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Leaving Tsuna's room, Yuni went to gather the Arcobaleno while Byakuran contacted Vindice.

Tsuna on the other hand had a light shower and also throwing out that bloody sheets, and showing himself to Ie.

'It's a bit regretting but this is for the best.'

He gave a bright smile to Ie, "Ie-nii, I need you to gather your family."

Ie and Gokudera and Yamamoto who were inside Ie's room froze, "F-Family?"

"Ie-nii, I don't have time to explain. Trust me okay?" Tsuna's eyes shows how serious he is. "Gather every guardians to Namimori Shrine. Please."

Before Ie can react anymore, Tsuna left the room and went to Nana. "Mom." He called out.

Surprisingly there was no sight of Bianchi, Fuuta, Lambo and Ipin. Maybe they were out?

"Tsu-kun! You're finally out from your room." Nana gave a relieved smile and hugs him. "What's wrong?"

Tsuna shook his head, "I just wanted to say, thank you for everything." He voiced out.

Nana froze in place, "what..?"

Tsuna gave a light giggle, "I just felt like saying that. It's all thanks to Mom I can grow until this age after all." He smiles softly.

"Oh my, Tsu-kun.." Nana pats her son, "Then it's also thanks from me, thank you for growing up into a nice child."

"Hehe." Unknownly to Nana, Tsuna's face slowly turn to sad, grim face. "I'll go out for a fresh air then."

Nana pull herself back, "Really? Don't you have a fever?" Her palm rested on Tsuna's forehead.

"I'm okay, I just wanted to have a night walk."

Nana frowns, "Fine, but wear jacket okay? You're a bit warm."

"Alright mom, I'll see you then." Wearing jacket as he was told, he flashed a smile for the last time to Nana. "Good bye." He mumble out, walking outside.




In a standby on the top of one of the tree, Tsuna lists if everyone's there.

Arcobalenos check, Vongola check and, Byakuran who hold all of Mare rings check.

'Grandpa Talbot is also on his way here, we can lift the Arcobaleno curse after this..'

Coughing violently as he suspressed his flames more, he sighs as he tastes iron on his mouth. 'It's time.'

Deciding on a normal way of entrance, Tsuna walks to the crowd ignoring the whole stare and confused looks.

Also a deadly stare from Reborn.

Raising both his hand in a sign he doesn't have any want to fight, he coughs lightly. "Uh well, this might be confusing and surprising but," He trails off, "I already know of the mafias." He shot to mainly Reborn and Ie.

But before the two can ask anything else, "Yuni, let's start. We don't have much time."

Yuni caught a bit off guard but nodded. Yuni soon moves her hand into a praying and mumbles out, "Please hear my voice, Tri-Ni-Sette. I, the Sky Arcobaleno, asks for the extricate of a lost soul."

As the mumbling continues, the Sky Mare ring and Sky Vongola rings starts to shine, resonating with the Sky pacifier.

"Please create a miracle."

Soon, the other elements' trinisette also shone brightly, their lights directed to Tsuna who was closing his eyes.

He can feel Talbot's around the corner somewhere and heaved a sigh. "Tsu, you awake?"


Tsuna nodded, "Okay good."

As second passes, the light became too bright for everyone to open their eyes properly. Then as they've became blinded from the light, the whole time stopped except for Tsuna's.

He lets out a silent strangled scream.

A crack was formed across Tsuna as the God came out from the crack. "Haha hey~ I've made it in time for your body."

Tsuna's chest shone as there was two core flames sepparating themselves from each other.

Watching as one of the core returns back to Tsuna's body which already drops on the ground, the other one flown to the said body the God brought.

"Is it to your liking?"

The body of a toddler, starts moving. "...." He stares to his own hand, "Small."

The God scoffs, "Come on, it was already hard to create a body alright?"

A giggle came out from Tsuna on his new body. "Sorry sorry, I wasn't complaining. Thanks, God."

"Ah come on, don't call me God. I'm not a God okay."

Tsuna tilted his head, "Then what are you?"

"I am one of the one that's in charge of this universe, I'm Reha." The self exclaimed not God, or Reha introduced himself.

"And that's not a God's job..?"

Reha shrugs, "Well maybe for you I am considered God, but I do have someone that's on top of me." He explains briefly. "I'm more of a manager."

"That's confusing."

"I know."

"Ah, I have to go now. I still have more paperworks and things to do." Reha told, stepping back to the crack. "Your body is enough to withstand your flames now right? I'll leave this world in your care then."

"Eh..?" Tsuna tiredly sighs, seeing the not-God Reha back to the crack. "Oh well.."

As he starts getting adjusted on his toddler body, almost the same like Arcobaleno's, he walks to where he felt Talbot.

The time is still frozen, and it's because he thought of a plan. "..well, it's for the best okay? I'm sorry Byakuran, Yuni."

He drags the item that's supposed to break the curse and starts lifting the said curse.

"This is crazy.." Tsuna mumble out to himself, "If someone rotten knew of the trinisette's administrator power they would abuse it for real." He couldn't believe his power that he own now.

As the pacifiers of each arcobaleno drops to the ground, meaning the curse is lifted, he starts teleporting everyone to their own places.

"....if ever we meet again, we will be strangers then."

With that, time starts ticking again and Tsuna disappears to who knows where.


20 October 2021

I honestly have no idea what i'm typing anymore. It somehow became like that... errrr yea

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