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Chapter twenty six
Brian's apartment
June 5th 1974
Willa's POV:
The guys asked me to run by Brian's to make sure he was ok. They hadn't heard from him in a few days. I knocked on the door, waiting for him to answer. He came to the door, looking sick as can be. "How've you been?" I asked. He shrugged and said "ok." I had been pretty busy and hadn't seen him since we got back from America. I stepped into his apartment and he said "what're you doing?" "Making sure you're ok." He sat down and sighed. "Have you bathed?" I said. Brian shrugged again and said "maybe last week?" "I'm going to run you a bath. Stay here." Brian groaned and said "don't. Willa, I don't need you to do that." I shook my head and went into his bathroom, turning the hot water on and giving him some bubbles. "Then I'm going to wash your hair. You won't even have to do any work. And the bubbles will hide your privates." I said. Brian blushed and said "just leave while I change ok?" I let him go into the bedroom to grab a change of clothes. "Can I come in now?" I said. "Wait." He said. I heard the water sloshing and he said "you can come in now." I walked in with a cup in my hand. "What's that for?" He asked. "To rinse your hair. Now turn around and face the wall." He moved around in the tub. I shook my head at him and said "I don't even know how you fit in here." "I don't either to be honest." I filled the cup with water and began wetting his hair. "Did the guys send you?" "Yeah. They said they hadn't heard from you in a few days. They've been recording what they can without you. But it's not the same they say." Brian sighed and said "I'm sure they're fine." I began putting shampoo in his hair that was totally different when it was wet. "I like your hair." I said. "I hate how curly it is. It's too curly." "No. It's so cool, Brian. Your hair is different than anyone else's. It's better looking than mine." I said. Brian turned to look at me and said "see, that's where you're wrong. Your hair is absolutely beautiful and I think it makes you look gorgeous." I blushed and he quickly turned around. "If you weren't sick I'd kiss you right now." I admitted. He turned around again and said "you'd what?" "I think you heard me." We we're both silent for a few seconds. "You know, I thought Freddie would get you for sure. Maybe even Roger. I didn't think you'd like me." "Why?" I asked. Brian shrugged and said "I'm overlooked." "By who?" "Everyone. Yeah people notice that I'm the guitarist but they overlook me. Girls do anyway. Freddie said himself that if he weren't gay, you'd be the one for him." My lips parted and I said "he said that?" Brian nodded and I went back to washing his hair. Brian turned around and I ran my fingers through his hair. A soft moan came from him and I smiled to myself. I continued massaging his scalp, he deserved it, being as sick as he is. "I'm gonna rinse your hair ok?" He nodded and I filled the cup, rinsing all the shampoo out of his hair. "Can I wash your shoulders?" "S-sure." He stuttered. I grabbed the bar soap and dipped into the water before running it across his shoulders. "Willa?" "Hmm?" I hummed. "Are you scared you'll get sick?" "No. I'm taking care of you. It's fine. I promise." "I'd feel like shit if I got you sick." "Brian, don't stress. It's fine." I ran the bar of soap across his chest, not even realizing it. I felt him grab my hand and I said "sorry." "No. It's fine." He said. He held my hand in his and said "I can't wait to hold your hand." "What?" I asked. "When I take you out on a date. I'm going to hold your hand." "We're going on a date?" Brian looked at me and said "can't we? I like you and you like me. It only makes sense." "I mean, I guess we could but we've known each other for a couple of years now. I think we should just flat out get together." Brian chuckled and said "eager are we?" "Well you have kissed me already so it would make sense." I said. Brian ran his thumb over my hand and said "I'd like to take you on a date. Just the two of us. We could do whatever you wanted." "Show me the stars." I whispered. Brian brought my hand up to his lips, looking at me. "Can I?" I nodded. He kissed my hand and I cupped his cheek with my other hand. "God, if Dawn knew I was even touching you right now." Brian chuckled and said "what she doesn't know won't hurt her." I slowly leaned in, pressing my lips to his cheek. I pulled away and he smiled. He let go of my hand and I said "I need to rinse your hair again." He turned back around and I wet his hair, putting conditioner in. I rinsed the soap off his body and finished his hair. I stood up and said "I'll let you get dressed." I dried my hands off and walked out of the bathroom. I sat down on the couch and sighed. Brian came out of the bathroom, his hair sopping wet. I walked over to him, grabbing the towel that was in his hand. I stood on my tiptoes, trying to reach his hair. He knelt down and I said "thank you." I dried his wet hair and said "do you put product in it?" He nodded and said "I can do that. I'll be back." I went into his kitchen and began making him some tea. It's what my mother always did for me when I was sick. She'd make me a special mint tea which always made me feel so much better. He came back into the living room and said "what're you doing?" "Making you a special tea my mom always made for me when I was sick." Brian sat down and I looked at him. "Feeling any better?" He nodded and said "a little bit. I always feel better when you're around. And how have you been? Haven't seen you much." "Good. I've gotten a lot of jobs and it's going really really good." I replied happily. Brian half smiled and said "that's good." I walked over to him and hugged him. He buried his face into my stomach as I hugged him. "I'm so sorry you're sick like this." I said. Brian looked up at me and didn't say anything. "You really scared me when you were yellow." Brian removed his arms from me and said "how yellow was I?" "Really yellow. According to Deaky." Brian half smiled again and I went back to the kitchen, making his tea. I made him get into his bed and handed him the mug. "Drink this. It should help you sleep better." I said. Brian nodded and I said "I have to get going. I promised Freddie I'd check back in with him at the studio. He's worried about you." "Will you come tomorrow? Since you can't stay the night?" Brian asked hopefully. "Yes. Of course. I'll probably bring Dawn with me." I said. Brian smiled and said "as long as you're coming back." "I will."

Here's the update! I think this was really cute😭

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