Shadow Travels: One

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Nico Di Angelo ran faster. His short, skinny legs pumping as hard as they could— the boy desperately trying to increase his speed.

The monster behind him growled, then let out a roar.

Nico flinched, his jacket flapping in the harsh winds of Kansas.

The sun was out, and its rays pounded on the Son of Hades as he started to breath heavily.

His lungs ached, and his ribs seemed to be smashed with each step.

With his black sneakers slamming against the concrete sidewalk, Nico made a turn into an alley.

The monster tried to turn, but tripped over its tail.

Nico quickly grabbed his Stygian Iron sword, and stabbed the monster through its chest.

Golden dust flew everywhere, spreading over his black clothes. He scowled, but other than that he stayed silent.

He then began checking over himself. His dark eyes scanning the important parts of his body. Mainly his arms and legs.

His wiggled his slender fingers for a good measure.

No injuries? He wondered, finding it harder to believe than that he was a spawn of Hades– the 'mythological' god of the Dead and Wealth.

Then, the wind started to blow harshly. Moving Nico's black bangs away from his eyes, and moving his jacket side.

This revealed three big claw marks and a few smaller holes in his nightmare black shirt. "Oh yeah. Forgot those." He muttered, regaining his senses.

He sucked in his breath, then gently touched his skin.

His side flared in pain, spreading to his whole left side of his waist. Nico muffled a scream.

"Okay." He breathed, "Bad idea." He decided, then glanced at the injury.

Blood was quickly gushing, and drying all over his skin. Making his shirt stick to his skin, and his skin quickly was turning sticky as the blood dried.

"Oh gods." He muttered, grimacing as he looked further. Dead skin was hanging there, and he swore he caught a glimpse of his hip bone.

Vomit was quickly swallowed as it tried to come up his throats at the gruesome sight.

His head was spinning, and he had to stop the blood.

"Jacket." He panted, taking it off carefully.

He then took off his shirt, his skin getting chilled by the harsh winds that roared in his ears.

Finally, Nico stuffed a jacket sleeve in his mouth. Clenching his teeth on the fabric, he pressed his shirt slowly on the wound.

Again, Nico gave out a muffled scream. Tears filled his eyes, threatening to escape.

Nico blinked them down, and stifled a few sobs.

Then, using his remaining strength— Nico shadow traveled.

Take me somewhere I feel safe.

He had told himself, using the dark alley way to his advantage.

Closing his eyes, he started to shadow travel. . . Right into someone's arms?!

Nico's eyes slowly opened, meeting sky blue eyes.

"Nico?" The person asked, "Will." Nico breathed.

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