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Chapter twenty three
April 14th 1974
Willa's POV:
The boys had been doing shows around England and other places in Europe, now they were going to go to America. Freddie and Brian had asked me to go and I had just finished packing my bags and I hadn't told them I was going. A knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts and I opened it to see Freddie and Brian. "So, did you think about it?" Brian asked, scratching the back of his head. "Well." I said as I gestured to my suitcase. Brian smiled really big and picked me up, spinning me around. "Ah, Brian don't drop me!" I squealed. He set me down gently and said "I'm really glad you're coming. You'll get some great pictures." I smiled and Freddie gently pushed Brian our of the way. "My turn to express love to our beloved Willa." Brian rolled his eyes and Freddie kissed my cheek multiple times. I giggled and he did it to my other cheek, wrapping his arms around me. "Did you pack everything?" Brian said. I nodded and said "mostly everything. Just trying to round up all my camera stuff." Brian noticed my stuff around my flat and began putting it into my camera bag. Freddie pulled away from me and said "we're going to America. Can you believe it?" I shook my head and said "I've never been. I can't wait to see it." "Roger's going to pick me up and I'm going back to my place. And maybe Brian could give you a ride to the airport in the morning. I'll bring your bag to the airport, Brian." Freddie said as he stepped outside. Brian sighed and said "I hope he gets my bag. It's at Freddie's cause I thought I was spending the night there but I wanted to check on you." "Have you eaten?" I said. He nodded and said "yeah. Uhm, where am I going to sleep?" I looked at the small cough in my living room and said "you're not going to fit on that, you're too tall. You could take my bed and I could take the couch." Brian shook his head and said "I'm not going to make you take the couch. But I also have a suggestion. We could both share the bed." I didn't even notice Brian had stepped closer to me and my heart was beating out of my chest. "Sure. I'm going to grab extra pillows." I walked into my bedroom and into the small closet in my room which had pillows and blankets in it. I threw a few new ones on the bed and I said "what time is our flight?" "It's early. Super early." Brian replied as he leaned against the doorframe. I noticed the shirt he has on came right above his belly button and I bit my lip as I realized it was a crop top. "Did you eat? We could go and grab you something." Brian said. I shook my head and said "I'm fine. I ate earlier. Plus I'm tired. I did a shoot today and I'm exhausted." I plopped down on the bed and he stared at me, still leaning on the doorframe. "It's a small bed, isn't it?" Then I remembered that I had a twin. I mentally facepalmed myself and I said "there should be room for both of us." Brian set his jacket on the chair in my bedroom and took off his shoes. I moved over a little as he sat down next to me. He laid back and I saw how little room we had. "Jeez, Brian. How are we going to sleep?" Brian sat up and grabbed me by my hips, something he'd never done before. I looked at him and he said "it's ok. I just wanna see something. Tell me if you're uncomfortable." I nodded and laid on my side, trying to figure out what he was doing. He pulled me onto his chest and I could hear his breath hitch. "Is t-this ok?" Brian asked with a small voice. "It's perfect." I wanted to say but I simply said "yeah." I felt his arms wrap around me and I closed my eyes, a deep sigh coming from my lips. Brian's chest rose and fell and I could hear his heartbeat slowing down, it was beating so fast when I first laid my head on his chest. "You tired?" He said. I nodded against his chest and said "yeah." I felt sleep beginning to overtake me, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.


A car horn outside woke me up. I blinked a few times and noticed it was dark in the room. "What?" I softly mumbled. I went to get up but I felt arms tighten around me. I looked up to see Brian sleeping, his mouth slightly open. His curls hung in his face and I saw that we were under the blanket. I guess he covered us up last night. A sigh left his lips and he shifted his body, his head rolling to the side. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and it immediately went off. Brian jumped and I did the same. He turned the alarm clock off and he saw that I was awake. "M'sorry. Didn't mean to wake you." He said. "It's fine. We had to get up anyway." I replied. He nodded and said "you're really warm." I blushed and buried my face into his chest. "It makes me not want to get up." I looked up at him and said "really?" He nodded and said "we should probably get to the airport. To meet the guys. You have something to wear that's not in your suitcase?" "Yeah. Just give me a minute to change." I sat up, removing myself from him. He went to stand up and I said "I'll be out in a few minutes." Brian smiled at me and stepped out of my bedroom. I went into the bathroom and put on a tank top with some bellbottom jeans. I applied some mascara and came out into the bedroom, zipping up my suitcase. I opened my bedroom door to see Brian shaking out his hair. "I'm ready." I said. He looked over at me and his eyes slightly widened. "What?" I said. He shook his head and said "nothing. Never seen you in bellbottoms." "Do they look bad? I know they're in style but I feel like I'm too skinny to wear them." I said as I looked at them on my body. Brian shook his head and said "no, they look great on you." I smiled and the two of us stepped out of my flat. I locked the door and stuck the key in my suitcase, so I wouldn't lose it. We got in Brian's car and headed to the airport. Freddie stood with Brian's suitcase and I walked over to Dawn and hugged her. "How's married life?" I asked her. I watched her look at John and he smirked at her. "It's great." She said. John walked over and said "what're we talking about?" "Married life." He put his arm around Dawn, kissing her neck. "Married life is so great." He smirked at me and I said "that's nice, you two." Roger inhaled on his cigarette, Cheryl standing next to him. "Come on, Roger I want to go on the plane." He rolled his eyes and she pressed a kiss to his neck, Roger smirking. She led him onto the plane and John said "nice." Dawn shook her head and said "they're going to become apart of the mile high club." Freddie walked over and said "where's Roger?" "Screwing Cheryl." I replied. Freddie made a face and said "only Roger." Our bags were taken onto the plane and the rest of us boarded. I took a deep breath as I entered the plane. Brian turned around and said "you ok?" I bit my lip and nodded. My fear of flying had kicked in. "Willa? Are you sure you're ok?" Brian asked. "She's afraid of flying." John replied. He walked over and said "you're ok." Freddie looked over and hugged me. "We're going to America. And planes are safe. I promise." I nodded and he pulled away. John looked at me and said "sit with Brian." Brian looked at John who gave him a look that said 'keep her calm or I'll kill you'. Brian and I went to sit down and he said "you can hold my hand if you get nervous." "I can?" I asked meekly. Brian nodded and I reached for his hand, immediately taking it. I used my other hand to grip his arm and he chuckled. "We haven't taken off yet, darling." If I hadn't of been so scared right now I would've died at the nickname Brian gave me. Roger and Cheryl came out of the bathroom and I shook my head, trying to take my mind off of the plane. Before I knew it we took off and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't squeezing Brian's hand. Once we were in the air, Brian looked over at me. "You're ok. I promise." He took my hand and kissed it. He scooted closer to me, putting his arm around me. I leaned my head on his chest and some turbulence shook the plane. I gasped and Brian held me tighter. "You're ok." I whimpered and Freddie said "is she ok?" I immediately sat up and said "I'm fine, Freddie. I was a little nervous but it passed." He nodded and turned around in his seat. Brian shook his head and I said "what?" "You're lying. You're terrified still." I looked everywhere but him. "So?" I said. Him and I were at the back of the plane, making me feel a little bit better since no one could see me freaking out. Brian moved the arm rest out of the way and now our hips were touching as he scooted next to me. "You should sleep. It'll relax you." I shook my head and said "I'm not going to be able to sleep for this whole flight." Brian made me look up at him and he said "how about I hold you for the whole flight?" I shook my head and said "no." As much as I wanted him too I wasn't going to let my fear make him do anything. "Why not?" He asked. "Because. It's not like you want too. You're just doing it because I'm scared and I'm vulnerable." I replied. I didn't want Brian to do anything he didn't want to. "Didn't last night show you that I like holding you?" He whispered. I bit my lip and thought about, that was the first thing I was able to think about clearly since the plane took off. I nodded, not saying anything. "I promise to hold you the whole flight. I won't let anything happen to you." I slowly went to lean my head on his chest and he pulled me even closer to him, sighing as he did so. I looked out the window and a soft whisper left my lips. Brian closed the shutter on the window and said "get some rest. We'll be there before you know it."


I woke up to someone yelling. I jumped and Brian said "it's just Roger. We landed." I blinked a few times and looked around. "Oh my god! We're here! We're in America!" Roger said. He ran up and down the aisle of the plane and Cheryl giggled at him. Freddie smiles really big and him and Roger began jumping up and down. John laughed at then and Dawn pushed past the boys to get to me. "Can I have a moment with her, Brian?" He nodded, removing his arms from me and walking over to the boys. "You ok?" She said. I nodded and said "yeah. I'm fine. I'm just glad we landed." "First plane ride is probably always scary. I'm sure when we fly back you'll be fine." She said. I looked at the boys to see them all hugging, cheering that they were in America. Someone came onto the plane and began to escort us all to cars which would take us to a hotel. Freddie and I were rooming together since Dawn and John has a room. Brian was alone while Roger had a room for him and Cheryl. We were all sitting in Roger's room which was right next to John's. I was in between Brian and Freddie on the couch. Roger lit up a cigarette and moans were heard from John's room. Freddie smirked at me and I said "oh god." Since Dawn and John were newly weds, I assumed they had a lot of sex. "He's probably fucking her against the dresser." Freddie said. Brian choked and Roger walked over to the wall, banging on it. "Not all of us are having sex you know!" He said. Cheryl and I bursted into a fit of giggles and I heard John's moans get louder and the banging against the wall got more aggressive. Brian shook his head and said "god." Roger pulled at his hair and said "I hate him." Freddie looked at the wall and Dawn's moans started to get louder. "He's really banging her." Freddie said. I stood up and said "I'm going back to my room. I don't want to hear them." Brian nodded and said "I'll come with." The two of us left Roger's room and went back to mine, where you couldn't hear the moaning. "Hey, Willa?" I looked at him and said "yeah?" "Do you wanna go sight seeing tomorrow? Maybe take some pictures?" I nodded quickly and he chuckled at my eagerness. "That'll be fun." I said as I smiled at him.

Woah woah woah this is a long chapter and I got carried awayyyy. Also I haven't written a chapter like this in so long and this took me a long time to write and I hope you all like it!!

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