Shadow Travels: Four

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All he could feel was pain. Sharp pains, dull pains, aching pains- any type of pain out there, Nico could feel it.

And it wasn't like pain was the only thing wrong.

He'd wake up every hour, it was just annoying. But it wasn't like he'd ever wake up fully- which was more annoying.

Plus, he was hot, but in some places he was cold. It was like he was in the desert, only half of his body was in the desert at a different time.

His chest and up were in the desert during he day, waist and down was in the night.

He could hear muffled voices, and feel touches sent his way.

Yet, his eyes didn't seem to want to open.

Well, not that he wanted the to open again.

It seemed to strange in the outside world, an he'd rather just stay like this. Peaceful. Away from harm. Away from emotions.

Of course- that's not how it turned out.

Instead, he only got to stay this way until he heard cicadas buzzing, campers chatting quietly, and some campers singing in the distance.

Night time.

Nico opened his eyes slowly, his lips seemed stuck together, and his eyelids just wanting to stay closed.

My moaned, trying to get over how his mouth tasted like a dead, dry rat.

"Nico!" Someone exclaimed.

Everything came flooding back now.


"L-let me out." Nico managed to croak, turning his head. He tried to sit up, just to feel immense pain in his ribcage. "Careful, your ribs are busted." Will said, gently coming to Nico's side.

"Get off." Nico muttered, Will touching his hip. Will smiled softly, "Relax, I'm just giving you your final Anti-Chimera dosage." He explained.

Nico swore he could see a faint tint of pink in Will's cheeks- but he decided not to go there.

"What happened?" Nico demanded, his eyes hardening on the son of Apollo. His body tensing, slowly causing more pain as his arms started to get sore.

"I told you, relax. Now, this may hurt."

Was Will's only reply.

Then, Will carefully removed all his bandages, placing them in the trash bin next to the cot. "What are you doing!" Nico exclaimed, Will had pulled Nico closer.

"I'm your doctor Nico, I'm taking care of you." Will replied flatly, Nico blushed. His pale cheeks turning a dark crimson.

His heart sped up as Will touched his upper thigh.

"S-stop." Nico protested weakly.

"It's okay." Will whispered, then careful took of the syringes covering. (Nico hadn't noticed Will had the syringe in his hands until now)

"This may hurt, but it won't be as bad. Seeing the poison has gotten to a reasonable-" Nico interrupted, "It's reasonable. That's means I can go, and I'm fine. Bye Solace, thanks or whatever." Nico said, trying to get up.

Will used his free arm to grab Nico's (un-bandaged) wrist.

"Nice try Neeks-" "Don't call me that."

Will have him a smirk then asked jokingly. "Would you rather me call you Corpse Breath? Death Boy? Ghost King?" He teased, Nico blushed harder.

"Sh-shut up." He stammered, "Then let me give you the Anti-Chimera, and you can go back to sleep." Will said, "I can't leave?" Nico asked, slightly harsh.


A lot harsh.

Will just shook his head, smiling.

"Nope. You also have a concussion, and a lot of things we need to watch over." Will said, pausing.

"So by everyone here, welcome to the infirmary Nico."

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