STWF - Road to Ninja - Part 3

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Thank you for your patience with my lack of uploading everyone. I work full time and run my own business on the side, so I unfortunately don't often have time for writing these days.

I was going to make this chapter longer, but surely 15 pages on Word is enough for now?

Enjoy :)

Ashley shifts her weight to one foot and folds her arms over her chest, staring down at Sakura with an unimpressed expression on her face as the pinkette speaks with a small group of children. One of them politely asks if he can shake her hand, while onlookers nod their approval and watch Sakura with admiration in their eyes.

It had been like this all morning. Everywhere they went, people wanted to stop and speak with Sakura, or offer her a gift, or shake her hand. Sakura was basking in the attention too, an attitude which was really beginning to tick Ashley off.

While Naruto and Ashley had been having a much less than pleasant time, it almost seemed as if Sakura thought she was on holiday or something. She was acting as if Madara hadn't done anything to them and this was all perfectly normal.

"This is so cool!" one of the little boys crowding around Sakura cries happily. "When I grow up, I wanna be just like you Sakura! What can I do to be like you?"

"Lose your temper at everything" Ashley says rudely, earning herself a flat look from Sakura and blank ones from all of the children.

"No, that's you Ashley" Sakura responds, before looking back to the kids with a smile. "You need to study hard, train hard and if you've got the determination and will to fight, you're all set!"

"Awesome!" the children all cheer, throwing their arms up in the air.

"I swear I'll work really hard!" the little boy promises, as he and the other kids all turn to leave. "Thanks Sakura and goodbye!"

"I know you can do it!" the pinkette calls out, waving to the kids as she rises to her feet.

"......You're enjoying this whole situation, aren't you?" Naruto asks rhetorically, raising one eyebrow.

"No" Sakura immediately responds, sounding indignant as she turns away from Naruto. "I most certainly am not! I'm merely playing the part of the child of heroes so I don't look out of place."

"No?" Naruto asks sarcastically, looking rather irritated. "Not at all?"

Ashley can't help rolling her eyes as the indignant expression drops from Sakura's face, the girl now sweat dropping.

"Well, maybe a little...." Sakura admits, trying not to meet Naruto's accusing gaze. "I mean, it doesn't look like there are any big threats to deal with right this second. It's not really that bad once you get used to it you know."

"Says you" Ashley growls, scowling. "You're getting everything you want here. Me and Naruto have nothing here!"

"Yeah, you've totally forgotten about everything Sakura!" Naruto shouts, throwing his arms up, a look of comical fury etched onto his face. "This entire place is just a fake world that Madara sent us to! We're trapped here!"

"Of course, I know that!" Sakura argues, bringing up her hands in defense. "I was just saying-"

"The point is that I'm not staying!" Naruto thunders, causing Sakura to duck.

The blonde male then whirls around and begins stomping away from his two teammates, anger practically radiating from his body.

"Wait!" Sakura calls, though she sounds a little hesitant now. "Where are you going?"

"To gather more intel of course" Naruto spits back mockingly. "I'm not just gonna sit around here doing nothing!"

Ashley and Sakura both stare after Naruto as he marches down the street, with Ashley releasing a low sigh. At least she hadn't had to be the one to yell for once.

"You know you've screwed up if Naruto's being sarcastic" Ashley can't resist mentioning, slightly amused by her teammate's attitude. "We'd better go with him."

Ashley, Naruto and Sakura walk down one of the hallways of the Hokage Tower, heading for Lady Tsunade's office. Naruto had figured that perhaps the older woman would have at least some sort of idea on how to get all of them back to their own world. She was smart, when she wasn't angry or drunk.

"When you're stuck, you can always ask Granny Tsunade" Naruto says wisely, pausing at the door to Lady Tsunade's office.

"She's very helpful" Sakura agrees. "I'm sure she'll have a solution for us."

"Assuming she's not some unintelligent, helpless old lady in this world" Ashley adds unhelpfully.

"You could try being more positive you know" Sakura mentions, to which Ashley shrugs one shoulder uncaringly.

"What's there to be positive about?" the blonde asks smartly.

"What do you mean the Jinchuuriki from the Land of Lightning has been captured?!" Lady Tsunade shouts from inside her office, causing Naruto, Sakura and Ashley to freeze.

They all slowly turn to look at each other with worry, wondering if maybe the Akatsuki are hunting down Jinchuuriki in this world as well. Naruto swiftly throws the door to the office open and Team Seven rush inside, much to Lady Tsunade's surprise.

Shizune, holding an unfriendly looking Tonton in her arms, turns to face the younger Ninja, not having expected anyone to come barging in the way they had.

"Did you just say the Land of Lightning's Jinchuuriki was captured?!" Naruto demands to know, sounding panicked. "Has anything happened to Killer Bee?!"

"Calm yourself" Lady Tsunade urges soothingly, the gentle tone sounding rather unusual coming from the ordinarily brash woman.

Tilting her head slightly, Ashley stares at the Hokage for a few seconds, before blinking and glancing over at Shizune. She switches her gaze between the two of them a few times, trying to figure out what seems to be off about their appearances, when suddenly, it clicks in her mind.

'When did they swap chests?' Ashley wonders, sweat dropping at her own train of thought. It seemed.....odd to say the least.

"Our intel says that it was a female Jinchuuriki who was taken" Tsunade reassures Naruto, though Ashley doesn't know why that makes it any better.

As far as she was concerned, none of the Jinchuuriki should be captured.

"Lady Tsunade...." Shizune says warningly, uncertain about revealing this information to Naruto, Sakura and Ashley.

"There may very well be a large battle in the near future" Lady Tsunade responds easily. "Surely there is no need to keep this information hidden?"

"A battle?" Ashley asks, feeling a little apprehensive at the thought of having to fight the Akatsuki again. "With who exactly?"

"Don't worry Ashley" Lady Tsunade smiles, "You will not have to take part in the fight. You are welcome to stay behind while stronger Ninja defend our Village."

Ashley's face darkens at that remark, her shoulders drooping. So, even the Hokage thought she was a useless Ninja. It seemed she was going to have to prove herself yet again if she wanted any respect from the people in this strange world.

Sakura laughs uneasily and places one hand on Ashley's shoulder, silently willing the girl not to lose her temper. Sakura wasn't sure what this Lady Tsunade was capable of and she didn't want to find out.

"That's not even close to what I was actually asking" Ashley mutters, sighing heavily.

"Oh, well, in recent years someone has been collecting rare Jutsu and Kekkei Genkai" Lady Tsunade replies seriously, actually answering the question this time. "I'm sure you've all heard the news of a masked man spotted in several different nations."

"....A masked man?" Ashley repeats, exchanging a look with Naruto and Sakura. Did that mean that Madara was somehow in this world as well, stealing Jinchuuriki and Jutsu?

"He's an S ranked criminal" Shizune speaks up, "And he's wanted internationally. We never thought he'd lay his hands on a Tailed Beast though....."

"A man in a mask going after Tailed Beasts...." Naruto says quietly, thinking out loud as he turns to Sakura and Ashley. "What do you think? It's gotta be him right?"

"It has to be" Ashley sighs again, crossing her arms. "Sounds just like him......"

"Nobody here knows the name Madara though" Sakura adds softly, though the concern in her green eyes is clear. "Maybe, in the same way that Naruto is known as Menma, Madara is known as something else too."

"Yeah, you're right" Naruto agrees, before turning to face Lady Tsunade, determination in his voice. "Alright, where is this guy now?"

"No way" Shizune states firmly, shaking her head. "Forget about it. He isn't someone that any of you can handle. All of the Hidden Villages, including the Leaf, have tried to defeat the masked man many times........Even Master Jiraiya never made it back home after fighting him....."

"Seriously?" Naruto asks sadly, lowering his gaze. "Pervy Sage......"

'Jiraiya is dead in this world too?' Ashley wonders, brows furrowing in slight confusion. 'I thought it was opposite here....'

"Before he died, Jiraiya got a message to us" Lady Tsunade explains, bowing her head slightly. "He revealed that there is only one way we can defeat the masked man."

"You have to use the Scroll of Sealing" a male voice concludes, causing everyone to pause. "The Red Moon scroll."

From the corner of her eye, Ashley sees Naruto straighten up at the sound of the newcomer's voice. Curious as to what his problem is, Ashley turns her head, only to see that her teammate has frozen in place, his eyes wide. He remains still for a few moments, before slowly turning, only to release a low breath when he sees the newcomers.

Her brows furrowing in confusion, Ashley also turns around, to see not only a man in the doorway, but a woman as well. The man, tall and blonde, smiles handsomely, his blue eyes seeming eerily familiar to Ashley. She stares at him, her own eyes slowly widening as she finally recognizes who the man is.

"No way....." Ashley breathes out, mumbling to herself in surprise. "The Fourth Hokage?.......But if he's Naruto's Dad, then she must be......"

Ashley blinks and switches her gaze to the woman beside the Fourth Hokage. Shorter and paler than her husband, Ashley is shocked by the woman's beauty. With long, red hair and dark violet eyes, Ashley almost couldn't believe that such a woman had given birth to Naruto. He looked nothing like her!

Ashley looks to Sakura, who has the same wide eyed expression on her face. She catches Ashley's eye and smiles faintly, before the two girls then turn to Naruto, to see his reaction.

"Welcome home" Lady Tsunade greets the two Leaf Ninja warmly, to which they both bow.

"Thank you Lady Hokage" the Fourth Hokage responds politely, as his wife smiles broadly. "It's good to be home."

"No....way....." Naruto whispers, still in shock. "Mom and Dad? You're alive?"

Suddenly, the beautiful woman's hair flares up around her, almost as if it where alive, as she charges forwards and punches Naruto upside the head. He is thrown backwards from the force, straight into Lady Tsunade's desk.

"That's no way to greet your parents when they get back from a mission ya know!" the woman barks, one fist in the air. "You sound as if you expected us to die!"

Ashley takes a step back and stares at the woman, unblinking, not having expected such a sudden attitude change. She sweat drops, wondering if perhaps Naruto took after his Father in looks and his Mother in personality.

"Please, tell me about the scroll" Sakura asks the Fourth Hokage pleadingly, not wanting to lose track of the situation despite the sudden appearance of Naruto's parents.

"Before he died" the Fourth obliges, "Jiraiya Sensei received a prophesy on Mount Myoboku. It said that the Red Moon Scroll he had obtained would defeat the Masked Man. The prophesies of the Great Lord Elder are never wrong. In order to fulfill the prophesy, Jiraiya Sensei risked his life to obtain the Red Moon Scroll.......But he sustained serious injuries and lost his life without being able to make it back to the Village."

"Then, do you know where we can find this Red Moon Scroll now?" Sakura asks, feeling a little hopeless. If even Jiraiya, one of the Legendary Sannin, hadn't been able to retrieve the scroll, did they have a chance?

Here Lady Tsunade raises her head, having been listening intently to the conversation.

"It was most likely hidden near our border with the Land of Grass" she suggests softly.

"Does that mean that you've managed to break the code?" the Fourth Hokage asks eagerly, stepping forwards.

"It took a long time to decipher" Lady Tsunade answers, "But yes, we did. Minato and Kushina, the minute that Kakashi and Guy return from their current mission, you will head out together to recover the Red Moon Scroll."

"Please!" Naruto cries, slamming his hand down on Lady Tsunade's desk as he leaps to his feet. "You've just gotta let me join you guys on this mission!"

"Naruto" Sakura quickly scolds, grabbing onto his shoulder as Minato and Kushina exchange a look. "What are you saying, you can't go!"

"We can't leave this to other people" Naruto whispers over his shoulder. "If we can stop the caster, we can stop the Genjutsu. This is our chance to get back home!"

"We can only try I suppose" Ashley sighs. "But I thought we decided it wasn't a Genjutsu?"

"No" Lady Tsunade opposes firmly, leaning back in her seat. "You three have no place in this mission. Especially Ashley. You know she's only been on D-Rank missions and one or two C-Rank."

"I've what?" Ashley asks flatly, before hanging her head, a dark cloud forming above it. "Just how useless am I in this world?......"

"Wouldn't you please reconsider your answer Milady?" Minato asks, causing Naruto, Sakura and Ashley to look up at him. "Please don't worry. I guarantee I'll bring the Red Moon Scroll back."

Lady Tsunade stares up at the smiling man for a few moments, before tilting her head down and sighing lightly.

"Alright, fine" she agrees, though she sounds highly unconvinced with her own decision.

"Thank you Lady Hokage!" Minato says appreciatively, bowing again. He notices Naruto staring at him with wide eyes, and smiles warmly.

The blonde teenager frowns at this and stubbornly turns his head, not wanting to get attached to his supposed parents.

Ashley and Sakura head down a wide alleyway, watching a silent Naruto as they walk behind him. He hadn't said a word since they'd left the Hokage Tower, and he hadn't even said anything to his parents before they went to prepare for their next mission.

It was almost like he was mad at something.

".....That must've been a shock, right?" Sakura ventures carefully. "I didn't expect your parents to-"

"Ugh!" Naruto growls, punching the nearest wall in frustration. "He's toying with me. Damn you Madara. This is too far, showing those fakes to me......"

".......They're fake" Ashley comments, lowering her gaze as she thinks back, "But they seem so real......and so genuine."

"Well they're not!" Naruto shouts, whirling around to scowl at Ashley. "They're not real okay?"

"I know" Ashley replies gently, holding up her hands in defense, "I know. I was just saying."

"......We've gotta get that scroll you guys" Naruto continues, a littler calmer this time. "Whatever it's called, we've gotta find it quickly! Then we can take down Madara and finally get the hell out of this place!"

"I agree" Sakura immediately replies, nodding her head. "It's getting late though, so we should all head home for the night and then we'll meet up again at the entrance gates tomorrow morning."

"Ugh, I bet that woman will get mad again if I don't go home" Naruto complains, remembering how scary she'd been. "I'm just gonna lock myself in my room or something so I don't have to look at either of them......."

"If that's what you wanna do" Sakura replies, shrugging her shoulders as Naruto sighs heavily and trudges past her, soon disappearing around a corner. "Alright! I'm off for the night too then. See ya bright and early tomorrow Ashley!"

The blonde raises her hand and opens her mouth to protest, only for Sakura to spin around and run off into the street, excited to once again spend the night without her parents in the house.

Ashley immediately deadpans as she finds herself alone in the alleyway, shoulders sagging. She blinks a few times, as an anime vein appears on the side of her head.

"So I guess no one cares about what I'm doing tonight" the girl mutters sarcastically, beginning to walk. "Oh don't worry guys, while you both go to your nice homes, I'll just be sleeping in my stupid street hut again. No big deal."

Ashley stomps through the streets as she looks for the small building she'd created the previous night, mumbling to herself like a frustrated child. She earns a few strange looks from passers by on their way home, but she ignores them, struggling to not become even more annoyed than she already is.

"Ah, home sweet home" Ashley says brightly, sarcasm dripping from her voice as she spies the hut ahead of her. "Can't wait to sleep in the grass again. Like an animal."

Ashley suddenly pauses mid step, tilting her head to the side as something comes to mind.

"Speaking of animals" the girl wonders out loud, placing her palms together, "Why haven't I summoned Ace yet? At least he'll be happy to keep me company.........Summoning Jutsu!"

Raising her hand from the ground and straightening up, Ashley steps out of the cloud of smoke that had appeared around her, smiling faintly when she sees Ace's silhouette through the smoke.

"Ace" the blonde sighs with relief, placing a hand over her heart and closing her eyes. "You have no idea how good it is to see you right now. These last few days have been-"

"I can't say the same" comes the sharp reply, causing Ashley's eyes to open, a question mark appearing above her head.

"Uh, what?" she asks, squinting slightly. Her eyes swiftly widen however, as an irritated looking Ace steps out of the smoke cloud, glaring at Ashley through narrowed eyes.

"What are you summoning me for?" the Wolf complains bitterly. "I have better things to be doing than babysitting you."

Ashley continues to stare at Ace in silence, too shocked to know what to say. She listens as he carries on complaining like a child, too fixated on the fact that the Wolf has two aqua eyes to notice his unfriendly temperament.

"Hey" Ashley interrupts, reaching out for Ace's face, "What happened to your eye? The scar's gone!"

"Nothing happened to my eye and do not touch me!" Ace commands, backing away from Ashley's hand in disgust. "What scar are you talking about you stupid child? You never make any sense....."

Ashley pauses for a few moments, looking into Ace's eyes, only for her facial expression to darken. The blonde crosses her arms over her chest, glowering at Ace as he turns his back on her and sits down, nose in the air.

"So, you're different too then" Ashley mutters, unhappy that her Guardian isn't the same as usual. "I see that you're not going to be any help whatsoever."

"Why on earth would I help you?" Ace asks mockingly, ears lying back. "You can help yourself! Leave me out of it!"

Ashley taps her foot impatiently against the ground for a few moments, blowing hair from her face as she tries to maintain her cool. Not only did everyone think Ashley was pathetic and Kiba hated her in this world, apparently even Ace didn't like her as well.

So much for life long partner.

As annoying as things were turning out to be, Ashley finds herself curious as to what the rest of the Pack is like. Were they all going to be opposite versions of themselves as well? At least if they got too irritating, Ashley could make them go away, unlike the other Leaf Ninja.

Against her better judgment, Ashley pulls a scroll out of her weapons pouch and bites her thumb, before swiping blood from the small wound across the parchment.

"Summoning Jutsu!" the girl calls out, placing her palms together.

As Ashley is enveloped in a large cloud of smoke, Ace turns and looks over his shoulder with interest, his ears pricking up.

"Rei!" the navy Wolf cries happily, bounding over to the smoke, eyes shining. "Rei, I'm glad you're here as well. Now I don't have to suffer all alone with her!"

Ashley gives Ace a dirty look as he tips his head towards her, eyes focused on the white Wolf now standing in front of him.

"Great" Rei responds flatly, rolling her lavender eyes. "I figured I'd get a break from you while you were summoned. I guess not."

As Ace trots forwards to snuggle Rei, she reaches one paw out and places it on his head, stopping the larger Wolf in his tracks. She merely sighs at the happy expression on Ace's face, only to glance over at Ashley.

"What?" Rei asks coolly. "You look like this doesn't happen every single time you summon us."

"And you look like-"

"Aaaahhhhhh!" a fearful shriek rings through the air, cutting Ashley off before she is able to respond to Rei and making her jump.

"Ugh....." Rei sighs again, briefly closing her eyes and shaking her head. "Watch out."

Not allowing Ashley any time to ask what Rei is talking about, the girl is suddenly tackled by a large creature, its limbs flailing desperately.

"Hey!" Ashley barks madly, as she is knocked onto her back. The creature deftly steps over her and drops to the ground, cowering with his face hidden under his large paws.

"I-I'm sorry Milady" the Wolf blubbers, one red eye peeking out from underneath a shivering paw, "But s-something touched me in the smoke and I don't know what it was......"

"Kai?" Ashley asks incredulously, sitting up and turning to stare at the brown Wolf through wide eyes. He ducks his head at the sudden loud tone, only to timidly peek up again after a few seconds.

"......I feel very uncomfortable right now" Ashley mentions out loud, a sweat drop forming on the side of her head.

"Eeeek!" a female voice squeals, just as Tiez darts forwards, tears streaming from her eyes and dirt covering some of her fur. "Milady! Milady, Aki got me dirty! I only just had a bath yesterday and I'm all dirty again!"

Ashley robotically tilts her head to the side as Tiez bursts into tears right in front of her, only to look up when she sees someone thrashing around in the grass. She slowly hoods her eyes as she stares at the black and white creature flailing in the dirt, suddenly unsure of what is right and wrong anymore. Everything seemed to be topsy turvey in this world and Ashley's brain was beginning to get tired.

Aki kicks his legs into the air as he squirms around in the dirt on his back, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. A cloud of dust slowly spreads around him, as he rolls onto his stomach and crawls across the ground, clearly enjoying getting himself dirty.

"Tiez!" Kai barks, still hiding behind Ashley. "You're the one that touched me, aren't you?! Why'd you do that? You scared me!"

Tiez seems taken aback by this accusation, a wounded look in her eyes as fresh tears begin to form. She takes a step backwards and turns her head, ears drooping sadly.

"No way" she snivels, "It wasn't me Kai. How could you......How could you accuse me of doing something like that?!"

Ashley looks up at the sky with a flat expression as Tiez begins to cry loudly again, Kai swiftly ducking his head beneath his paws again at the sound. How did this Pack manage to get anything done when they were summoned? Did the Ashley from this world even bother using her Wolves?

"Silly Kai-chan!" a voice giggles, catching Ashley's attention. "It wasn't Tiez who poked you before!"

Glancing around, Ashley's gaze comes to rest on Chi, who is sitting a few meters away. He stares back at Ashley calmly, his eyes half lidded and his ears drooping slightly, almost as if he is tired.

"What?" the caramel Wolf eventually asks, seeing that Ashley is staring at him.

"You're the one that poked Kai and....and upset him?" the blonde asks uncertainly, noting that the excited voice didn't seem to match Chi's unusually placid body language.

"No, it wasn't me" Chi responds, slowly shaking his head. "It was-"

"Me!" a loud voice cries happy, just as Ashley is swamped by a large, furry body. She is knocked onto her back again, as the large creature wriggles around on top of her. It eventually comes to a stop, lying across Ashley's stomach and giggling madly. The blonde exhales sharply as the heavy weight crushes her stomach, rendering her unable to move.

"I got you Milady" Jet chirps, his tail wagging as he glances down. "You're squished now! Squished!"

Ashley stares up at Jet, her eyes turning into wide, white circles. She'd never seen Jet so happy or so energetic. She's certainly never heard the ebony coloured Wolf giggle before, nor had she witnessed him playing around before.

Now that she'd seen it, she really wished she hadn't.

"Jet, do me a favour will you?" Ashley asks in a strained voice, the Wolf's weight on top of her making it difficult to speak..

"What is it Lady Ashley-chan?" Jet questions, tilting his head to the side in a cute way, golden eyes sparkling.

"While you're squishing me, could you please make sure that I die?" the girl requests seriously, closing her eyes as Jet breaks into laughter.

"Silly Lady Ashley-chan" the Wolf chuckles, rising to his feet. "I'm not heavy enough to squish you! I'm part Moth after all!"

"Moth?" Ashley repeats, before letting out a breath as Jet climbs off of her. "Right....."

The Minami slowly sits up, screwing her face up at the slight pain in her stomach, as Jet bounces around the still quiet Chi. The smaller Wolf's eyes follow Jet's movements, though his expression gives away nothing.

It was almost as if Chi and Jet had completely swapped their personalities. As for the others though.....

"So, what're you even doing out here anyway?" Aki asks curiously, walking over to Ashley and shaking himself violently, sending flecks of dirt flying in all directions. "It's getting dark Darling, shouldn't you be heading home?"

"Do you have to do that right next to me?" Ashley asks hotly, raising one hand to shield her eyes. "I don't have a home here. I'm sleeping in that stupid hut."

"This crappy thing?" Rei questions dubiously, pulling a face as she looks to Ashley's stone hut. "Why don't you just go to the Uchiha Compound? Are you in trouble or something?"

"Oh no, did you get into trouble with your Uncle?" Tiez asks quietly, her eyes shining with more tears.

"He's scary when he's angry" Kai pipes up, now sitting up, though his head is lowered and his ears are still back. "I hate it when he yells....."

"The Uchiha Compound?" Ashley repeats, confused. "My Uncle? What're you guys even talking ab-"

Ashley abruptly cuts herself off as realization dawns on her. The girl's heart begins to beat faster, her breath caught in her throat.

Sakura's parents were gone in this world and Naruto's were alive, which was opposite to how things were in their real home. Did that mean......

"The Uchiha Compound...." Ashley whispers, running a hand through her hair, before turning around. "Which way was it again? It's been so long...."

"You were just here two months ago" Ace snorts, rolling his eyes. "Even your memory can't be that bad."

"Ignore him Darling" a scruffy looking Aki smiles, looking much less charming than he usually did. "Just keep heading towards the entrance gates. I'm sure you can find your way from there. Do you need an escort to get you there safely?"

Ashley peers down at the filthy Wolf beside her, before glancing back over her shoulder. Chi continues to silently stare at Jet, as he chases after a crying Tiez, laughing giddily. Kai shivers in fear as he walks around cautiously, jumping with fright when a tiny cricket hops past him. With an exasperated expression on her face, Rei stalks away from Ace, who seems determined to win her affection.

"Nope, I'll be fine" Ashley decides immediately, deadpanning at the sight of her Pack. The last thing she wanted to do was spend more time with any of them.

Ashley begins to speed walk away from the pack of Wolves, placing her hands together and breaking the summon. They all disappear in puffs of smoke behind Ashley, the sudden silence causing her to sigh with relief.

Ashley stares up at the arch towering above her, not having seen it for many years. It had been torn down after the Uchiha massacre, as well as the rest of the compound, and seeing it standing before Ashley was almost surreal for the girl.

She places her hand on the wood, painted red, noting how firm and real it feels, as if nothing had ever happened.

Taking a deep breath, Ashley nervously steps through the archway and into the Uchiha compound, glancing around at all of the houses. Lanterns light up the streets with a soft glow, making Ashley feel as if she is in a dream. She hadn't walked through the Uchiha compound since she was only a small child and it looked exactly the same as she remembered.

A small number of people mill around the compound, heading home with their families or laughing with each other in small groups. Ashley looks at all of the people with great interest, noting how everyone has dark hair and eyes. Despite having Uchiha blood in her veins, Ashley certainly stood out amongst the crowd with her blonde hair and brightly coloured eyes.

As Ashley walks, the nervousness inside of her grows, her legs beginning to shake a little. Why was she supposed to be staying with her Aunt Mikoto and Uncle Fugaku? If all of the Uchiha were still alive, shouldn't she be staying with her Father? After all, he lived in the Uchiha compound as well.

"Ashley!" a voice suddenly calls, as a young man from a nearby group smiles and raises his hand in a wave.

"Huh?" the blonde wonders, pausing in her walking to look at the person, now jogging over. She didn't recognize him at all.

"Ashley" the man greets again, stopping in front of the girl and placing his hands on his hips, a wide smile on his face. "It's good to see you! I had no idea you were even back in the Land of Fire! Fugaku and Mikoto never said anything about you visiting. Usually Sasuke's the one telling everyone that you're going to be visiting too."

"Oh.....Uh, that's probably because it's a.....surprise visit" Ashley responds awkwardly, sweat dropping as she rubs the back of her head. "They didn't know I was coming.....I didn't even know I was coming...."

"Well, I'm sure they'll all be happy to see you anyway" the Uchiha man grins, nodding his head. "I'll see you around, alright Ashley? Have a good ni-"

"Wait!" Ashley cries, jumping forwards as the man turns to leave. "Uh.....Um........Where exactly is Sasuke's house again?"

"Where is it?" the man asks, clearly amused. "You've been here so many times and you don't remember?"

"I uh, I've been doing a lot of training" Ashley lies, unsure how she should be answering the question. "I'm pretty tired."

".......Right" the Uchiha man says dubiously, instantly irritating Ashley. "Well anyway Ashley, just head down that way and make a left. Sasuke's house will be right there."

"Thanks" the blonde girl mutters, looking in the direction that the man is pointing. "See ya...."

Rolling her eyes as she turns from the now waving Uchiha, Ashley grumpily marches towards Sasuke's house, trying not to let the man's words hurt her pride. It seemed the Ashley from this world had a bad reputation as being useless and everyone seemed to know about it.

As Ashley spots Sasuke's house ahead of her, she also sees the ravenette himself, just about to walk inside the door.

He pauses when he notices the incoming blonde girl, only to send her a charming smile, one that probably would have had Sakura weak at the knees. Ashley merely stares at her cousin as she approaches, feeling slightly weirded out by his friendly demeanor.

"Ashley-chan" Sasuke greets happily. "I've been wondering where you were. You didn't come home last night. Is everything okay?"

Ashley continues to stare at Sasuke for a few seconds, a worried frown settling onto her face. Her heart beats against her chest, pounding in her ears.

"Where's my Father?" she eventually manages to ask, though her voice is barely above a whisper. She was almost afraid to even ask the question.

Sasuke's smile fades as he gives Ashley a strange look, not having expected her to ask such a thing. He shakes his head and chuckles, placing one hand on his cousin's shoulder.

"Man, you must be tired if you're asking me that" the Uchiha laughs, opening the front door to his house and gently guiding Ashley inside. "You'd better come in and sit down or something."

Her frown deepening at Sasuke's response, Ashley allows herself to be brought into the house, wondering what he meant.

Why did asking about her Father mean Ashley was tired? What kind of conclusion was that? Why couldn't Sasuke just answer the question? It's not like it was a difficult one or anything.

"We're home!" Sasuke calls out, as he and Ashley remove their shoes in the hallway. The Uchiha quickly puts on one of the pairs slippers by the door, motioning for Ashley to take the remaining ones.

"I put yours by the door last night, thinking you'd be coming home" Sasuke explains, smiling cheekily and raising one eyebrow. "You didn't come home though, so I guess you were too busy out having fun huh?"

Ashley glares at Sasuke as she puts her slippers on, knowing what he's hinting at. Straightening up, the blonde merely punches her cousin in the shoulder, before stalking past him. He was an idiot.

"We're home?" a female voice pointedly asks from the next room. "Did you find your cousin Sasu- Oh!"

Ashley freezes when a woman appears in the hallway, an apron tied around her waist and a surprised expression on her face. Long, dark hair flows down her back, the woman being even prettier than Ashley had remembered.

"Ashley!" the woman cries happily, rushing forwards to engulf the blonde in a tight hug. "Oh, I'm so glad Sasuke found you! I was so worried when he said you were here, but you didn't come home!"

"A-Aunty Mikoto?" Ashley asks hesitantly, her eyes wide as the woman releases her and takes a step back, still smiling. "I......I.......I'm sorry for worrying you........"

"It's alright, it's alright, you're here now" Mikoto brushes off the apology with a wave of her hand. "I'm so sorry we didn't meet you at the gates like usual. We had no idea you were coming! Usually we get a little warning before you arrive. But that's okay, we love having you! Come in, the both of you. I'm just putting dinner out now!"

Mikoto ushers Ashley and Sasuke into the next room with a wave of her hands, the ravenette smirking at his cousin's bewildered expression as he walks past her, hands in his pockets.

He didn't know why she was acting so weird, but it was amusing nonetheless. Maybe she'd hit her head or something the day before.

Ashley slowly enters the room, turning her head to look around. Nostalgia floods through the girl as she notices familiar pictures and knick knacks placed throughout the room, exactly as they had been when Ashley was a child. It was almost as if nothing had happened, and the massacre had all just been a bad dream.

"Ah, Ashley" a low voice greets. "I see you finally made it home. It's good to see you."

Ashley internally flinches at her Uncle's voice, expecting the usual look of disapproval as she robotically turns her head to face him.

She is utterly surprised however, to see him kneeling in front of a small table, his hands holding a cup of steaming tea and a closed eye smile on his face. Ashley hadn't spent much time with Sasuke's Dad, but she'd certainly never seen that look on his face before.

"....Uncle Fugaku...." Ashley replies carefully, awkwardly standing in the middle of the room.

"What're you being so weird for?" Sasuke asks, rolling his eyes as he also kneels at the table. "Sit down and relax. You're acting like you expect us to attack you or something."

"Leave her alone Sasuke" Fugaku scolds gently, before beckoning Ashley over. "Come, sit down and join us for dinner. Tell us how you've been and how things are in the Land of Ambience."

"How's your Mother doing?" Mikoto asks, entering the room with a pot in her hands, only to pause and sweat drop. "Oh, she'd be so worried if she knew we'd lost her only daughter! She'd never let you stay here again!"

"Stop fretting" Fugaku says gently, reaching up to help his wife set the pot down on the table. "Ashley is fine. She's here now and that's all that matters. So Ashley, how have things been in your homeland?"

Everyone looks to Ashley and waits in silence for her to answer, though all the blonde can do is stare at her family with wide eyes, her brows furrowed in confusion and her heart beating against her chest.

"My....My Mother?" she eventually asks, voice soft. "......She's back in the Land of Ambience? Right now?"

Mikoto tilts her head to the side at this reaction, looking almost as confused as Ashley does.

"Well, of course she is dear" the woman responds kindly. "That's where you both live."

Tears fill Ashley's eyes, causing her to turn away to try and hide her face. She immediately notices a photograph set on a small end table as she turns, walking over to the picture frame and picking it up.

She inspects the picture closely, feeling her breath catching in her throat at the sight of her parents. Shigeshi, towering over the two females in the picture, looks down at them through hooded eyes, his mouth curling up into a proud smile. Aeri on the other hand, grins broadly at the camera, her arms loosely draped around a younger Ashley's shoulders. Ashley, who looked to be about twelve or so, has her eyes closed and her mouth open in the picture, as if she had been laughing.

"We look so happy" Ashley whispers to herself, her hands beginning to shake, before she raises her voice. "Where's Kiyumi?"

Ashley's question is met with utter silence, which causes the blonde to turn around. She opens her mouth to ask again, only to see the completely blank expressions on everyone else's faces.

"Who dear?" Mikoto asks, staring at Ashley intently.

"Kiyumi?" Fugaku repeats, looking up to the ceiling as he tries to recall if he knows anyone by that name. "Kiyumi.......Hm, that name doesn't sound familiar."

"Some friend of yours that we've never met?" Sasuke queries, resting one elbow on the table and leaning his cheek in his palm. "We don't know all your friends from the Land of Ambience Ashley."

The Minami shakes her head in disbelief, beginning to feel panicked. She looks back down at the picture, wondering why her sister isn't in it. Why didn't her Leaf Village family know Kiyumi?........Did Ashley's sister not exist in this world? Was it possible that she had been erased, just like Hakuba?

Ashley's face slowly settles into a scowl as she stares at the picture, only to slowly raise her head and glare at the three Uchiha in the room.

"Where's my Dad?" she demands to know, eyes wavering. He was right there in the picture, so he had to exist in this world!

Mikoto and Fugaku exchange strained looks with each other, before the man heaves a sigh and turns his face towards the table. Sasuke's expression hardens slightly, though there is clear sympathy in his dark eyes as he watches his cousin.

He didn't know what was bothering her, or why she was asking strange questions and behaving so uncharacteristically, but she was clearly hurting and he didn't like that. Sasuke was protective of his cousin. He was always the one who had to stop the others from picking on her after all.

"Ashley......" Fugaku begins lowly, obviously uncomfortable. "....You know your Father was killed in action two years ago. Please, let's not speak of such unpleasant things right now...."

Ashley's tears finally begin to fall as she continues to frown at her family, photo still in hand. She nods her head a few times, lowering her eyes to the floor.

"....Of course he is" she mutters bitterly. "Of course he is. Naruto gets to see his parents, but of course I don't. So much for this place being opposite...."

"Are you alright Ashley?" Mikoto asks in a soft voice, walking over and placing one arm around the girl's shoulders. "Do you want to have a lie down?"

"No" is the flat reply. "I can't have what I want."

Ashley tugs herself free from her Aunt's gentle grip, only to look down and run her fingers over the photograph.

'Maybe it would have been fake' the Minami thinks to herself, feeling empty all of the sudden, 'But it would have been nice, just to see you both one more time......'

"Alright everyone!" Kakashi shouts enthusiastically, giving the group a thumbs up. "Let's give this our all!"

Ashley deadpans as Kakashi pauses with his thumb in the air, visible eye sparkling with determination. Sakura and Naruto also stare at their Sensei, sweat dropping at his changed personality.

Minato and Kushina merely smile back at the silver haired Jonin, obviously used to his antics. Guy, slumped on the ground beside Kakashi, sighs heavily.

"How can I?" the man asks, almost sounding depressed. "Two missions, back to back like this, is too hard......The days of my youth are long gone...."

"Don't say that!" Kakashi encourages, squatting beside Guy and patting him on the shoulder. "Come on! Let's do this!"

"......Total role reversal...." Sakura comments dryly, feeling uneasy with Kakashi and Guy behaving like each other.

"On top of being too tired" Guy continues to complain, "Why did Lady Tsunade want us to bring her?!"

Everyone turns to look at Ashley as Guy jabs a finger towards her, a dark expression settling on the girl's face as she bares her sharp teeth in a silent growl.

"Everyone knows she's not a fighter" Guy reminds the group, slapping his hand to his forehead. "She's going to get herself killed......."

"Keep going and I'll make sure you get yourself killed" Ashley snaps back, not in any mood for being taunted. "I'm so done with this dumb world, and everyone in it!"

Naruto and Sakura watch as their teammate whirls around and begins stomping away from the Village, very clearly struggling to maintain her temper. While she had made it clear that she didn't like being known as a weak Ninja in this world, something else seemed to be bothering her today. She'd been edgy all morning.

"Hey, what's with that face?" Kushina asks Naruto teasingly, noticing his serious expression and nudging him with her elbow. "You tryna impress Sakura or something? I betcha are!"

"Will you stop touching me already?" Naruto demands, slapping his Mother's arm away irately.

"Hey!" Kushina barks, crossing her arms over her chest as Naruto walks away from her. "That was totally uncalled for.......Stop rebelling!"

"Naruto!" Sakura calls, jogging after the blonde. "You didn't have to do that you kn-"

"I'm not Menma, remember?" Naruto interrupts, his tone sharp. ".......Let's just catch up with Ashley."

Sakura stops, watching Naruto through hooded eyes as he follows after his blonde teammate, seemingly wanting to be left alone.

"...Naruto......." Sakura sighs, not sure of what she should do to help.

Edit after chapter has already been posted: Your happiness and thankfulness for me merely uploading makes me happy :)

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