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You've got one notification!

Ren : Hey, been a while since we got another mission together

Tsun : Yep! Very excited!!

Ren : Here's the details. Click here to open the file

Tsun : Received! Cya then.

Ren : Noted.

A certain brunette grins as he closes his phone. "Time for a job. Time to be Tsuna." He mutter out, grinning, changing his looks. He now have raven hair and light brown eyes that's brighter than his normal one.

He open his eyes, revealing the small brown eyes with excitement.

He jumps through buildings to another one. "Let's see.." He hums as he stops and spied on someone from the top of the building. He then took out a gun from his waist, locking it to one of the pig like person below. "He's the one huh?" He mutter out and pull the trigger.

After that, he quickly pulls out and disappear within the crowd.


The brunette who just hide his fake skin and wig jump to a certain window and opened it swiftly. He jumps inside and threw himself in the bed.

He took a deep breath as suddenly the atmosphere around him changed. He closes his eyes and open it briefly after a second, revealing the same brown locks.. yet it felt different.

This one seems.. calmer.

Then suddenly a loud bang interrupts him. But he didn't flinch from the sudden voice. "Hey! Tsu. Mom said dinner's ready." A yelling follows.

The brunette, namely Tsuna stood from his bed and walks, slowly. Unlike earlier, which were like hyper and full of energy.

He opens the door, locking eyes with another brown one, that's deeper. He forms a small smile, "Thank you, Ie-nii."

Ie. The twin brother of Tsuna didn't paid much attention and go back downstairs.

Tsuna's smile dropped as he clutch into his clothes. He calms himself and took a deep breath. 'Let's do this Tsu.' He told himself, and closed his eyes once again.

After feeling himself calming down, he opened his eyes to make a straight face and revealing soft brown eyes. He walked down towards the dining room.

"You're so slow Tsu. I'm starving geez." Ie complained.

"Sorry." Tsuna mumbled out before sitting down.

The mother of them both, Nana clasped her hand happily. "Okay then let's eat!" She announced.

The three of them respectfully clapped their hand, "Ittadakimasu." They all chorused.

The three of them ate enjoying the food. "Ie-kun, Tsu-kun! Guess what!" Nana then remembered something.

"What's wrong?" Ie quickly questioned. Tsuna just looked at his mother's way.

"Iemitsu sent a home tutor for the two of you! Espescially Ie-kun." She excitedly announce.

"Home tutor!?" Both sons of Nana questioned. "Wait didn't dad died?"

Nana nodded, "Well, he's somewhere I don't know myself so.." She held her chin. "But well Ie-kun's grades are sometimes on average and sometimes below the average so.. Why not? Even with Tsu-kun helping, you couldn't improve.." She clasped her hands. "The home tutor should come tomorrow! Now hurry up and finish your dinner and sleep early!"

Ie lightly grumbles under his breath while Tsuna's brown eyes shone a bit, interested.


The brown eyes slowly turn into amber as he saw a light beeping coming from his table. He locked the room and checked wether the window's closed already before going to the table.

He pulled down the drawer above and the table's setting quickly changed into a multi-screens right infront of the face, two keyboards, one on left and one on right and of course two mouses.

The screen automatically scanned the brunette, Tsuna's face and turned on the computers.

「HackerCielo27 verified.」

「Safety lock succesfully unlocked.」

「Welcome back, HackerCielo27.」

The brunette quickly went to the messages. The light from before meant someone has messaged him. Which means, a new mission.

His amber eyes quickly narrows. 'Vongola.. Nono..-' He clicked the message and read it real quick.

He looked a bit confused. 'Isn't this-' He replied real quick.

Mission accepted?
Reborn contacted me already.

The message just told him how Vongola Nono sent a file regarding his new mission with Reborn, along with a file regarding the details. Reborn had already sent message about this too since yesterday perhaps, and finally sent the details earlier.

Did Reborn message him without telling Nono again?

Tsuna sweatdrops at that possibility. Well Reborn might be restless wanting to meet him after a few months. He's eager for a fight isn't he.

Now that he think about it.. He haven't opened the file Reborn sent earlier since he was on a killing mission.

He opened the message he received from Reborn on the computer, and opened the file.

His mouth quickly curved into a smirk. "Well isn't it fun." His eyes focused on a sentence.

Training the Vongola Decimo candidate,
Ietsuna Sawada along with Reborn.


14 December 2019

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