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Chapter eleven
Dawn and Deaky's first date
January 10th 1973
Dawn's POV:
Ring ring! Ring ring! The phone rings out loud. My dad picks up the phone and answers is. "Uh yes, she es right here." He says handing me the phone. "Hello?" I ask the person at the other end. "Hey love, it's me. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a picnic date with me later tonight?" John asks bashfully hearing his cheeky smile at the other end. "I would love ta. I just need te ask me dad." I blush as I agree to go on this date. "Hey dad? Can I go on a date with John?" I question through the house. "Yes bean , just don't be up too late." He says coming up to me and kissing my forehead. I put the phone back up to my ear and say yes to the date. He said he's going to pick me up at 7, and to bring a jacket. I call Willa and she picks up and I ask her that I need help for my date tonight. She comes over with a small pile of clothes. "What is that for?" I say pushing my eyebrows together. "What you are to wear on this date." She says smirking. We go to my room and do my hair and then we put on the clothes to see it is just was a form fitting dress. "Where is the jacket?" I ask quitely. "I know that your boy, John Richard Deacon, is going to give you his jacket." She smiles at me, putting the finishing touches on my makeup, which was really only eyebrows, eyeliner, blush, and lipstick. I was about to say something but the doorbell rang. "I need pictures of both of you guys together before you leave." She says fixing my hair slightly then pulling me down the stairs. When I open the door I see that deaky has a bouquet of sunflowers. I hear a shutter of a camera go off. "Oh my goodness, thank you John I love them so much!!" I say kissing his cheek. I put them in a vase of water and turn to see him looking like he hasn't seen me in a long time. "You are looking sharp Deacon." I say biting my lip and taking his hand. "Ready love?" He asks. I nod and say goodbye to Willa and my dad. We walk out the door and go into his car. "Where are we headed?" I ask looking at the long haired boy next to me. "You'll see. It's a surprise! I hope you enjoy it." He says taking my hand and squeezing it. I smile and look ahead at the drive to our picnic. Once we get there, there is nobody else around us for miles. "Wow, it's beautiful." I say looking up at the stars all around us. "I have some food if you are hungry love." He says kissing my neck, then pulling away and setting up the blanket. "I am a bit hungry, what do you have?" I ask him peeking over his shoulder. "It's one of my favorites! Cheese on toast." He says, even in the dark, smiling cheekily. I take the food and eat it. We talk about the future and we talk about the stars. We are looking up at the sky and I'm next to him and he turns to me and looks at the stars in my eyes. He cupped my cheek and then kisses me. "I want you." He says kissing my neck, then pulling me to be in a straddling position over him. "Me too. Do you have protection?" I ask nipping at his neck. He nods then tells me to sit up, then he looks through the picnic basket to find one condom. He puts it aside and continues with trying to undress me. I start to unbutton his shirt, then I take it off, then I work on unzipping his pants feeling his dick pressing through my undies. "Oh my lord. Deaky. You are so big!" I say looking down to see how big he was. I take the condom and then kiss his tip, then put it on. I take my undies off and then pulling up my dress. "Just too let you know, I-i am a Virgin so this is my first time." I say kissing his cheek to to let him know I'm ready. "It's mine too, I want you to be my first and only." He says kissing me. I nod and feel him at my entrance. "I'm ready for you, love." I say slowly sinking down on his length. We just sit there getting used to the fact that we are doing this and that he's in me and I'm on him. "You feel so warm and tight love." He says as he starts to move slowly. "I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow." I say burying me face into his shoulder, and threading my hands through his hair. The rest of the time we were in each other was blissful. When he took me home, it started to get cold. I was pretty much shivering as we got to my house. He gave me his sweater and took my hand. I give him a kiss and then we go up to my room and cuddle for the rest of the night.

John's POV:
I woke up in bed next to Dawn who was sleeping. I walked downstairs to get some water and I quickly tried to make it back upstairs before Jim saw me. I came back into the room to see Dawn waking up. "Where'd you go?" She asked me. "To get a drink. I was thirsty." Then out of nowhere she giggled. "What?" I said. "You're so cute, Deaky." I blushed while looking down. She sat up and scooted closer to me, pressing her lips to mine. "Dawn." Jim knocked on the door and my eyes widened. Dawn put a hand on my arm and said "yes, dad?" "John's not still here is he? There's a car parked out front." "John is here, dad." Jim walked into the room and said "would you like to join us for breakfast?" I nodded, worried he was going at yell at me if I didn't. Dawn stood up and walked out of the room. "I'm not going to yell at you. Dawn really likes you. I can tell. Also, how would it look if I didn't like you? To Freddie I mean. He'd be upset." "What does this have to do with Freddie?" I asked. Jim looked at me and said "never mind." I shrugged and walked back downstairs while Jim cooked us some breakfast. I kissed Dawn's cheek and she giggled. "So did Willa tell you about Brian?" I said. Dawn furrowed her eyebrows and said "what about Brian?" "That she likes him." Jim said. My eyes widened and Jim said "I could tell. By the way she looks at him. Her eyes glaze over." Dawn shook her head and said "no they don't." "Yes they do. She's always looking at him. You guys think I don't see anything. But I see that." Jim replied. He went back to cooking and Dawn said "I guess he doesn't see Freddie staring at him all the time." "Actually he does, darling." Freddie said as he strolled into the kitchen. "What're you doing here?" I asked him. "I came to see Jim. He invited me over for breakfast." "How'd you get here?" "Willa dropped me off." Freddie said. "Willa dropped you off? She didn't even say hi." Dawn said while frowning. "She was busy today. Said she was late to get somewhere." "Where was she going." "To see Brian." I retorted. Dawn hit me and I immediately regretted what I had said out loud. "She's going to see Brian? She didn't tell me that." Freddie said. "I was just saying. I don't know if she's seeing Brian." "WILLA'S SEEING BRIAN?!" Freddie yelled. Dawn shook her head and said "no. He was just saying that could be where she was going." I knew Willa didn't want Freddie to know about her crush on Brian because she was afraid Freddie would tell him. "Wait, wait." Freddie began. I mentally face palmed myself for opening my mouth. "What's going on with Willa and Brian. Why are you all so hush hush?" Jim didn't turn around, he acted like he wasn't even talking earlier. Dawn said "well I don't want to say it." I groaned and Freddie looked at me. "Are they fighting? Did he do something? I'll kick his arse." "No. He didn't do anything. It's Willa." "What'd she do? I'll kick her arse too." Dawn looked at him and said "excuse me. She's my best friend too, Mr. Mercury." "She's mine too!" I piped in. Jim flipped a pancake over and was ignoring us. I rolled my eyes at that and Freddie said "I know." "You know what?" I said. "Willa has a crush on Brian." He said proudly. "Ding ding ding." Jim said from the stove. "Listen, she didn't want you to know." I said. Freddie looked hurt. "Why? So she told you two and not me? Why wouldn't she tell me?" He looked down and I said "she was afraid you'd tell Brian." "I would not!" Freddie said as he looked up. "She thought you would. Just because you're extravagant and always talking." Dawn replied. Freddie sighed and said "I won't tell. Can I let her know that I know? Next time I see her?" "I would think so. But don't do it when Brian is around. Out of all people she doesn't want him to know. Not yet." I quickly said. Freddie nodded and said "I won't tell." Jim served us pancakes and Freddie began talking to Jim. They weren't together but you could tell they liked each other. They really liked each other. Freddie was going to make a move one of these days. I just think he's testing the situation, making sure it's ok. "Freddie do we have rehearsal or anything today?" He shook his head and said "no. We're off today." I nodded and said "maybe we could find out where Willa went?" "Yes, please." Dawn said.

Here's the update! kw-2187 wrote the first part! I wrote the second! Hope you guys like it.

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