Shadow Travels: Fourty

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Okay. Not Nico's best landing. . .

But one of the mot painful!

As soon as the shadows pushed him away, his knees gave out.

He fell into a kneeling position first, making a jolt of pain go from his legs to his shoulders.

Then, as soon as someone gasped, he fell face first.

He don't bother to stop himself as he face-planted into the ground.

His nose his the hard wood, and his right eye nearly hit a rusty nail. His teeth clenched together, vibrating as Will took a few steps toward him.

"You're alive. Right?" Will asked Nico.

Nico almost laughed, quickly replying.

"You can't get rid of me that easily Solace." He said, trying to suppress a groan.

"Nico?!" Will exclaimed, obviously alarmed.

"Yep." Nico answered, weakly doing a push up to try to stand.

He said try to.

"Let me help you! Oh my gods, I told you no more shadow traveling! What am I gonna do with you and your underworld voo-doo?" Will asked, scooping Nico up in his strong, muscular arms.

Nico blushed, not answering him.

"Come on. To the infirmary you go, I need to check your vitals." Will grumbled, almost happily?

Nico nodded this time, still blushing as he looked at the son of Apollo. His smooth, sharp jaw outlines in the moonlights rays, his eyes seeming to glow silver as they were placed in the shadows of the room, his lips were a rose pink- Nico waning I see what Chapstick he used (if any Chapstick was even put on), and the son of Hades then made a split second decesion.

"Will, stop." He whispered, making Will stop in his tracks. "Put me down." Nico ordered softly.

Will shakily obeyed, keeping his eyes trained in Nico the whole time.

"Do you know why I shadow traveled here?" Nico asked him, Will shook his had mutely.

"Beause," Nico started, putting his hand on Will's chest. Nico leaned in, Will's breath could be felt on his nose.

On the tips of his toes, Nico breathed out one line:

"I love you."

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