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Chapter one
Deaky joins the band
March 1st 1971
Willa's POV:
John sighed as he pulled up to the auditorium. "I'm nervous." He said. "You got this. You're the best bass player I know." I said to him. John rolled his eyes and said "you're just saying that cause we're best friends." I shook my head and said "no. I'm saying that because you are the best bass player I know. I don't even know anyone else who can play as good as you." John smiled and said "thanks Willa." The two of us got out of his car and headed into the auditorium. Three boys around our age sat at a table. One with long black hair, a blonde and a curly headed boy. "You here to audition?" The blonde asked. John nodded and said "yeah. I'm John Deacon." One of them checked the list they had and said "you're right here. I'm gonna introduce myself. I'm Freddie. The singer." He stood up and noticed the other two boys hadn't even moved. He kicked their chairs, causing them both to stand up. They walked up onto the stage and John shook Freddie's hand. Then Freddie noticed me. "And you?" "I'm here for moral support. I'm Willa." Freddie shook my hand and smiled at me before heading back to his chair. The blonde smirked as he stood in front of me. "I'm Roger." "Willa." He looked me up and down and I winked at him. He chuckled and turned on his heel, walking away. Then the last guy, the curly headed one. "Hello, I'm Brian, what's your name?" "Willa." Brian shook my hand and held my hand in his gently as if I'd break. He smiled warmly at me before turning around and going back to his chair. I turned to John and moved his hair out of his face and Freddie said "whenever you're ready." John began playing something and I watched their reactions. Roger was impressed while Brian was nodding to the beat. Freddie immediately stopped him and said "stop." John looked up from the guitar and Freddie looked at Brian and Roger. The three of them began talking and John looked at me and pulled me closer to him. "What do you think they're saying?" He whispered. I watched their eyes flicker over to us and then back to themselves. "Maybe they're saying you're really good." John shook his head and looked down. "John." Freddie said. John looked up and said "yes?" "Welcome to the band." John's eyes widened and he said "really?" "You have the sound we're looking for. It's perfect. You're going to sound amazing with Brian." Freddie said as he gestured to Brian. John looked at me and I smiled really big and hugged him. "Have the two of you eaten?" Roger asked. I pulled away from John and said "no. I'm starving." "Well there's a place around the corner. Wanna come with?" I looked to John who nodded. "You can leave your guitar here. It's better than leaving it in your car." Freddie said. John nodded and Freddie showed him where to put it. "Aren't you a pretty little thing." Roger said as he stepped onto the stage. I smirked at him and Roger looked me up and down. I did the same while biting my lip. Brian followed him on the stage and said "Roger do you have to flirt with every girl that's around us?" Roger turned around and said "Brian, it's my profession." I giggled at him and Brian rolled his eyes. "Please excuse him, he isn't always like this." Roger put his arm around Brian and said "you love me." Brian rolled his eyes again and Freddie came out. "What is that?" He pointed at Roger's arm around Brian. Brian threw his arm off of him and John put his hands in his pockets while looking at the two of them. "I wanna go." Freddie said as he flipped his hair. Brian followed Freddie and Roger talked to John and I. "So John, are you always this quiet?" He nodded and said "yeah. I'm kinda shy." "I hope you won't be shy on stage." John shook his head and said "never." "And what about you? Shy like him?" I shook my head and said "nope. I'm social." Roger said "that's good." We got to the restaurant and Brian went to hold the door for me when Roger beat him to it. "Thank you." I said to Roger. Brian rolled his eyes again and Roger tried to pull out a chair for me but this time Brian beat him to it. "Thank you, Brian." Roger huffed and sat across from me while Brian and John were next to me. Freddie was across from John and I watched his eyes scan the menu. "What're you guys getting?" John asked. Freddie didn't answer and Brian said "I'll probably get a salad or something." "That's it?" I asked him. "I'm a vegetarian." He said. "Oh. Ok." I said. Roger nodded and said "Bri won't eat any meat." Brian narrowed his eyes at Roger and said "you know why I don't eat meat." "Hey, it's not a big deal. I was just wondering why he wasn't getting any more food. That's all." The two boys left it alone and Freddie ended up getting a huge meal. "Do you mind if I get something that has meat? You won't be bothered?" I asked Brian. Roger looked up from his menu and John leaned down to look at him. Freddie's eyes flickered over to Brian and he noticed everyone was looking at him. "No. It's fine, Willa, get what you want. Don't worry about me." "I don't want to offend you." I said while touching his arm. "You won't. Thank you for asking. No ones ever asked me that before. They just order whatever." Roger and Freddie immediately looked down as if they had never asked their friend about his opinion before. John slightly frowned and I said "ok." I removed my hand from his arm and he half smiled at me. Roger said "hey, Bri?" "Yeah?" "Sorry for never asking how you felt. I never even thought about it." "Me neither. I apologize." Freddie added. "Guys, it's fine." "No it's not. We should always be aware if something bothers one of us. And we don't take into consideration that you're a vegetarian." Roger said. Brian sighed and said "it's fine." Freddie shook his head and said "we need to take it into consideration." John nodded and said "I didn't know that until now but we'll remember that. And won't make jokes or anything about it." "Roger." Freddie muttered. Roger rolled his eyes and said "I made one joke about it today." Brian sighed again and Roger said "I won't do it anymore." Our food was brought to us and we all dropped the vegetarian conversation. The boys began to talk about the band. John was opening up to them and I was glad, he was so shy. Roger gave me smirks and winks for most of the time we were there. I obliged him with returning them. Freddie noticed Roger and I, smirking at the two of us. As we finished our food, we left the restaurant. "So we'll see you tomorrow for rehearsals then, John?" Roger asked. John nodded and said "yes." Freddie waved to John before walking away with Roger. John told Brian goodbye and I said "John's my ride so I guess I'll be seeing you around?" Brian nodded and said "yeah. I guess so." I went to walk away and Brian said "hey, Willa?" I turned around and he said "do you do any photography or anything like that?" "A little." This had grabbed John's attention as he stepped closer to hear what we were talking about. "Well maybe when we get big, you could take our promo shots. Or photo shoots. Maybe I could come and see your work one time I'm not busy with the band this week." "Sure. I'll have John call you." I said. Brian smiled and said "great." He turned around and walked away. John said "you like him." "I do not. I don't even know him." "You like Roger then." I shrugged and said "maybe." John pushed me playfully and said "already falling for my band mates then?" "No. I just think Roger is attractive. That's all."

Omg I can't believe this book is starting wowowow

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