Shadow Travels: Fourty One

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Will's breath hitched, his heart pounding as Nico's body leaned closer to his. His heart felt like it would burst out of his chest!

"I love you."

With those three words, Will's heart stopped. His mind froze.

Nico's cold, but welcoming, lips pressed against his lightly. A small, gently kiss quickly forming.

Will smiled, slowly starting to kiss back.

The kiss was unforgettable.

Will never wanted this moment to end. Not even for a second.

Unfortunately, they were alive, and needed oxygen to continue living.

Nico broke apart first, making Will gasp for a short breath.

Panting lightly, the two boys looked at each other. "T-that was nice." Will told him.

He could see Nico's skin darken, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. His dark eyes looked away from Will, making him feel a little embarrassed himself.

"We'll talk after." Nico whispered, "After what?" Will found himself asking.

"After I do this again." Nico told Will, putting his arms around his neck to pull him down.

Will leaned down, pulling Nico into a gentle kiss again. Nico kissed back with an equal passion.

As soon as they broke apart again, Nico stared at him. "Listen. I know you don't like me in the same way I like you. I just needed to do that. Just once. It will never happen again." Nico insisted.

"Wait what?" Will asked, Nico looked down, sighing.

"I know you don't. . . L-love me. Okay?! And I also know, for a fact, that you never will! It's gonna be like Percy and I all over again. Except, this time, it will hurt more." Nico said.

Will opened his mouth slightly, thinking of what to say.

He loves me?

"You're an idiot." Will blurted out. "W-what?" Nico asked, the hurt inside of him quickly hit in Will in the heart.

"Sorry. It's just," Will took a deep breath. "I like you too." He whispered, cupping Nico's cheek.

"No you don't. Not how I like you." Nico whimpered, sniffling.

A few tears wet Will's palm, "I never want to hurt you." Will continued.

Leaning in again, for the third time that night, Will kissed him softly.

"And you're an idiot not to see that I love you."

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