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Chapter twenty one
Deaky's Birthday
August 19th 1973
Dawn's POV:
Today, Willa and I were planning a surprise party for John. The lads had taken him our for the day so we could plan everything. The party was going to be at my house cause at the moment I had the biggest place and John was always here anyway. My father was working today and there was a knock at the door. Willa opened it and Mary stood with a gift. "I got something for Deaky." She looked around and noticed no one was here. "Where is everyone?" "The lads are out. We're decorating the house and my father went to work." I said. She stepped inside and said "I could help you." Willa closed the door and said "cool. You can set the gift on the table." She walked over to the dining room table which was littered with gifts. "The boys all got him something?" She asked. Willa nodded and I said "yeah. Of course." The three of us blew up balloons and had banners everywhere. I had also called John's parents and they'd be here soon. I hadn't met them yet but they knew about me. Willa looked out the window and said "his parents are here." She opened the door and hugged his mom. "Willa, how are you?" She said. "I'm good. How are you?" His mother laughed and Willa motioned for me to come over. "This is Dawn. She's John's girlfriend." "I've heard lots about you. I'm Lillian." I shook her hand and said "I'm Dawn." "Arthur aren't you going to meet our son's girlfriend." He nodded and looked like an older version of John. "Hello, Dawn." He said. Willa smiled at the three of us and Lillian said "is that Mary?" Mary waved and Willa said "yeah. That's Mary." The two of them sat down on the couch and most of the house was decorated. A car pulled up and it was Brian and Freddie. Freddie walked into the house and said "is Jim here?" I shook my head and said "no." Freddie crossed his arms and huffed. "Be nice, Fred." Brian said. Freddie looked up at the taller man and said "I will." Freddie let his arms go back to his sides and I looked over at Mary who was obviously staring. Freddie moved his hair out of his face and said "Roger better get here soon with Deaky. I want to eat cake." He pouted and Brian shook his head at him. Brian walked over to Willa and hugged her. Freddie quirked am eyebrow at me an I shrugged. Brian's arms stayed around her waist as he held her and Freddie quickly walked over to me. "What does that mean? Why doesn't he just kiss her?" He said in a hushed voice. I shrugged again and said "I don't know. They've gotten closer lately though." I saw the glimmer in my best friend's eyes as Brian smiled at her. And I'm sure Freddie saw the same in the guitarist. "Let's stop staring before they notice." Freddie said. I nodded and my father came through the door. Freddie's head snapped towards that direction and he immediately tripped over nothing and fell. Brian's eyes widened and Willa said "Freddie, are you ok?" Freddie peeked over the couch and my father was walking to his bedroom to set his things down. "You said Jim wouldn't be here!" Freddie said in a hushed tone. I shook my head and said "I said he wasn't here." Freddie huffed and stood up, dusting himself off. He literally had nothing on him. Mary looked at Freddie questioningly and he said "I tripped." She nodded and went back to whatever she was doing. Roger came in through the door and said "everyone hide! Deaky's coming!" Freddie dove back behind the couch and Brian pulled Willa somewhere. I hid behind the kitchen counter and everyone was hidden. My father hid next to me and said "where's Freddie?" I pointed at the couch and he nodded. John walked through the door and said "Roger? Why are all the lights off?" Freddie snickered and covered his mouth. "Freddie? Is that you?" I went towards the light switch and turned it on. "Surprise!" Everyone yelled. John's eyes slightly widened and then he blushed as he realized he had a surprise party. I walked over and kissed his lips. "This is all your doing?" He asked me. I nodded and said "me and Willa." He looked behind me to see Willa smiling at him. John motioned for Willa to come over and he hugged her. Freddie held John's cake and I said "he's been bugging me about eating this cake." John giggled and Freddie said "I do hope we're going to eat cake now." John nodded and said "yes we are." I watched John look past me at Willa and Brian. "What is up with that?" He said. Freddie turned around and said "I don't know. But they've been pretty handsy." "Are they together?" John said. I shook my head and said "no Willa would've told us." Freddie nodded and said "that's true." John said "Willa, come have some cake." She walked back over and I began to cut the cake, distributing pieces to everyone. John and I talked to his parents as he and I ate cake. I watched Freddie sit down next to my father, flirting with him I guess. Mary sat across from him and I watched his eyes roll into the back of his head as he sighed. Then we all began giving John his presents. Willa has gotten him a jean jacket with a necklace and he immediately hugged her. She giggled and said "I hope you like it." He slid it on his body and it looked amazing on him. It fit his body perfectly and I bit my lip. I handed him my present and he opened it. "Platform boots? I've actually been wanting a pair." "I know. You always said how you wanted them." I replied. He blushed and Freddie said "maybe you'll be taller than Brian." Brian leaned against the wall and rolled his eyes. Roger handed John his present and said "uhm I hope you like it." John raised his eyebrow as he opened it. "I hope it's not keys to a car, Roger. I already have one." "It's something for your car." He said. John smirked a little and said "I figured." Roger cleared his throat and said "what's that supposed to mean?" John held it up and it was a really nice steering wheel cover. Freddie looked at it and said "what is that?" "A steering wheel cover." I said. Freddie rolled his eyes and said "honestly, Roger." Roger looked at Freddie and said "I can't get you anything car related cause you can't drive. Do you like it, Deaky?" He nodded at Roger and he was literally so adorable.

Brian handed him his present which was smaller than the rest of them. John opened it up and Brian said "if you ever want to take her stargazing. Willa told me that Dawn likes the stars." John looked at Brian and said "thanks." He gave me a small smirk and I bit my lip while smiling. John grabbed Freddie's gift and he opened it up. It was a shirt with rhinestones on it. "I saw you eyeing this in my closet so I decided I'd give it to you." Freddie said. John smiled and said "thank you, Freddie." After he opened presents everyone just kind of hung out and John said "Dawn I have something for you but I don't want you to freak out." "Ok." I said. He bit his lip and got on one knee, holding a ring in front of me. Freddie smirked and I said "are you really?" "Dawn. I know we've been together for a while and it hasn't been a year or anything but I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And it's ok, I talked to your dad about this." I looked to my father who was nodding. "Ask her." Brian said. "Dawn, will you marry me?" John asked as he looked up at me, hope in his eyes. I nodded and said "yes. Oh my god, yes." He slid the ring on my finger and kissed my lips. Everyone cheered and I looked at Willa and said "did you know about this?" "No, actually. But he did mention that he wanted to marry you." She replied.

Here's the update! Hope you like it kw-2187 this was so fun to write wowowowowow

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