Shadow Travels: Seventeen

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As soon as Nico passed out (thankfully on the bed)– Will started to panic.

"Oh my gods. Oh my gods. What have I done!" He whisper shouted, trying to control his breathing.

"I killed him!" He said in horror.


Will had to stop himself, look at him.

Not his butt! Geez, but he does have a nice butt. . . YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE HE'S ALIVE!!!

He mentally scolded himself, then, cautiously checked Nico's pulse.




Will sighed in relief. He was alive! He didn't kill Nico! Yay!

"Okay. Now I just need to wake him up. Right? Unless he hasn't slept in a week. Did he sleep? What happened while he was gone? Did he hurt himself?" Will muttered to himself, eyebrows coming together in confusion.

"Oh my lords I need to check his vitals!" Will shouted, Nico groaned.

Will froze.

Eyes widened, he looked over the son of Hades.

Nico yawned, "Hey. Guess what I just did?" Nico asked sleepily, Will had to suppress his laughter.

He sounded drunk.

"I got asked out. By a hot guy. That I liiiike. I said yes." Nico laughed, then curled up into a ball.

"I'm cold." He murmured. Will smiled gently.

"Okay." He whispered, and grabbed a blanket from the draw under the cot.

"That better?" Will asked, Nico groaned, the blanket Will placed on him being tossed off.

"No." He said stubbornly.

Nico then grabbed Will's arm. "Mine. Warm." Nico murmured again.

"Okay." Will said, nodding. It wasn't the first time a patient had tried to make him their teddy bear.

"Night Angel." Will commented, "Night." Nico said, before finally falling asleep.

Slowly, his grip loosened, leaving Will being able to escape.

Slowly, Will walked away, Nico's small hand dropping below.

Nico frowned deeper in his sleep, but other than that made no protests.

"Ooh, Will's got a lover!" James teased quietly, standing in the doorway. Will blushed, "N-No I don't!" He argued, then paused.

James gave him the 'really bro?' look, Will blushed harder.

"Okay. Maybe I do." He admitted.

James smiled widely, "Good. Now, let us organize this date of yours." James remarked, pulling Will by the wrist out of the infirmary.

"Hey!" Will protested, "I have work!" He complained, desperately looking for an excuse to escape James crazy ideas.

"Puh-lease!" James commented dramatically, "Sonya, Jason, and I have already planned everything. And we've gotten you out of infirmary duty for a week. Will, trust me, you are going to thank us!"

"Wait." Will stated, confused.

"Did you say Jason?" He questioned, James just nodded and continued pulling him to the Zeus cabin.

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