami, but at times like this……She couldn’t help but wonder…..

“Fine” Lady Tsunade sighs, closing her eyes. “You’re on the Tournament team. There’s no point in confining you here if you’re just going to break the law and leave anyway.”

“Good choice” Ashley smirks, happy that she’d be able to join in on the Tournament. Naruto suddenly jumps forwards, frowning unhappily.

“What about me Granny Tsunade?!” he exclaims indignantly. “I’ll leave too, believe it!”

Lady Tsunade rolls her eyes and smirks at Naruto, waving him off.

“Yeah, yeah” she says sarcastically. “You don’t have the guts to defy me.”

“I don’t know if defying you should count as having guts” Kakashi speaks up, giving Ashley a slightly disapproving look. He didn’t like her method of blackmailing Lady Tsunade to get what she wanted.

“Besides, the Akatsuki have painted a theoretical target on your back Naruto” Sakura adds, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “They’ll recognise you instantly and come after you. At least they don’t know about Ashley yet.”

“Yeah I guess…..” Naruto mutters, hanging his head and scuffing the toe of his shoe on the floor. No fair! He wanted to fight too!

“So, who else is fighting at this Tournament?” Ashley inquires, to which Neji steps forwards, smirking at her arrogantly.

“Hopefully I won’t have to save you again” he teases, making Ashley blush slightly, before she scowls at him.

“It’ll be me saving your ass this time Hyuga” she retorts, before Neji raises a pale hand and points behind her.

“Kakashi Sensei is also coming with us” the brown haired Hyuga adds, making Ashley’s eyes widen. She glances over at her Sensei, who looks up from his book. Seeing Ashley gaping at him, he gives her a closed eye smile and waves cheerily.

“But Lady Tsunade!” Ashley barks, whirling around to face the unimpressed Hokage. “I thought this was for young fighters only?!”

“I’m young!” Kakashi cries indignantly, narrowing his visible eye at Ashley. “I’m only twenty six!”

“You’re almost eleven years older than me!” Ashley argues, making Kakashi’s shoulders sag miserably. He was still quick, intelligent and limber. Why did his students have to make him feel like such an old man?

“You asked for me Lady Tsunade?” a soft, cool voice asks, making everyone turn around. They are greeted by the sight of Kyoku crouching on the window sill, the long parts of her sea blue hair blowing in the breeze.

“Kyoku?” Ashley asks, tilting her head, as Kakashi hurriedly straightens up and sends the pretty young woman a nod of greeting.

“Hello Ashley” is the soft reply, before Kyoku’s hooded blue eyes travel to Kakashi, the tiniest of smiles appearing on her lips.

“Yes” Lady Tsunade says sternly, motioning for Kyoku to come inside. “I’m sure you’ve heard about this Tournament by now?”

“The one in the Hidden Grass Village?” Kyoku questions, stepping down from the window sill and leaning against the wall. “Yes, I’ve heard about it.”

“Well, now you’re going to be apart of it” Tsunade says firmly, glaring at Kyoku, daring her to say no.

The blue haired woman pauses momentarily, seeming hesitant to agree. Seeing the look on Lady Tsunade’s face though, Kyoku can’t help giving in.

“Of course Milady” the woman sighs. Kohana would have to fend for herself for awhile it seemed….

Ashley’s eyes widen slightly. Kyoku couldn’t go! Who would look after young Kohana? She’d have to speak to Kyoku later about that….

“Excellent!” Lady Tsunade smiles, glad that at least one thing had gone smoothly. “Now we just have to wait for-”

“No door huh?” a low voice asks. “I’m willing to bet that either Ashley or Naruto was here earlier….”

Shikamaru suddenly appears in the doorway, hands shoved in his pockets. He glances around the room wearily, before he spots both blondes he’d just mentioned.

“Bingo” he mutters, rolling his eyes and earning a playful glare from Ashley.

“It’s nice to see you too Shika-kun” she says sarcastically, which the lazy Nara expertly ignores.

“Dad says you wanted to see me Lady Tsunade” Shikamaru sighs as he tilts his head to the side, eyes looking sleepy.

“Yes, I asked him to get you for me” the blonde woman nods. “You’ve heard of this fighting Tournament correct?”

“You mean the stupid one that’s happening in the Hidden Grass Village?” Shikamaru asks blandly, looking unimpressed. “Yeah, I’ve heard about it. Crowds of enemy Ninja shoved into one small Village, ready to fight and kill each other. Sounds like one troublesome competition to me.”

Lady Tsunade grows an anime vein, as the genius Chunin before her opens his mouth in a loud yawn. He seemed rather sleepy, and Lady Tsunade had just the thing to wake him right up.

“Yes, well, now you’re competing in that troublesome competition” she says bluntly, making Shikamaru pause in the middle of yawning, his eyes widening.

“What?!” he asks in disbelief. “Why me?!”

“It’s for young talent Shika-kun” Ashley speaks up, smiling wryly at the incredulous boy. “You’re kind of talented and you’re young. You fit the bill perfectly.”

“Don’t tell me…..” Shikamaru slowly glances around the room, taking in Ashley and Neji’s teasing smirks, Kakashi’s closed eye smile and Kyoku’s lop sided grin. Shikamaru looks back at Lady Tsunade in despair.

“Don’t tell me that they’re all going too!” he pleads, making Lady Tsunade grin wickedly.

“Apart from Naruto and Sakura, that’s your team Shikamaru” she confirms, to which the Nara runs both hands down his face.

“What a drag….” he mumbles miserably. “What an absolute drag…..”

Kaykay, so we ALL know that I like to stray from the story line sometimes lol, so that's what's going to happen for the next couple of chapters!

Don't forget to vote and comment when you're done reading! Also, the first person to tell me Ashley's favorite Jutsu from The Wolf Inside gets the next chapter dedicated to them. Let's see who can remember :P

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