Chapter Seventeen

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IMPORTANT: If anyone wants to make the cover for the third book of this series, please pm me so I can give you the details!

Marinette's tears only fueled Chat's hatred to Jace, who he was suspecting was Sandman. He could feel the muscles in his legs burning as he ran fast, towards the sound of screams where Sandman was probably terrorizing innocent citizens.

The very thought of having this certain villain on the loose made his skin crawl as an unsettling feeling began to form in his stomach, burning as if he had a ball of fire inside his belly. It wasn't a pleasant feeling; let's just leave it at that.

Beads of sweat began to form against his hot skin on his temple, wetting the blond bangs hanging over his forehead as he continued to push himself closer and closer to Sandman.

To any bystander that he passed by, he probably looked as if he were angry at the fact that Sandman was out and about but truth be told, that wasn't it. He was mad that he let himself forgive her so easily. He wanted to be pissed at her, he truly did, but he couldn't help but forgive her as soon as he saw that look of despair on her face. She hurt him so bad and yet he had been able to see through that and welcome her back with open arms, something which he considered a truly magnificent feat. He loved her and he was going to do anything to protect her, even if it means that he was going to be physically or even mentally scarred by what was going to be happening in the near future. So where was the need to be mad at himself?

With this inner conflict battling in his mind, he approached what looked like a war zone. And Sandman was standing right in the middle of it, a wicked snarl placed on his lips as he glared piercingly at Chat, his lower lip curling back to show a row of white teeth as he growled fiercely at him.

Without saying anything, the akuma tackled Chat Noir, successfully knocking him off of his staff and slamming him painfully into the building behind him. The windows shattered from the impact of the two boys, the glass reflecting off of their armored suits as they tumbled into the room.

Two grown men were huddled in the corner together when they noticed the sudden invasion of the two fighting boys. They watched the teens exchange punches and wrestling on the glass covered floor before a red and black blur flew into their apartment and out the window on the opposite wall, the two fighting teens disappearing with it.

"Uh..." The man's friend just shook his head as he told him to just not ask.

With the yoyo wrapped around the boys' waists, Ladybug grabbed Chat's hand as she unraveled the unbreakable string, letting Sandman connect with the pavement below them. Chat dangled in her grip as she sat on the lamppost trying to pull him up next to her.

"Hell of a timing, M'Lady." Chat gritted out as he massaged the exposed skin of his cheek, which was already darkening into a dark purple color.

"I figured you couldn't fight this battle on your own, so I thought I'd come and help you." Putting their playful bantering aside, Chat Noir saw Ladybug turn to face him with a serious look on her face. "Did you figure out where the akuma is?"

"I can't find anything on him. It's almost as if the akuma's attached itself to his skin." The person they were talking about began to sprout black shadow-like waves from his suit, a giant hand forming from said shadows. Chat looked at the hand in surprise, his green eyes widening as his mouth formed an 'o' shape, Ladybug soon copying his actions. "Well, that's new."

Dodging the swipe the shadow had swung, the two superheroes leapt in different directions as they both narrowly escaped what could have been a very painful hit. "Oi! You would hit a lady? Did you grow up with no manners?" Chat black flipped in mid air, twisting away from the hand that was swung at him once more.

"Did you grow up not learning when to keep your mouth shut?" Sandman retorted as he began to create a giant hammer with his shadows to accompany the hand. The yoyo encircled itself around Chat's waist once more as Ladybug harshly yanked her partner out of danger as the hammer slammed down onto the area where the cat themed hero was previously standing.

"Thanks." The spotted heroine didn't respond as she quickly freed Chat Noir and threw her weapon at the shadows Sandman had created.  She managed to successfully disperse the black objects as her indestructible wire sliced through the black matter.

"You don't think his akuma is actually attached to his skin, do you Chat Noir?"

"What do you think? Can you see anything in him that could possibly be akumatized?" His sassy comment slipped his lips before he could stop it. He turned to his partner to see her reaction but she was surprisingly calm about his sarcasm.

"Right. But how the hell do you get an akuma out of a person's body? Wait! There's a possibility he just doesn't have it on him!"

"That's impossible. Every villains power came from their akumatized item. He'd have to have it on him to use it. Like Stormy Weather had her parasol." Chat blocked an oncoming attack from Sandman as he held his staff above his head, stopping Sandman's hand from coming in contact with his temple. With a swift kick from his right leg, he pushed the villain back a few inches before swinging the metal staff towards his opponent's side.

"That's not true! Ivan had a piece of paper! And Mylene's dad had a picture, and neither of them were used as a weapon!" Ladybug narrowly deflected one of the many snake-like shadows as it snapped at her ankle before she pushed off the ground and onto a nearby lamppost. "This might be harder than we thought."

"You think?!" Chat delivered a blow to Sandman's chest to which the villain responded to with a kick at the hero's gut.

"Don't forget Chat. I know what your worst nightmare is."

Sorry for the late update!!! I just had really REALLY bad writer's block. Anyways! Final chapter will be out on Tuesday!

If anyone wants to make the cover for the third book of this series, please pm me so I can give you the details!

Until next time, peace!

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